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Created April 8, 2020 13:00
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Timsetamp case refactoring
// see
class Timestamp
private int $intTimestamp;
private function __construct(int $intTimestamp)
$this->intTimestamp = $intTimestamp;
public static function current(): self
return new self(time());
public static function fromInt(int $intTimestamp): self
return new self($intTimestamp);
public function toInt(): int
return $this->intTimestamp;
public function toString(?TimestampFormatterInterface $formatter): string
if ($formatter === null) {
$formatter = new DefaultTimestampFormatter();
return $formatter->format($this->intTimestamp);
interface TimestampFormatterInterface
public function format(int $timestamp): string;
class DefaultTimestampFormatter implements TimestampFormatterInterface
public function format(int $timestamp): string
try {
return (new \DateTime("@{$timestamp}"))
->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Moscow'))
->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new \LogicException("Не удалось сконвертировать время, Timestamp: {$timestamp}");
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