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Last active March 23, 2020 11:38
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Obstacle avoidance with HC-SR04 and Arduino Nano
//Obstacle avoiding robot with HC-SR04 and Arduino Nano
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
int dAngle_deg = 2;
const int trigPin = 8;
const int echoPin = 4;
const int buzzerPin = 3;
const int motorLeftDir = 2; //motorLeft: m1
const int motorRightDir = 7; //motorRight: m2
const int motorLeftEn = 5;
const int motorRightEn = 6;
int speed = 80;
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorLeftDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorRightDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorLeftEn, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorRightEn, OUTPUT);
void stop() {
digitalWrite(motorLeftDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorLeftEn, 0);
digitalWrite(motorRightDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorRightEn, 0);
void moveForward() {
digitalWrite(motorLeftDir, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorLeftEn, speed);
digitalWrite(motorRightDir, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorRightEn, speed);
void moveBackward() {
digitalWrite(motorLeftDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorLeftEn, speed);
digitalWrite(motorRightDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorRightEn, speed);
void turnRight() {
digitalWrite(motorLeftDir, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorLeftEn, speed);
digitalWrite(motorRightDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorRightEn, speed);
void turnLeft() {
digitalWrite(motorLeftDir, LOW);
analogWrite(motorLeftEn, speed);
digitalWrite(motorRightDir, HIGH);
analogWrite(motorRightEn, speed);
void playSiren() {
const int NOTE_C4 = 262;
const int NOTE_F4 = 349;
const int duration_ms = 500;
tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_C4, duration_ms);
tone(buzzerPin, NOTE_F4, duration_ms);
bool obstacleAt(int angle_deg) {
delay(15); //wait for servo turn to finish
delay(50-15); //wait at least 50ms between pings, otherwise results might be mixed with previous ping. See
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); //to make sure that the trigPin is clear
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); //after this, 8 cycle sonic burst will be sent out
long duration_us = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH, 2000); //2000us ~ 10cm. If you don't use timeout, it might take up to 1s for pulseIn to return.
int distanceRaw_cm = 0.034*duration_us/2;
int distance_cm = constrain(distanceRaw_cm, 0, 30); //to get rid of noisy readings
return (duration_us > 0 && distance_cm < 10); //duration_us == 0 --> no sensor reading, i.e. no obstacle near sensor
bool noObstacleAtInterval(int startAngle_deg, int endAngle_deg) {
int obstacleCounter = 0;
for(int angle_deg = startAngle_deg; angle_deg < endAngle_deg; angle_deg += dAngle_deg) {
if(obstacleAt(angle_deg)) obstacleCounter++;
if(obstacleCounter >=3) return false;
return obstacleCounter < 3;
bool frontIsClear() {
return noObstacleAtInterval(70, 110);
bool leftIsClear() {
return noObstacleAtInterval(120, 170);
bool rightIsClear() {
return noObstacleAtInterval(10, 60);
void loop() {
if(frontIsClear()) {
} else if (leftIsClear()) {
} else if (rightIsClear()) {
} else { //robot is surrounded on all three sides by obstacles
delay(500); //wait for robot motion to finish
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