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Created January 21, 2012 12:38
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Save samcday/1652663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Easy-mode dev work to remote server!
require "sugar"
async = require "async"
fs = require "fs"
path = require "path"
child_process = require "child_process"
FTPClient = require "./ftp"
[watchPath, ftpHost, ftpUser, ftpPass, ftpPath] = process.argv.from 2
conn = new FTPClient
host: ftpHost
#debug: (msg) ->
# console.log msg
conn.on "connect", () ->
console.log "Connected to #{ftpHost}. Authenticating."
conn.auth ftpUser, ftpPass, () ->
console.log "Authenticated."
conn.on "error", () ->
console.log "FTP error", arguments
conn.on "timeout", () ->
console.log arguments
conn.on "close", () ->
console.log "Closed."
conn.on "end", () ->
console.log "FTP connection closed."
console.log "Connecting to #{ftpHost}"
inotifyWatch = child_process.spawn "inotifywait", ["-m", "-r", "-q", watchPath]
queue = async.queue (task, callback) ->
pathOnServer = path.join ftpPath, path.relative watchPath, task.file
if task.type is "dir"
switch task.action
when "create"
console.log "Creating directory #{pathOnServer}"
conn.mkdir pathOnServer, () ->
console.log "Created directory #{pathOnServer}"
when "delete"
console.log "Deleting directory #{pathOnServer}"
conn.rmdir pathOnServer, () ->
console.log "Deleted directory #{pathOnServer}"
else callback()
else if task.type is "file"
switch task.action
when "modify"
console.log "Putting #{task.file} on #{pathOnServer}"
conn.put fs.createReadStream(task.file), pathOnServer, (err) ->
console.log "Done."
when "delete"
console.log "Deleting #{pathOnServer} on server."
conn.delete pathOnServer, () ->
console.log "Done."
else callback()
, 1
inotifyWatch.stdout.setEncoding "utf8"
inotifyWatch.stdout.on "data", (data) ->
for line in data.split("\n")
line = line.trim()
continue if not line.length
[pathRoot, flags, file] = line.split " "
flags = flags.split ","
isDir = !!flags.find("ISDIR")
action =
if !!flags.find("CREATE") then "create"
else if !!flags.find("CLOSE_WRITE") and not isDir then "modify"
else if !!flags.find("DELETE") then "delete"
else null
continue if not action
task =
type: if isDir then "dir" else "file"
file: path.join pathRoot, file
action: action
queue.push task
inotifyWatch.stderr.setEncoding "utf8"
inotifyWatch.stderr.on "data", (data) ->
console.log data
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