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Created November 15, 2013 20:40
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jQuery form serialize
$('#submit').on('click', function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //IMPORTANT-- you must stop the form from automatically sending a POST request
var obs = $('#observer_form').serializeArray();
var met = $('#metrics_form').serializeArray();
var site = $('#site_form').serializeArray()
// This returns three arrays of objects like {name:NAME, value:VALUE}. This is grabbing the HTML name attribute of the form contents as well at their values. I've added check boxes next to my <input> tags so blank fields don't get submitted. This looks something like:
$('.toggle').on('change', function(){
// The this keyword corresponds to the element from which the event originated
// closest() navigates up the DOM until it finds an element that matches the selector (in this case .row)
// children() gives all of the children of that DOM node (now .row), and is optionally filtered by a selector (here that is .col2). Then calling children with the 'input' selector returns all inputs that are children of .col2.
var inp = $(this).closest('.row').children('.col2').children('input');
// Setting the element to 'disabled' will stop if from being submitted with the form.
inp.attr('disabled', !inp.attr('disabled'));
// And clear the <input> value
// My inputs look something like:
<div class="row">
<div class="col1"><input type="checkbox" class="toggle"><label>LABEL</label></div>
<div class="col2"><input name="NAME"></div>
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