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/* | |
chroma.js - JavaScript library for color conversions | |
Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Gregor Aisch | |
All rights reserved. | |
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | |
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | |
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this | |
list of conditions and the following disclaimer. | |
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, | |
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation | |
and/or other materials provided with the distribution. | |
3. The name Gregor Aisch may not be used to endorse or promote products | |
derived from this software without specific prior written permission. | |
*/ | |
(function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,$,_,aa,ba,ca,da,ea,fa,ga,ha,ia,ja,ka,la,ma,na,oa,pa,qa,ra,sa,ta,ua,va,wa,xa,ya,za=[].slice;ua=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;for(a={},e="Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Undefined Null".split(" "),d=0,b=e.length;b>d;d++)c=e[d],a["[object "+c+"]"]=c.toLowerCase();return function(b){var c;return,a[c]||"object"}}(),S=function(a,b,c){return null==b&&(b=0),null==c&&(c=1),b>a&&(a=b),a>c&&(a=c),a},va=function(a){return a.length>=3?[][0]},t=function(a){var b;for(b in a)3>b?(a[b]<0&&(a[b]=0),a[b]>255&&(a[b]=255)):3===b&&(a[b]<0&&(a[b]=0),a[b]>1&&(a[b]=1));return a},d=Math.PI,pa=Math.round,w=Math.cos,B=Math.floor,_=Math.pow,T=Math.log,ra=Math.sin,sa=Math.sqrt,m=Math.atan2,W=Math.max,l=Math.abs,g=2*d,e=d/3,b=d/180,f=180/d,s=function(){return arguments[0]instanceof a?arguments[0]:function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,arguments,function(){})},k=[],"undefined"!=typeof module&&null!==module&&null!=module.exports&&(module.exports=s),"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],function(){return s}):(oa="undefined"!=typeof exports&&null!==exports?exports:this,oa.chroma=s),s.version="1.1.1",j={},h=[],i=!1,a=function(){function a(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,k,l;for(f=this,b=[],k=0,d=arguments.length;d>k;k++)a=arguments[k],null!=a&&b.push(a);if(g=b[b.length-1],null!=j[g])f._rgb=t(j[g](va(b.slice(0,-1))));else{for(i||(h=h.sort(function(a,b){return b.p-a.p}),i=!0),l=0,e=h.length;e>l&&(c=h[l],!(g=c.test.apply(c,b)));l++);g&&(f._rgb=t(j[g].apply(j,b)))}null==f._rgb&&console.warn("unknown format: "+b),null==f._rgb&&(f._rgb=[0,0,0]),3===f._rgb.length&&f._rgb.push(1)}return a.prototype.alpha=function(a){return arguments.length?(this._rgb[3]=a,this):this._rgb[3]},a.prototype.toString=function(){return},a}(),s._input=j,s.brewer=q={OrRd:["#fff7ec","#fee8c8","#fdd49e","#fdbb84","#fc8d59","#ef6548","#d7301f","#b30000","#7f0000"],PuBu:["#fff7fb","#ece7f2","#d0d1e6","#a6bddb","#74a9cf","#3690c0","#0570b0","#045a8d","#023858"],BuPu:["#f7fcfd","#e0ecf4","#bfd3e6","#9ebcda","#8c96c6","#8c6bb1","#88419d","#810f7c","#4d004b"],Oranges:["#fff5eb","#fee6ce","#fdd0a2","#fdae6b","#fd8d3c","#f16913","#d94801","#a63603","#7f2704"],BuGn:["#f7fcfd","#e5f5f9","#ccece6","#99d8c9","#66c2a4","#41ae76","#238b45","#006d2c","#00441b"],YlOrBr:["#ffffe5","#fff7bc","#fee391","#fec44f","#fe9929","#ec7014","#cc4c02","#993404","#662506"],YlGn:["#ffffe5","#f7fcb9","#d9f0a3","#addd8e","#78c679","#41ab5d","#238443","#006837","#004529"],Reds:["#fff5f0","#fee0d2","#fcbba1","#fc9272","#fb6a4a","#ef3b2c","#cb181d","#a50f15","#67000d"],RdPu:["#fff7f3","#fde0dd","#fcc5c0","#fa9fb5","#f768a1","#dd3497","#ae017e","#7a0177","#49006a"],Greens:["#f7fcf5","#e5f5e0","#c7e9c0","#a1d99b","#74c476","#41ab5d","#238b45","#006d2c","#00441b"],YlGnBu:["#ffffd9","#edf8b1","#c7e9b4","#7fcdbb","#41b6c4","#1d91c0","#225ea8","#253494","#081d58"],Purples:["#fcfbfd","#efedf5","#dadaeb","#bcbddc","#9e9ac8","#807dba","#6a51a3","#54278f","#3f007d"],GnBu:["#f7fcf0","#e0f3db","#ccebc5","#a8ddb5","#7bccc4","#4eb3d3","#2b8cbe","#0868ac","#084081"],Greys:["#ffffff","#f0f0f0","#d9d9d9","#bdbdbd","#969696","#737373","#525252","#252525","#000000"],YlOrRd:["#ffffcc","#ffeda0","#fed976","#feb24c","#fd8d3c","#fc4e2a","#e31a1c","#bd0026","#800026"],PuRd:["#f7f4f9","#e7e1ef","#d4b9da","#c994c7","#df65b0","#e7298a","#ce1256","#980043","#67001f"],Blues:["#f7fbff","#deebf7","#c6dbef","#9ecae1","#6baed6","#4292c6","#2171b5","#08519c","#08306b"],PuBuGn:["#fff7fb","#ece2f0","#d0d1e6","#a6bddb","#67a9cf","#3690c0","#02818a","#016c59","#014636"],Spectral:["#9e0142","#d53e4f","#f46d43","#fdae61","#fee08b","#ffffbf","#e6f598","#abdda4","#66c2a5","#3288bd","#5e4fa2"],RdYlGn:["#a50026","#d73027","#f46d43","#fdae61","#fee08b","#ffffbf","#d9ef8b","#a6d96a","#66bd63","#1a9850","#006837"],RdBu:["#67001f","#b2182b","#d6604d","#f4a582","#fddbc7","#f7f7f7","#d1e5f0","#92c5de","#4393c3","#2166ac","#053061"],PiYG:["#8e0152","#c51b7d","#de77ae","#f1b6da","#fde0ef","#f7f7f7","#e6f5d0","#b8e186","#7fbc41","#4d9221","#276419"],PRGn:["#40004b","#762a83","#9970ab","#c2a5cf","#e7d4e8","#f7f7f7","#d9f0d3","#a6dba0","#5aae61","#1b7837","#00441b"],RdYlBu:["#a50026","#d73027","#f46d43","#fdae61","#fee090","#ffffbf","#e0f3f8","#abd9e9","#74add1","#4575b4","#313695"],BrBG:["#543005","#8c510a","#bf812d","#dfc27d","#f6e8c3","#f5f5f5","#c7eae5","#80cdc1","#35978f","#01665e","#003c30"],RdGy:["#67001f","#b2182b","#d6604d","#f4a582","#fddbc7","#ffffff","#e0e0e0","#bababa","#878787","#4d4d4d","#1a1a1a"],PuOr:["#7f3b08","#b35806","#e08214","#fdb863","#fee0b6","#f7f7f7","#d8daeb","#b2abd2","#8073ac","#542788","#2d004b"],Set2:["#66c2a5","#fc8d62","#8da0cb","#e78ac3","#a6d854","#ffd92f","#e5c494","#b3b3b3"],Accent:["#7fc97f","#beaed4","#fdc086","#ffff99","#386cb0","#f0027f","#bf5b17","#666666"],Set1:["#e41a1c","#377eb8","#4daf4a","#984ea3","#ff7f00","#ffff33","#a65628","#f781bf","#999999"],Set3:["#8dd3c7","#ffffb3","#bebada","#fb8072","#80b1d3","#fdb462","#b3de69","#fccde5","#d9d9d9","#bc80bd","#ccebc5","#ffed6f"],Dark2:["#1b9e77","#d95f02","#7570b3","#e7298a","#66a61e","#e6ab02","#a6761d","#666666"],Paired:["#a6cee3","#1f78b4","#b2df8a","#33a02c","#fb9a99","#e31a1c","#fdbf6f","#ff7f00","#cab2d6","#6a3d9a","#ffff99","#b15928"],Pastel2:["#b3e2cd","#fdcdac","#cbd5e8","#f4cae4","#e6f5c9","#fff2ae","#f1e2cc","#cccccc"],Pastel1:["#fbb4ae","#b3cde3","#ccebc5","#decbe4","#fed9a6","#ffffcc","#e5d8bd","#fddaec","#f2f2f2"]},wa={indigo:"#4b0082",gold:"#ffd700",hotpink:"#ff69b4",firebrick:"#b22222",indianred:"#cd5c5c",yellow:"#ffff00",mistyrose:"#ffe4e1",darkolivegreen:"#556b2f",olive:"#808000",darkseagreen:"#8fbc8f",pink:"#ffc0cb",tomato:"#ff6347",lightcoral:"#f08080",orangered:"#ff4500",navajowhite:"#ffdead",lime:"#00ff00",palegreen:"#98fb98",darkslategrey:"#2f4f4f",greenyellow:"#adff2f",burlywood:"#deb887",seashell:"#fff5ee",mediumspringgreen:"#00fa9a",fuchsia:"#ff00ff",papayawhip:"#ffefd5",blanchedalmond:"#ffebcd",chartreuse:"#7fff00",dimgray:"#696969",black:"#000000",peachpuff:"#ffdab9",springgreen:"#00ff7f",aquamarine:"#7fffd4",white:"#ffffff",orange:"#ffa500",lightsalmon:"#ffa07a",darkslategray:"#2f4f4f",brown:"#a52a2a",ivory:"#fffff0",dodgerblue:"#1e90ff",peru:"#cd853f",lawngreen:"#7cfc00",chocolate:"#d2691e",crimson:"#dc143c",forestgreen:"#228b22",darkgrey:"#a9a9a9",lightseagreen:"#20b2aa",cyan:"#00ffff",mintcream:"#f5fffa",silver:"#c0c0c0",antiquewhite:"#faebd7",mediumorchid:"#ba55d3",skyblue:"#87ceeb",gray:"#808080",darkturquoise:"#00ced1",goldenrod:"#daa520",darkgreen:"#006400",floralwhite:"#fffaf0",darkviolet:"#9400d3",darkgray:"#a9a9a9",moccasin:"#ffe4b5",saddlebrown:"#8b4513",grey:"#808080",darkslateblue:"#483d8b",lightskyblue:"#87ce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a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;return b=va(arguments),f=b[0],a=b[1],d=b[2],i=(f+16)/116,h=isNaN(a)?i:i+a/500,j=isNaN(d)?i:i-d/200,i=c.Yn*O(i),h=c.Xn*O(h),j=c.Zn*O(j),g=ya(3.2404542*h-1.5371385*i-.4985314*j),e=ya(-.969266*h+1.8760108*i+.041556*j),d=ya(.0556434*h-.2040259*i+1.0572252*j),g=S(g,0,255),e=S(e,0,255),d=S(d,0,255),[g,e,d,b.length>3?b[3]:1]},ya=function(a){return pa(255*(.00304>=a?12.92*a:1.055*_(a,1/2.4)-.055))},O=function(a){return a>c.t1?a*a*a:c.t2*(a-c.t0)},c={Kn:18,Xn:.95047,Yn:1,Zn:1.08883,t0:.137931034,t1:.206896552,t2:.12841855,t3:.008856452},ga=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h;return d=va(arguments),c=d[0],b=d[1],a=d[2],e=la(c,b,a),f=e[0],g=e[1],h=e[2],[116*g-16,500*(f-g),200*(g-h)]},ma=function(a){return(a/=255)<=.04045?a/12.92:_((a+.055)/1.055,2.4)},xa=function(a){return a>c.t3?_(a,1/3):a/c.t2+c.t0},la=function(){var a,b,d,e,f,g,h;return e=va(arguments),d=e[0],b=e[1],a=e[2],d=ma(d),b=ma(b),a=ma(a),f=xa((.4124564*d+.3575761*b+.1804375*a)/c.Xn),g=xa((.2126729*d+.7151522*b+.072175*a)/c.Yn),h=xa((.0193339*d+.119192*b+.9503041*a)/c.Zn),[f,g,h]},s.lab=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["lab"]),function(){})},j.lab=N,a.prototype.lab=function(){return ga(this._rgb)},n=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l;return a=function(){var b,c,d;for(d=[],c=0,b=a.length;b>c;c++)e=a[c],d.push(s(e));return d}(),2===a.length?(j=function(){var b,c,d;for(d=[],c=0,b=a.length;b>c;c++)e=a[c],d.push(e.lab());return d}(),f=j[0],g=j[1],b=function(a){var b,c;return c=function(){var c,d;for(d=[],b=c=0;2>=c;b=++c)d.push(f[b]+a*(g[b]-f[b]));return d}(),s.lab.apply(s,c)}):3===a.length?(k=function(){var b,c,d;for(d=[],c=0,b=a.length;b>c;c++)e=a[c],d.push(e.lab());return d}(),f=k[0],g=k[1],h=k[2],b=function(a){var b,c;return c=function(){var c,d;for(d=[],b=c=0;2>=c;b=++c)d.push((1-a)*(1-a)*f[b]+2*(1-a)*a*g[b]+a*a*h[b]);return d}(),s.lab.apply(s,c)}):4===a.length?