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Last active April 30, 2021 10:47
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Using Fetch API and REST API
* Load contacts and filter by categories.
( function() {
'use strict';
// Variables.
const filterForm = document.getElementById( 'filter-contacts' );
const contactWrapper = document.getElementById( 'contact-section' );
const htmlOutput = document.getElementById( 'js-contact-replace' );
const cityField = document.getElementById( 'select-office' );
const areaField = document.getElementById( 'select-area' );
const searchField = document.getElementById( 'search-contacts' );
// Filtering and search REST url.
const restUrl = '/wp-json/wp/v2/contact?_embed&per_page=100';
// Set empty contacts array and fetch all the data in there.
const contacts = [];
// Add loading class.
contactWrapper.classList.add( 'loading' );
// Fetch info from REST API.
fetch( restUrl )
.then( function( response ) {
const contentType = response.headers.get( 'content-type' );
const totalCount = response.headers.get( 'x-wp-total' );
const pages = response.headers.get( 'x-wp-totalpages' );
if ( contentType && contentType.includes( 'application/json' ) ) {
loadMore( totalCount, pages );
return response.json();
throw new TypeError( 'Oops, the format is not JSON.' );
// Load contact info, 100 contacts at one time.
function loadMore( totalCount, pages ) {
const restUrl = '/wp-json/wp/v2/contact?_embed&per_page=100';
// Loop all pages, which was counted from the first REST API fetch.
for ( let i = 1; i <= pages; i++ ) {
fetch( restUrl + '&page=' + i )
.then( blob => blob.json() )
.then( function( data ) {
// Add data to contacts array.
contacts.push( );
// When all data have been loaded, init first filtering and remove 'loading' class.
if ( contacts.length == totalCount ) {
contactWrapper.classList.remove( 'loading' );
// Template for contact cards.
function contactsTemplate( item, itemTitle, itemJobTitle, itemPhone ) {
// Get featured image if it's exist. Default img set in functions.php
let featuredImg = 0 !== item.featured_media ? item._embedded['wp:featuredmedia'][0]['media_details']['sizes']['valteri-small']['source_url'] : ValteriContacts.defaultImg;
// Get other data.
let title = '' == itemTitle ? item.title.rendered : itemTitle;
let jobTitle = '' == itemTitle ? item.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_job_title[0]: itemJobTitle;
let email = item.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_email[0];
let phone = '' == itemPhone ? item.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_phone[0]: itemPhone;
let cat = item._embedded['wp:term'][0][0]['name'];
let area = item._embedded['wp:term'][1][0]['name'];
let info = item.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_info[0];
// Add article.
return `<article class="hentry contact">
<div class="entry-inner-wrapper entry-inner-contact">
<header class="entry-header">
<p class="entry-author">
<img class="attachment-valteri-small size-valteri-small wp-post-image" src="${featuredImg}" alt="">
<h2 class="entry-title heading-medium">${title}</h2>
<div class="entry-summary">
<ul class="border-list no-margin-bottom">
<li><a href="mailto:${email}">${email}</a></li>
<li>${} ${phone}</li>
// Filter by area category.
function filterByCategory() {
// Get field values.
const office = cityField.value;
const area = areaField.value;
// Sent as empty.
const title = '';
const jobTitle = '';
const phone = '';
// Filter by field values.
const filteredArray = contacts.filter( contact => ( contact.contact_cat[0] == office && contact.contact_area[0] == area ) );
console.log( filteredArray );
// Sort by name.
const sortArray = filteredArray.sort( ( a, b ) => a.title.rendered > b.title.rendered ? 1 : -1 );
// Empty previous output.
htmlOutput.innerHTML = '';
// Clear search field.
searchField.value = '';
// If we have data, lets load it.
if ( 0 < sortArray.length ) {
const html = contact => {
return contactsTemplate( contact, title, jobTitle, phone );
}).join( '' );
htmlOutput.innerHTML = html;
// Let screen reader announce the success message.
wp.a11y.speak( ValteriContacts.found, 'assertive' );
} else {
const notFound = `<p class="contacts-not-found center-block">${ValteriContacts.notFound}</p>`;
htmlOutput.innerHTML = notFound;
// Let screen reader announce the not found message.
wp.a11y.speak( ValteriContacts.notFound, 'assertive' );
// Find search match results.
function findMatches( wordToMatch, contacts ) {
return contacts.filter( search => {
// What was searched.
const regex = new RegExp( wordToMatch, 'gi' );
return search.title.rendered.match( regex ) || search.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_job_title[0].match( regex ) || search.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_phone[0].match( regex );
// Display search results.
function displayMatches() {
// Find matches.
const matchArray = findMatches( this.value, contacts );
// Sort alphabetically.
const sortArray = matchArray.sort( ( a, b ) => a.title.rendered > b.title.rendered ? 1 : -1 );
const html = contact => {
const regex = new RegExp( this.value, 'gi' );
// Add highlight <span>.
const title = contact.title.rendered.replace( regex, `<span class="highlight">${this.value}</span>` );
const jobTitle = contact.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_job_title[0].replace( regex, `<span class="highlight">${this.value}</span>` );
const phone = contact.contact_meta_fields._valteri_contact_phone[0].replace( regex, `<span class="highlight">${this.value}</span>` );
return contactsTemplate( contact, title, jobTitle, phone );
}).join( '' );
// Add contact cards, empty first just in case.
htmlOutput.innerHTML = '';
htmlOutput.innerHTML = html;
// Filter by selected category.
cityField.addEventListener( 'change', filterByCategory );
areaField.addEventListener( 'change', filterByCategory );
// Filter by search.
searchField.addEventListener( 'change', displayMatches );
searchField.addEventListener( 'keyup', displayMatches );
}() );
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Hi Sami,

I've re-purposed this code and found it quite useful. You can see an example here.

I was wondering if you used it and experienced really slow load times using the WP REST API and if you know of any way to speed up the requests?

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