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Created January 5, 2018 01:43
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from fixture import TestCase
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import (floats, integers, text, booleans,
datetimes, none, fixed_dictionaries,
lists, sampled_from, composite)
from user import User
ndb.model.IntegerProperty: lambda: integers(),
ndb.model.FloatProperty: lambda: floats(allow_nan=False, allow_infinity=False),
ndb.model.BooleanProperty: lambda: booleans(),
ndb.model.StringProperty: lambda: text(max_size=500),
ndb.model.TextProperty: lambda: text(),
ndb.model.DateTimeProperty: lambda: datetimes(),
ndb.model.StructuredProperty: lambda: none()
def property_strategy(prop):
strategy_fx = PROPERTIES[type(prop)]
strategy = strategy_fx()
if prop._repeated:
strategy = lists(strategy)
if prop._choices:
ls = list(prop._choices)
return sampled_from(ls)
return strategy
def properties_strategy(klass):
assert type(klass) == ndb.model.MetaModel
props = klass._properties
gens = {k:property_strategy(v) for k,v in props.items()
if type(v) is not ndb.model.ComputedProperty}
return fixed_dictionaries(gens)
def entity_strategy(draw, klass):
prop_dict = draw(properties_strategy(klass))
return klass(**prop_dict)
class UserTest(TestCase):
def test_user(self, user):
assert user
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