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Last active November 24, 2015 21:15
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snakemake syntax to make input based on wildcards
# broken, but expresses idea
rule parseMvar:
input: DATA + 'collapseCalls_snvs/{sample}.tab',
expand(DATA + 'bedIntr/{{sample}}_{sample2}.bed', \
sample2 = n2t['{wildcards.sample}'])
output: DATA + 'snv_tumorStatus/{sample}.tab'
shell: 'python {input} {output}'
# correct syntax
def getTumor(wc):
return [ DATA + 'collapseCalls_snvs/' + wc.sample + '.tab',
DATA + 'bedIntr/' + wc.sample + '_' + n2t[wc.sample] + '.bed']
rule parseMvar:
input: getTumor
output: DATA + 'snv_tumorStatus/{sample}.tab'
shell: 'python {input} {output}'
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