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Last active October 13, 2019 06:07
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Setup Proxies for Dev


brew install stunnel
brew install socat

Your stunnel config file in client (/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf, /usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf) :

client = yes
foreground = yes
debug = debug

accept = <stunnel-local-port-to-listen>
connect = <stunnel-server-ip>:<stunnel-server-port>
cert = <absolute-path-to-stunnel-cert.pem>

For Git

git config --global http.proxy http://127.0.01:<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>
git config --global https.proxy<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>

& through SSH

# used like : git clone git@github-special-user:user-or-org/repo.git
Host github-special-user
  User git
  proxycommand socat - PROXY:127.0.01:%h:%p,proxyport=<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>
  IdentityFile <path-to-private-key>
  IdentitiesOnly yes

  User git
  proxycommand socat - PROXY:127.0.01:%h:%p,proxyport=<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>
  IdentityFile <path-to-private-key>
  IdentitiesOnly yes

For Docker

Docker Desktop provide this in a easy way; just open the Preferences of Docker Desktop, then you can find it at RESOURCES/PROXIES

Google Cloud

from (here)[]

gcloud config set proxy/type http
gcloud config set proxy/address
gcloud config set proxy/port <stunnel-local-port-to-listen>

For Google Chrome

open -a "Google Chrome" --args --proxy-server=<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>

What I did:

$ cd /Applications/Google
$ mv "Google Chrome" GoogleChrome-Main
$ cat > Google\ Chrome
#! /bin/sh
/Applications/Google\ --proxy-server=<stunnel-local-port-to-listen>
$ chmod +x Google\ Chrome


In Preferences you can find Proxy page/section.

How to Run

By the config params that we have set for stunnel, it's not going to be run in background. It needs to be run in foreground and it makes it more explicit. Non of the configured software could not connect to anyplace till you, explicitly run stunnel. Also in this way you can test all your configs by running your application when stunnel is running ro not, and see logs when it's running.

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