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Created April 3, 2023 17:32
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Codon bouncing ball simulation
import sys
import time
import math
import random
class AsciiCanvas:
width: int
height: int
fill_char: str
canvas: list[list[str]]
def __init__(self, width, height, fill_char=' '):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.fill_char = fill_char
self.canvas = [
[fill_char for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
def draw_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, char='*'):
# Bresenham's line algorithm
dx = abs(x2 - x1)
dy = abs(y2 - y1)
x, y = x1, y1
sx = -1 if x1 > x2 else 1
sy = -1 if y1 > y2 else 1
if dx > dy:
err = dx / 2.0
while x != x2:
self.set_pixel(x, y, char)
err -= dy
if err < 0:
y += sy
err += dx
x += sx
err = dy / 2.0
while y != y2:
self.set_pixel(x, y, char)
err -= dx
if err < 0:
x += sx
err += dy
y += sy
self.set_pixel(x, y, char)
def draw_rect(self, x, y, width, height, char='*'):
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
if i == 0 or i == height - 1 or j == 0 or j == width - 1:
self.set_pixel(x + j, y + i, char)
def set_pixel(self, x, y, char):
if 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height:
self.canvas[y][x] = char
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join([''.join(row) for row in self.canvas])
def clear(self):
self.canvas = [[self.fill_char for _ in range(
self.width)] for _ in range(self.height)]
def update(self):
sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(self) + '\n')
class Ball:
x: float
y: float
char: str
vx: float
vy: float
ax: float
ay: float
gravity: float
friction: float
charge: float
mass: float
radius: float
angular_momentum: float
def __init__(self, x, y, char='o', vx=1, vy=1, gravity=0.2, friction=0.98, charge=1, mass=1, radius=1, angular_momentum=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.char = char
self.vx = vx
self.vy = vy = 0
self.ay = 0
self.gravity = gravity
self.friction = friction
self.charge = charge
self.radius = radius
self.mass = mass
self.angular_momentum = angular_momentum
def update(self, canvas, box, charge_transfer_rate=0.01):
next_x = self.x + self.vx
next_y = self.y + self.vy
if next_x <= box.x or next_x >= box.x + box.width - 1:
self.vx = -self.vx * self.friction
charge_transfer = charge_transfer_rate * self.charge
self.charge -= charge_transfer
box.charge += charge_transfer
if next_y <= box.y or next_y >= box.y + box.height - 1:
self.vy = -self.vy * self.friction
charge_transfer = charge_transfer_rate * self.charge
self.charge -= charge_transfer
box.charge += charge_transfer
self.vy += self.gravity
self.x += self.vx
self.y += self.vy = self.charge / self.mass
self.ay = self.charge / self.mass
def draw(self, canvas):
# Calculate the magnitude of the drag force
drag_magnitude = math.sqrt(self.vx ** 2 + self.vy ** 2) * self.mass
# Choose a character to represent the ball based on the drag magnitude
if drag_magnitude < 1.0:
char = "·"
elif drag_magnitude < 5.0:
char = "o"
char = "O"
canvas.set_pixel(int(self.x), int(self.y), char)
def check_collision(self, other):
dx = self.x - other.x
dy = self.y - other.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if distance < self.radius + other.radius:
angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
self_v_mag = math.sqrt(self.vx ** 2 + self.vy ** 2)
other_v_mag = math.sqrt(other.vx ** 2 + other.vy ** 2)
self_v_angle = math.atan2(self.vy, self.vx) - angle
other_v_angle = math.atan2(other.vy, other.vx) - angle
self_vx_after = ((self.mass - other.mass) * self_v_mag * math.cos(self_v_angle) +
2 * other.mass * other_v_mag * math.cos(other_v_angle)) / (self.mass + other.mass)
self_vy_after = self_v_mag * math.sin(self_v_angle)
other_vx_after = (2 * self.mass * self_v_mag * math.cos(self_v_angle) - (
self.mass - other.mass) * other_v_mag * math.cos(other_v_angle)) / (self.mass + other.mass)
other_vy_after = other_v_mag * math.sin(other_v_angle)
self.vx = math.cos(angle) * self_vx_after - \
math.sin(angle) * self_vy_after
self.vy = math.sin(angle) * self_vx_after + \
math.cos(angle) * self_vy_after
other.vx = math.cos(angle) * other_vx_after - \
math.sin(angle) * other_vy_after
