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Created June 25, 2023 03:50
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uuid in racket
#lang racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base
(only-in racket/format ~r)
(only-in racket/port
(only-in openssl/md5 md5-bytes)
(only-in openssl/sha1 sha1-bytes)
(provide (contract-out
[uuid? (-> any/c boolean?)]
[nil-uuid uuid?]
[uuid-ns:dns uuid?]
[uuid-ns:url uuid?]
[uuid-ns:oid uuid?]
[uuid-ns:x500 uuid?]
[uuid3 (-> uuid? bytes? uuid?)]
[uuid4 (-> uuid?)]
[uuid5 (-> uuid? bytes? uuid?)]
[uuid->string (-> uuid? string?)]
[string->uuid (-> string? (or/c #f immutable-bytes?))]
[read-uuid-string (-> input-port? (or/c #f immutable-bytes?))]
[write-uuid-string (->* (uuid?) (output-port?) any)]))
(define (immutable-bytes? b)
(and (bytes? b) (immutable? b)))
(define-syntax-parameter byte-index
(lambda (stx)
#f "use of a byte-index keyword not in a for/bytes" stx)))
(define-syntax for/bytes
[(_ {~seq #:size size} #:immutable . rest)
(for/bytes #:size size . rest))]
[(_ {~seq #:size size} (for-clauses ...) body ...+)
#:declare body (expr/c #'byte?)
#:with orig-stx this-syntax
#'(let ([the-bytes (make-bytes size)])
(for/fold/derived orig-stx () ([i (in-range size)] for-clauses ...)
(define v
(syntax-parameterize ([byte-index (make-rename-transformer #'i)])
body.c ...))
(bytes-set! the-bytes i v)
(define (hexdigits-byte n)
(~r n #:base 16 #:min-width 2 #:pad-string "0"))
(define (random-byte)
(random 0 256))
(define (make-random-bytes size)
(for/bytes #:size size () (random-byte)))
(define-syntax-rule (any-equal? v1 [vs ...])
(or (= v1 vs) ...))
(define (list->immutable-bytes bs)
(bytes->immutable-bytes (list->bytes bs)))
(define (uuid? b)
(and (immutable-bytes? b)
(= 16 (bytes-length b))
(let ([version (arithmetic-shift (bytes-ref b 6) -4)])
(<= 0 version 5))
(or (let ([variant (arithmetic-shift (bytes-ref b 8) -6)])
(= variant #b10))
(bytes=? nil-uuid b))))
(define nil-uuid (bytes->immutable-bytes (make-bytes 16 0)))
(define (format-uuid-bytes some-bytes version)
(let ([version (arithmetic-shift version 4)])
(for/list ([b (in-bytes some-bytes)] [i (in-range 16)])
[(= i 6)
(bitwise-ior version (bitwise-and #x0f b))]
[(= i 8)
(bitwise-ior #x80 (bitwise-and #x3f b))]
[else b])))))
(define ((make-hash-uuid hashf version) namespace name-bytes)
(bytes-append namespace name-bytes) hashf)
(define uuid3 (make-hash-uuid md5-bytes 3))
(define uuid5 (make-hash-uuid sha1-bytes 5))
(define (uuid4)
(format-uuid-bytes (make-random-bytes 16) 4))
(define (write-uuid-string u [out (current-output-port)])
(for ([b (in-bytes u)] [i (in-range 16)])
(display (hexdigits-byte b) out)
(when (any-equal? i [3 5 7 9])
(display "-" out))))
(define (uuid->string u)
(lambda (outp) (write-uuid-string u outp))))
(define (read-uuid-string [in (current-input-port)])
(let/ec escape
(define (fail) (escape #f))
(define (read-octet)
(define s (read-string 2 in))
(when (eof-object? s) (fail))
(or (string->number s 16) (fail)))
(define (expect-break)
(define ch (read-char in))
(when (or (eof-object? ch) (not (char=? ch #\-))) (fail)))
(for/bytes #:size 16 #:immutable ()
(when (any-equal? byte-index [3 5 7 9])
(define (string->uuid s)
(call-with-input-string s read-uuid-string))
(define uuid-ns:dns (string->uuid "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"))
(define uuid-ns:url (string->uuid "6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"))
(define uuid-ns:oid (string->uuid "6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"))
(define uuid-ns:x500 (string->uuid "6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8"))
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