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Stefan Ames sames

  • Leopoldshöhe, Germany
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sames /
Last active February 28, 2025 14:17
Helper Script to create a new Certificate Authority and Certificates for your local lan.
# Certhelper - A tool for creating certificates with OpenSSL
# Usage:
# -h | --help - Display this help
# -ca [name] - Create a new Certificate Authority (default: rootca)
# -cert <domain> [ca] - Create a new certificate for <domain> using specified CA
# -i <ca-name|domain> - Install a certificate on the system (Linux only)
# -list - List all existing CAs
# Enable TRIM support for 3rd Party SSDs. Works for Mountain Lion, should work on earlier OSes too.
# Tested on 10.8.2, checked for proper operation on 10.8.0, but never booted with the modified kext.
# Original source:
set -e
set -x
sames /
Created August 23, 2012 10:29
Amazon Glacier from Python. Based on Boto, will contribute to Boto when it's a little more finished if it's any good at that point :)
# Thomas Parslow
# Just a work in progress and adapted to what I need right now.
# It does uploads (via a file-like object that you write to) and
# I've started on downloads. Needs the development version of Boto from Github.
# Example:
# glacierconn = GlacierConnection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
# writer = GlacierWriter(glacierconn, GLACIER_VAULT)
# writer.write(somedata)