other.vy = math.sin(angle) * other_vx_after + \
math.cos(angle) * other_vy_after
while distance < self.radius + other.radius:
self.x += self.vx
self.y += self.vy
other.x += other.vx
other.y += other.vy
dx = self.x - other.x
dy = self.y - other.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
def apply_electrical_force(self, other, k=10000, charge_transfer_rate=0.01):
dx = self.x - other.x
dy = self.y - other.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if distance < 2 * self.radius:
force = k * self.charge * other.charge / (distance ** 2)
fx = force * dx / distance
fy = force * dy / distance
self.vx += fx / self.mass
self.vy += fy / self.mass
other.vx -= fx / other.mass
other.vy -= fy / other.mass
charge_transfer = charge_transfer_rate * (self.charge - other.charge) / 2
self.charge -= charge_transfer
other.charge += charge_transfer
def apply_magnetic_force(self, B=0.01):
fx = self.charge * self.vy * B
fy = -self.charge * self.vx * B
self.vx += fx
self.vy += fy
def apply_magnetic_interaction(self, other, k=0.001):
dx = self.x - other.x
dy = self.y - other.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if distance > 0:
angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
magnetic_field = k * other.charge * other.vy / (distance ** 2)
force = self.charge * magnetic_field
fx = force * math.sin(angle)
fy = -force * math.cos(angle)
self.vx += fx / self.mass
self.vy += fy / self.mass
def apply_air_resistance(self, balls, drag_coefficient=0.001, vortex_factor=0.5, vortex_distance_factor=3):
drag_force_x = -drag_coefficient * self.vx * abs(self.vx)
drag_force_y = -drag_coefficient * self.vy * abs(self.vy)
# Adjust drag force based on the proximity of other balls
for other in balls:
if other is not self:
dx = self.x - other.x
dy = self.y - other.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if distance < self.radius * vortex_distance_factor:
drag_reduction = vortex_factor * (1 - distance / (self.radius * vortex_distance_factor))
drag_force_x *= (1 - drag_reduction)
drag_force_y *= (1 - drag_reduction)
self.vx += drag_force_x / self.mass
self.vy += drag_force_y / self.mass
def check_collision_with_ramp(self, ramp, charge_transfer_rate=0.01):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = ramp.x1, ramp.y1, ramp.x2, ramp.y2
dx = x2 - x1
dy = y2 - y1
ramp_length = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
# Check if the ball is within the bounding box of the ramp
if (x1 <= self.x <= x2 or x1 >= self.x >= x2) and (y1 <= self.y <= y2 or y1 >= self.y >= y2):
# Calculate the distance between the ball and the ramp
distance = abs(dy * self.x - dx * self.y + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) / ramp_length
# Check for a collision
if distance <= self.radius:
# Calculate the angle of the ramp
ramp_angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
# Calculate the normal vector components
nx = math.cos(ramp_angle + math.pi / 2)
ny = math.sin(ramp_angle + math.pi / 2)
# Calculate the relative velocity components
rvx = self.vx - nx * (nx * self.vx + ny * self.vy)
rvy = self.vy - ny * (nx * self.vx + ny * self.vy)
# Update the ball's velocity with the new components
self.vx = rvx
self.vy = rvy
charge_transfer = charge_transfer_rate * self.charge
self.charge -= charge_transfer
ramp.charge += charge_transfer
def apply_strong_nuclear_force(self, other):
distance = math.sqrt((self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2)
force_constant = 10000 # Adjust this value to control the strength of the strong nuclear force
if distance < 1: # Apply the strong nuclear force only for very short distances
fx = force_constant * (self.x - other.x) / distance
fy = force_constant * (self.y - other.y) / distance += fx / self.mass
self.ay += fy / self.mass -= fx / other.mass
other.ay -= fy / other.mass
class Box:
x: int
y: int
width: int
height: int
char: str
charge: float
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, char='*', charge=0):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.char = char
self.charge = charge
class Ramp:
x1: int
y1: int
x2: int
y2: int
charge: float
def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, charge=0):
self.x1 = x1
self.y1 = y1
self.x2 = x2
self.y2 = y2
self.charge = charge
