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Created March 27, 2017 08:27
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Example Jenkinsfile
node {
def buildEnv
def devAddress
stage ('Checkout') {
checkout scm
script: 'git describe --tags',
returnStdout: true
stage ('Build Custom Environment') {
buildEnv ="build_env:${GIT_VERSION}", 'custom-build-env')
buildEnv.inside {
stage ('Build') {
sh 'sbt compile'
sh 'sbt sampleClient/universal:stage'
stage ('Test') {
parallel (
'Test Server' : {
sh 'sbt server/test'
'Test Sample Client' : {
sh 'sbt sampleClient/test'
stage ('Prepare Docker Image') {
sh 'sbt server/docker:stage'
stage ('Build and Push Docker Image') {
withCredentials([[$class: "UsernamePasswordMultiBinding", usernameVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_USER', passwordVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_PASS', credentialsId: 'Docker Hub']]) {
sh 'docker login --username $DOCKERHUB_USER --password $DOCKERHUB_PASS'
def serverImage ="sambott/grpc-test:${GIT_VERSION}", 'server/target/docker/stage')
sh 'docker logout'
stage ('Deploy to DEV') {
devAddress = deployContainer("sambott/grpc-test:${GIT_VERSION}", 'DEV')
stage ('Verify Deployment') {
buildEnv.inside {
sh "sample-client/target/universal/stage/bin/demo-client ${devAddress}"
stage 'Deploy to LIVE'
timeout(time:2, unit:'DAYS') {
input message:'Approve deployment to LIVE?'
node {
deployContainer("sambott/grpc-test:${GIT_VERSION}", 'LIVE')
def deployContainer(image, env) {
docker.image('lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl:v1.5.2').inside {
withCredentials([[$class: "FileBinding", credentialsId: 'KubeConfig', variable: 'KUBE_CONFIG']]) {
def kubectl = "kubectl --kubeconfig=\$KUBE_CONFIG --context=${env}"
sh "${kubectl} set image deployment/grpc-demo grpc-demo=${image}"
sh "${kubectl} rollout status deployment/grpc-demo"
return sh (
script: "${kubectl} get service/grpc-demo -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'",
returnStdout: true
// vim: set syntax=groovy :
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SubhraB commented Jun 28, 2017

I added the config file with name 'KubeConfig' as a secret file in the Jenkins credentials. I am getting this error while running the build.

error validating data: mkdir /.kube: permission denied; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

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