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Created March 29, 2018 00:35
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use nqp;
my @a;
my Str $haystack = slurp 'tolstoy.txt';
add-to-list("index with single codepoint needle", test-index($haystack, "\x[01]"));
my $target = 'abdicatez';
add-to-list("index with word needle", test-index($haystack, $target));
my $new-haystack;
for $haystack.comb(($haystack.chars / 20).Int) {
$new-haystack ~= $_;
$haystack = $new-haystack;
add-to-list("index with word needle STRAND", test-index($haystack, $target));
add-to-list("regex INDEXINGOPT", test-regex($haystack, rx/$target/));
$haystack = nqp::indexingoptimized($haystack);
add-to-list("index with word needle INDEXINGOPT", test-index($haystack, $target));
print-array @a;
sub test-index (Str:D $Haystack, Str:D $needle, Int:D $times = 100) {
my str $H = $Haystack;
my str $n = $needle;
my $t1 = now;
nqp::index($H, $n, 0) for ^$times;
my $t2 = now;
$t2 - $t1;
sub test-regex (Str:D $Haystack, $regex, Int:D $times = 1) {
my $t1 = now;
my $result;
($result = $Haystack ~~ $regex) for ^$times;
die if $result;
my $t2 = now;
$t2 - $t1;
sub add-to-list (Str:D $name, $time) {
@a.push:$name, $time);
sub print-array(@a) {
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