(l=function(){var b,c,d;for(d=[],c=0,b=a.length;b>c;c++)e=a[c],d.push(e.lab());return d}(),f=l[0],g=l[1],h=l[2],i=l[3],b=function(a){var b,c;return c=function(){var c,d;for(d=[],b=c=0;2>=c;b=++c)d.push((1-a)*(1-a)*(1-a)*f[b]+3*(1-a)*(1-a)*a*g[b]+3*(1-a)*a*a*h[b]+a*a*a*i[b]);return d}(),s.lab.apply(s,c)}):5===a.length&&(c=n(a.slice(0,3)),d=n(a.slice(2,5)),b=function(a){return.5>a?c(2*a):d(2*(a-.5))}),b},s.bezier=function(a){var b;return b=n(a),b.scale=function(){return s.scale(b)},b},s.cubehelix=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f,h,i;return null==a&&(a=300),null==b&&(b=-1.5),null==c&&(c=1),null==d&&(d=1),null==e&&(e=[0,1]),h=e[1]-e[0],f=0,i=function(i){var j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;return j=g*((a+120)/360+b*i),p=_(e[0]+h*i,d),o=0!==f?c[0]+i*f:c,k=o*p*(1-p)/2,m=w(j),r=ra(j),q=p+k*(-.14861*m+1.78277*r),n=p+k*(-.29227*m-.90649*r),l=p+1.97294*k*m,s(t([255*q,255*n,255*l]))},i.start=function(b){return null==b?a:(a=b,i)},i.rotations=function(a){return null==a?b:(b=a,i)},i.gamma=function(a){return null==a?d:(d=a,i)},i.hue=function(a){return null==a?c:(c=a,"array"===ua(c)?(f=c[1]-c[0],0===f&&(c=c[1])):f=0,i)},i.lightness=function(a){return null==a?e:(e=a,"array"===ua(e)?(h=e[1]-e[0],0===h&&(e=e[1])):h=0,i)},i.scale=function(){return s.scale(i)},i.hue(c),i},s.random=function(){var b,c,d,e;for(c="0123456789abcdef",b="#",d=e=0;6>e;d=++e)b+=c.charAt(B(16*Math.random()));return new a(b)},j.rgb=function(){var a,b,c,d;b=va(arguments),c=[];for(a in b)d=b[a],c.push(d);return c},s.rgb=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["rgb"]),function(){})},a.prototype.rgb=function(){return this._rgb.slice(0,3)},a.prototype.rgba=function(){return this._rgb},h.push({p:15,test:function(a){var b;return b=va(arguments),"array"===ua(b)&&3===b.length?"rgb":4===b.length&&"number"===ua(b[3])&&b[3]>=0&&b[3]<=1?"rgb":void 0}}),C=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g;if(a.match(/^#?([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/))return(4===a.length||7===a.length)&&(a=a.substr(1)),3===a.length&&(a=a.split(""),a=a[0]+a[0]+a[1]+a[1]+a[2]+a[2]),g=parseInt(a,16),e=g>>16,d=g>>8&255,c=255&g,[e,d,c,1];if(a.match(/^#?([A-Fa-f0-9]{8})$/))return 9===a.length&&(a=a.substr(1)),g=parseInt(a,16),e=g>>24&255,d=g>>16&255,c=g>>8&255,b=pa((255&g)/255*100)/100,[e,d,c,b];if(null!=j.css&&(f=j.css(a)))return f;throw"unknown color: "+a},ca=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i;return null==b&&(b="rgb"),g=a[0],e=a[1],d=a[2],c=a[3],i=g<<16|e<<8|d,h="000000"+i.toString(16),h=h.substr(h.length-6),f="0"+pa(255*c).toString(16),f=f.substr(f.length-2),"#"+function(){switch(b.toLowerCase()){case"rgba":return h+f;case"argb":return f+h;default:return h}}()},j.hex=function(a){return C(a)},s.hex=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["hex"]),function(){})},a.prototype.hex=function(a){return null==a&&(a="rgb"),ca(this._rgb,a)},h.push({p:10,test:function(a){return 1===arguments.length&&"string"===ua(a)?"hex":void 0}}),F=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n;if(a=va(arguments),e=a[0],k=a[1],g=a[2],0===k)i=d=b=255*g;else{for(n=[0,0,0],c=[0,0,0],m=.5>g?g*(1+k):g+k-g*k,l=2*g-m,e/=360,n[0]=e+1/3,n[1]=e,n[2]=e-1/3,f=h=0;2>=h;f=++h)n[f]<0&&(n[f]+=1),n[f]>1&&(n[f]-=1),6*n[f]<1?c[f]=l+6*(m-l)*n[f]:2*n[f]<1?c[f]=m:3*n[f]<2?c[f]=l+(m-l)*(2/3-n[f])*6:c[f]=l;j=[pa(255*c[0]),pa(255*c[1]),pa(255*c[2])],i=j[0],d=j[1],b=j[2]}return a.length>3?[i,d,b,a[3]]:[i,d,b]},ea=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h;return void 0!==a&&a.length>=3&&(g=a,a=g[0],b=g[1],c=g[2]),a/=255,b/=255,c/=255,f=Math.min(a,b,c),W=Math.max(a,b,c),e=(W+f)/2,W===f?(h=0,d=Number.NaN):h=.5>e?(W-f)/(W+f):(W-f)/(2-W-f),a===W?d=(b-c)/(W-f):b===W?d=2+(c-a)/(W-f):c===W&&(d=4+(a-b)/(W-f)),d*=60,0>d&&(d+=360),[d,h,e]},s.hsl=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["hsl"]),function(){})},j.hsl=F,a.prototype.hsl=function(){return ea(this._rgb)},G=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r;if(a=va(arguments),e=a[0],p=a[1],r=a[2],r*=255,0===p)i=d=b=r;else switch(360===e&&(e=0),e>360&&(e-=360),0>e&&(e+=360),e/=60,f=B(e),c=e-f,g=r*(1-p),h=r*(1-p*c),q=r*(1-p*(1-c)),f){case 0:j=[r,q,g],i=j[0],d=j[1],b=j[2];break;case 1:k=[h,r,g],i=k[0],d=k[1],b=k[2];break;case 2:l=[g,r,q],i=l[0],d=l[1],b=l[2];break;case 3:m=[g,h,r],i=m[0],d=m[1],b=m[2];break;case 4:n=[q,g,r],i=n[0],d=n[1],b=n[2];break;case 5:o=[r,g,h],i=o[0],d=o[1],b=o[2]}return i=pa(i),d=pa(d),b=pa(b),[i,d,b,a.length>3?a[3]:1]},fa=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;return g=va(arguments),f=g[0],c=g[1],a=g[2],e=Math.min(f,c,a),W=Math.max(f,c,a),b=W-e,i=W/255,0===W?(d=Number.NaN,h=0):(h=b/W,f===W&&(d=(c-a)/b),c===W&&(d=2+(a-f)/b),a===W&&(d=4+(f-c)/b),d*=60,0>d&&(d+=360)),[d,h,i]},s.hsv=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["hsv"]),function(){})},j.hsv=G,a.prototype.hsv=function(){return fa(this._rgb)},Z=function(a){var b,c,d;return"number"===ua(a)&&a>=0&&16777215>=a?(d=a>>16,c=a>>8&255,b=255&a,[d,c,b,1]):(console.warn("unknown num color: "+a),[0,0,0,1])},ja=function(){var a,b,c,d;return d=va(arguments),c=d[0],b=d[1],a=d[2],(c<<16)+(b<<8)+a},s.num=function(b){return new a(b,"num")},a.prototype.num=function(a){return null==a&&(a="rgb"),ja(this._rgb,a)},j.num=Z,h.push({p:10,test:function(a){return 1===arguments.length&&"number"===ua(a)&&a>=0&&16777215>=a?"num":void 0}}),x=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;if(a=a.toLowerCase(),null!=s.colors&&s.colors[a])return C(s.colors[a]);if(f=a.match(/rgb\(\s*(\-?\d+),\s*(\-?\d+)\s*,\s*(\-?\d+)\s*\)/)){for(h=f.slice(1,4),e=g=0;2>=g;e=++g)h[e]=+h[e];h[3]=1}else if(f=a.match(/rgba\(\s*(\-?\d+),\s*(\-?\d+)\s*,\s*(\-?\d+)\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)/))for(h=f.slice(1,5),e=i=0;3>=i;e=++i)h[e]=+h[e];else if(f=a.match(/rgb\(\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)/)){for(h=f.slice(1,4),e=b=0;2>=b;e=++b)h[e]=pa(2.55*h[e]);h[3]=1}else if(f=a.match(/rgba\(\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)/)){for(h=f.slice(1,5),e=c=0;2>=c;e=++c)h[e]=pa(2.55*h[e]);h[3]=+h[3]}else(f=a.match(/hsl\(\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?),\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)/))?(d=f.slice(1,4),d[1]*=.01,d[2]*=.01,h=F(d),h[3]=1):(f=a.match(/hsla\(\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?),\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)/))&&(d=f.slice(1,4),d[1]*=.01,d[2]*=.01,h=F(d),h[3]=+f[4]);return h},ba=function(a){var b;return b=a[3]<1?"rgba":"rgb","rgb"===b?b+"("+a.slice(0,3).map(pa).join(",")+")":"rgba"===b?b+"("+a.slice(0,3).map(pa).join(",")+","+a[3]+")":void 0},na=function(a){return pa(100*a)/100},E=function(a,b){var c;return c=1>b?"hsla":"hsl",a[0]=na(a[0]||0),a[1]=na(100*a[1])+"%",a[2]=na(100*a[2])+"%","hsla"===c&&(a[3]=b),c+"("+a.join(",")+")"},j.css=function(a){return x(a)},s.css=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["css"]),function(){})},a.prototype.css=function(a){return null==a&&(a="rgb"),"rgb"===a.slice(0,3)?ba(this._rgb):"hsl"===a.slice(0,3)?E(this.hsl(),this.alpha()):void 0},j.named=function(a){return C(wa[a])},h.push({p:20,test:function(a){return 1===arguments.length&&null!=wa[a]?"named":void 0}}),{var b,c;arguments.length&&(wa[a]&&(this._rgb=C(wa[a])),this._rgb[3]=1),b=this.hex();for(c in wa)if(b===wa[c])return c;return b},P=function(){var a,c,d,e;return e=va(arguments),d=e[0],a=e[1],c=e[2],c*=b,[d,w(c)*a,ra(c)*a]},Q=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;return c=va(arguments),h=c[0],e=c[1],g=c[2],j=P(h,e,g),a=j[0],b=j[1],d=j[2],k=N(a,b,d),i=k[0],f=k[1],d=k[2],[S(i,0,255),S(f,0,255),S(d,0,255),c.length>3?c[3]:1]},M=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,g;return g=va(arguments),e=g[0],a=g[1],b=g[2],c=sa(a*a+b*b),d=(m(b,a)*f+360)%360,0===pa(1e4*c)&&(d=Number.NaN),[e,c,d]},ha=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g;return f=va(arguments),e=f[0],c=f[1],b=f[2],g=ga(e,c,b),d=g[0],a=g[1],b=g[2],M(d,a,b)},s.lch=function(){var b;return b=va(arguments),new a(b,"lch")},s.hcl=function(){var b;return b=va(arguments),new a(b,"hcl")},j.lch=Q,j.hcl=function(){var a,b,c,d;return d=va(arguments),b=d[0],a=d[1],c=d[2],Q([c,a,b])},a.prototype.lch=function(){return ha(this._rgb)},a.prototype.hcl=function(){return ha(this._rgb).reverse()},aa=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;return null==a&&(a="rgb"),i=va(arguments),h=i[0],e=i[1],b=i[2],h/=255,e/=255,b/=255,f=1-Math.max(h,Math.max(e,b)),d=1>f?1/(1-f):0,c=(1-h-f)*d,g=(1-e-f)*d,j=(1-b-f)*d,[c,g,j,f]},u=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;return b=va(arguments),d=b[0],g=b[1],i=b[2],f=b[3],a=b.length>4?b[4]:1,1===f?[0,0,0,a]:(h=d>=1?0:pa(255*(1-d)*(1-f)),e=g>=1?0:pa(255*(1-g)*(1-f)),c=i>=1?0:pa(255*(1-i)*(1-f)),[h,e,c,a])},j.cmyk=function(){return u(va(arguments))},s.cmyk=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["cmyk"]),function(){})},a.prototype.cmyk=function(){return aa(this._rgb)},{var a,b,c,d,e;for(d=function(){var a,c;a=va(arguments),c=[];for(b in a)e=a[b],c.push(e);return c}.apply(this,arguments),a=c=0;2>=c;a=++c)d[a]*=255;return d},{return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["gl"]),function(){})},{var a;return a=this._rgb,[a[0]/255,a[1]/255,a[2]/255,a[3]]},ia=function(a,b,c){var d;return d=va(arguments),a=d[0],b=d[1],c=d[2],a=U(a),b=U(b),c=U(c),.2126*a+.7152*b+.0722*c},U=function(a){return a/=255,.03928>=a?a/12.92:_((a+.055)/1.055,2.4)},k=[],H=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h;for(null==c&&(c=.5),null==d&&(d="rgb"),"object"!==ua(a)&&(a=s(a)),"object"!==ua(b)&&(b=s(b)),g=0,f=k.length;f>g;g++)if(e=k[g],d===e[0]){h=e[1](a,b,c,d);break}if(null==h)throw"color mode "+d+" is not supported";return h.alpha(a.alpha()+c*(b.alpha()-a.alpha())),h},s.interpolate=H,a.prototype.interpolate=function(a,b,c){return H(this,a,b,c)},s.mix=H,a.prototype.mix=a.prototype.interpolate,L=function(b,c,d,e){var f,g;return f=b._rgb,g=c._rgb,new a(f[0]+d*(g[0]-f[0]),f[1]+d*(g[1]-f[1]),f[2]+d*(g[2]-f[2]),e)},k.push(["rgb",L]),a.prototype.luminance=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f;return null==b&&(b="rgb"),arguments.length?(0===a?this._rgb=[0,0,0,this._rgb[3]]:1===a?this._rgb=[255,255,255,this._rgb[3]]:(d=1e-7,e=20,f=function(c,g){var h,i;return i=c.interpolate(g,.5,b),h=i.luminance(),Math.abs(a-h)<d||!e--?i:h>a?f(c,i):f(i,g)},c=ia(this._rgb),this._rgb=(c>a?f(s("black"),this):f(this,s("white"))).rgba()),this):ia(this._rgb)},ta=function(a){var b,c,d,e;return e=a/100,66>e?