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Created October 24, 2015 10:59
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Blender addon to add a prefix to the blend file when saving.
# script made in response to
bl_info = {
"name": "Save File Prefix",
"author": "sambler",
"version": (1,0),
"blender": (2, 71, 0),
"location": "File->Save Prefixed Blendfile",
"description": "Add a prefix to the filename before saving.",
"warning": "beta",
"category": "System",
import bpy
import os
# adjust this function to return the prefix you want
def fn_prefix():
return 'xx12345xx_'
class PrefixFileSave(bpy.types.Operator):
"""Set a filename prefix before saving the file"""
bl_idname = "wm.save_prefix"
bl_label = "Save Prefixed Blendfile"
def execute(self, context):
outname = fn_prefix() + bpy.path.basename(
outpath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath(
return bpy.ops.wm.save_mainfile(filepath=os.path.join(outpath, outname), check_existing=True)
def menu_save_prefix(self, context):
self.layout.operator(PrefixFileSave.bl_idname, text=PrefixFileSave.bl_label, icon="FILE_TICK")
def register():
# add the menuitem to the top of the file menu
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
win_keymaps = wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps.get('Window')
if win_keymaps:
# disable standard save file keymaps
for kmi in win_keymaps.keymap_items:
if kmi.idname == 'wm.save_mainfile': = False
# add a keymap for our save operator
kmi =, 'S', 'PRESS', ctrl=True)
def unregister():
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
win_keymaps = wm.keyconfigs.user.keymaps.get('Window')
if win_keymaps:
for kmi in win_keymaps.keymap_items:
# re-enable standard save file
if kmi.idname == 'wm.save_mainfile': = True
if kmi.idname == PrefixFileSave.bl_idname:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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