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Last active November 26, 2019 22:14
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#lang racket/base
;; Growing Tree Algorithm
(require racket/class
(struct cell (x y) #:transparent)
(struct edge (from to) #:transparent)
(struct maze (width height edges))
(define (generate-maze width height)
(define visited (make-vector (* width height) #f))
(define (add-edge edges from to)
(list* (edge from to) edges))
(define (cell->index c)
(match-define (cell x y) c)
(+ x (* width y)))
(define (visit! c)
(vector-set! visited (cell->index c) #t))
(define (visited? c)
(vector-ref visited (cell->index c)))
(define (unvisited? c)
(not (visited? c)))
(define (neighbors c)
(match-define (cell x y) c)
(for*/list ([dy (in-range -1 2 1)]
[dx (in-range -1 2 1)]
(or (and (zero? dx) (zero? dy))
(< 1 (+ (abs dx) (abs dy))))
[y (in-value (+ dy y))]
[x (in-value (+ dx x))]
(and (<= 0 x) (< x width)
(<= 0 y) (< y height)))
(cell x y)))
(define (unvisited-neighbors c)
(filter unvisited? (neighbors c)))
;; default pick favors N W E S
#;(define pick-neighbor stream-first)
(define (pick-neighbor n*)
(for/fold ([sel #f]) ([i (in-naturals 1)]
[n n*])
(if (< (* i (random)) 1) n sel)))
(define (once edges to-explore)
(define cur (first to-explore))
(define n* (unvisited-neighbors cur))
[(pick-neighbor n*)
(lambda (next)
(visit! next)
(values (add-edge edges cur next)
(list* next to-explore)))]
(values edges (rest to-explore))]))
(define (generate edges to-explore)
(if (empty? to-explore)
(lambda () (once edges to-explore))
(define initial-cell
(cell (random width) (random height)))
(visit! initial-cell)
(define edges
(generate null (list initial-cell)))
(maze width height edges))
(define (draw-maze m)
(match-define (maze width height edges) m)
(dc (lambda (dc x0 y0)
(define-syntax-rule (tx v) (+ 3 (* 5 v)))
(send dc set-background "black")
(send dc clear)
(define old-pen (send dc get-pen))
(define old-transform (send dc get-transformation))
(send dc set-pen (make-pen #:color "white" #:width 2 #:cap 'butt))
(send dc translate x0 y0)
(for ([an-edge (in-list edges)])
(edge (cell x1 y1) (cell x2 y2))
(send dc draw-point (tx x1) (tx y1))
(send dc draw-point (tx x2) (tx y2))
(send dc draw-line (tx x1) (tx y1) (tx x2) (tx y2)))
(send dc set-pen old-pen)
(send dc set-transformation old-transform))
(* 5 width) (* 5 height))))
(define (prune-maze m)
(match-define (maze width height edges) m)
(define connections (make-vector (* width height) 0))
(define-syntax-rule (incr! c)
(match-let ([(cell x y) c])
(let ([o (+ x (* 50 y))])
(vector-set! connections o (add1 (vector-ref connections o))))))
(for ([e (in-list edges)])
(incr! (edge-from e))
(incr! (edge-to e)))
(displayln (~r #:precision '(= 2)
(/ (+ 0.0 (for/sum ([v (in-vector connections)]) v))
(vector-length connections))))
(define dead-cells
(for*/list ([y (in-range 50)]
[x (in-range 50)]
#:when (= 1 (vector-ref connections (+ x (* 50 y)))))
(cell x y)))
(for/fold ([edges edges]) ([c (in-list dead-cells)])
(for/list ([e (in-list edges)]
#:unless (or (equal? (first e) c)
(equal? (rest e) c)))
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