(d=255,c=-155.25485562709179-.44596950469579133*(c=e-2)+104.49216199393888*T(c),b=20>e?0:-254.76935184120902+.8274096064007395*(b=e-10)+115.67994401066147*T(b)):(d=351.97690566805693+.114206453784165*(d=e-55)-40.25366309332127*T(d),c=325.4494125711974+.07943456536662342*(c=e-50)-28.0852963507957*T(c),b=255),t([d,c,b])},ka=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i;for(g=va(arguments),f=g[0],c=g[1],a=g[2],e=1e3,d=4e4,b=.4;d-e>b;)i=.5*(d+e),h=ta(i),h[2]/h[0]>=a/f?d=i:e=i;return pa(i)},s.temperature=s.kelvin=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["temperature"]),function(){})},j.temperature=j.kelvin=j.K=ta,a.prototype.temperature=function(){return ka(this._rgb)},a.prototype.kelvin=a.prototype.temperature,s.contrast=function(b,c){var d,e,f,g;return("string"===(f=ua(b))||"number"===f)&&(b=new a(b)),("string"===(g=ua(c))||"number"===g)&&(c=new a(c)),d=b.luminance(),e=c.luminance(),d>e?(d+.05)/(e+.05):(e+.05)/(d+.05)},a.prototype.get=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g;return d=this,f=a.split("."),e=f[0],b=f[1],g=d[e](),b?(c=e.indexOf(b),c>-1?g[c]:console.warn("unknown channel "+b+" in mode "+e)):g},a.prototype.set=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h;if(e=this,g=a.split("."),f=g[0],c=g[1],c)if(h=e[f](),d=f.indexOf(c),d>-1)if("string"===ua(b))switch(b.charAt(0)){case"+":h[d]+=+b;break;case"-":h[d]+=+b;break;case"*":h[d]*=+b.substr(1);break;case"/":h[d]/=+b.substr(1);break;default:h[d]=+b}else h[d]=b;else console.warn("unknown channel "+c+" in mode "+f);else h=b;return e._rgb=s(h,f).alpha(e.alpha())._rgb,e},a.prototype.darken=function(a){var b,d;return null==a&&(a=1),d=this,b=d.lab(),b[0]-=c.Kn*a,s.lab(b).alpha(d.alpha())},a.prototype.brighten=function(a){return null==a&&(a=1),this.darken(-a)},a.prototype.darker=a.prototype.darken,a.prototype.brighter=a.prototype.brighten,a.prototype.saturate=function(a){var b,d;return null==a&&(a=1),d=this,b=d.lch(),b[1]+=a*c.Kn,b[1]<0&&(b[1]=0),s.lch(b).alpha(d.alpha())},a.prototype.desaturate=function(a){return null==a&&(a=1),this.saturate(-a)},a.prototype.premultiply=function(){var a,b;return b=this.rgb(),a=this.alpha(),s(b[0]*a,b[1]*a,b[2]*a,a)},o=function(a,b,c){if(!o[c])throw"unknown blend mode "+c;return o[c](a,b)},p=function(a){return function(b,c){var d,e;return d=s(c).rgb(),e=s(b).rgb(),s(a(d,e),"rgb")}},A=function(a){return function(b,c){var d,e,f;for(f=[],d=e=0;3>=e;d=++e)f[d]=a(b[d],c[d]);return f}},Y=function(a,b){return a},X=function(a,b){return a*b/255},y=function(a,b){return a>b?b:a},R=function(a,b){return a>b?a:b},qa=function(a,b){return 255*(1-(1-a/255)*(1-b/255))},$=function(a,b){return 128>b?2*a*b/255:255*(1-2*(1-a/255)*(1-b/255))},r=function(a,b){return 255*(1-(1-b/255)/(a/255))},z=function(a,b){return 255===a?255:(a=255*(b/255)/(1-a/255),a>255?255:a)},o.normal=p(A(Y)),o.multiply=p(A(X)),o.screen=p(A(qa)),o.overlay=p(A($)),o.darken=p(A(y)),o.lighten=p(A(R)),,o.burn=p(A(r)),s.blend=o,s.analyze=function(a){var b,c,d,e;for(d={min:Number.MAX_VALUE,max:-1*Number.MAX_VALUE,sum:0,values:[],count:0},c=0,b=a.length;b>c;c++)e=a[c],null==e||isNaN(e)||(d.values.push(e),d.sum+=e,e<d.min&&(d.min=e),e>d.max&&(d.max=e),d.count+=1);return d.domain=[d.min,d.max],d.limits=function(a,b){return s.limits(d,a,b)},d},s.scale=function(a,b){var c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,t,u,v,w,x;return k="rgb",l=s("#ccc"),p=0,h=!1,g=[0,1],o=[],n=[0,0],c=!1,e=[],m=!1,j=0,i=1,f=!1,d={},w=function(a){var b,c,d,f,g,h,i;if(null==a&&(a=["#fff","#000"]),null!=a&&"string"===ua(a)&&null!=(null!=(f=s.brewer)?f[a]:void 0)&&(a=s.brewer[a]),"array"===ua(a)){for(a=a.slice(0),b=d=0,g=a.length-1;g>=0?g>=d:d>=g;b=g>=0?++d:--d)c=a[b],"string"===ua(c)&&(a[b]=s(c));for(o.length=0,b=i=0,h=a.length-1;h>=0?h>=i:i>=h;b=h>=0?++i:--i)o.push(b/(a.length-1))}return v(),e=a},t=function(a){var b,d;if(null!=c){for(d=c.length-1,b=0;d>b&&a>=c[b];)b++;return b-1}return 0},x=function(a){return a},q=function(a){var b,d,e,f,g;return g=a,c.length>2&&(f=c.length-1,b=t(a),e=c[0]+(c[1]-c[0])*(0+.5*p),d=c[f-1]+(c[f]-c[f-1])*(1-.5*p),g=j+(c[b]+.5*(c[b+1]-c[b])-e)/(d-e)*(i-j)),g},u=function(a,b){var f,g,h,m,p,q,r,u;if(null==b&&(b=!1),isNaN(a))return l;if(b?u=a:c&&c.length>2?(f=t(a),u=f/(c.length-2),u=n[0]+u*(1-n[0]-n[1])):i!==j?(u=(a-j)/(i-j),u=n[0]+u*(1-n[0]-n[1]),u=Math.min(1,Math.max(0,u))):u=1,b||(u=x(u)),m=Math.floor(1e4*u),d[m])g=d[m];else{if("array"===ua(e))for(h=p=0,r=o.length-1;r>=0?r>=p:p>=r;h=r>=0?++p:--p){if(q=o[h],q>=u){g=e[h];break}if(u>=q&&h===o.length-1){g=e[h];break}if(u>q&&u<o[h+1]){u=(u-q)/(o[h+1]-q),g=s.interpolate(e[h],e[h+1],u,k);break}}else"function"===ua(e)&&(g=e(u));d[m]=g}return g},v=function(){return d={}},w(a),r=function(a){var b;return b=s(u(a)),m&&b[m]?b[m]():b},r.classes=function(a){var b;return null!=a?("array"===ua(a)?(c=a,g=[a[0],a[a.length-1]]):(b=s.analyze(g),c=0===a?[b.min,b.max]:s.limits(b,"e",a)),r):c},r.domain=function(a){var b,c,d,f,h,k,l;if(!arguments.length)return g;if(j=a[0],i=a[a.length-1],o=[],d=e.length,a.length===d&&j!==i)for(h=0,f=a.length;f>h;h++)c=a[h],o.push((c-j)/(i-j));else for(b=l=0,k=d-1;k>=0?k>=l:l>=k;b=k>=0?++l:--l)o.push(b/(d-1));return g=[j,i],r},r.mode=function(a){return arguments.length?(k=a,v(),r):k},r.range=function(a,b){return w(a,b),r},r.out=function(a){return m=a,r},r.spread=function(a){return arguments.length?(p=a,r):p},r.correctLightness=function(a){return null==a&&(a=!0),f=a,v(),x=f?function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j;for(b=u(0,!0).lab()[0],c=u(1,!0).lab()[0],h=b>c,d=u(a,!0).lab()[0],f=b+(c-b)*a,e=d-f,i=0,j=1,g=20;Math.abs(e)>.01&&g-->0;)!function(){return h&&(e*=-1),0>e?(i=a,a+=.5*(j-a)):(j=a,a+=.5*(i-a)),d=u(a,!0).lab()[0],e=d-f}();return a}:function(a){return a},r},r.padding=function(a){return null!=a?("number"===ua(a)&&(a=[a,a]),n=a,r):n},r.colors=function(){var b,d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l;if(f=0,h="hex",1===arguments.length&&("string"===ua(arguments[0])?h=arguments[0]:f=arguments[0]),2===arguments.length&&(f=arguments[0],h=arguments[1]),f)return d=g[0],b=g[1]-d,function(){j=[];for(var a=0;f>=0?f>a:a>f;f>=0?a++:a--)j.push(a);return j}.apply(this).map(function(a){return r(d+a/(f-1)*b)[h]()});if(a=[],k=[],c&&c.length>2)for(e=l=1,i=c.length;i>=1?i>l:l>i;e=i>=1?++l:--l)k.push(.5*(c[e-1]+c[e]));else k=g;return{return r(a)[h]()})},r},null==s.scales&&(s.scales={}),{return s.scale([s.hsl(180,1,.9),s.hsl(250,.7,.4)])},{return s.scale(["#000","#f00","#ff0","#fff"],[0,.25,.75,1]).mode("rgb")},s.analyze=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;if(h={min:Number.MAX_VALUE,max:-1*Number.MAX_VALUE,sum:0,values:[],count:0},null==c&&(c=function(){return!0}),d=function(a){null==a||isNaN(a)||(h.values.push(a),h.sum+=a,a<h.min&&(h.min=a),a>h.max&&(h.max=a),h.count+=1)},j=function(a,e){return c(a,e)?d(null!=b&&"function"===ua(b)?b(a):null!=b&&"string"===ua(b)||"number"===ua(b)?a[b]:a):void 0},"array"===ua(a))for(g=0,f=a.length;f>g;g++)i=a[g],j(i);else for(e in a)i=a[e],j(i,e);return h.domain=[h.min,h.max],h.limits=function(a,b){return s.limits(h,a,b)},h},s.limits=function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,m,n,o,p,q,r,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,U,V,X,Y,Z,$,aa,ba,ca,da,ea,fa,ga,ha,ia,ja;if(null==b&&(b="equal"),null==c&&(c=7),"array"===ua(a)&&(a=s.analyze(a)),E=a.min,W=a.max,fa=a.sum,ia=a.values.sort(function(a,b){return a-b}),C=[],"c"===b.substr(0,1)&&(C.push(E),C.push(W)),"e"===b.substr(0,1)){for(C.push(E),y=K=1,O=c-1;O>=1?O>=K:K>=O;y=O>=1?++K:--K)C.push(E+y/c*(W-E));C.push(W)}else if("l"===b.substr(0,1)){if(0>=E)throw"Logarithmic scales are only possible for values > 0";for(F=Math.LOG10E*T(E),D=Math.LOG10E*T(W),C.push(E),y=ja=1,P=c-1;P>=1?P>=ja:ja>=P;y=P>=1?++ja:--ja)C.push(_(10,F+y/c*(D-F)));C.push(W)}else if("q"===b.substr(0,1)){for(C.push(E),y=d=1,X=c-1;X>=1?X>=d:d>=X;y=X>=1?++d:--d)L=ia.length*y/c,M=B(L),M===L?C.push(ia[M]):(N=L-M,C.push(ia[M]*N+ia[M+1]*(1-N)));C.push(W)}else if("k"===b.substr(0,1)){for(H=ia.length,r=new Array(H),w=new Array(c),ea=!0,I=0,u=null,u=[],u.push(E),y=e=1,Y=c-1;Y>=1?Y>=e:e>=Y;y=Y>=1?++e:--e)u.push(E+y/c*(W-E));for(u.push(W);ea;){for(z=f=0,Z=c-1;Z>=0?Z>=f:f>=Z;z=Z>=0?++f:--f)w[z]=0;for(y=g=0,$=H-1;$>=0?$>=g:g>=$;y=$>=0?++g:--g){for(ha=ia[y],G=Number.MAX_VALUE,z=h=0,aa=c-1;aa>=0?aa>=h:h>=aa;z=aa>=0?++h:--h)x=l(u[z]-ha),G>x&&(G=x,t=z);w[t]++,r[y]=t}for(J=new Array(c),z=i=0,ba=c-1;ba>=0?ba>=i:i>=ba;z=ba>=0?++i:--i)J[z]=null;for(y=j=0,ca=H-1;ca>=0?ca>=j:j>=ca;y=ca>=0?++j:--j)v=r[y],null===J[v]?J[v]=ia[y]:J[v]+=ia[y];for(z=k=0,da=c-1;da>=0?da>=k:k>=da;z=da>=0?++k:--k)J[z]*=1/w[z];for(ea=!1,z=m=0,Q=c-1;Q>=0?Q>=m:m>=Q;z=Q>=0?++m:--m)if(J[z]!==u[y]){ea=!0;break}u=J,I++,I>200&&(ea=!1)}for(A={},z=n=0,R=c-1;R>=0?R>=n:n>=R;z=R>=0?++n:--n)A[z]=[];for(y=o=0,S=H-1;S>=0?S>=o:o>=S;y=S>=0?++o:--o)v=r[y],A[v].push(ia[y]);for(ga=[],z=p=0,U=c-1;U>=0?U>=p:p>=U;z=U>=0?++p:--p)ga.push(A[z][0]),ga.push(A[z][A[z].length-1]);for(ga=ga.sort(function(a,b){return a-b}),C.push(ga[0]),y=q=1,V=ga.length-1;V>=q;y=q+=2)isNaN(ga[y])||C.push(ga[y])}return C},D=function(a,b,c){var d,f,h,i;return d=va(arguments),a=d[0],b=d[1],c=d[2],a/=360,1/3>a?(f=(1-b)/3,i=(1+b*w(g*a)/w(e-g*a))/3,h=1-(f+i)):2/3>a?(a-=1/3,i=(1-b)/3,h=(1+b*w(g*a)/w(e-g*a))/3,f=1-(i+h)):(a-=2/3,h=(1-b)/3,f=(1+b*w(g*a)/w(e-g*a))/3,i=1-(h+f)),i=S(c*i*3),h=S(c*h*3),f=S(c*f*3),[255*i,255*h,255*f,d.length>3?d[3]:1]},da=function(){var a,b,c,d,e,f,h,i;return h=va(arguments),f=h[0],b=h[1],a=h[2],g=2*Math.PI,f/=255,b/=255,a/=255,e=Math.min(f,b,a),d=(f+b+a)/3,i=1-e/d,0===i?c=0:(c=(f-b+(f-a))/2,c/=Math.sqrt((f-b)*(f-b)+(f-a)*(b-a)),c=Math.acos(c),a>b&&(c=g-c),c/=g),[360*c,i,d]},s.hsi=function(){return function(a,b,c){c.prototype=a.prototype;var d=new c,e=a.apply(d,b);return Object(e)===e?e:d}(a,["hsi"]),function(){})},j.hsi=D,a.prototype.hsi=function(){return da(this._rgb)},I=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q;return"hsl"===d?(p=a.hsl(),q=b.hsl()):"hsv"===d?(p=a.hsv(),q=b.hsv()):"hsi"===d?(p=a.hsi(),q=b.hsi()):("lch"===d||"hcl"===d)&&(d="hcl",p=a.hcl(),q=b.hcl()),"h"===d.substr(0,1)&&(g=p[0],n=p[1],j=p[2],h=q[0],o=q[1],k=q[2]),isNaN(g)||isNaN(h)?isNaN(g)?isNaN(h)?f=Number.NaN:(f=h,1!==j&&0!==j||"hsv"===d||(m=o)):(f=g,1!==k&&0!==k||"hsv"===d||(m=n)):(e=h>g&&h-g>180?h-(g+360):g>h&&g-h>180?h+360-g:h-g,f=g+c*e),null==m&&(m=n+c*(o-n)),i=j+c*(k-j),l=s[d](f,m,i)},k=k.concat(function(){var a,b,c,d;for(c=["hsv","hsl","hsi","hcl","lch"],d=[],b=0,a=c.length;a>b;b++)V=c[b],d.push([V,I]);return d}()),K=function(a,b,c,d){var e,f;return e=a.num(),f=b.num(),s.num(e+(f-e)*c,"num")},k.push(["num",K]),J=function(b,c,d,e){var f,g,h;return g=b.lab(),h=c.lab(),f=new a(g[0]+d*(h[0]-g[0]),g[1]+d*(h[1]-g[1]),g[2]+d*(h[2]-g[2]),e); | |
