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Created November 28, 2014 21:09
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Setting up Centos 6.5 with node
sudo su # become root
# yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y update
# #exclude=kernel necessary in order to build npm package. 
# If you skip this step 'yum install npm' will fail
sed -i 's/exclude=kernel/#exclude=kernel/' /etc/yum.conf
yum -y install git nodejs npm redis multitail
useradd -p $(perl -e'print crypt("node", "salty")') node
useradd -G node -p $(perl -e'print crypt("newuser", "salty")') newuser
mkdir -p /opt/node/npm-global
chown -R node:node /opt/node
chmod -R 750 /opt/node
/etc/init.d/redis start
su - node   # become node
echo 'umask 0022' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc ; 
echo 'alias vib="vi ~/.bash_profile"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias sb="source ~/.bash_profile"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias ls="ls -al"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias lsl="ls -alrt"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ;
echo 'alias npmg="npm install --prefix=/opt/node/npm-global -g"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
source ~/.bash_profile ;
vib   # Change
# to:
sb   # alias to source ~/.bash_profile
echo 'prefix = /opt/node/npm-global' > ${HOME}/.npmrc
npm install bower grunt-cli forever --prefix=/opt/node/npm-global -g
# control-d to root
su - newuser # become newuser
echo 'alias vib="vi ~/.bash_profile"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias sb="source ~/.bash_profile"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias ls="ls -al"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
echo 'alias lsl="ls -alrt"' >> ${HOME}/.bash_profile ; 
source ~/.bash_profile
vib   # Change
# to:
sb   # alias to source ~/.bash_profile
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