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Last active May 12, 2018 07:42
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Macros by Example in Typed Racket

Macros By Example in Typed Racket

Based on

(Yep people still have FTP servers out there...)


Just matches a sexp and expands it (once.)

Some things don't work...

Double ellipsis in template

> ((make-expander
    '((x ...) ...)
    '(x ... ...))
   '((a b) (c d) (e f)))
template-instantiate: missing ellipsis in template x #(struct:ellipsis-matches (a b))
> (bind-pattern '((x ...) ...) '((a b) (c d) (e f)))
- : (U Env False)
   (ellipsis-matches '(a b))
   (ellipsis-matches '(c d))
   (ellipsis-matches '(e f)))))

More stuff after ellipsis

> ((make-expander '(y x ...) '(x ... y)) '(1 2 3 4))
- : (U False Sexp)
'(2 3 4)
;; should be '(2 3 4 1)
#lang typed/racket/base
(define-type Pattern
(U Symbol Null (Pairof Pattern Pattern) (List Pattern '...)))
(define-type Sexp
(U Symbol Number Null (Pairof Sexp Sexp)))
(define-predicate sexp? Sexp)
(define-type Level Nonnegative-Integer)
(struct ellipsis-matches
([ls : (Listof Pattern-Binding)])
#:type-name Ellipsis-Matches
(: ellipsis-matches-length (Ellipsis-Matches -> Nonnegative-Integer))
(define (ellipsis-matches-length em)
(length (ellipsis-matches-ls em)))
(define-type Pattern-Binding
(U Sexp Ellipsis-Matches))
(define-type Env
(Immutable-HashTable Symbol Pattern-Binding))
(: env-union (Env Env -> Env))
(define (env-union e0 e1)
(for/fold ([e0 : Env e0]) ([(k v) (in-hash e1)])
(hash-set e0 k v)))
(: combine-env ((Listof Env) -> Env))
(define (combine-env e*)
(if (null? e*)
(for/fold ([e : Env (hasheq)]) ([(k v) (in-hash (car e*))])
(hash-set e k (ellipsis-matches
(for/list : (Listof Pattern-Binding) ([e (in-list e*)])
(hash-ref e k)))))))
(: prune-env (Env (Listof Symbol) -> Env))
(define (prune-env e0 s*)
(for/fold ([e : Env (hasheq)]) ([s (in-list s*)])
(hash-set e s (hash-ref e0 s))))
(: env-ellipsis-same-lengths (Env -> (Option Nonnegative-Integer)))
(define (env-ellipsis-same-lengths e)
(let/ec break : (Option Nonnegative-Integer)
(for/fold ([l : (Option Nonnegative-Integer) #f]) ([v (in-hash-values e)])
(if (ellipsis-matches? v)
(let* ([l0 (ellipsis-matches-length v)]
[l1 (or l l0)])
(if (= l0 l1)
(break #f)))
(: transpose-sexp
(Listof (Listof Pattern-Binding))
(Listof (Listof Pattern-Binding))))
(define (transpose-sexp i xs*)
[(zero? i) null]
(let-values ([(xs xs*)
(for/fold ([xs : (Listof Pattern-Binding) null]
[xs* : (Listof (Listof Pattern-Binding)) null])
([x (in-list (reverse xs*))])
(values (cons (car x) xs)
(cons (cdr x) xs*)))])
(cons xs (transpose-sexp (sub1 i) xs*)))]))
(: decompose-env (Env -> (Listof Env)))
(define (decompose-env e)
;; Split environment into level 0 and everything else
(define-values (e0 k* xs*)
([e0 : Env (hasheq)]
[k* : (Listof Symbol) null]
[xs* : (Listof (Listof Pattern-Binding)) null])
([(k v) (in-hash e)])
(if (sexp? v)
(values (hash-set e0 k v) k* xs*)
(values e0
(cons k k*)
(cons (ellipsis-matches-ls v
#;(assert v ellipsis-matches?))
;; Transpose ellipsis values to spread across envs
(define txs*
(assert (env-ellipsis-same-lengths e))
(for/list : (Listof Env) ([v* (in-list txs*)])
(for/fold : Env ([e : Env e0]) ([v (in-list v*)]
[k (in-list k*)])
(hash-set e k v))))
(: free-vars (Pattern -> (Listof Symbol)))
(define (free-vars p)
(: free-vars-acc (Pattern (Listof Symbol) -> (Listof Symbol)))
(define (free-vars-acc p a)
[(null? p) a]
[(symbol? p) (cons p a)]
[(ellipsis-pattern? p) (free-vars-acc (car p) a)]
[(pair? p) (free-vars-acc (cdr p) (free-vars-acc (car p) a))]
(error 'free-vars "unknown pattern:" p)]))
(free-vars-acc p null))
(: ellipsis-pattern? (Pattern -> Boolean))
(define (ellipsis-pattern? p)
(and (pair? p)
(pair? (cdr p))
(eq? '... (cadr p))))
(: bind-pattern (Pattern Sexp -> (Option Env)))
(define (bind-pattern p s)
[(null? p) (and (null? s) (hasheq))]
[(symbol? p) (hasheq p s)]
[(ellipsis-pattern? p) (and (list? s)
(if (null? s)
(for/hash : Env
([i (in-list (free-vars (car p)))])
(values i (ellipsis-matches null)))
(bind-pattern* (car p) s)))]
[(pair? p) (and (pair? s)
(let ([e0 (bind-pattern (car p) (car s))]
[e1 (bind-pattern (cdr p) (cdr s))])
(and e0 e1 (env-union e0 e1))))]
(error 'bind-pattern "unknown pattern:" p)]))
(: bind-pattern* (Pattern (Listof Sexp) -> (Option Env)))
(define (bind-pattern* p s*)
(let ([e* (let/ec break : (Option (Listof Env))
(for/list : (Listof Env) ([s (in-list s*)])
(or (bind-pattern p s) (break #f))))])
(and e* (combine-env e*))))
(: template-instantiate (Pattern Env -> Sexp))
(define (template-instantiate p e)
[(null? p) p]
[(symbol? p) (let ([r : Pattern-Binding
(hash-ref e p (lambda () p))])
(if (sexp? r)
(error 'template-instantiate
"missing ellipsis in template"
p r)))]
[(ellipsis-pattern? p) (template-instantiate*
(car p) (prune-env e (free-vars (car p))))]
[(pair? p) (cons (template-instantiate (car p) e)
(template-instantiate (cdr p) e))]
(error 'template-instantiate "unknown template:" p)]))
(: template-instantiate* (Pattern Env -> (Listof Sexp)))
(define (template-instantiate* p e)
(for/list : (Listof Sexp) ([e (in-list (decompose-env e))])
(template-instantiate p e)))
(: make-expander (Pattern Pattern -> (Sexp -> (Option Sexp))))
(define (make-expander p t)
(lambda (s)
(let ([e (bind-pattern p s)])
(and e (template-instantiate t e)))))
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