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Created February 1, 2011 19:10
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package com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language.internal
import scala.collection.immutable.{List,Map}
import{Resources,CharStreams,LineProcessor, InputSupplier}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language.Language
import com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language.LanguageRepository
class InMemoryLanguageRepository extends LanguageRepository with Logging {
private lazy val languages = importLanguagesFromClassPath()
private val alpha3LookupTable : Map[String, Language] = Map({l : Language => (l.alpha3Code, l)} : _*)
private val alpha2LookupTable : Map[String, Language] = Map(languages filter {_.alpha2Code.isDefined} map{language => (language.alpha2Code.get, language)} : _*)
def findAll() : Seq[Language] = languages
def findByAlpha2Code(code: String): Option[Language] = alpha2LookupTable.get(code)
def findByAlpha3Code(code: String): Option[Language] = alpha3LookupTable.get(code)
private def importLanguagesFromClassPath() : List[Language ] = {
val iso639LanguageInputStreamSupplier = Resources.newInputStreamSupplier(url("com/sirika/openplacesearch/api/language/iso639languages"))
val iso639LanguageInputReaderSupplier = CharStreams.newReaderSupplier(iso639LanguageInputStreamSupplier, Charsets.UTF_8)
private def parseLanguages(readerSupplier: InputSupplier[InputStreamReader]) : List[Language] = {
// eng eng en English
val LanguageRE = """([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)""".r
CharStreams.readLines(readerSupplier, new LineProcessor[List[Language]]() {
private[this] var languages : List[Language] = Nil
private[this] var lineNumber = 1
def getResult() : List[Language] = languages
def processLine(line : String) : Boolean = {
// ignore first line
if(lineNumber > 1) {
line match {
case "" => debug("Ignoring empty line " + lineNumber)
case LanguageRE(alpha3Code, alphaFucked, alpha2Code, name) =>
val alpha2CodeOption = if(Option(alpha2Code) exists (_.nonEmpty)) Some(alpha2Code) else None
val l = Language(name, alpha3Code, alpha2CodeOption)
languages ::= l
debug("Language has been imported: " + l)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line " + lineNumber + " cannot be processed: " + line)
} else {
debug("Ignoring first line")
private def url(classpathUrl: String) : URL = {
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(classpathUrl)
package com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language
import com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language.internal.InMemoryLanguageRepository
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers
import org.scalatest.Spec
import com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language.Languages._
import com.sirika.openplacesearch.api.language._
class LanguageRepositorySpec extends Spec with ShouldMatchers {
val languageRepository : LanguageRepository = new InMemoryLanguageRepository()
describe("findByAlpha2Code") {
it("should find the french language") {
languageRepository.findByAlpha2Code("fr") should be === Some(french)
it("should not find an inexisting language") {
languageRepository.findByAlpha2Code("zz") should be === None
describe("findByAlpha3Code") {
it("should find the french language") {
languageRepository.findByAlpha3Code("fra") should be === Some(french)
it("should not find an inexisting language") {
languageRepository.findByAlpha3Code("zzz") should be === None
describe("findAllLanguages") {
it("should retrieve 7600 languages") {
languageRepository.findAll.size should be === 7600
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