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Last active March 1, 2019 22:42
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Javascript (ES5) Class

Javascript (EcmaScript 5) Class

Class.js file contains main class function that has a static function called extend. Each class that extends of main class has a function like main extend static function without superClass argument (because super class of that is this extended class).

The Behavior.js file has a extended class that is almost likes to an interface (in OO system) but it's also not realy an interface!

A behavior can append some functions to your new class with an attribute that is similar to this: Behavior:behavior_name that can show this behavior added to this class.

'use strict';
* @param {string} behavior
Behavior = Class.extend({
init: function (behavior) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "Behavior:" + behavior, {
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
configurable: false,
value: true,
var BView = Behavior.extend({
init: function () {
render: function () {
console.log("BView object rendered.");
var Class2 = Class.extend({}, BView);
var Class3 = Class.extend();
var Class4 = Class2.extend({
init: function (fname, lname, age) {
this.fullName = function () {
return lname + ", " + fname + ": " + age
var test = new Class4("joe", "gandomi", 25);
var bhvTest = new Class3();
if (bhvTest["Behavior:view"]) {
console.log("The `bhvTest` instance is a viewable class");
if (test["Behavior:view"]) {
console.log("The `test` instance is a viewable class");
'use strict';
Tigerian.MainClassDefinition = function () {};
* @param {Object} properties
* @param {Function} superClass
* @param {Behavior[]} behaviors
Tigerian.MainClassDefinition.extend = function (properties, behaviors, superClass) {
if (!Tigerian.MainClassDefinition.isInstance(properties, "object")) {
properties = {};
if (!Tigerian.MainClassDefinition.isInstance(superClass, Function)) {
superClass = Tigerian.MainClassDefinition;
if (!Tigerian.MainClassDefinition.isInstance(behaviors, Array)) {
behaviors = [];
var result = function () {
Object.defineProperty(this, "super", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: false,
value: function () {
return superClass.apply(this, Array.from(arguments));
if ("init" in properties) {
properties["init"].apply(this, Array.from(arguments));
} else {
superClass.apply(this, Array.from(arguments));
delete this.super;
for (var bhv in behaviors) {
if (MainClassDefinition.isSubclass(behaviors[bhv], Behavior)) {
var bhvCls = behaviors[bhv];;
for (var prop in properties) {
if (prop !== "init") {
this[prop] = properties[prop];
* @param {Object} props
* @param {Behavior[]} behavs
result.extend = function (props, behavs) {
if (!MainClassDefinition.isInstance(behavs, Array)) {
behavs = Array.from(arguments).splice(1);
return MainClassDefinition.extend(props, behaviors.concat(behavs), result);
result.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
result.prototype.constructor = result;
return result;
* @param {Function} subClass
* @param {Function} superClass
MainClassDefinition.isSubclass = function (subClass, superClass) {
if ((subClass instanceof Function) && (superClass instanceof Function)) {
return (Object.create(subClass.prototype) instanceof superClass);
* @param {*} instance
* @param {string|Function} type
* @returns {boolean}
MainClassDefinition.isInstance = function (instance, type) {
if (typeof type === "string") {
return (typeof instance === type);
} else if (typeof type === "function") {
var result = (instance instanceof type);
return result;
} else {
return false;
Class = MainClassDefinition.extend();
Class.isSubclass = MainClassDefinition.isSubclass;
Class.isInstance = MainClassDefinition.isInstance;
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