},k.push(["lab",J])}).call(this); |
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n=isNaN(n)?0:(n%=360)<0?n+360:n,t=isNaN(t)?0:0>t?0:t>1?1:t,e=0>e?0:e>1?1:e,o=.5>=e?e*(1+t):e+t-e*t,i=2*e-o,new mt(u(n+120),u(n),u(n-120))}function lt(n,t,e){return this instanceof lt?(this.h=+n,this.c=+t,void(this.l=+e)):arguments.length<2?n instanceof lt?new lt(n.h,n.c,n.l):n instanceof ft?gt(n.l,n.a,n.b):gt((n=wt((n=ta.rgb(n)).r,n.g,n.b)).l,n.a,n.b):new lt(n,t,e)}function st(n,t,e){return isNaN(n)&&(n=0),isNaN(t)&&(t=0),new ft(e,Math.cos(n*=Da)*t,Math.sin(n)*t)}function ft(n,t,e){return this instanceof ft?(this.l=+n,this.a=+t,void(this.b=+e)):arguments.length<2?n instanceof ft?new ft(n.l,n.a,n.b):n instanceof lt?st(n.h,n.c,n.l):wt((n=mt(n)).r,n.g,n.b):new ft(n,t,e)}function ht(n,t,e){var r=(n+16)/116,u=r+t/500,i=r-e/200;return u=pt(u)*Xa,r=pt(r)*$a,i=pt(i)*Ba,new mt(dt(3.2404542*u-1.5371385*r-.4985314*i),dt(-.969266*u+1.8760108*r+.041556*i),dt(.0556434*u-.2040259*r+1.0572252*i))}function gt(n,t,e){return n>0?new lt(Math.atan2(e,t)*Pa,Math.sqrt(t*t+e*e),n):new lt(0/0,0/0,n)}function pt(n){return n>.206893034?n*n*n:(n-4/29)/7.787037}function vt(n){return n>.008856?Math.pow(n,1/3):7.787037*n+4/29}function dt(n){return Math.round(255*(.00304>=n?12.92*n:1.055*Math.pow(n,1/2.4)-.055))}function mt(n,t,e){return this instanceof mt?(this.r=~~n,this.g=~~t,void(this.b=~~e)):arguments.length<2?n instanceof mt?new mt(n.r,n.g,n.b):bt(""+n,mt,ct):new mt(n,t,e)}function yt(n){return new mt(n>>16,n>>8&255,255&n)}function Mt(n){return yt(n)+""}function xt(n){return 16>n?"0"+Math.max(0,n).toString(16):Math.min(255,n).toString(16)}function bt(n,t,e){var r,u,i,o=0,a=0,c=0;if(r=/([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(n))switch(u=r[2].split(","),r[1]){case"hsl":return e(parseFloat(u[0]),parseFloat(u[1])/100,parseFloat(u[2])/100);case"rgb":return t(kt(u[0]),kt(u[1]),kt(u[2]))}return(i=Ga.get(n.toLowerCase()))?t(i.r,i.g,i.b):(null==n||"#"!==n.charAt(0)||isNaN(i=parseInt(n.slice(1),16))||(4===n.length?(o=(3840&i)>>4,o=o>>4|o,a=240&i,a=a>>4|a,c=15&i,c=c<<4|c):7===n.length&&(o=(16711680&i)>>16,a=(65280&i)>>8,c=255&i)),t(o,a,c))}function _t(n,t,e){var r,u,i=Math.min(n/=255,t/=255,e/=255),o=Math.max(n,t,e),a=o-i,c=(o+i)/2;return a?(u=.5>c?a/(o+i):a/(2-o-i),r=n==o?(t-e)/a+(e>t?6:0):t==o?(e-n)/a+2:(n-t)/a+4,r*=60):(r=0/0,u=c>0&&1>c?0:r),new at(r,u,c)}function wt(n,t,e){n=St(n),t=St(t),e=St(e);var r=vt((.4124564*n+.3575761*t+.1804375*e)/Xa),u=vt((.2126729*n+.7151522*t+.072175*e)/$a),i=vt((.0193339*n+.119192*t+.9503041*e)/Ba);return ft(116*u-16,500*(r-u),200*(u-i))}function St(n){return(n/=255)<=.04045?n/12.92:Math.pow((n+.055)/1.055,2.4)}function kt(n){var t=parseFloat(n);return"%"===n.charAt(n.length-1)?Math.round(2.55*t):t}function Et(n){return"function"==typeof n?n:function(){return n}}function At(n){return function(t,e,r){return 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i.send.apply(i,[n].concat(ra(arguments)))}}),i.send=function(e,r,u){if(2===arguments.length&&"function"==typeof r&&(u=r,r=null),,n,!0),null==t||"accept"in a||(a.accept=t+",*/*"),c.setRequestHeader)for(var s in a)c.setRequestHeader(s,a[s]);return null!=t&&c.overrideMimeType&&c.overrideMimeType(t),null!=l&&(c.responseType=l),null!=u&&i.on("error",u).on("load",function(n){u(null,n)}),,c),c.send(null==r?null:r),i},i.abort=function(){return c.abort(),i},ta.rebind(i,o,"on"),null==r?i:i.get(Ct(r))}function Ct(n){return 1===n.length?function(t,e){n(null==t?e:null)}:n}function zt(n){var t=n.responseType;return t&&"text"!==t?n.response:n.responseText}function qt(){var n=Lt(),t=Tt()-n;t>24?(isFinite(t)&&(clearTimeout(tc),tc=setTimeout(qt,t)),nc=0):(nc=1,rc(qt))}function Lt(){var;for(ec=Ka;ec;)n>=ec.t&&(ec.f=ec.c(n-ec.t)),ec=ec.n;return n}function Tt(){for(var n,t=Ka,e=1/0;t;)t.f?t=n?n.n=t.n:Ka=t.n:(t.t<e&&(e=t.t),t=(n=t).n);return Qa=n,e}function Rt(n,t){return t-(n?Math.ceil(Math.log(n)/Math.LN10):1)}function Dt(n,t){var e=Math.pow(10,3*ga(8-t));return{scale:t>8?function(n){return n/e}:function(n){return n*e},symbol:n}}function Pt(n){var t=n.decimal,e=n.thousands,r=n.grouping,u=n.currency,i=r&&e?function(n,t){for(var u=n.length,i=[],o=0,a=r[0],c=0;u>0&&a>0&&(c+a+1>t&&(a=Math.max(1,t-c)),i.push(n.substring(u-=a,u+a)),!((c+=a+1)>t));)a=r[o=(o+1)%r.length];return i.reverse().join(e)}:y;return function(n){var e=ic.exec(n),r=e[1]||" ",o=e[2]||">",a=e[3]||"-",c=e[4]||"",l=e[5],s=+e[6],f=e[7],h=e[8],g=e[9],p=1,v="",d="",m=!1,y=!0;switch(h&&(h=+h.substring(1)),(l||"0"===r&&"="===o)&&(l=r="0",o="="),g){case"n":f=!0,g="g";break;case"%":p=100,d="%",g="f";break;case"p":p=100,d="%",g="r";break;case"b":case"o":case"x":case"X":"#"===c&&(v="0"+g.toLowerCase());case"c":y=!1;case"d":m=!0,h=0;break;case"s":p=-1,g="r"}"$"===c&&(v=u[0],d=u[1]),"r"!=g||h||(g="g"),null!=h&&("g"==g?h=Math.max(1,Math.min(21,h)):("e"==g||"f"==g)&&(h=Math.max(0,Math.min(20,h)))),g=oc.get(g)||Ut;var M=l&&f;return function(n){var e=d;if(m&&n%1)return"";var u=0>n||0===n&&0>1/n?(n=-n,"-"):"-"===a?"":a;if(0>p){var c=ta.formatPrefix(n,h);n=c.scale(n),e=c.symbol+d}else n*=p;n=g(n,h);var x,b,_=n.lastIndexOf(".");if(0>_){var w=y?n.lastIndexOf("e"):-1;0>w?(x=n,b=""):(x=n.substring(0,w),b=n.substring(w))}else x=n.substring(0,_),b=t+n.substring(_+1);!l&&f&&(x=i(x,1/0));var S=v.length+x.length+b.length+(M?0:u.length),k=s>S?new Array(S=s-S+1).join(r):"";return M&&(x=i(k+x,k.length?s-b.length:1/0)),u+=v,n=x+b,("<"===o?u+n+k:">"===o?k+u+n:"^"===o?k.substring(0,S>>=1)+u+n+k.substring(S):u+(M?n:k+n))+e}}}function Ut(n){return n+""}function jt(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function Ft(n,t,e){function r(t){var e=n(t),r=i(e,1);return r-t>t-e?e:r}function u(e){return t(e=n(new cc(e-1)),1),e}function i(n,e){return t(n=new cc(+n),e),n}function o(n,r,i){var o=u(n),a=[];if(i>1)for(;r>o;)e(o)%i||a.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);else for(;r>o;)a.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);return a}function a(n,t,e){try{cc=jt;var r=new jt;return r._=n,o(r,t,e)}finally{cc=Date}}n.floor=n,n.round=r,n.ceil=u,n.offset=i,n.range=o;var c=n.utc=Ht(n);return c.floor=c,c.round=Ht(r),c.ceil=Ht(u),c.offset=Ht(i),c.range=a,n}function Ht(n){return function(t,e){try{cc=jt;var r=new jt;return r._=t,n(r,e)._}finally{cc=Date}}}function Ot(n){function t(n){function t(t){for(var e,u,i,o=[],a=-1,c=0;++a<r;)37===n.charCodeAt(a)&&(o.push(n.slice(c,a)),null!=(u=sc[e=n.charAt(++a)])&&(e=n.charAt(++a)),(i=N[e])&&(e=i(t,null==u?"e"===e?" ":"0":u)),o.push(e),c=a+1);return o.push(n.slice(c,a)),o.join("")}var r=n.length;return t.parse=function(t){var r={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0,Z:null},u=e(r,n,t,0);if(u!=t.length)return null;"p"in r&&(r.H=r.H%12+12*r.p);var i=null!=r.Z&&cc!==jt,o=new(i?jt:cc);return"j"in r?o.setFullYear(r.y,0,r.j):"w"in r&&("W"in r||"U"in r)?(o.setFullYear(r.y,0,1),o.setFullYear(r.y,0,"W"in r?(r.w+6)%7+7*r.W-(o.getDay()+5)%7:r.w+7*r.U-(o.getDay()+6)%7)):o.setFullYear(r.y,r.m,r.d),o.setHours(r.H+(r.Z/100|0),r.M+r.Z%100,r.S,r.L),i?o._:o},t.toString=function(){return n},t}function e(n,t,e,r){for(var u,i,o,a=0,c=t.length,l=e.length;c>a;){if(r>=l)return-1;if(u=t.charCodeAt(a++),37===u){if(o=t.charAt(a++),i=C[o in sc?t.charAt(a++):o],!i||(r=i(n,e,r))<0)return-1}else if(u!=e.charCodeAt(r++))return-1}return r}function r(n,t,e){_.lastIndex=0;var r=_.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.w=w.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function u(n,t,e){x.lastIndex=0;var r=x.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.w=b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function i(n,t,e){E.lastIndex=0;var r=E.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.m=A.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function o(n,t,e){S.lastIndex=0;var r=S.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.m=k.get(r[0].toLowerCase()),e+r[0].length):-1}function a(n,t,r){return e(n,N.c.toString(),t,r)}function c(n,t,r){return e(n,N.x.toString(),t,r)}function l(n,t,r){return e(n,N.X.toString(),t,r)}function s(n,t,e){var r=M.get(t.slice(e,e+=2).toLowerCase());return null==r?-1:(n.p=r,e)}var f=n.dateTime,,g=n.time,p=n.periods,v=n.days,d=n.shortDays,m=n.months,y=n.shortMonths;t.utc=function(n){function e(n){try{cc=jt;var t=new cc;return t._=n,r(t)}finally{cc=Date}}var r=t(n);return e.parse=function(n){try{cc=jt;var t=r.parse(n);return t&&t._}finally{cc=Date}},e.toString=r.toString,e},t.multi=t.utc.multi=ae;var,x=Yt(v),b=Zt(v),_=Yt(d),w=Zt(d),S=Yt(m),k=Zt(m),E=Yt(y),A=Zt(y);p.forEach(function(n,t){M.set(n.toLowerCase(),t)});var N={a:function(n){return d[n.getDay()]},A:function(n){return v[n.getDay()]},b:function(n){return y[n.getMonth()]},B:function(n){return m[n.getMonth()]},c:t(f),d:function(n,t){return It(n.getDate(),t,2)},e:function(n,t){return It(n.getDate(),t,2)},H:function(n,t){return It(n.getHours(),t,2)},I:function(n,t){return It(n.getHours()%12||12,t,2)},j:function(n,t){return It(1+ac.dayOfYear(n),t,3)},L:function(n,t){return It(n.getMilliseconds(),t,3)},m:function(n,t){return It(n.getMonth()+1,t,2)},M:function(n,t){return It(n.getMinutes(),t,2)},p:function(n){return p[+(n.getHours()>=12)]},S:function(n,t){return It(n.getSeconds(),t,2)},U:function(n,t){return It(ac.sundayOfYear(n),t,2)},w:function(n){return n.getDay()},W:function(n,t){return It(ac.mondayOfYear(n),t,2)},x:t(h),X:t(g),y:function(n,t){return It(n.getFullYear()%100,t,2)},Y:function(n,t){return It(n.getFullYear()%1e4,t,4)},Z:ie,"%":function(){return"%"}},C={a:r,A:u,b:i,B:o,c:a,d:Qt,e:Qt,H:te,I:te,j:ne,L:ue,m:Kt,M:ee,p:s,S:re,U:Xt,w:Vt,W:$t,x:c,X:l,y:Wt,Y:Bt,Z:Jt,"%":oe};return t}function It(n,t,e){var r=0>n?"