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Last active April 7, 2017 19:59
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A macro to iterate through Neo and Matrix blocks
Don't call this method directly from templates. Rather, call the `neo` or `matrix`
methods to keep things future-proof.
Block templates may be named (from most generic to most specific)
{ block type }_{ entry field handle }_{ entry section handle}_{ entry type}.twig
{ block type }_{ entry field handle }_{ entry section handle}.twig
{ block type }_{ entry field handle }.twig
{ block type }.twig
- element: The element (entry, category, asset, etc) that has the matrix field.
- handle: The matrix field handle.
- params: Additional variables to expose to block templates. Ex. color (optional)
- blocks: Optional override to render just these given blocks
Output: Renders blocks on a Matrix or Neo field.
{% macro iterate(rootPath, element, handle, params, blocks) %}
{% spaceless %}
{% set blocks = blocks | default(element[handle]) %}
{% if blocks %}
{% set initialParams = params %}
{# filter by `enabled` for live preview #}
{% for block in blocks if block.enabled %}
Allow namespaced params.
{{ iterate.matrix(entry, 'body', {
'color': 'red',
'quote.color' : 'pink'
}) }}
`params.color` will be 'red' everywhere except in the
`quote` block where it will be pink
{% set params = initialParams %}
{% for key, value in params %}
{% set splitKey = key | split('.') %}
{% if splitKey | length and splitKey[0] == block.type %}
{% set params = params | merge({(splitKey[1]): value}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Set up includes #}
{% set includes = [] %}
{# If its an entry then add support for section handles #}
{% if element.elementType == 'Entry' %}
{% set includes = includes | merge([
rootPath ~ block.type ~ '/' ~ handle ~ '_' ~ element.section.handle ~ '_' ~ element.type,
rootPath ~ block.type ~ '/' ~ handle ~ '_' ~ element.section.handle
]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set includes = includes | merge([
rootPath ~ block.type ~ '/' ~ handle,
rootPath ~ block.type ~ '/index'
]) %}
{% if craft.config.devMode %}
<!-- BEGIN: {{ block.elementType }} | {{ block.type }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
<!-- Valid template paths: -->
{% for item in includes %}
<!-- {{ item }}.twig -->
{% endfor %}
{# Uncomment the line below to list template options on the page #}
{# <p>{% for item in includes %}{{ item }}.twig<br>{% endfor %} </p> #}
{% endif %}
{% if craft.config.devMode %}
{% include includes %}
{% else %}
{% include includes ignore missing %}
{% endif %}
{% if craft.config.devMode %}
<!-- END: {{ block.elementType }} | {{ block.type }} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -->
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endmacro %}
Iterates through Matrix field blocks
{% macro matrix(element, handle, params, blocks) %}
{% import _self as self %}
{{ self.iterate('_/matrix/', element, handle, params, blocks) }}
{% endmacro %}
Iterates through Neo field blocks
{% macro neo(element, handle, params, blocks) %}
{% import _self as self %}
{{ self.iterate('_/neo/', element, handle, params, blocks) }}
{% endmacro %}
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