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Created June 26, 2020 18:01
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* Semi-automatic derivation done similarly to how Kittens does it
* @see
* */
final object generic {
final object semi {
def deriveSchema[A](implicit ev: MkAvroSchema[A]): HasAvroSchema[A] = ev
trait MkAvroSchemaType[A] extends HasAvroSchemaType[A] {
override def schemaType(name: String): Schema = {
val assembler =
fields.getOrElse(List.empty).foldLeft(assembler) {
case (assembler, (fieldName, fieldType)) =>`type`(fieldType).noDefault()
def fields: Option[List[(String, Schema)]]
object MkAvroSchemaType extends MkAvroSchemaTypeDerivation {
def apply[A](implicit schemaType: MkAvroSchemaType[A]) = schemaType
def withSchema[A](f: String => Schema): MkAvroSchemaType[A] =
new MkAvroSchemaType[A] {
override def schemaType(name: String) = f(name)
override def fields: Option[List[(String, Schema)]] = None
def withSchemaType[A](schema: Schema.Type): MkAvroSchemaType[A] =
withSchema[A](_ => Schema.create(schema))
def withFields[A](value: List[(String, Schema)]) = new MkAvroSchemaType[A] {
override def fields: Option[List[(String, Schema)]] = Some(value)
trait MkAvroSchemaTypeDerivation {
implicit def optionType[A](
implicit ev: HasAvroSchemaType[A] OrElse MkAvroSchemaType[A]
) =
MkAvroSchemaType.withSchema[Option[A]](name =>
implicit def seqType[A](
implicit ev: HasAvroSchemaType[A] OrElse MkAvroSchemaType[A]
): MkAvroSchemaType[Seq[A]] =
MkAvroSchemaType.withSchema[Seq[A]](name =>
implicit def mapType[A](
implicit ev: HasAvroSchemaType[A] OrElse MkAvroSchemaType[A]
): MkAvroSchemaType[Map[String, A]] =
MkAvroSchemaType.withSchema[Map[String, A]](name =>
implicit val stringType: MkAvroSchemaType[String] =
implicit val doubleType: MkAvroSchemaType[Double] =
implicit val longType: MkAvroSchemaType[Long] =
implicit val intType: MkAvroSchemaType[Int] =
implicit val emptyProductDerivedSchemaType: MkAvroSchemaType[HNil] =
implicit def productDerivedSchemaType[K <: Symbol, V, T <: HList](
implicit key: Witness.Aux[K],
typeV: HasAvroSchemaType[V] OrElse MkAvroSchemaType[V],
typeT: MkAvroSchemaType[T]
): MkAvroSchemaType[FieldType[K, V] :: T] = {
val fieldName =
val fieldAvroSchema = typeV.unify
val fieldSchema = typeV.fold(
_.fields match {
case Some(fields) =>
case None => fieldAvroSchema.schemaType(fieldName)
(fieldName, fieldSchema) :: typeT.fields.getOrElse(List.empty)
implicit def genericDerivedSchemaType[A <: Product, R <: HList](
repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
s: Lazy[MkAvroSchemaType[R]],
auto: IsAutomaticallyDerived[A]
): MkAvroSchemaType[A] = {
MkAvroSchemaType.withSchema(name => s.value.schemaType(name))
trait MkAvroSchema[A] extends HasAvroSchema[A] with MkAvroSchemaType[A]
object MkAvroSchema extends MkAvroSchemaDerivation {
def withFields[A](value: List[(String, Schema)]) = new MkAvroSchema[A] {
override def fields: Option[List[(String, Schema)]] = Some(value)
def withSchema[A](f: String => Schema): MkAvroSchema[A] =
new MkAvroSchema[A] {
override def schemaType(name: String) = f(name)
override def fields: Option[List[(String, Schema)]] = None
trait MkAvroSchemaDerivation {
implicit val emptyProductDerivedSchemaType: MkAvroSchema[HNil] =
implicit def productDerivedSchemaType[K <: Symbol, V, T <: HList](
implicit key: Witness.Aux[K],
typeV: HasAvroSchemaType[V] OrElse MkAvroSchemaType[V],
typeT: MkAvroSchema[T]
): MkAvroSchema[FieldType[K, V] :: T] = {
val fieldName =
val fieldAvroSchema = typeV.unify
val fieldSchema = typeV.fold(
_.fields match {
case Some(fields) =>
case None => fieldAvroSchema.schemaType(fieldName)
(fieldName, fieldSchema) :: typeT.fields.getOrElse(List.empty)
implicit def genericDerivedSchemaType[A, R <: HList](
repr: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
s: Lazy[MkAvroSchema[R]]
): MkAvroSchema[A] = {
MkAvroSchema.withSchema(name => s.value.schemaType(name))
* The goal is to automatically derive MkAvroSchemaType instances for tuples, not case classes.
* The idea is to mimick what most libraries do (circe, etc) and avoid black magic when it comes to deriving typeclasses.
* If a specific case class is supposed to have an AvroSchema instance, then one should be defined for the given type.
* Only tuples of size <= 5 are supported to encourage extracting case classes
* */
trait IsAutomaticallyDerived[A]
object IsAutomaticallyDerived {
def instance[A] = new IsAutomaticallyDerived[A] {}
implicit def tuple1[A1] = instance[Tuple1[A1]]
implicit def tuple2[A1, A2] = instance[Tuple2[A1, A2]]
implicit def tuple3[A1, A2, A3] = instance[Tuple3[A1, A2, A3]]
implicit def tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4] = instance[Tuple4[A1, A2, A3, A4]]
implicit def tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5] =
instance[Tuple5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5]]
import org.apache.avro.Schema
trait HasAvroSchemaType[A] {
def schemaType(name: String): Schema
object HasAvroSchemaType {
def apply[A](implicit ev: HasAvroSchemaType[A]): HasAvroSchemaType[A] = ev
def withSchema[A](f: String => Schema): HasAvroSchemaType[A] =
new HasAvroSchemaType[A] {
override def schemaType(name: String) = f(name)
def withSchemaType[A](schema: Schema.Type): HasAvroSchemaType[A] =
withSchema[A](_ => Schema.create(schema))
trait HasAvroSchema[A] extends HasAvroSchemaType[A]
object HasAvroSchema {
def apply[A](implicit enc: HasAvroSchema[A]) = enc
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