-":"",u=(r?-n:n)+"",i=u.length;return r+(e>i?new Array(e-i+1).join(t)+u:u)}function Yt(n){return new RegExp("^(?:""|")+")","i")}function Zt(n){for(var t=new l,e=-1,r=n.length;++e<r;)t.set(n[e].toLowerCase(),e);return t}function Vt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+1));return r?(n.w=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Xt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.U=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function $t(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e));return r?(n.W=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Bt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+4));return r?(n.y=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function Wt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.y=Gt(+r[0]),e+r[0].length):-1}function Jt(n,t,e){return/^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(t=t.slice(e,e+5))?(n.Z=-t,e+5):-1}function Gt(n){return n+(n>68?1900:2e3)}function Kt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.m=r[0]-1,e+r[0].length):-1}function Qt(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.d=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ne(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+3));return r?(n.j=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function te(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.H=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ee(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.M=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function re(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+2));return r?(n.S=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ue(n,t,e){fc.lastIndex=0;var r=fc.exec(t.slice(e,e+3));return r?(n.L=+r[0],e+r[0].length):-1}function ie(n){var t=n.getTimezoneOffset(),e=t>0?"-":"+",r=ga(t)/60|0,u=ga(t)%60;return e+It(r,"0",2)+It(u,"0",2)}function oe(n,t,e){hc.lastIndex=0;var r=hc.exec(t.slice(e,e+1));return r?e+r[0].length:-1}function ae(n){for(var t=n.length,e=-1;++e<t;)n[e][0]=this(n[e][0]);return function(t){for(var e=0,r=n[e];!r[1](t);)r=n[++e];return r[0](t)}}function ce(){}function le(n,t,e){var r=e.s=n+t,u=r-n,i=r-u;e.t=n-i+(t-u)}function se(n,t){n&&dc.hasOwnProperty(n.type)&&dc[n.type](n,t)}function fe(n,t,e){var r,u=-1,i=n.length-e;for(t.lineStart();++u<i;)r=n[u],t.point(r[0],r[1],r[2]);t.lineEnd()}function he(n,t){var e=-1,r=n.length;for(t.polygonStart();++e<r;)fe(n[e],t,1);t.polygonEnd()}function ge(){function n(n,t){n*=Da,t=t*Da/2+qa/4;var e=n-r,o=e>=0?1:-1,a=o*e,c=Math.cos(t),l=Math.sin(t),s=i*l,f=u*c+s*Math.cos(a),h=s*o*Math.sin(a);yc.add(Math.atan2(h,f)),r=n,u=c,i=l}var t,e,r,u,i;Mc.point=function(o,a){Mc.point=n,r=(t=o)*Da,u=Math.cos(a=(e=a)*Da/2+qa/4),i=Math.sin(a)},Mc.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function pe(n){var t=n[0],e=n[1],r=Math.cos(e);return[r*Math.cos(t),r*Math.sin(t),Math.sin(e)]}function ve(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]+n[2]*t[2]}function de(n,t){return[n[1]*t[2]-n[2]*t[1],n[2]*t[0]-n[0]*t[2],n[0]*t[1]-n[1]*t[0]]}function me(n,t){n[0]+=t[0],n[1]+=t[1],n[2]+=t[2]}function ye(n,t){return[n[0]*t,n[1]*t,n[2]*t]}function Me(n){var t=Math.sqrt(n[0]*n[0]+n[1]*n[1]+n[2]*n[2]);n[0]/=t,n[1]/=t,n[2]/=t}function xe(n){return[Math.atan2(n[1],n[0]),tt(n[2])]}function be(n,t){return ga(n[0]-t[0])<Ca&&ga(n[1]-t[1])<Ca}function _e(n,t){n*=Da;var e=Math.cos(t*=Da);we(e*Math.cos(n),e*Math.sin(n),Math.sin(t))}function we(n,t,e){++xc,_c+=(n-_c)/xc,wc+=(t-wc)/xc,Sc+=(e-Sc)/xc}function Se(){function n(n,u){n*=Da;var i=Math.cos(u*=Da),o=i*Math.cos(n),a=i*Math.sin(n),c=Math.sin(u),l=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((l=e*c-r*a)*l+(l=r*o-t*c)*l+(l=t*a-e*o)*l),t*o+e*a+r*c);bc+=l,kc+=l*(t+(t=o)),Ec+=l*(e+(e=a)),Ac+=l*(r+(r=c)),we(t,e,r)}var t,e,r;qc.point=function(u,i){u*=Da;var o=Math.cos(i*=Da);t=o*Math.cos(u),e=o*Math.sin(u),r=Math.sin(i),qc.point=n,we(t,e,r)}}function ke(){qc.point=_e}function Ee(){function n(n,t){n*=Da;var e=Math.cos(t*=Da),o=e*Math.cos(n),a=e*Math.sin(n),c=Math.sin(t),l=u*c-i*a,s=i*o-r*c,f=r*a-u*o,h=Math.sqrt(l*l+s*s+f*f),g=r*o+u*a+i*c,p=h&&-nt(g)/h,v=Math.atan2(h,g);Nc+=p*l,Cc+=p*s,zc+=p*f,bc+=v,kc+=v*(r+(r=o)),Ec+=v*(u+(u=a)),Ac+=v*(i+(i=c)),we(r,u,i)}var t,e,r,u,i;qc.point=function(o,a){t=o,e=a,qc.point=n,o*=Da;var c=Math.cos(a*=Da);r=c*Math.cos(o),u=c*Math.sin(o),i=Math.sin(a),we(r,u,i)},qc.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e),qc.lineEnd=ke,qc.point=_e}}function Ae(n,t){function e(e,r){return e=n(e,r),t(e[0],e[1])}return n.invert&&t.invert&&(e.invert=function(e,r){return e=t.invert(e,r),e&&n.invert(e[0],e[1])}),e}function Ne(){return!0}function Ce(n,t,e,r,u){var i=[],o=[];if(n.forEach(function(n){if(!((t=n.length-1)<=0)){var t,e=n[0],r=n[t];if(be(e,r)){u.lineStart();for(var a=0;t>a;++a)u.point((e=n[a])[0],e[1]);return void u.lineEnd()}var c=new qe(e,n,null,!0),l=new qe(e,null,c,!1);c.o=l,i.push(c),o.push(l),c=new qe(r,n,null,!1),l=new qe(r,null,c,!0),c.o=l,i.push(c),o.push(l)}}),o.sort(t),ze(i),ze(o),i.length){for(var a=0,c=e,l=o.length;l>a;++a)o[a].e=c=!c;for(var s,f,h=i[0];;){for(var g=h,p=!0;g.v;)if((g=g.n)===h)return;s=g.z,u.lineStart();do{if(g.v=g.o.v=!0,g.e){if(p)for(var a=0,l=s.length;l>a;++a)u.point((f=s[a])[0],f[1]);else r(g.x,g.n.x,1,u);g=g.n}else{if(p){s=g.p.z;for(var a=s.length-1;a>=0;--a)u.point((f=s[a])[0],f[1])}else r(g.x,g.p.x,-1,u);g=g.p}g=g.o,s=g.z,p=!p}while(!g.v);u.lineEnd()}}}function ze(n){if(t=n.length){for(var t,e,r=0,u=n[0];++r<t;)u.n=e=n[r],e.p=u,u=e;u.n=e=n[0],e.p=u}}function qe(n,t,e,r){this.x=n,this.z=t,this.o=e,this.e=r,this.v=!1,this.n=this.p=null}function Le(n,t,e,r){return function(u,i){function o(t,e){var r=u(t,e);n(t=r[0],e=r[1])&&i.point(t,e)}function a(n,t){var e=u(n,t);d.point(e[0],e[1])}function c(){y.point=a,d.lineStart()}function l(){y.point=o,d.lineEnd()}function s(n,t){v.push([n,t]);var e=u(n,t);x.point(e[0],e[1])}function f(){x.lineStart(),v=[]}function h(){s(v[0][0],v[0][1]),x.lineEnd();var n,t=x.clean(),e=M.buffer(),r=e.length;if(v.pop(),p.push(v),v=null,r)if(1&t){n=e[0];var u,r=n.length-1,o=-1;if(r>0){for(b||(i.polygonStart(),b=!0),i.lineStart();++o<r;)i.point((u=n[o])[0],u[1]);i.lineEnd()}}else r>1&&2&t&&e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())),g.push(e.filter(Te))}var g,p,v,d=t(i),m=u.invert(r[0],r[1]),y={point:o,lineStart:c,lineEnd:l,polygonStart:function(){y.point=s,y.lineStart=f,y.lineEnd=h,g=[],p=[]},polygonEnd:function(){y.point=o,y.lineStart=c,y.lineEnd=l,g=ta.merge(g);var n=Fe(m,p);g.length?(b||(i.polygonStart(),b=!0),Ce(g,De,n,e,i)):n&&(b||(i.polygonStart(),b=!0),i.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,i),i.lineEnd()),b&&(i.polygonEnd(),b=!1),g=p=null},sphere:function(){i.polygonStart(),i.lineStart(),e(null,null,1,i),i.lineEnd(),i.polygonEnd()}},M=Re(),x=t(M),b=!1;return y}}function Te(n){return n.length>1}function Re(){var n,t=[];return{lineStart:function(){t.push(n=[])},point:function(t,e){n.push([t,e])},lineEnd:b,buffer:function(){var e=t;return t=[],n=null,e},rejoin:function(){t.length>1&&t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))}}}function De(n,t){return((n=n.x)[0]<0?n[1]-Ra-Ca:Ra-n[1])-((t=t.x)[0]<0?t[1]-Ra-Ca:Ra-t[1])}function Pe(n){var t,e=0/0,r=0/0,u=0/0;return{lineStart:function(){n.lineStart(),t=1},point:function(i,o){var a=i>0?qa:-qa,c=ga(i-e);ga(c-qa)<Ca?(n.point(e,r=(r+o)/2>0?Ra:-Ra),n.point(u,r),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(a,r),n.point(i,r),t=0):u!==a&&c>=qa&&(ga(e-u)<Ca&&(e-=u*Ca),ga(i-a)<Ca&&(i-=a*Ca),r=Ue(e,r,i,o),n.point(u,r),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(a,r),t=0),n.point(e=i,r=o),u=a},lineEnd:function(){n.lineEnd(),e=r=0/0},clean:function(){return 2-t}}}function Ue(n,t,e,r){var u,i,o=Math.sin(n-e);return ga(o)>Ca?Math.atan((Math.sin(t)*(i=Math.cos(r))*Math.sin(e)-Math.sin(r)*(u=Math.cos(t))*Math.sin(n))/(u*i*o)):(t+r)/2}function je(n,t,e,r){var u;if(null==n)u=e*Ra,r.point(-qa,u),r.point(0,u),r.point(qa,u),r.point(qa,0),r.point(qa,-u),r.point(0,-u),r.point(-qa,-u),r.point(-qa,0),r.point(-qa,u);else if(ga(n[0]-t[0])>Ca){var i=n[0]<t[0]?qa:-qa;u=e*i/2,r.point(-i,u),r.point(0,u),r.point(i,u)}else r.point(t[0],t[1])}function Fe(n,t){var e=n[0],r=n[1],u=[Math.sin(e),-Math.cos(e),0],i=0,o=0;yc.reset();for(var a=0,c=t.length;c>a;++a){var l=t[a],s=l.length;if(s)for(var f=l[0],h=f[0],g=f[1]/2+qa/4,p=Math.sin(g),v=Math.cos(g),d=1;;){d===s&&(d=0),n=l[d];var m=n[0],y=n[1]/2+qa/4,M=Math.sin(y),x=Math.cos(y),b=m-h,_=b>=0?1:-1,w=_*b,S=w>qa,k=p*M;if(yc.add(Math.atan2(k*_*Math.sin(w),v*x+k*Math.cos(w))),i+=S?b+_*La:b,S^h>=e^m>=e){var E=de(pe(f),pe(n));Me(E);var A=de(u,E);Me(A);var N=(S^b>=0?-1:1)*tt(A[2]);(r>N||r===N&&(E[0]||E[1]))&&(o+=S^b>=0?1:-1)}if(!d++)break;h=m,p=M,v=x,f=n}}return(-Ca>i||Ca>i&&0>yc)^1&o}function He(n){function t(n,t){return Math.cos(n)*Math.cos(t)>i}function e(n){var e,i,c,l,s;return{lineStart:function(){l=c=!1,s=1},point:function(f,h){var g,p=[f,h],v=t(f,h),d=o?v?0:u(f,h):v?u(f+(0>f?qa:-qa),h):0;if(!e&&(l=c=v)&&n.lineStart(),v!==c&&(g=r(e,p),(be(e,g)||be(p,g))&&(p[0]+=Ca,p[1]+=Ca,v=t(p[0],p[1]))),v!==c)s=0,v?(n.lineStart(),g=r(p,e),n.point(g[0],g[1])):(g=r(e,p),n.point(g[0],g[1]),n.lineEnd()),e=g;else if(a&&e&&o^v){var m;d&i||!(m=r(p,e,!0))||(s=0,o?