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Amazon Product Advertising API using Clojure
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [yswrl.test.scaffolding :refer :all]
[ :as amazon])
(:use clj-http.fake)
(:use yswrl.fake.faker))
(deftest amazon-test
(testing "url Params are in order"
(let [urlToCall (amazon/search-url "javainterviewbootcamp")]
(is (.contains urlToCall (str "")) urlToCall)))
(testing "Amazon URL is correctly generated"
(let [urlToCall (amazon/createEncryptedUrl (sorted-map
:AWSAccessKeyId "your-access-key"
:AssociateTag "your-associate-tag"
:Keywords "horcrux"
:Operation "ItemSearch"
:ResponseGroup "Images,ItemAttributes"
:SearchIndex "Books"
:Service "AWSECommerceService"
:Timestamp "2015-05-14T04:26:12.000Z"
:Version "2011-08-01"
(.equals urlToCall
(str "")) urlToCall)))
(testing "Example 1 from"
(let [urlToCall
(ring.util.codec/form-encode (amazon/sign "1234567890"
(.equals urlToCall
(str "j7bZM0LXZ9eXeZruTqWm2DIvDYVUU3wxPPpp%2BiXxzQc%3D")) urlToCall)))
(testing "Real example using my key generated from"
(let [urlToCall
(ring.util.codec/form-encode (amazon/sign amazon/amazon-key
(amazon/string-to-sign (sorted-map
:AWSAccessKeyId "your-access-key"
:AssociateTag "your-associate-tag"
:Keywords "horcrux"
:Operation "ItemSearch"
:ResponseGroup "Images,ItemAttributes"
:SearchIndex "Books"
:Service "AWSECommerceService"
:Timestamp "2015-05-14T04:26:12.000Z"
:Version "2011-08-01"
(.equals urlToCall
(str "NpX9t1jcz6wR2CCLKfG%2B8Pt2RxQli9QbAZu3dHpifXc%3D")) urlToCall)))
(:use [ :only (attr text xml-> xml1->)])
[clj-http.client :as client]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs]
[buddy.core.mac.hmac :as hmac]
[ :as zip]
[ :as xml-data]))
(def amazon-key "your-key")
(def params (sorted-map
:AWSAccessKeyId "your-access-key"
:AssociateTag "your-associate-tag-20"
:ResponseGroup "Images,ItemAttributes,EditorialReview"
:Service "AWSECommerceService"
:Version "2011-08-01"
(defn timestamp [parameters]
(assoc parameters :Timestamp (str (t/now))))
(defn string-to-sign [pms]
(str "GET\\n/onca/xml\n"
(ring.util.codec/form-encode pms)))
(defn sign [key string]
(-> (hmac/hash string key :sha256)
(defn createEncryptedUrl [paz]
(let [to-sign (string-to-sign paz)
encoded (clojure.string/replace to-sign "+" "%20")
signed (sign amazon-key encoded)
encodedSignature (ring.util.codec/form-encode signed)]
(str "" (ring.util.codec/form-encode paz) "&Signature=" encodedSignature)))
(defn search-url [bookname]
(createEncryptedUrl (assoc (timestamp params) :Keywords bookname :Operation "ItemSearch" :SearchIndex "Books"
(defn handle-amazon [bookname]
(let [url (search-url bookname)
raw-data ((client/get url) :body)
result-data (xml-data/parse-str raw-data)]
(zip/xml-zip result-data)))
(defn search-books [search-term]
(if (clojure.string/blank? search-term)
{:results []}
(let [result (handle-amazon search-term)] {
:results (map (fn [r] {:url (apply str (xml-> r :DetailPageURL text))
:title (apply str (xml-> r :ItemAttributes :Title text))
:author (apply str (xml-> r :ItemAttributes :Author text))
:book-id (apply str (xml-> r :ASIN text))
:thumbnail-url (apply str (xml-> r :SmallImage :URL text))
:large-image-url (apply str (xml-> r :LargeImage :URL text))}) (xml-> result :Items :Item))
(defn item-url [item-id]
(createEncryptedUrl (assoc (timestamp params) :idType "ASIN" :ItemId item-id :Operation "ItemLookup")))
(defn get-book [asin]
(let [url (item-url asin)
raw-data ((client/get url) :body)
result-data (xml-data/parse-str raw-data)
zip-data (zip/xml-zip result-data)
book (xml1-> zip-data :Items :Item)]
(println url)
{:url (apply str (xml-> book :DetailPageURL text))
:title (apply str (xml-> book :ItemAttributes :Title text))
:author (apply str (xml-> book :ItemAttributes :Author text))
:big-img-url (apply str (xml-> book :LargeImage :URL text))
:blurb (apply str (xml-> book :EditorialReviews :EditorialReview :Content text))
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