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Created August 2, 2012 16:25
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Script for generating appledoc docs
# From an original script by Daniel Tull
# Somewhat mangled by Sam Deane
# Run this script from the root of your project.
# It makes a temporary directory and generates appledoc documentation for your
# project in that directory.
# It then makes a local clone of your documentation branch (called gh-pages, by default)
# copies the generated appledoc html into a folder in the branch (called Documentation by default)
# commits the new documentation and pushes it back to the project repo.
# Note that it doesn't push from the project repo, so the new documentation doesn't leave
# your machine - but it echos the git command that you'll need to execute to do the push.
# This script assumes:
# - the name of the root folder is the name of the project
# - your appledoc templates are in ~/.appledoc (can be a symlink)
# - you have a GlobalSettings.plist file in your appledoc templates folder
# - you've set values in GlobalSettings.plist for --project-company, --company-id
# The script looks at the remotes configured in the repo to try to work out what your github
# user name is, so that it can generate the correct urls for a docset feed.
# It looks for the first remote with the pattern:
git=`xcrun --find git`
docsetutil=`xcrun --find docsetutil`
originaldirectory=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
codebranch=`$git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
projectname=`basename "$PWD"`
initialdefaultcommitmessage="Initial documentation"
updatedefaultcommitmessage="Update documentation"
# find real templates location (.appledoc might be a link)
pushd $HOME > /dev/null
link=`readlink ".appledoc"`
if [[ $link != "" ]];
cd $link
cd ".appledoc"
popd > /dev/null
# try to fish out the github user from the git remotes - we use the first one that seems to be a github repo that we can write to
# (this logic may be flawed!)
remotes=`git remote -v`
[[ $remotes =~ $pattern ]]
# if we're on the documentation branch, something's gone wrong
if [[ "$codebranch" == "gh-pages" ]]
echo "You seem to be on the gh-pages branch. Checkout a code branch instead."
exit 1
echo "Generating documentation for $projectname"
# make a clean temp directory
rm -rf "$tempdir"
mkdir -p -v "$tempdir"
# generate docset and html, install docset in xcode, create atom feed and downloadable package
appledoc \
--templates "$templates" \
--keep-intermediate-files \
--create-html \
--create-docset \
--install-docset \
--publish-docset \
--docsetutil-path "$docsetutil" \
--docset-atom-filename "docset.atom" \
--docset-feed-url "http://$$projectname/$docdirectory/%DOCSETATOMFILENAME" \
--docset-package-url "http://$$projectname/$docdirectory/%DOCSETPACKAGEFILENAME" \
--docset-fallback-url "http://$$docdirectory/" \
--project-name $projectname \
-o "$tempdir" "$@" ./
# clone doc branch of current repo into temporary location
$git clone "$originaldirectory" "$tempdir/branch"
if $git show-ref --tags --quiet --verify -- "refs/heads/$docbranch"
cd "$tempdir/branch"
echo "Checking out $docbranch branch"
$git checkout $docbranch
cd "$tempdir/branch"
echo "Creating $docbranch branch"
$git symbolic-ref HEAD "refs/heads/$docbranch"
rm .git/index
$git clean -fdx
# make sure stale docs are removed - re-adding will cause an update
$git rm -rf "$docdirectory" --quiet
# move the generated docs to docdirectory and cleanup
mkdir "$docdirectory"
mv -v ../html/* "$docdirectory"
mv -v ../publish/* "$docdirectory"
# add directory and commit with default message, allowing editing
$git add -f -v "$docdirectory"
$git commit -e -m "$defaultcommitmessage"
# push changes back to our repo
$git push origin $docbranch
# remove temporary directory
rm -rf "$tempdir"
echo "Feed URL is at http://$$projectname/$docdirectory/docset.atom"
echo "To push the documentation changes, do:"
echo "git push $githubrepo $docbranch:$docbranch"
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<string>Elegant Chaos</string>
<string>Unit Tests</string>
<string>%PROJECT Project</string>
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