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Last active March 3, 2016 21:35
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Intro to Asynchronicity in JavaScript
***Here is my attempt at explaining the default params in a standard callback in JavaScript***
When you see something like the following...
storage.users.get(message.user, function(err, user) {
if (user && {
reply(Hello + ' ' + + '!')
} else {
reply(Hello + '.')
Where do err and user (in the function in the second slot of get()) come from?
Well, let's look at what it "should" look like, for those of us not used to asynchronicity
(The following code pretends that
things happen synchronously in JS, like they would in PHP)
function getThingsFromSomeAPI(params) {
//hit API, get either an error or information
return [error, response]
var err, res
try {
[err, res] = getThingsFromSomeAPI( { key1:value1, key2:value2 } )
} catch {
Hah! Wouldn't that be nice.
Javascript doesn't wait for functions to finish however, and the default way of handling this is callbacks
Here is what actually happens
function getThingsFromSomeAPI(params, callback) {
//still hit the same api and define the same error and response variables
//but now we have to tell the function that gets called what the variables are ONCE THEY EXIST
//the first parameter is irrelevant for this explanation, but fyi it changes the context, eg the value of `this`\
//the second is an array of arguments that are passed as arguments to the callback
callback.apply(null, [error, response])
//this is how the code would actually be written in javascript
getThingsFromSomeAPI( { key1:value1, key2:value2 }, function(err, res) {
if err throw err
else doStuffWithResponse(res)
//here is one change that makes it more readable
getThingsFromSomeAPI( { key1:value1, key2:value2 }, function handleAPIResponse(err, res) {
if err throw err
else doStuffWithResponse(res)
so the function handleAPIResponse gets called, and
it gets passed the array [error, response] which sets
err = error, and res = response
So, going back to the original example:
storage.users.get(message.user, function(err, user) {
if (user && {
reply(Hello + ' ' + + '!')
} else {
reply(Hello + '.')
If things were synchronous, the function storage.users.get would be called like
[err, user] = storage.users.get(message.user)
But in JS that means
"set err and user equal to the undefined value that storage.users.get(message.user) has at this moment"
Really, what we want to do is
"Look up this user, THEN set any errors you encounter to err, and the result to res"
so we pass the function, and say,
"Hey, once you're done with the lookup, call this function, and set the values of its two parameters to the values you would have returned"
I hope this made sense. If you want to ask questions, HMU @sam_havens on twitter
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