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Created October 1, 2018 22:32
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8' />
<title>Join local JSON data with vector tile geometries</title>
<meta name='viewport' content='initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no' />
<script src=''></script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' />
<script src=''></script>
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#map {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
<div id='map'></div>
mapboxgl.accessToken = '<your access token here>';
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9',
center: [-99.9, 41.5],
zoom: 1
// Join local JSON data with vector tile geometry
// unemployment rate in 2009
// Source
var maxValue = 14;
var localData = [
{ STATE_ID: '01', unemployment: 13.17 },
{ STATE_ID: '02', unemployment: 9.5 },
{ STATE_ID: '04', unemployment: 12.15 },
{ STATE_ID: '05', unemployment: 8.99 },
{ STATE_ID: '06', unemployment: 11.83 },
{ STATE_ID: '08', unemployment: 7.52 },
{ STATE_ID: '09', unemployment: 6.44 },
{ STATE_ID: '10', unemployment: 5.17 },
{ STATE_ID: '12', unemployment: 9.67 },
{ STATE_ID: '13', unemployment: 10.64 },
{ STATE_ID: '15', unemployment: 12.38 },
{ STATE_ID: '16', unemployment: 10.13 },
{ STATE_ID: '17', unemployment: 9.58 },
{ STATE_ID: '18', unemployment: 10.63 },
{ STATE_ID: '19', unemployment: 8.09 },
{ STATE_ID: '20', unemployment: 5.93 },
{ STATE_ID: '21', unemployment: 9.86 },
{ STATE_ID: '22', unemployment: 9.81 },
{ STATE_ID: '23', unemployment: 7.82 },
{ STATE_ID: '24', unemployment: 8.35 },
{ STATE_ID: '25', unemployment: 9.1 },
{ STATE_ID: '26', unemployment: 10.69 },
{ STATE_ID: '27', unemployment: 11.53 },
{ STATE_ID: '28', unemployment: 9.29 },
{ STATE_ID: '29', unemployment: 9.94 },
{ STATE_ID: '30', unemployment: 9.29 },
{ STATE_ID: '31', unemployment: 5.45 },
{ STATE_ID: '32', unemployment: 4.21 },
{ STATE_ID: '33', unemployment: 4.27 },
{ STATE_ID: '34', unemployment: 4.09 },
{ STATE_ID: '35', unemployment: 7.83 },
{ STATE_ID: '36', unemployment: 8.01 },
{ STATE_ID: '37', unemployment: 9.34 },
{ STATE_ID: '38', unemployment: 11.23 },
{ STATE_ID: '39', unemployment: 7.08 },
{ STATE_ID: '40', unemployment: 11.22 },
{ STATE_ID: '41', unemployment: 6.2 },
{ STATE_ID: '42', unemployment: 9.11 },
{ STATE_ID: '44', unemployment: 10.42 },
{ STATE_ID: '45', unemployment: 8.89 },
{ STATE_ID: '46', unemployment: 11.03 },
{ STATE_ID: '47', unemployment: 7.35 },
{ STATE_ID: '48', unemployment: 8.92 },
{ STATE_ID: '49', unemployment: 7.65 },
{ STATE_ID: '50', unemployment: 8.01 },
{ STATE_ID: '51', unemployment: 7.62 },
{ STATE_ID: '53', unemployment: 7.77 },
{ STATE_ID: '54', unemployment: 8.49 },
{ STATE_ID: '55', unemployment: 9.42 },
{ STATE_ID: '56', unemployment: 7.59 }
map.on('load', function() {
method: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
}).done(function(data) {
function createViz(lookupData) {
var dataValues =;
// Add Mapbox Enterprise Boundaries source for state polygons.
map.addSource('statesData', {
type: 'vector',
url: 'mapbox://mapbox.enterprise-boundaries-a1-v2'
// Add layer from the vector tile source with data-driven style
// Use a feature-state dependent expression to compute the the green color band based on
// the unemployment percentage
id: 'states-join',
type: 'fill',
source: 'statesData',
'source-layer': 'boundaries_admin_1',
paint: {
['!=', ['feature-state', 'unemployment'], null],
['interpolate', ['linear'], ['feature-state', 'unemployment'], 4, 'rgba(222,235,247,1)', 14, 'rgba(49,130,189,1)'],
'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)'
}, 'waterway-label');
// Join the JSON unemployment data with the corresponding vector features where
// === 'USA1' + `STATE_ID`.
function setStates(e) {
localData.forEach(function(row) {
map.setFeatureState({ source: 'statesData', sourceLayer: 'boundaries_admin_1', id: dataValues['USA1' + row.STATE_ID].id_int }, { unemployment: row.unemployment });
// Check if `statesData` source is loaded.
function setAfterLoad(e) {
if (e.sourceId === 'statesData' && e.isSourceLoaded) {
setStates();'sourcedata', setAfterLoad);
// If `statesData` source is loaded, call `setStates()`.
if (map.isSourceLoaded('statesData')) {
} else {
map.on('sourcedata', setAfterLoad);
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