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Created May 5, 2022 14:47
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untitled: a trio from
type Axes
type Function
predicate On(Function, Axes)
canvas {
width = 800
height = 700
const {
scalar axesSize = 350
scalar arrowheadSize = 0.7
scalar lineThickness = 1
color gray = rgba(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1)
color lightBlue = rgba(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1)
color lightGray = rgba(252, 252, 252, 0.015)
color none = rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
Axes A {
scalar axisSize = const.axesSize / 2
vec2 A.origin = (0, 0)
vec2 o = A.origin
A.axisColor = const.gray
A.background = Rectangle {
center: A.origin
width: const.axesSize
height: const.axesSize
fillColor: const.lightGray
strokeColor: const.none
A.xAxis = Line {
start: (o[0] - axisSize, o[1])
end: (o[0] + axisSize, o[1])
strokeWidth: const.lineThickness
style: "solid"
strokeColor: A.axisColor
startArrowhead: true
endArrowhead: true
arrowheadSize: const.arrowheadSize * 2
A.yAxis = Line {
start: (o[0], o[1] - axisSize)
end: (o[0], o[1] + axisSize)
strokeWidth: const.lineThickness
style: "solid"
strokeColor: A.axisColor
startArrowhead: true
endArrowhead: true
arrowheadSize: const.arrowheadSize * 2
Function f; Axes A
where On(f, A) {
f.start = (?, ?)
f.end = (?, ?)
f.graph = Line {
start: f.start
end: f.end
strokeWidth: 3
strokeColor: const.lightBlue
startArrowhead: true
endArrowhead: true
arrowheadSize: const.arrowheadSize
scalar axisSize = const.axesSize / 2
vec2 o = A.origin
scalar a = 0.5
ensure equal((f.start[0] + f.end[0]) / 2, 0)
ensure equal((f.start[1] + f.end[1]) / 2, 0)
ensure equal(min(f.start[0], f.start[1]), -axisSize)
ensure equal(max(f.end[0], f.end[1]), axisSize)
ensure equal((f.end[1] - f.start[1]) / (f.end[0] - f.start[0]), a)
Axes A
Function f
On(f, A)
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