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Created June 24, 2024 04:36
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
interface MyInterface {
/// Errors related to the state of an auction.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
error AuctionAlreadyOpen(uint256 slot);
/// Errors related to the state of an auction.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
error AuctionAlreadySettled(uint256 slot);
/// Errors related to the state of an auction.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
error AuctionNotClosed(uint256 slot);
/// Errors related to the state of an auction.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
error AuctionNotOpen(uint256 slot);
error BidderAlreadyExists(address bidder);
error BidderNotRegistered(address bidder);
error InsufficientFunds();
error InvalidBidItems();
error InvalidId();
error Unauthorized();
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 indexed id, uint256 amount);
/// Emitted when a new auction is opened.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
/// @param itemsForSale The number of items available for sale in the auction.
event AuctionOpened(uint256 indexed slot, uint120 itemsForSale);
/// Emitted when an auction is paid out.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
event AuctionPaidOut(uint256 indexed slot);
/// Emitted when an auction is refunded.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
event AuctionRefund(uint256 indexed slot);
/// Emitted when an auction is settled.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
event AuctionSettled(uint256 indexed slot);
/// Emitted when a new bidder is added to the auction.
/// @param bidder The address of the new bidder.
/// @param bidderId The unique identifier assigned to the new bidder.
event BidderAdded(address indexed bidder, uint8 indexed bidderId);
/// Emitted when a bidder is removed from the auction.
/// @param bidder The address of the removed bidder.
/// @param bidderId The unique identifier of the removed bidder.
event BidderRemoved(address indexed bidder, uint8 indexed bidderId);
/// Emitted when an operator is set or unset for an owner.
/// @param owner The address of the owner.
/// @param operator The address of the operator.
/// @param approved True if the operator is approved, false otherwise.
event OperatorSet(
address indexed owner,
address indexed operator,
bool approved
/// Emitted when an operator is updated.
/// @param oldOperator The address of the old operator.
/// @param newOperator The address of the new operator.
event OperatorUpdated(
address indexed oldOperator,
address indexed newOperator
/// Emitted when ownership transfer is started.
/// @param previousOwner The address of the previous owner.
/// @param newOwner The address of the new owner.
event OwnershipTransferStarted(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
/// Emitted when ownership is transferred.
/// @param user The address of the user.
/// @param newOwner The address of the new owner.
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed user, address indexed newOwner);
event Transfer(address caller, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed id, uint256 amount);
function IdMap(address bidder) external view returns (uint8 id);
function WETH9() external view returns (address);
function acceptOwnership() external;
function accountant() external view returns (address);
function allowance(address, address, uint256) external view returns (uint256);
function approve(address spender, uint256 id, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function auctions(uint256 slot)
returns (uint120 itemsForSale, bool isOpen, bool isSettled, bool isPaidOut, bool isRefunded);
function balanceOf(address, uint256) external view returns (uint256);
* Allows a bidder to place a bid on an auction.
* @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
* @param packedBids An array of packed bid values, where each bid is represented as a 256-bit integer.
function bid(uint256 slot, uint256[] memory packedBids) external;
/// Returns the number of bids placed in the given auction slot.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
/// @return count The number of bids placed in the auction.
function bidCount(uint256 slot) external view returns (uint256 count);
/// Returns the address of the bidder with the given ID.
/// @param id The ID of the bidder.
/// @return bidder The address of the bidder.
function bidderMap(uint8 id) external view returns (address bidder);
function calcAverageBid(
uint256 numAuctions
) external view returns (uint128 avBidPrice);
function changeOperator(address newOperator) external;
function getBidderInfo(
uint256 slot,
address bidder
) external view returns (uint120 itemsBought, uint128 amountOwed);
* Checks if the given address is an approved operator for the caller.
* @param owner The address of the owner.
* @param operator The address of the operator to check.
* @return True if the operator is approved, false otherwise.
function isOperator(
address owner,
address operator
) external view returns (bool);
* Returns the maximum number of bidders allowed in the auction.
* @return The maximum number of bidders.
function maxBidder() external view returns (uint8);
* Returns the maximum number of bids allowed per auction.
* @return The maximum number of bids.
function maxBids() external view returns (uint256);
* Returns the minimum amount of gas required for a bid to be accepted.
* @return The minimum gas amount.
function minGasAmount() external view returns (uint120);
* Adds a new bidder to the auction.
* @param additionalBidder The address of the new bidder to add.
* @return newId The new bidder ID.
function newBidder(address additionalBidder) external returns (uint8 newId);
/// Opens a new auction with the specified number of items for sale.
/// @param slot The unique identifier for the auction.
/// @param itemsForSale The number of items being auctioned.
function openAuction(uint256 slot, uint120 itemsForSale) external;
function operator() external view returns (address);
function owner() external view returns (address);
function payout(uint256 slot) external;
function pendingOwner() external view returns (address);
* Refunds the specified auction slot.
* @param slot The unique identifier for the auction to be refunded.
function refund(uint256 slot) external;
function removeBidder(uint8 bidderId) external;
function runAndSettle(uint256 slot) external;
function setOperator(
address operator,
bool approved
) external returns (bool);
function slotsAuctioned(uint256 index) external view returns (uint256 slot);
function slotsCount() external view returns (uint256);
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
function transfer(address receiver, uint256 id, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address sender, address receiver, uint256 id, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) external;
function updateAccountant(address newAccountant) external;
* Packs a bid into a single 256-bit value.
* @param bidPrice The price of the bid.
* @param itemsToBuy The number of items the bidder wants to buy.
* @param bidderId The ID of the bidder.
* @return packedBid The packed bid value.
function packBid(
uint128 bidPrice,
uint120 itemsToBuy,
uint8 bidderId
) external pure returns (uint256 packedBid);
function updateMaxBids(uint256 newMaxBids) external;
function updateMinGasAmount(uint120 newAmount) external;
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