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Created June 13, 2019 15:10
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KG schema
\tikzstyle{rect}=[rectangle,draw=black!75,fill=black!20,minimum size=0mm, node distance=7.5pt]
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\node [circ, blue, double] (p) {\textbf{P}};
\node [circ, green, double, xshift=-50pt] (d) [below of=p]{\textbf{D}};
\node [circ, purple, double, xshift=50pt] (g) [below of=p]{\textbf{P}};
\node [circ, red, double, xshift=-20pt] (s) [below of=d]{\textbf{\scriptsize SE}};
\node [circ, laven, double, xshift=50pt] (b) [below of=d]{\textbf{D}};
\node [circ, gray, double, xshift=20pt] (n) [below of=g]{\textbf{\scriptsize AB}};
\node [circ, teal, double, xshift=-5pt, yshift=-45pt] (m) [right of=g]{\textbf{M}};
\node [circ, yellow, double, xshift=5pt, yshift=-5pt] (ec1) [right of=g]{\scriptsize\textbf{GO}};
\node [circ, yellow, double, xshift=-15pt, yshift=45pt] (ip) [right of=g]{\bf \scriptsize IP};
\node [circ, yellow, double, xshift=5pt, yshift=-15pt] (atc1) [left of=d]{\textbf{A}};
\node [circ, yellow, double, xshift=25pt, yshift=40pt] (dg) [left of=d]{\textbf{C}};
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (d) to node [anchor=south, yshift=-14pt] {\scriptsize Drug Target Protein} (g);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (d) to node [anchor=east, xshift=15pt, yshift=5pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{55}{Drug Pathway}} (p);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (s) to node [anchor=east, xshift=2pt, yshift=0pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{75}{Drug Side-effect}} (d);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (b) to node [anchor=east, xshift=8pt, yshift=-2pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{60}{Protein Disease}} (g);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (d) to node [anchor=south, xshift=4pt, yshift=-18pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{305}{Drug Disease}} (b);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (g) to node [anchor=east, xshift=15pt, yshift=5pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{40}{Protein InterPro}} (ip);
\draw[bend right=10, <->] (g) to node [anchor=west, xshift=-10pt, yshift=5pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{305}{Protein Pathway}} (p);
\draw[bend right=10, <->] (m) to node [anchor=west, xshift=-17pt, yshift=-10pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{320}{Protein Motif}} (g);
\draw[bend right=10, <->] (n) to node [anchor=west, xshift=-20pt, yshift=-5pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{285}{Protein Antibody}} (g);
\draw[bend left=10, <->] (g) to node [anchor=south, xshift=5pt] {\scriptsize Protein GO} (ec1);
\draw[bend right=10, <->] (d) to node [anchor=south east, xshift=10pt, yshift=3pt] {\scriptsize ATC Class} (atc1);
\draw[bend right=10, <->] (d) to node [anchor=south east, xshift=20pt, yshift=-10pt] {\scriptsize \rotatebox[origin=c]{320}{Drug Class}} (dg);
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