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Last active September 14, 2015 00:42
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import tables, sets, queues
import strutils, sequtils
GraphObj = object
matrix: Table[string, seq[string]]
root: string
Graph* = ref GraphObj
discard """
Loads a graph from a file using adjacency lists
And a valid dfs would look like: A, B, D, C, E, Q, R
proc loadGraphFromFile*(filename: string): Graph =
result.matrix = initTable[string, seq[string]]()
result.root = ""
var file: File
if open(file, filename):
#Parse the adjecency list
var firstRun: bool = true
for line in file.lines:
var neighbours = line.split(" ")
#The first node is the node we are finding the neighbours of
var node = neighbours[0]
#Useful if we want to define a root for a tree
if firstRun:
result.root = node
firstRun = false
#Remove the node we are finding the neighbours of
delete(neighbours, 0, 0)
#Initialize the sequence of neighbours, use a temp seq to work around an
#odd nim bug
var tmpSeq = newSeq[string]()
for n in neighbours:
#Finish working around the odd nim bug.
result.matrix[node] = tmpSeq
proc traverse(g: Graph, root: string, visited: var HashSet[string]) =
#Really just a derpy dfs
for neighbour in g.matrix[root]:
if neighbour notin visited:
g.traverse(neighbour, visited)
proc nodeCount*(g: Graph, root: string): int =
#Traverse wrapper
var visited: HashSet[string] = initSet[string]()
traverse(g, root, visited)
return len(visited)
proc connected*(g: Graph): bool =
#Determines if all nodes on a graph are connected
var numNodes: int = len(g.matrix)
#Loop over the keys..
for v in g.matrix.keys():
#If traversing any vertex hits all nodes, connected.
if nodeCount(g, v) == numNodes:
return true
return false
proc connectedNonZeroDegree*(g: Graph): bool =
#Determines if all nodes with non-zero degree on a graph are connected
var numNonZero: int = 0
#Loop through the keys
for u in g.matrix.keys():
#If it has outgoing, it isn't zero degree
if len(g.matrix[u]) != 0:
numNonZero += 1
#Loop through the keys again...
for v in g.matrix.keys():
#If the vertex is present, it has an incoming edge. Not zero degree
if u in g.matrix[v]:
numNonZero += 1
#See if any vertex hits all vertices when traversing...
for v in g.matrix.keys():
if nodeCount(g, v) == numNonZero:
return true
return false
proc dijkstra*(g: Graph, start: string) =
proc undirectedEulerianCycle*(g: Graph): bool =
#An undirected graph has an eulerian cycle if all of its vertices have an even
#degree and all of its non zero degree vertices are connected
if not connectedNonZeroDegree(g):
return false
for vertex in g.matrix.values():
if len(vertex) mod 2 != 0:
return false
return true
proc undirectedEulerianTrail*(g: Graph): bool =
#An undirecred graph has an eulerian trail if at most two of its vertices have
#an odd degree and all of its non zero degree vertices are connected
if not connectedNonZeroDegree(g):
return false
var oddCount: int = 0
for vertex in g.matrix.values():
if len(vertex) mod 2 != 0:
oddCount += 1
if oddCount > 2:
return false
return true
proc directedEulerianCycle*(g: Graph): bool =
#A directed graph has an eulerian cycle if all of its non-zero degree vertices
#have an equal degree and all of its non-zero degree vertices are connected
if not connectedNonZeroDegree(g):
return false
for u in g.matrix.keys():
var outDegree: int = len(g.matrix[u])
var inDegree: int = 0
#Get in degree by looping over keys
for v in g.matrix.keys():
if u in g.matrix[v]:
inDegree += 1
if outDegree != inDegree:
return false
return true
proc directedEulerianTrail*(g: Graph): bool =
#A directed graph has an eulerian trail if at most, 1 of its vertices has
#(out degree) - (in degree) = 1 and at most 1 of its vertices has
#(in degree) - (out degree) = 1 and all else are even
if not connectedNonZeroDegree(g):
return false
var outMinusInCount: int = 0
var inMinusOutCount: int = 0
#Determine difference between in and out degrees for each vertex
for u in g.matrix.keys():
if outMinusInCount > 1 or inMinusOutCount > 1:
return false
#Outgoing edges of u
var outDegree = len(g.matrix[u])
#Find incoming edges of u
var inDegree = 0
for v in g.matrix.keys():
if u in g.matrix[v]:
inDegree += 1
var outMinusIn = outDegree - inDegree
if outMinusIn == 1:
outMinusInCount += 1
var inMinusOut = inDegree - outDegree
if inMinusOut == 1:
inMinusOutCount += 1
if abs(outMinusIn) > 1 or abs(inMinusOut) > 1:
return false
return true
proc dfs(g: Graph, root: string, nodeInQuestion: string, visited: var HashSet[string]): string =
#Actual dfs implementation
#We found it!
if root == nodeInQuestion:
return root
#Iterate over non-visited neighbours to recurse
for neighbour in g.matrix[root]:
if neighbour notin visited:
#Did we find it? If so, return it
if g.dfs(neighbour, nodeInQuestion, visited) != "":
return nodeInQuestion
#Didn't find it down this path
return ""
proc dfs*(g: Graph, start: string, nodeInQuestion: string): string =
#Graph wrapper
var visited: HashSet[string] = initSet[string]()
return g.dfs(start, nodeInQuestion, visited)
proc dfs*(g: Graph, nodeInQuestion: string): string =
#Tree wrapper
return g.dfs(g.root, nodeInQuestion)
proc bfs*(g: Graph, nodeInQuestion: string): string =
var visited: HashSet[string] = initSet[string]()
var q: Queue[string] = initQueue[string]()
var start: string = g.root
while len(q) != 0:
var workingNode = q.dequeue()
#Found it
if workingNode == nodeInQuestion:
return workingNode
var adjacencyList = g.matrix[workingNode]
#Populate queue in a breadth first manner
for node in adjacencyList:
#Only add nodes to queue not previously there
if node notin visited:
#If wee don't fnid our node, return empty string
return ""
var g: Graph = loadGraphFromFile("g1.txt")
echo(dfs(g, "Q"))
echo(bfs(g, "Q"))
echo(bfs(g, "Z"))
echo("CONNECTED: ", connected(g))
echo("CONNECTED NON-ZERO: ", connectedNonZeroDegree(g))
echo("HAS DIRECTED EULERIAN CYCLE: ", directedEulerianCycle(g))
echo("HAS DIRECTED EULERIAN TRAIL: ", directedEulerianTrail(g))
discard """
g = loadGraphFromFile("g4.txt")
echo(dfs(g, "F"))
echo("CONNECTED: ", connected(g))
echo("CONNECTED NON-ZERO: ", connectedNonZeroDegree(g))
echo("HAS DIRECTED EULERIAN CYCLE: ", directedEulerianCycle(g))
echo("HAS DIRECTED EULERIAN TRAIL: ", directedEulerianTrail(g))
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