(n.lineStart(),n.point(m[0][0],m[0][1]),n.point(m[1][0],m[1][1]),n.lineEnd()):(n.point(m[1][0],m[1][1]),n.lineEnd(),n.lineStart(),n.point(m[0][0],m[0][1])))}!v||e&&be(e,p)||n.point(p[0],p[1]),e=p,c=v,i=d},lineEnd:function(){c&&n.lineEnd(),e=null},clean:function(){return s|(l&&c)<<1}}}function r(n,t,e){var r=pe(n),u=pe(t),o=[1,0,0],a=de(r,u),c=ve(a,a),l=a[0],s=c-l*l;if(!s)return!e&&n;var f=i*c/s,h=-i*l/s,g=de(o,a),p=ye(o,f),v=ye(a,h);me(p,v);var d=g,m=ve(p,d),y=ve(d,d),M=m*m-y*(ve(p,p)-1);if(!(0>M)){var x=Math.sqrt(M),b=ye(d,(-m-x)/y);if(me(b,p),b=xe(b),!e)return b;var _,w=n[0],S=t[0],k=n[1],E=t[1];w>S&&(_=w,w=S,S=_);var A=S-w,N=ga(A-qa)<Ca,C=N||Ca>A;if(!N&&k>E&&(_=k,k=E,E=_),C?N?k+E>0^b[1]<(ga(b[0]-w)<Ca?k:E):k<=b[1]&&b[1]<=E:A>qa^(w<=b[0]&&b[0]<=S)){var z=ye(d,(-m+x)/y);return me(z,p),[b,xe(z)]}}}function u(t,e){var r=o?n:qa-n,u=0;return-r>t?u|=1:t>r&&(u|=2),-r>e?u|=4:e>r&&(u|=8),u}var i=Math.cos(n),o=i>0,a=ga(i)>Ca,c=gr(n,6*Da);return Le(t,e,c,o?[0,-n]:[-qa,n-qa])}function Oe(n,t,e,r){return function(u){var i,o=u.a,a=u.b,c=o.x,l=o.y,s=a.x,f=a.y,h=0,g=1,p=s-c,v=f-l;if(i=n-c,p||!(i>0)){if(i/=p,0>p){if(h>i)return;g>i&&(g=i)}else if(p>0){if(i>g)return;i>h&&(h=i)}if(i=e-c,p||!(0>i)){if(i/=p,0>p){if(i>g)return;i>h&&(h=i)}else if(p>0){if(h>i)return;g>i&&(g=i)}if(i=t-l,v||!(i>0)){if(i/=v,0>v){if(h>i)return;g>i&&(g=i)}else if(v>0){if(i>g)return;i>h&&(h=i)}if(i=r-l,v||!(0>i)){if(i/=v,0>v){if(i>g)return;i>h&&(h=i)}else if(v>0){if(h>i)return;g>i&&(g=i)}return h>0&&(u.a={x:c+h*p,y:l+h*v}),1>g&&(u.b={x:c+g*p,y:l+g*v}),u}}}}}}function Ie(n,t,e,r){function u(r,u){return ga(r[0]-n)<Ca?u>0?0:3:ga(r[0]-e)<Ca?u>0?2:1:ga(r[1]-t)<Ca?u>0?1:0:u>0?3:2}function i(n,t){return o(n.x,t.x)}function o(n,t){var e=u(n,1),r=u(t,1);return e!==r?e-r:0===e?t[1]-n[1]:1===e?n[0]-t[0]:2===e?n[1]-t[1]:t[0]-n[0]}return function(a){function c(n){for(var t=0,e=d.length,r=n[1],u=0;e>u;++u)for(var i,o=1,a=d[u],c=a.length,l=a[0];c>o;++o)i=a[o],l[1]<=r?i[1]>r&&Q(l,i,n)>0&&++t:i[1]<=r&&Q(l,i,n)<0&&--t,l=i;return 0!==t}function l(i,a,c,l){var s=0,f=0;if(null==i||(s=u(i,c))!==(f=u(a,c))||o(i,a)<0^c>0){do l.point(0===s||3===s?n:e,s>1?r:t);while((s=(s+c+4)%4)!==f)}else l.point(a[0],a[1])}function s(u,i){return u>=n&&e>=u&&i>=t&&r>=i}function f(n,t){s(n,t)&&a.point(n,t)}function h(){C.point=p,d&&d.push(m=[]),S=!0,w=!1,b=_=0/0}function g(){v&&(p(y,M),x&&w&&A.rejoin(),v.push(A.buffer())),C.point=f,w&&a.lineEnd()}function p(n,t){n=Math.max(-Tc,Math.min(Tc,n)),t=Math.max(-Tc,Math.min(Tc,t));var e=s(n,t);if(d&&m.push([n,t]),S)y=n,M=t,x=e,S=!1,e&&(a.lineStart(),a.point(n,t));else if(e&&w)a.point(n,t);else{var r={a:{x:b,y:_},b:{x:n,y:t}};N(r)?(w||(a.lineStart(),a.point(r.a.x,r.a.y)),a.point(r.b.x,r.b.y),e||a.lineEnd(),k=!1):e&&(a.lineStart(),a.point(n,t),k=!1)}b=n,_=t,w=e}var v,d,m,y,M,x,b,_,w,S,k,E=a,A=Re(),N=Oe(n,t,e,r),C={point:f,lineStart:h,lineEnd:g,polygonStart:function(){a=A,v=[],d=[],k=!0},polygonEnd:function(){a=E,v=ta.merge(v);var t=c([n,r]),e=k&&t,u=v.length;(e||u)&&(a.polygonStart(),e&&(a.lineStart(),l(null,null,1,a),a.lineEnd()),u&&Ce(v,i,t,l,a),a.polygonEnd()),v=d=m=null}};return C}}function Ye(n){var t=0,e=qa/3,r=ir(n),u=r(t,e);return u.parallels=function(n){return arguments.length?r(t=n[0]*qa/180,e=n[1]*qa/180):[t/qa*180,e/qa*180]},u}function Ze(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=Math.sqrt(i-2*u*Math.sin(t))/u;return[e*Math.sin(n*=u),o-e*Math.cos(n)]}var r=Math.sin(n),u=(r+Math.sin(t))/2,i=1+r*(2*u-r),o=Math.sqrt(i)/u;return e.invert=function(n,t){var e=o-t;return[Math.atan2(n,e)/u,tt((i-(n*n+e*e)*u*u)/(2*u))]},e}function Ve(){function n(n,t){Dc+=u*n-r*t,r=n,u=t}var t,e,r,u;Hc.point=function(i,o){Hc.point=n,t=r=i,e=u=o},Hc.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function Xe(n,t){Pc>n&&(Pc=n),n>jc&&(jc=n),Uc>t&&(Uc=t),t>Fc&&(Fc=t)}function $e(){function n(n,t){o.push("M",n,",",t,i)}function t(n,t){o.push("M",n,",",t),a.point=e}function e(n,t){o.push("L",n,",",t)}function r(){a.point=n}function u(){o.push("Z")}var i=Be(4.5),o=[],a={point:n,lineStart:function(){a.point=t},lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=u},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=r,a.point=n},pointRadius:function(n){return i=Be(n),a},result:function(){if(o.length){var n=o.join("");return o=[],n}}};return a}function Be(n){return"m0,"+n+"a"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+-2*n+"a"+n+","+n+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*n+"z"}function We(n,t){_c+=n,wc+=t,++Sc}function Je(){function n(n,r){var u=n-t,i=r-e,o=Math.sqrt(u*u+i*i);kc+=o*(t+n)/2,Ec+=o*(e+r)/2,Ac+=o,We(t=n,e=r)}var t,e;Ic.point=function(r,u){Ic.point=n,We(t=r,e=u)}}function Ge(){Ic.point=We}function Ke(){function n(n,t){var e=n-r,i=t-u,o=Math.sqrt(e*e+i*i);kc+=o*(r+n)/2,Ec+=o*(u+t)/2,Ac+=o,o=u*n-r*t,Nc+=o*(r+n),Cc+=o*(u+t),zc+=3*o,We(r=n,u=t)}var t,e,r,u;Ic.point=function(i,o){Ic.point=n,We(t=r=i,e=u=o)},Ic.lineEnd=function(){n(t,e)}}function Qe(n){function t(t,e){n.moveTo(t+o,e),n.arc(t,e,o,0,La)}function e(t,e){n.moveTo(t,e),a.point=r}function r(t,e){n.lineTo(t,e)}function u(){a.point=t}function i(){n.closePath()}var o=4.5,a={point:t,lineStart:function(){a.point=e},lineEnd:u,polygonStart:function(){a.lineEnd=i},polygonEnd:function(){a.lineEnd=u,a.point=t},pointRadius:function(n){return o=n,a},result:b};return a}function nr(n){function t(n){return(a?r:e)(n)}function e(t){return rr(t,function(e,r){e=n(e,r),t.point(e[0],e[1])})}function r(t){function e(e,r){e=n(e,r),t.point(e[0],e[1])}function r(){M=0/0,S.point=i,t.lineStart()}function i(e,r){var i=pe([e,r]),o=n(e,r);u(M,x,y,b,_,w,M=o[0],x=o[1],y=e,b=i[0],_=i[1],w=i[2],a,t),t.point(M,x)}function o(){S.point=e,t.lineEnd()}function c(){r(),S.point=l,S.lineEnd=s}function l(n,t){i(f=n,h=t),g=M,p=x,v=b,d=_,m=w,S.point=i}function s(){u(M,x,y,b,_,w,g,p,f,v,d,m,a,t),S.lineEnd=o,o()}var f,h,g,p,v,d,m,y,M,x,b,_,w,S={point:e,lineStart:r,lineEnd:o,polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart(),S.lineStart=c | |
},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd(),S.lineStart=r}};return S}function u(t,e,r,a,c,l,s,f,h,g,p,v,d,m){var y=s-t,M=f-e,x=y*y+M*M;if(x>4*i&&d--){var b=a+g,_=c+p,w=l+v,S=Math.sqrt(b*b+_*_+w*w),k=Math.asin(w/=S),E=ga(ga(w)-1)<Ca||ga(r-h)<Ca?(r+h)/2:Math.atan2(_,b),A=n(E,k),N=A[0],C=A[1],z=N-t,q=C-e,L=M*z-y*q;(L*L/x>i||ga((y*z+M*q)/x-.5)>.3||o>a*g+c*p+l*v)&&(u(t,e,r,a,c,l,N,C,E,b/=S,_/=S,w,d,m),m.point(N,C),u(N,C,E,b,_,w,s,f,h,g,p,v,d,m))}}var i=.5,o=Math.cos(30*Da),a=16;return t.precision=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=(i=n*n)>0&&16,t):Math.sqrt(i)},t}function tr(n){var t=nr(function(t,e){return n([t*Pa,e*Pa])});return function(n){return or(t(n))}}function er(n){}function rr(n,t){return{point:t,sphere:function(){n.sphere()},lineStart:function(){n.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){n.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){n.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){n.polygonEnd()}}}function ur(n){return ir(function(){return n})()}function ir(n){function t(n){return n=a(n[0]*Da,n[1]*Da),[n[0]*h+c,l-n[1]*h]}function e(n){return n=a.invert((n[0]-c)/h,(l-n[1])/h),n&&[n[0]*Pa,n[1]*Pa]}function r(){a=Ae(o=lr(m,M,x),i);var n=i(v,d);return c=g-n[0]*h,l=p+n[1]*h,u()}function u(){return s&&(s.valid=!1,s=null),t}var i,o,a,c,l,s,f=nr(function(n,t){return n=i(n,t),[n[0]*h+c,l-n[1]*h]}),h=150,g=480,p=250,v=0,d=0,m=0,M=0,x=0,b=Lc,_=y,w=null,S=null;return{return s&&(s.valid=!1),s=or(b(o,f(_(n)))),s.valid=!0,s},t.clipAngle=function(n){return arguments.length?(b=null==n?(w=n,Lc):He((w=+n)*Da),u()):w},t.clipExtent=function(n){return arguments.length?(S=n,_=n?Ie(n[0][0],n[0][1],n[1][0],n[1][1]):y,u()):S},t.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(h=+n,r()):h},t.translate=function(n){return arguments.length?(g=+n[0],p=+n[1],r()):[g,p]},{return arguments.length?(v=n[0]%360*Da,d=n[1]%360*Da,r()):[v*Pa,d*Pa]},t.rotate=function(n){return arguments.length?(m=n[0]%360*Da,M=n[1]%360*Da,x=n.length>2?n[2]%360*Da:0,r()):[m*Pa,M*Pa,x*Pa]},ta.rebind(t,f,"precision"),function(){return i=n.apply(this,arguments),t.invert=i.invert&&e,r()}}function or(n){return rr(n,function(t,e){n.point(t*Da,e*Da)})}function ar(n,t){return[n,t]}function cr(n,t){return[n>qa?n-La:-qa>n?n+La:n,t]}function lr(n,t,e){return n?t||e?Ae(fr(n),hr(t,e)):fr(n):t||e?hr(t,e):cr}function sr(n){return function(t,e){return t+=n,[t>qa?t-La:-qa>t?t+La:t,e]}}function fr(n){var t=sr(n);return t.invert=sr(-n),t}function hr(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(n)*e,c=Math.sin(n)*e,l=Math.sin(t),s=l*r+a*u;return[Math.atan2(c*i-s*o,a*r-l*u),tt(s*i+c*o)]}var r=Math.cos(n),u=Math.sin(n),i=Math.cos(t),o=Math.sin(t);return e.invert=function(n,t){var e=Math.cos(t),a=Math.cos(n)*e,c=Math.sin(n)*e,l=Math.sin(t),s=l*i-c*o;return[Math.atan2(c*i+l*o,a*r+s*u),tt(s*r-a*u)]},e}function gr(n,t){var e=Math.cos(n),r=Math.sin(n);return function(u,i,o,a){var c=o*t;null!=u?(u=pr(e,u),i=pr(e,i),(o>0?i>u:u>i)&&(u+=o*La)):(u=n+o*La,i=n-.5*c);for(var l,s=u;o>0?s>i:i>s;s-=c)a.point((l=xe([e,-r*Math.cos(s),-r*Math.sin(s)]))[0],l[1])}}function pr(n,t){var e=pe(t);e[0]-=n,Me(e);var r=nt(-e[1]);return((-e[2]<0?-r:r)+2*Math.PI-Ca)%(2*Math.PI)}function vr(n,t,e){var r=ta.range(n,t-Ca,e).concat(t);return function(n){return{return[n,t]})}}function dr(n,t,e){var r=ta.range(n,t-Ca,e).concat(t);return function(n){return{return[t,n]})}}function mr(n){return n.source}function yr(n){return}function Mr(n,t,e,r){var u=Math.cos(t),i=Math.sin(t),o=Math.cos(r),a=Math.sin(r),c=u*Math.cos(n),l=u*Math.sin(n),s=o*Math.cos(e),f=o*Math.sin(e),h=2*Math.asin(Math.sqrt(it(r-t)+u*o*it(e-n))),g=1/Math.sin(h),p=h?function(n){var t=Math.sin(n*=h)*g,e=Math.sin(h-n)*g,r=e*c+t*s,u=e*l+t*f,o=e*i+t*a;return[Math.atan2(u,r)*Pa,Math.atan2(o,Math.sqrt(r*r+u*u))*Pa]}:function(){return[n*Pa,t*Pa]};return p.distance=h,p}function xr(){function n(n,u){var i=Math.sin(u*=Da),o=Math.cos(u),a=ga((n*=Da)-t),c=Math.cos(a);Yc+=Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a=o*Math.sin(a))*a+(a=r*i-e*o*c)*a),e*i+r*o*c),t=n,e=i,r=o}var t,e,r;Zc.point=function(u,i){t=u*Da,e=Math.sin(i*=Da),r=Math.cos(i),Zc.point=n},Zc.lineEnd=function(){Zc.point=Zc.lineEnd=b}}function br(n,t){function e(t,e){var r=Math.cos(t),u=Math.cos(e),i=n(r*u);return[i*u*Math.sin(t),i*Math.sin(e)]}return e.invert=function(n,e){var r=Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e),u=t(r),i=Math.sin(u),o=Math.cos(u);return[Math.atan2(n*i,r*o),Math.asin(r&&e*i/r)]},e}function _r(n,t){function e(n,t){o>0?