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Last active April 27, 2023 04:20
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#lang racket
(define-logger workin)
(struct queue (fore aft))
(define (enqueue q w)
(match q
[(queue a d) (queue a (cons w d))]))
(define (reorder q v)
(define elems (append (queue-fore q) (reverse (queue-aft q))))
(queue (cons v (remv v elems)) null))
(define (queue-empty? q)
(match q
[(queue (list) (list)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (queue-top q)
(match q
[(queue (list) d) (car (reverse d))]
[(queue (cons a _) _) a]))
(define (dequeue q)
(match q
[(queue (list) d) (dequeue (queue (reverse d) null))]
[(queue (cons _ a) d) (queue a d)]))
(define req-ch (make-channel))
(define rpy-ch (make-channel))
(define work-ch (make-channel))
(define (run workq)
(sync (handle-evt req-ch
[`(enq ,work)
(channel-put rpy-ch work)
(run (enqueue workq work))]
[`(reorder ,id) (run (reorder workq id))]))
(if (queue-empty? workq)
(handle-evt (channel-put-evt work-ch (queue-top workq))
(λ (v)
(run (dequeue workq)))))))
(define (queue-work w)
(channel-put req-ch `(enq ,w))
(channel-get rpy-ch))
(define (reorder-work w)
(channel-put req-ch `(reorder ,w)))
(define (dequeue-work)
(channel-get work-ch))
(thread (λ () (run (queue null null))))
(λ ()
(for ([i 30])
(log-workin-info "queuing work for ~a" i)
(queue-work i)
(sleep 1/10))))
(λ ()
(define (run)
(define w (channel-get work-ch))
(log-workin-info "working on ~a" w)
(sleep 1)
(sleep 5)
(log-workin-info "rescheduling")
(reorder-work 10)
(sleep 2)
(reorder-work 20)
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