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Last active August 21, 2018 23:04
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#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
=TITLE Git::Log
=SUBTITLE Gets the git log as a Perl 6 object
The first argument is the command line args wanted to be passed into C<git log>.
Optionally you can also get the files changes as well as the number of lines
added or deleted.
Returns an array of hashes in the following format:
C<commit => "df0c229ad6ba293c67724379bcd3d55af6ea47a0",
AuthorName => "Author's Name", AuthorEmail => "" ...>
If the option :get-changes is used it will also add a 'changes' key in the
following format: C<<changes => { $[ { filename => 'myfile.txt', added => 10, deleted => 5 }, ... ] }>>
If there is a field that you need that is not offered, then you can supply an
array, :@fields. Format is an array of pairs: C<<commit => '%H', AuthorName => '%an' ...>>
you can look for more L<here|>.
my @fields-default =
'commit' => '%H',
'AuthorName' => '%an',
'AuthorEmail' => '%ae',
'AuthorDate' => '%aI',
'Subject' => '%s',
'Body' => '%b'
# Private use characters which let us separate fields.
my $column-sep = 0x102B7C.chr;
my $commit-sep = 0x102B7D.chr;
sub git-log (@args, :@fields = @fields-default, IO::Path :$path, Bool:D :$get-changes = False, Bool:D :$date-time = False) is export {
my @log-arg = 'log';
@log-arg.prepend('--git-dir', $path.child(".git").absolute) if $path;
my $format = '--pretty=format:' ~ @fields».value.join($column-sep) ~ $commit-sep;
my $cmd = run 'git', @log-arg, @args, $format, :out, :err;
if $cmd.exitcode != 0 {
die "git log returned code $cmd.exitcode(). Message: $cmd.err.slurp()";
my $text = $cmd.out.slurp;
# Remove extra from end: we only want the separator
# to be *between* entries, not at the end of each one.
$text ~~ s/$commit-sep$//;
# Remove the trailing newlines git adds
$text ~~ s:g/$commit-sep\n/$commit-sep/;
my @commits;
for $text.split($commit-sep) -> $entry {
my %thing = %( @fields».key Z=> $entry.split($column-sep) );
if $date-time {
for %thing.keys.grep(*.ends-with("Date")) -> $key {
%thing{$key} ={$key});
@commits.push: %thing;
if $get-changes {
my $stat-proc = run 'git', @log-arg, '--numstat', "--format=$commit-sep%H", @args, :out;
my $stat-text = $stat-proc.out.slurp;
if $stat-proc.exitcode != 0 {
die "git log returned code $stat-proc.exitcode(). Message: $stat-proc.err.slurp()";
# remove leading separator
$stat-text ~~ s/^$commit-sep//;
my %commit-data;
$stat-text.split($commit-sep).map({ get-data($_, %commit-data) });
for @commits -> $commit {
$commit<changes> = %commit-data{$commit<commit>};
sub get-data (Str:D $str, %commit-data) {
my @lines = $str.lines.grep({ $_ ne ""});
my $commit = @lines.shift;
for @lines -> $line {
# Make sure it's only three fields, in case there are tabs in the filename
my ($added, $removed, $filename) = $line.split("\t", 3);
$added = $added.Int unless $added eq '-';
$removed = $removed.Int unless $removed eq '-';
push %commit-data{$commit}, %(added => $added, removed => $removed, filename => $filename);
sub MAIN (Str :$path, *@args) {
if $path {
say git-log(:get-changes, :path($path.IO), @args).map(*.perl).join("\n\n");
else {
say git-log(:get-changes, @args).map(*.perl).join("\n\n");;
=AUTHOR Samantha McVey (samcv)
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the Artistic License 2.0.
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