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Last active May 24, 2020 14:05
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javascript - the good parts
  • objects pass by reference not copy
    • when any enclosed property is deleted, it'll delete the current object's property however due to object reflection, it'll now inherit parent objects valye for that property.
    • object reflection: every object intrinsically spans its control back to the Object.prototype spec, even those objects literals we define internally map to that.
  • anoymous functions: self-invokating functions with no name
(() => {
  • invocation patterns:
  1. method: when this applies to its own definition like having a function defined as an property to an object, making its scope relevant within the parent object:
const obj = {
 val: 2612,
 getVal: function() {
  return this.val;

console.log(obj.getVal()): // 2612
  1. function: when object does not have a property that corresponds to that function, it binds to the global scope instead
const add = function(a, b) => {
 return a + b;

const sum = add (2600, 12); // returns 2612
  1. constructor: any class-based (or that augments behavior of a generic OOP class) functions is bound to that class's scope
class _ {
 this.value = null;
 constructor() {}
 constructor(val) {
  this.value = val;
 getValue() {
  return this.value;

let __ = new _();
__.getValue(); // returns null

__ = new _(2612);
__.getValue(); // returns 2612 
  1. apply: takes an array of argument to invoke the function
const add = function(a, b) => {
 return a + b;

const sum = add (null, [2600, 12]); // returns 2612
  • tail recursion:
let something = "";
const _2612 = [2, 6, 1, 2];
const print = function(i) {
 if (i >= _2612.length)
    return something;
 something += _2612[i];
 return print(i+1); 

print(0); // returns "2612"
  • cascading: its a very generic concept to chain many functions togther to accomplish some task, here it goes:
// making a synchronous call that returns a Promise
const flag = false; // if payload was returned by server
 .then(result => if (result) flag = !flag)
 .catch(error => throw new Error(error))
 .finally(console.log("this will run at the very last, after then and catch execute \(or not\)"))
  • custom function to check if an object is an object OR array:
const obj = {firstName: "Sambhav", lastName: "Jain"};
const arr = [2, 6, 1, 2];

var is_array = function (value) {
 return value &&
 typeof value === 'object' &&
 typeof value.length === 'number' &&
 typeof value.splice === 'function' &&

console.log(is_array(obj)); // return false
console.log(is_array(arr)); // return true
  • custom function to build a n*n-length matrix:
const arr = [];
const matrixBuilder = function(length) {
    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        arr.push(new Array(length));
    return arr;

matrixBuilder(3);  /* returns [[empty, empty, empty], 
                               [empty, empty, empty], 
                               [empty, empty, empty]] */
  • custom function to sort any two objects by a specified key:
function sorter(a, b, key) {
 if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") { // check if object 
  if (a.hasOwnProperty(key) && b.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // check if both objects have the key
   return a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : -1;
  } else return 0;
 } else return 0;

const arr = [{first: "Sambhav", last: "Jain"}, {first: "PseudoSambhav", last: "PsuedoJain"}];
arr = arr.sort((a, b) => sorter(a, b, "x")); // returns the array as it is
arr = arr.sort((a, b) => sorter(a, b, "first")); // returns [{first: "PseudoSambhav", last: "PsuedoJain"}, {first: "Sambhav", last: "Jain"}]
arr = arr.sort((a, b) => sorter(a, b, "last")) // returns [{first: "Sambhav", last: "Jain"}, {first: "PseudoSambhav", last: "PsuedoJain"}]
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