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Last active May 17, 2018 23:06
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Jupyter pyspark setup on secured cluster
Following are steps for running jupyter on hadoop cluster and connecting to it from local browser
Assuming you have a secured spark cluster created on linux
Assuming you have anaconda installed
## Steps for setting up Python Virtual Environments
Add conda to path (add following to ~/.bashrc file)
export PATH
1. Setup/Create Virtual Environment (see steps below)
Make sure to install ipykernel - that provides IPython Kernel for Jupyter
conda create -n pysam36 python=3.6.2 ipykernel
source activate pysam36
exit terminal
2. Create SSH Tunnel
Open Putty and use port 22 for your cluster host
Under Connection > SSH > Tunnels
- Add source and desitnation as (destination port should match port where Jupyter notebook is running)
Login with credentials and Init Keberos
kinit -k <appID> -t /opt/cst/spnego/<appID>.keytab
cd to /data/appId/.conda
Then export variables:
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/opt/anaconda/latest/bin/python
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=/opt/anaconda/latest/bin/python
export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS='notebook --ip='
activate virtual environment already created
source activate pysam36
start pyspark
If started correctly it shoul say :
"The Jupyter Notebook is running at:"
Open browser with - you should see jupyter with your created name virtual environment
If all packages installed correctly, you should be able to type
sc or sqlContext and get result in notebook
---------- Connecting to Impala using impyla --------------------
pip install thrift_sasl
install impyla
pip install impyla (check the versions, some version have issues, i think 0.1.12 is ok ?)
from impala.dbapi import connect
import thrift_sasl
conn = connect(host='', port=21050, timeout=300, use_ssl=True, ca_cert='/opt/cst/ssl/user/server-cacerts.pem', kerberos_service_name='impala',auth_mechanism='GSSAPI')
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute('show databases')
cursor.execute('show tables')
- Enjoy
A. Create Virtual Environment
mkdir .conda
cd .conda
mkdir pkgs
mkdir envs
Create .condarc file with contents (provide conda package repo location_
- /data/appid/.conda/envs
- /data/appid/.conda/pkgs
- http://host.conda.repo:8080/conda/anaconda
Create pip config for installing additional packages
mkdir ~/.pip
touch ~/.pip/pip.conf
B. Conda commands for creating VE - virutal environment
conda create -n VEName --copy -y -q python=X.X.X (package version) package-name
example - conda create -n pyve36 python=3.6.2 anaconda
conda install -n VEName --copy -y -q package-name
source activate VEName
you can also install packages using pip
pip install impyla==0.13.1
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