def update_balls(balls, canvas, box, ramps):
for i in range(len(balls)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(balls)):
balls[i].angular_momentum = balls[i].mass * (balls[i].vx ** 2 + balls[i].vy ** 2) * balls[i].radius
for ramp in ramps:
balls[i].update(canvas, box)
def get_magnetic_field_at_point(x, y, balls, k=0.001):
total_magnetic_field: float = 0
for ball in balls:
dx = x - ball.x
dy = y - ball.y
distance = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
if distance > 0:
magnetic_field = k * ball.charge * ball.vy / (distance ** 2)
total_magnetic_field += magnetic_field * (dy / distance)
return abs(total_magnetic_field)
def draw_magnetic_field(balls, canvas, field_resolution=2):
field_strength_chars = ' _-:=+*%@#'
# Calculate the maximum magnetic field strength in the scene
max_field_strength: float = 0
for y in range(0, canvas.height, field_resolution):
for x in range(0, canvas.width, field_resolution):
field_strength = get_magnetic_field_at_point(x, y, balls)
max_field_strength = max(max_field_strength, field_strength)
# Draw the magnetic field using normalized field strength
for y in range(0, canvas.height, field_resolution):
for x in range(0, canvas.width, field_resolution):
field_strength = get_magnetic_field_at_point(x, y, balls)
if max_field_strength > 0:
normalized_field_strength = field_strength / max_field_strength
normalized_field_strength = 0
field_strength_index = min(len(field_strength_chars) - 1, int(
normalized_field_strength * (len(field_strength_chars) - 1)))
canvas.set_pixel(x, y, field_strength_chars[field_strength_index])
def add_ball_to_box(balls, box, radius=1, charge_range=(-1, 1), mass_range=(1, 5)):
x = random.uniform(box.x + radius, box.x + box.width - radius)
y = random.uniform(box.y + radius, box.y + box.height - radius)
vx = random.uniform(-1, 1)
vy = random.uniform(-1, 1)
charge = random.uniform(*charge_range)
mass = random.uniform(*mass_range)
new_ball = Ball(x, y, 'o', vx, vy, radius=radius, charge=charge, mass=mass)
def calculate_average_position(balls):
total_x = sum(ball.x for ball in balls)
total_y = sum(ball.y for ball in balls)
return total_x / len(balls), total_y / len(balls)
def calculate_average_velocity(balls):
total_vx = sum(ball.vx for ball in balls)
total_vy = sum(ball.vy for ball in balls)
return total_vx / len(balls), total_vy / len(balls)
def calculate_average_charge(balls, boxes, ramps):
ball_charge = sum(ball.charge for ball in balls) / len(balls)
box_charge = sum(box.charge for box in boxes) / len(boxes)
ramp_charge = sum(ramp.charge for ramp in ramps) / len(ramps)
return sum((ball_charge, box_charge, ramp_charge)) / 3
def calculate_average_momentum(balls):
total_px = sum(ball.vx * ball.charge for ball in balls)
total_py = sum(ball.vy * ball.charge for ball in balls)
return total_px / len(balls), total_py / len(balls)
def calculate_average_angular_momentum(balls):
return sum(ball.angular_momentum for ball in balls) / len(balls)
def draw_ramps(ramps, canvas):
for ramp in ramps:
canvas.draw_line(ramp.x1, ramp.y1, ramp.x2, ramp.y2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
box = Box(0, 0, 100, 40)
canvas = AsciiCanvas(box.width + 2, box.height + 2)
balls: list[Ball] = []
for _ in range(50):
add_ball_to_box(balls, box)
# Define ramps
ramps = [
Ramp(10, 10, 20, 20),
Ramp(30, 15, 40, 5),
Ramp(50, 5, 60, 15),
Ramp(70, 20, 80, 10),
while True:
draw_magnetic_field(balls, canvas)
canvas.draw_rect(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height, box.char)
draw_ramps(ramps, canvas)
update_balls(balls, canvas, box, ramps)
# Calculate statistical averages
avg_position = calculate_average_position(balls)
avg_velocity = calculate_average_velocity(balls)
avg_momentum = calculate_average_momentum(balls)
avg_charge = calculate_average_charge(balls, [box], ramps)
avg_angular_momentum = calculate_average_angular_momentum(balls)
# Print statistical averages
print("Average Position:", avg_position)
print("Average Velocity:", avg_velocity)
print("Average Momentum:", avg_momentum)
print("Average Charge:", avg_charge)
print("Average Angular Momentum:", avg_angular_momentum)
# Add delay (in seconds) between updates for animation
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