-Ra+Ca>t&&(t=-Ra+Ca):t>Ra-Ca&&(t=Ra-Ca);var e=o/Math.pow(u(t),i);return[e*Math.sin(i*n),o-e*Math.cos(i*n)]}var r=Math.cos(n),u=function(n){return Math.tan(qa/4+n/2)},i=n===t?Math.sin(n):Math.log(r/Math.cos(t))/Math.log(u(t)/u(n)),o=r*Math.pow(u(n),i)/i;return i?(e.invert=function(n,t){var e=o-t,r=K(i)*Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e);return[Math.atan2(n,e)/i,2*Math.atan(Math.pow(o/r,1/i))-Ra]},e):Sr}function wr(n,t){function e(n,t){var e=i-t;return[e*Math.sin(u*n),i-e*Math.cos(u*n)]}var r=Math.cos(n),u=n===t?Math.sin(n):(r-Math.cos(t))/(t-n),i=r/u+n;return ga(u)<Ca?ar:(e.invert=function(n,t){var e=i-t;return[Math.atan2(n,e)/u,i-K(u)*Math.sqrt(n*n+e*e)]},e)}function Sr(n,t){return[n,Math.log(Math.tan(qa/4+t/2))]}function kr(n){var t,e=ur(n),r=e.scale,u=e.translate,i=e.clipExtent;return e.scale=function(){var n=r.apply(e,arguments);return n===e?t?e.clipExtent(null):e:n},e.translate=function(){var n=u.apply(e,arguments);return n===e?t?e.clipExtent(null):e:n},e.clipExtent=function(n){var o=i.apply(e,arguments);if(o===e){if(t=null==n){var a=qa*r(),c=u();i([[c[0]-a,c[1]-a],[c[0]+a,c[1]+a]])}}else t&&(o=null);return o},e.clipExtent(null)}function Er(n,t){return[Math.log(Math.tan(qa/4+t/2)),-n]}function Ar(n){return n[0]}function Nr(n){return n[1]}function Cr(n){for(var t=n.length,e=[0,1],r=2,u=2;t>u;u++){for(;r>1&&Q(n[e[r-2]],n[e[r-1]],n[u])<=0;)--r;e[r++]=u}return e.slice(0,r)}function zr(n,t){return n[0]-t[0]||n[1]-t[1]}function qr(n,t,e){return(e[0]-t[0])*(n[1]-t[1])<(e[1]-t[1])*(n[0]-t[0])}function Lr(n,t,e,r){var u=n[0],i=e[0],o=t[0]-u,a=r[0]-i,c=n[1],l=e[1],s=t[1]-c,f=r[1]-l,h=(a*(c-l)-f*(u-i))/(f*o-a*s);return[u+h*o,c+h*s]}function Tr(n){var t=n[0],e=n[n.length-1];return!(t[0]-e[0]||t[1]-e[1])}function Rr(){tu(this),}function Dr(n){var t=el.pop()||new Rr;return,t}function Pr(n){Xr(n),Qc.remove(n),el.push(n),tu(n)}function Ur(n){var,e=t.x,,u={x:e,y:r},i=n.P,o=n.N,a=[n];Pr(n);for(var c=i;<Ca&&ga(<Ca;)i=c.P,a.unshift(c),Pr(c),c=i;a.unshift(c),Xr(c);for(var l=o;<Ca&&ga(<Ca;)o=l.N,a.push(l),Pr(l),l=o;a.push(l),Xr(l);var s,f=a.length;for(s=1;f>s;++s)l=a[s],c=a[s-1],Kr(l.edge,,,u);c=a[0],l=a[f-1],l.edge=Jr(,,null,u),Vr(c),Vr(l)}function jr(n){for(var t,e,r,u,i=n.x,o=n.y,a=Qc._;a;)if(r=Fr(a,o)-i,r>Ca)a=a.L;else{if(u=i-Hr(a,o),!(u>Ca)){r>-Ca?(t=a.P,e=a):u>-Ca?(t=a,e=a.N):t=e=a;break}if(!a.R){t=a;break}a=a.R}var c=Dr(n);if(Qc.insert(t,c),t||e){if(t===e)return Xr(t),e=Dr(,Qc.insert(c,e),c.edge=e.edge=Jr(,,Vr(t),void Vr(e);if(!e)return void(c.edge=Jr(,;Xr(t),Xr(e);var,s=l.x,f=l.y,h=n.x-s,g=n.y-f,,v=p.x-s,d=p.y-f,m=2*(h*d-g*v),y=h*h+g*g,M=v*v+d*d,x={x:(d*y-g*M)/m+s,y:(h*M-v*y)/m+f};Kr(e.edge,l,p,x),c.edge=Jr(l,n,null,x),e.edge=Jr(n,p,null,x),Vr(t),Vr(e)}}function Fr(n,t){var,r=e.x,u=e.y,i=u-t;if(!i)return r;var o=n.P;if(!o)return-1/0;;var a=e.x,c=e.y,l=c-t;if(!l)return a;var s=a-r,f=1/i-1/l,h=s/l;return f?(-h+Math.sqrt(h*h-2*f*(s*s/(-2*l)-c+l/2+u-i/2)))/f+r:(r+a)/2}function Hr(n,t){var e=n.N;if(e)return Fr(e,t);var;return r.y===t?r.x:1/0}function Or(n){,this.edges=[]}function Ir(n){for(var t,e,r,u,i,o,a,c,l,s,f=n[0][0],h=n[1][0],g=n[0][1],p=n[1][1],v=Kc,d=v.length;d--;)if(i=v[d],i&&i.prepare())for(a=i.edges,c=a.length,o=0;c>o;)s=a[o].end(),r=s.x,u=s.y,l=a[++o%c].start(),t=l.x,e=l.y,(ga(r-t)>Ca||ga(u-e)>Ca)&&(a.splice(o,0,new Qr(Gr(,s,ga(r-f)<Ca&&p-u>Ca?{x:f,y:ga(t-f)<Ca?e:p}:ga(u-p)<Ca&&h-r>Ca?{x:ga(e-p)<Ca?t:h,y:p}:ga(r-h)<Ca&&u-g>Ca?{x:h,y:ga(t-h)<Ca?e:g}:ga(u-g)<Ca&&r-f>Ca?{x:ga(e-g)<Ca?t:f,y:g}:null),,null)),++c)}function Yr(n,t){return t.angle-n.angle}function Zr(){tu(this),}function Vr(n){var t=n.P,e=n.N;if(t&&e){var,,;if(r!==i){var o=u.x,a=u.y,c=r.x-o,l=r.y-a,s=i.x-o,f=i.y-a,h=2*(c*f-l*s);if(!(h>=-za)){var g=c*c+l*l,p=s*s+f*f,v=(f*g-l*p)/h,d=(c*p-s*g)/h,f=d+a,m=rl.pop()||new Zr;m.arc=n,,m.x=v+o,m.y=f+Math.sqrt(v*v+d*d),,;for(var y=null,M=tl._;M;)if(m.y<M.y||m.y===M.y&&m.x<=M.x){if(!M.L){y=M.P;break}M=M.L}else{if(!M.R){y=M;break}M=M.R}tl.insert(y,m),y||(nl=m)}}}}function Xr(n){var;t&&(t.P||(nl=t.N),tl.remove(t),rl.push(t),tu(t),}function $r(n){for(var t,e=Gc,r=Oe(n[0][0],n[0][1],n[1][0],n[1][1]),u=e.length;u--;)t=e[u],(!Br(t,n)||!r(t)||ga(t.a.x-t.b.x)<Ca&&ga(t.a.y-t.b.y)<Ca)&&(t.a=t.b=null,e.splice(u,1))}function Br(n,t){var e=n.b;if(e)return!0;var r,u,i=n.a,o=t[0][0],a=t[1][0],c=t[0][1],l=t[1][1],s=n.l,f=n.r,h=s.x,g=s.y,p=f.x,v=f.y,d=(h+p)/2,m=(g+v)/2;if(v===g){if(o>d||d>=a)return;if(h>p){if(i){if(i.y>=l)return}else i={x:d,y:c};e={x:d,y:l}}else{if(i){if(i.y<c)return}else i={x:d,y:l};e={x:d,y:c}}}else if(r=(h-p)/(v-g),u=m-r*d,-1>r||r>1)if(h>p){if(i){if(i.y>=l)return}else i={x:(c-u)/r,y:c};e={x:(l-u)/r,y:l}}else{if(i){if(i.y<c)return}else i={x:(l-u)/r,y:l};e={x:(c-u)/r,y:c}}else if(v>g){if(i){if(i.x>=a)return}else i={x:o,y:r*o+u};e={x:a,y:r*a+u}}else{if(i){if(i.x<o)return}else i={x:a,y:r*a+u};e={x:o,y:r*o+u}}return n.a=i,n.b=e,!0}function Wr(n,t){this.l=n,this.r=t,this.a=this.b=null}function Jr(n,t,e,r){var u=new Wr(n,t);return Gc.push(u),e&&Kr(u,n,t,e),r&&Kr(u,t,n,r),Kc[n.i].edges.push(new Qr(u,n,t)),Kc[t.i].edges.push(new Qr(u,t,n)),u}function Gr(n,t,e){var r=new Wr(n,null);return r.a=t,r.b=e,Gc.push(r),r}function Kr(n,t,e,r){n.a||n.b?n.l===e?n.b=r:n.a=r:(n.a=r,n.l=t,n.r=e)}function Qr(n,t,e){var r=n.a,u=n.b;this.edge=n,,this.angle=e?Math.atan2(e.y-t.y,e.x-t.x):n.l===t?Math.atan2(u.x-r.x,r.y-u.y):Math.atan2(r.x-u.x,u.y-r.y)}function nu(){this._=null}function tu(n){n.U=n.C=n.L=n.R=n.P=n.N=null}function eu(n,t){var e=t,r=t.R,u=e.U;u?u.L===e?u.L=r:u.R=r:n._=r,r.U=u,e.U=r,e.R=r.L,e.R&&(e.R.U=e),r.L=e}function ru(n,t){var e=t,r=t.L,u=e.U;u?u.L===e?u.L=r:u.R=r:n._=r,r.U=u,e.U=r,e.L=r.R,e.L&&(e.L.U=e),r.R=e}function uu(n){for(;n.L;)n=n.L;return n}function iu(n,t){var e,r,u,i=n.sort(ou).pop();for(Gc=[],Kc=new Array(n.length),Qc=new nu,tl=new nu;;)if(u=nl,i&&(!u||i.y<u.y||i.y===u.y&&i.x<u.x))(i.x!==e||i.y!==r)&&(Kc[i.i]=new Or(i),jr(i),e=i.x,r=i.y),i=n.pop();else{if(!u)break;Ur(u.arc)}t&&($r(t),Ir(t));var o={cells:Kc,edges:Gc};return Qc=tl=Gc=Kc=null,o}function ou(n,t){return t.y-n.y||t.x-n.x}function au(n,t,e){return(n.x-e.x)*(t.y-n.y)-(n.x-t.x)*(e.y-n.y)}function cu(n){return n.x}function lu(n){return n.y}function su(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null,x:null,y:null}}function fu(n,t,e,r,u,i){if(!n(t,e,r,u,i)){var o=.5*(e+u),a=.5*(r+i),c=t.nodes;c[0]&&fu(n,c[0],e,r,o,a),c[1]&&fu(n,c[1],o,r,u,a),c[2]&&fu(n,c[2],e,a,o,i),c[3]&&fu(n,c[3],o,a,u,i)}}function hu(n,t,e,r,u,i,o){var a,c=1/0;return function l(n,s,f,h,g){if(!(s>i||f>o||r>h||u>g)){if(p=n.point){var p,v=t-n.x,d=e-n.y,m=v*v+d*d;if(c>m){var y=Math.sqrt(c=m);r=t-y,u=e-y,i=t+y,o=e+y,a=p}}for(var M=n.nodes,x=.5*(s+h),b=.5*(f+g),_=t>=x,w=e>=b,S=w<<1|_,k=S+4;k>S;++S)if(n=M[3&S])switch(3&S){case 0:l(n,s,f,x,b);break;case 1:l(n,x,f,h,b);break;case 2:l(n,s,b,x,g);break;case 3:l(n,x,b,h,g)}}}(n,r,u,i,o),a}function gu(n,t){n=ta.rgb(n),t=ta.rgb(t);var e=n.r,r=n.g,u=n.b,i=t.r-e,o=t.g-r,a=t.b-u;return function(n){return"#"+xt(Math.round(e+i*n))+xt(Math.round(r+o*n))+xt(Math.round(u+a*n))}}function pu(n,t){var e,r={},u={};for(e in n)e in t?r[e]=mu(n[e],t[e]):u[e]=n[e];for(e in t)e in n||(u[e]=t[e]);return function(n){for(e in r)u[e]=r[e](n);return u}}function vu(n,t){return n=+n,t=+t,function(e){return n*(1-e)+t*e}}function du(n,t){var e,r,u,i=il.lastIndex=ol.lastIndex=0,o=-1,a=[],c=[];for(n+="",t+="";(e=il.exec(n))&&(r=ol.exec(t));)(u=r.index)>i&&(u=t.slice(i,u),a[o]?a[o]+=u:a[++o]=u),(e=e[0])===(r=r[0])?a[o]?a[o]+=r:a[++o]=r:(a[++o]=null,c.push({i:o,x:vu(e,r)})),i=ol.lastIndex;return i<t.length&&(u=t.slice(i),a[o]?a[o]+=u:a[++o]=u),a.length<2?c[0]?(t=c[0].x,function(n){return t(n)+""}):function(){return t}:(t=c.length,function(n){for(var e,r=0;t>r;++r)a[(e=c[r]).i]=e.x(n);return a.join("")})}function mu(n,t){for(var e,r=ta.interpolators.length;--r>=0&&!(e=ta.interpolators[r](n,t)););return e}function yu(n,t){var e,r=[],u=[],i=n.length,o=t.length,a=Math.min(n.length,t.length);for(e=0;a>e;++e)r.push(mu(n[e],t[e]));for(;i>e;++e)u[e]=n[e];for(;o>e;++e)u[e]=t[e];return function(n){for(e=0;a>e;++e)u[e]=r[e](n);return u}}function Mu(n){return function(t){return 0>=t?0:t>=1?1:n(t)}}function xu(n){return function(t){return 1-n(1-t)}}function bu(n){return function(t){return.5*(.5>t?n(2*t):2-n(2-2*t))}}function _u(n){return n*n}function wu(n){return n*n*n}function Su(n){if(0>=n)return 0;if(n>=1)return 1;var t=n*n,e=t*n;return 4*(.5>n?e:3*(n-t)+e-.75)}function ku(n){return function(t){return Math.pow(t,n)}}function Eu(n){return 1-Math.cos(n*Ra)}function Au(n){return Math.pow(2,10*(n-1))}function Nu(n){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-n*n)}function Cu(n,t){var e;return arguments.length<2&&(t=.45),arguments.length?e=t/La*Math.asin(1/n):(n=1,e=t/4),function(r){return 1+n*Math.pow(2,-10*r)*Math.sin((r-e)*La/t)}}function zu(n){return n||(n=1.70158),function(t){return t*t*((n+1)*t-n)}}function qu(n){return 1/2.75>n?7.5625*n*n:2/2.75>n?7.5625*(n-=1.5/2.75)*n+.75:2.5/2.75>n?7.5625*(n-=2.25/2.75)*n+.9375:7.5625*(n-=2.625/2.75)*n+.984375}function Lu(n,t){n=ta.hcl(n),t=ta.hcl(t);var e=n.h,r=n.c,u=n.l,i=t.h-e,o=t.c-r,a=t.l-u;return isNaN(o)&&(o=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.c:r),isNaN(i)?(i=0,e=isNaN(e)?t.h:e):i>180?i-=360:-180>i&&(i+=360),function(n){return st(e+i*n,r+o*n,u+a*n)+""}}function Tu(n,t){n=ta.hsl(n),t=ta.hsl(t);var e=n.h,r=n.s,u=n.l,i=t.h-e,o=t.s-r,a=t.l-u;return isNaN(o)&&(o=0,r=isNaN(r)?t.s:r),isNaN(i)?