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Last active April 26, 2024 08:54
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Travelling Salesperson using DP in Python
import sys
INFINITY = sys.maxsize
def travelling_salesperson_problem(weight, n, i, unvisited_cities):
if(len(unvisited_cities) == 0):
# If no cities left to traverse return to starting city 1
# Assumption we always start and end tour at city 1
dp[i][tuple()] = weight[i-1][0]
return weight[i-1][0]
# If this subproblem is already solved, lookup answer from stored table dp
if tuple(unvisited_cities) in dp[i]:
return dp[i][tuple(unvisited_cities)]
min_cost = INFINITY
# Traverse all cities and take minimum cost
for j in list(unvisited_cities):
next_unvisited_cities = list(unvisited_cities)
# Recurrence relation for TSP
cost = weight[i-1][j-1] + travelling_salesperson_problem(weight, n, j, next_unvisited_cities)
min_cost = cost
#Store answer for current subproblem in dp table
dp[i][tuple(unvisited_cities)] = min_cost
return min_cost
print("Enter no of cities: ")
n = int(input())
print("Enter adjacency matrix: ")
weight = []
for i in range(n):
weight.append([int(x) for x in input().split()])
dp = [dict() for x in range(n+1)]
unvisited_cities = list([x for x in range(2, n+1)])
min_cost = travelling_salesperson_problem(weight, n, 1, unvisited_cities)
# For looking up answers of subproblem
[print(x) for x in dp]
print("Min Cost:", min_cost)
0 24 11 10 9
8 0 2 5 11
26 12 0 8 7
11 23 24 0 6
5 4 8 11 0
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