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Created February 13, 2020 02:50
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
def weighted_avg_and_std(values, weights):
"""computes weighted averages and stdevs
values (np.array): variable of interest
weight (np.array): weight to assign each observation
list of weighted mean and stdev
average = np.average(values, weights=weights)
variance = np.average((values-average)**2, weights=weights)
ess = np.sum(weights)**2 / np.sum(weights**2)
return [average, np.sqrt(variance)/np.sqrt(ess)]
def erupt(y, tmt, optim_tmt, weights = None, names = None):
"""Calculates Expected Response Under Proposed Treatments
y (np.array): response variables
tmt (np.array): treatment randomly assigned to observation
optim_tmt (np.array): proposed treatment model assigns
weights (np.array): weights for each observation. useful if treatment
was not uniformly assigned
names (list of str): names of response variables
Expected means and stdevs of proposed treatments
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(y.shape[0])
equal_locs = np.where(optim_tmt == tmt)[0]
erupts = [weighted_avg_and_std(y[equal_locs][:,x].reshape(-1,1),
weights[equal_locs].reshape(-1,1)) for x in range(y.shape[1])]
erupts = pd.DataFrame(erupts)
erupts.columns = ['mean','std']
if names is not None:
erupts['response_var_names'] = names
erupts['response_var_names'] = ['var_'+str(x) for x in range(y.shape[1])]
return erupts
def get_best_tmts(objective_weights, ice, unique_tmts):
"""Calulcates Optimal Treatment for a set of counterfactuals and weights.
objective_weights (np.array): list of weights to maximize in objective function
ice (np.array): 3-d array of counterfactuals.
num_tmts x num_observations x num_responses
unique_tmts (np.array): list of treatments
Optimal Treatment with specific objective function
weighted_ice = [x*objective_weights for x in ice]
sum_weighted_ice = np.array(weighted_ice).sum(axis=2)
max_values = sum_weighted_ice.T.argmax(axis=1)
best_tmt = unique_tmts[np.array(max_values)]
def get_weights(tmts):
"""Calculates weights to apply to tmts. Weight is inversely proportional to
how common each weight is.
tmts (np.array): treatments randomly assigned to
array of length tmts that is weight to assign in erupt calculation
tmts_pd= pd.DataFrame(tmts)
tmts_pd.columns = ['tmt']
weight_mat = pd.DataFrame(pd.DataFrame(tmts).iloc[:,0].value_counts() / len(tmts))
weight_mat['tmt'] = weight_mat.index
weight_mat.columns = [ 'weight','tmt']
tmts_pd = tmts_pd.merge(weight_mat, on = 'tmt', how = 'left')
observation_weights = 1.0 / np.array(tmts_pd['weight']).reshape(-1,1)
return observation_weights
def get_erupts_curves_aupc(y, tmt, ice, unique_tmts, objective_weights ,
names = None):
"""Calculates optimal treatments and returns erupt
y (np.array): response variables
tmt (np.array): treatment randomly assigned to observation
ice (np.array): 3-d array of counterfactuals.
num_tmts x num_observations x num_responses
objective_weights (np.array): list of weights to maximize in objective
names (list of str): names of response variables
Dataframe of ERUPT metrics for each response variable for a given set
of objective weights
all_erupts = []
all_distributions = []
observation_weights = get_weights(tmt)
for obj_weight in objective_weights:
optim_tmt = get_best_tmts(obj_weight, ice, unique_tmts)
random_tmt = optim_tmt.copy()[np.random.choice(len(optim_tmt),len(optim_tmt), replace = False)]
str_obj_weight = ','.join([str(q) for q in obj_weight])
erupts = erupt(y, tmt, optim_tmt, weights = observation_weights,
names = names)
erupts_random = erupt(y, tmt, random_tmt, weights = observation_weights,
names = names)
erupts['random_mean'] = erupts_random['mean']
erupts['random_std'] = erupts_random['std']
erupts['weights'] = str_obj_weight
dists = pd.DataFrame(optim_tmt).iloc[:,0].value_counts()
dist_treatments = pd.DataFrame(np.array(dists).reshape(-1,1))
dist_treatments['tmt'] = dists.index
dist_treatments['weight'] = str_obj_weight
dist_treatments.columns = ['num_observations','tmt','weight']
all_erupts = pd.concat(all_erupts)
all_distributions = pd.concat(all_distributions)
return all_erupts, all_distributions
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