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Created October 2, 2018 20:05
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/// Prefix operator to turn a KeyPath into a function
prefix operator ~
/// Allows a key path to be passed into mapping functions
/// e.g.\.name)
prefix func ~<A, B>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<A, B>) -> (A) -> B {
return { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
/// Allows a key path to be passed into sorting functions
/// e.g. people.sorted(~\.name)
prefix func ~<A, B>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<A, B>) -> (A, A) -> Bool where B: Comparable {
return { $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath] }
/// Allows a Boolean-type key path to be passed into filter-like functions,
/// `filter`, `first(where:)`, `drop(while:)`, etc.
/// e.g. people.first(where: ~\.address.street.isEmpty)
prefix func ~<A>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<A, Bool>) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
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