(i=0,e=isNaN(e)?t.h:e):i>180?i-=360:-180>i&&(i+=360),function(n){return ct(e+i*n,r+o*n,u+a*n)+""}}function Ru(n,t){n=ta.lab(n),t=ta.lab(t);var e=n.l,r=n.a,u=n.b,i=t.l-e,o=t.a-r,a=t.b-u;return function(n){return ht(e+i*n,r+o*n,u+a*n)+""}}function Du(n,t){return t-=n,function(e){return Math.round(n+t*e)}}function Pu(n){var t=[n.a,n.b],e=[n.c,n.d],r=ju(t),u=Uu(t,e),i=ju(Fu(e,t,-u))||0;t[0]*e[1]<e[0]*t[1]&&(t[0]*=-1,t[1]*=-1,r*=-1,u*=-1),this.rotate=(r?Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]):Math.atan2(-e[0],e[1]))*Pa,this.translate=[n.e,n.f],this.scale=[r,i],this.skew=i?Math.atan2(u,i)*Pa:0}function Uu(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]}function ju(n){var t=Math.sqrt(Uu(n,n));return t&&(n[0]/=t,n[1]/=t),t}function Fu(n,t,e){return n[0]+=e*t[0],n[1]+=e*t[1],n}function Hu(n,t){var e,r=[],u=[],i=ta.transform(n),o=ta.transform(t),a=i.translate,c=o.translate,l=i.rotate,s=o.rotate,f=i.skew,h=o.skew,g=i.scale,p=o.scale;return a[0]!=c[0]||a[1]!=c[1]?(r.push("translate(",null,",",null,")"),u.push({i:1,x:vu(a[0],c[0])},{i:3,x:vu(a[1],c[1])})):r.push(c[0]||c[1]?"translate("+c+")":""),l!=s?(l-s>180?s+=360:s-l>180&&(l+=360),u.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"rotate(",null,")")-2,x:vu(l,s)})):s&&r.push(r.pop()+"rotate("+s+")"),f!=h?u.push({i:r.push(r.pop()+"skewX(",null,")")-2,x:vu(f,h)}):h&&r.push(r.pop()+"skewX("+h+")"),g[0]!=p[0]||g[1]!=p[1]?(e=r.push(r.pop()+"scale(",null,",",null,")"),u.push({i:e-4,x:vu(g[0],p[0])},{i:e-2,x:vu(g[1],p[1])})):(1!=p[0]||1!=p[1])&&r.push(r.pop()+"scale("+p+")"),e=u.length,function(n){for(var t,i=-1;++i<e;)r[(t=u[i]).i]=t.x(n);return r.join("")}}function Ou(n,t){return t=(t-=n=+n)||1/t,function(e){return(e-n)/t}}function Iu(n,t){return t=(t-=n=+n)||1/t,function(e){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,(e-n)/t))}}function Yu(n){for(var t=n.source,,r=Vu(t,e),u=[t];t!==r;)t=t.parent,u.push(t);for(var i=u.length;e!==r;)u.splice(i,0,e),e=e.parent;return u}function Zu(n){for(var t=[],e=n.parent;null!=e;)t.push(n),n=e,e=e.parent;return t.push(n),t}function Vu(n,t){if(n===t)return n;for(var e=Zu(n),r=Zu(t),u=e.pop(),i=r.pop(),o=null;u===i;)o=u,u=e.pop(),i=r.pop();return o}function Xu(n){n.fixed|=2}function $u(n){n.fixed&=-7}function Bu(n){n.fixed|=4,n.px=n.x,}function Wu(n){n.fixed&=-5}function Ju(n,t,e){var r=0,u=0;if(n.charge=0,!n.leaf)for(var i,o=n.nodes,a=o.length,c=-1;++c<a;)i=o[c],null!=i&&(Ju(i,t,e),n.charge+=i.charge,r+=i.charge*,u+=i.charge*;if(n.point){n.leaf||(n.point.x+=Math.random()-.5,n.point.y+=Math.random()-.5);var l=t*e[n.point.index];n.charge+=n.pointCharge=l,r+=l*n.point.x,u+=l*n.point.y},}function Gu(n,t){return ta.rebind(n,t,"sort","children","value"),n.nodes=n,n.links=ri,n}function Ku(n,t){for(var e=[n];null!=(n=e.pop());)if(t(n),(u=n.children)&&(r=u.length))for(var r,u;--r>=0;)e.push(u[r])}function Qu(n,t){for(var e=[n],r=[];null!=(n=e.pop());)if(r.push(n),(i=n.children)&&(u=i.length))for(var u,i,o=-1;++o<u;)e.push(i[o]);for(;null!=(n=r.pop());)t(n)}function ni(n){return n.children}function ti(n){return n.value}function ei(n,t){return t.value-n.value}function ri(n){return ta.merge({return(n.children||[]).map(function(t){return{source:n,target:t}})}))}function ui(n){return n.x}function ii(n){return n.y}function oi(n,t,e){n.y0=t,n.y=e}function ai(n){return ta.range(n.length)}function ci(n){for(var t=-1,e=n[0].length,r=[];++t<e;)r[t]=0;return r}function li(n){for(var t,e=1,r=0,u=n[0][1],i=n.length;i>e;++e)(t=n[e][1])>u&&(r=e,u=t);return r}function si(n){return n.reduce(fi,0)}function fi(n,t){return n+t[1]}function hi(n,t){return gi(n,Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function gi(n,t){for(var e=-1,r=+n[0],u=(n[1]-r)/t,i=[];++e<=t;)i[e]=u*e+r;return i}function pi(n){return[ta.min(n),ta.max(n)]}function vi(n,t){return n.value-t.value}function di(n,t){var e=n._pack_next;n._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=n,t._pack_next=e,e._pack_prev=t}function mi(n,t){n._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=n}function yi(n,t){var e=t.x-n.x,r=t.y-n.y,u=n.r+t.r;return.999*u*u>e*e+r*r}function Mi(n){function t(n){s=Math.min(n.x-n.r,s),f=Math.max(n.x+n.r,f),h=Math.min(n.y-n.r,h),g=Math.max(n.y+n.r,g)}if((e=n.children)&&(l=e.length)){var e,r,u,i,o,a,c,l,s=1/0,f=-1/0,h=1/0,g=-1/0;if(e.forEach(xi),r=e[0],r.x=-r.r,r.y=0,t(r),l>1&&(u=e[1],u.x=u.r,u.y=0,t(u),l>2))for(i=e[2],wi(r,u,i),t(i),di(r,i),r._pack_prev=i,di(i,u),u=r._pack_next,o=3;l>o;o++){wi(r,u,i=e[o]);var p=0,v=1,d=1;for(a=u._pack_next;a!==u;a=a._pack_next,v++)if(yi(a,i)){p=1;break}if(1==p)for(c=r._pack_prev;c!==a._pack_prev&&!yi(c,i);c=c._pack_prev,d++);p?(d>v||v==d&&u.r<r.r?mi(r,u=a):mi(r=c,u),o--):(di(r,i),u=i,t(i))}var m=(s+f)/2,y=(h+g)/2,M=0;for(o=0;l>o;o++)i=e[o],i.x-=m,i.y-=y,M=Math.max(M,i.r+Math.sqrt(i.x*i.x+i.y*i.y));n.r=M,e.forEach(bi)}}function xi(n){n._pack_next=n._pack_prev=n}function bi(n){delete n._pack_next,delete n._pack_prev}function _i(n,t,e,r){var u=n.children;if(n.x=t+=r*n.x,n.y=e+=r*n.y,n.r*=r,u)for(var i=-1,o=u.length;++i<o;)_i(u[i],t,e,r)}function wi(n,t,e){var r=n.r+e.r,u=t.x-n.x,i=t.y-n.y;if(r&&(u||i)){var o=t.r+e.r,a=u*u+i*i;o*=o,r*=r;var c=.5+(r-o)/(2*a),l=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*o*(r+a)-(r-=a)*r-o*o))/(2*a);e.x=n.x+c*u+l*i,e.y=n.y+c*i-l*u}else e.x=n.x+r,e.y=n.y}function Si(n,t){return n.parent==t.parent?1:2}function ki(n){var t=n.children;return t.length?t[0]:n.t}function Ei(n){var t,e=n.children;return(t=e.length)?e[t-1]:n.t}function Ai(n,t,e){var r=e/(t.i-n.i);t.c-=r,t.s+=e,n.c+=r,t.z+=e,t.m+=e}function Ni(n){for(var t,e=0,r=0,u=n.children,i=u.length;--i>=0;)t=u[i],t.z+=e,t.m+=e,e+=t.s+(r+=t.c)}function Ci(n,t,e){return n.a.parent===t.parent?n.a:e}function zi(n){return 1+ta.max(n,function(n){return n.y})}function qi(n){return n.reduce(function(n,t){return n+t.x},0)/n.length}function Li(n){var t=n.children;return t&&t.length?Li(t[0]):n}function Ti(n){var t,e=n.children;return e&&(t=e.length)?Ti(e[t-1]):n}function Ri(n){return{x:n.x,y:n.y,dx:n.dx,dy:n.dy}}function Di(n,t){var e=n.x+t[3],r=n.y+t[0],u=n.dx-t[1]-t[3],i=n.dy-t[0]-t[2];return 0>u&&(e+=u/2,u=0),0>i&&(r+=i/2,i=0),{x:e,y:r,dx:u,dy:i}}function Pi(n){var t=n[0],e=n[n.length-1];return e>t?[t,e]:[e,t]}function Ui(n){return n.rangeExtent?n.rangeExtent():Pi(n.range())}function ji(n,t,e,r){var u=e(n[0],n[1]),i=r(t[0],t[1]);return function(n){return i(u(n))}}function Fi(n,t){var e,r=0,u=n.length-1,i=n[r],o=n[u];return i>o&&(e=r,r=u,u=e,e=i,i=o,o=e),n[r]=t.floor(i),n[u]=t.ceil(o),n}function Hi(n){return n?{floor:function(t){return Math.floor(t/n)*n},ceil:function(t){return Math.ceil(t/n)*n}}:ml}function Oi(n,t,e,r){var u=[],i=[],o=0,a=Math.min(n.length,t.length)-1;for(n[a]<n[0]&&(n=n.slice().reverse(),t=t.slice().reverse());++o<=a;)u.push(e(n[o-1],n[o])),i.push(r(t[o-1],t[o]));return function(t){var e=ta.bisect(n,t,1,a)-1;return i[e](u[e](t))}}function Ii(n,t,e,r){function u(){var u=Math.min(n.length,t.length)>2?Oi:ji,c=r?Iu:Ou;return o=u(n,t,c,e),a=u(t,n,c,mu),i}function i(n){return o(n)}var o,a;return i.invert=function(n){return a(n)},i.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(,u()):n},i.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,u()):t},i.rangeRound=function(n){return i.range(n).interpolate(Du)},i.clamp=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,u()):r},i.interpolate=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,u()):e},i.ticks=function(t){return Xi(n,t)},i.tickFormat=function(t,e){return $i(n,t,e)},i.nice=function(t){return Zi(n,t),u()},i.copy=function(){return Ii(n,t,e,r)},u()}function Yi(n,t){return ta.rebind(n,t,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function Zi(n,t){return Fi(n,Hi(Vi(n,t)[2]))}function Vi(n,t){null==t&&(t=10);var e=Pi(n),r=e[1]-e[0],u=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/t)/Math.LN10)),i=t/r*u;return.15>=i?u*=10:.35>=i?u*=5:.75>=i&&(u*=2),e[0]=Math.ceil(e[0]/u)*u,e[1]=Math.floor(e[1]/u)*u+.5*u,e[2]=u,e}function Xi(n,t){return ta.range.apply(ta,Vi(n,t))}function $i(n,t,e){var r=Vi(n,t);if(e){var u=ic.exec(e);if(u.shift(),"s"===u[8]){var i=ta.formatPrefix(Math.max(ga(r[0]),ga(r[1])));return u[7]||(u[7]="."+Bi(i.scale(r[2]))),u[8]="f",e=ta.format(u.join("")),function(n){return e(i.scale(n))+i.symbol}}u[7]||(u[7]="."+Wi(u[8],r)),e=u.join("")}else e=",."+Bi(r[2])+"f";return ta.format(e)}function Bi(n){return-Math.floor(Math.log(n)/Math.LN10+.01)}function Wi(n,t){var e=Bi(t[2]);return n in yl?Math.abs(e-Bi(Math.max(ga(t[0]),ga(t[1]))))+ +("e"!==n):e-2*("%"===n)}function Ji(n,t,e,r){function u(n){return(e?Math.log(0>n?0:n):-Math.log(n>0?0:-n))/Math.log(t)}function i(n){return e?Math.pow(t,n):-Math.pow(t,-n)}function o(t){return n(u(t))}return o.invert=function(t){return i(n.invert(t))},o.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t[0]>=0,n.domain((,o):r},o.base=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=+e,n.domain(,o):t},o.nice=function(){var t=Fi(,e?Math:xl);return n.domain(t),,o},o.ticks=function(){var n=Pi(r),o=[],a=n[0],c=n[1],l=Math.floor(u(a)),s=Math.ceil(u(c)),f=t%1?2:t;if(isFinite(s-l)){if(e){for(;s>l;l++)for(var h=1;f>h;h++)o.push(i(l)*h);o.push(i(l))}else for(o.push(i(l));l++<s;)for(var h=f-1;h>0;h--)o.push(i(l)*h);for(l=0;o[l]<a;l++);for(s=o.length;o[s-1]>c;s--);o=o.slice(l,s)}return o},o.tickFormat=function(n,t){if(!arguments.length)return Ml;arguments.length<2?t=Ml:"function"!=typeof t&&(t=ta.format(t));var r,a=Math.max(.1,n/o.ticks().length),c=e?(r=1e-12,Math.ceil):(r=-1e-12,Math.floor);return function(n){return n/i(c(u(n)+r))<=a?t(n):""}},o.copy=function(){return Ji(n.copy(),t,e,r)},Yi(o,n)}function Gi(n,t,e){function r(t){return n(u(t))}var u=Ki(t),i=Ki(1/t);return r.invert=function(t){return i(n.invert(t))},r.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(n.domain((,r):e},r.ticks=function(n){return Xi(e,n)},r.tickFormat=function(n,t){return $i(e,n,t)},r.nice=function(n){return r.domain(Zi(e,n))},r.exponent=function(o){return arguments.length?(u=Ki(t=o),i=Ki(1/t),n.domain(,r):t},r.copy=function(){return Gi(n.copy(),t,e)},Yi(r,n)}function Ki(n){return function(t){return 0>t?-Math.pow(-t,n):Math.pow(t,n)}}function Qi(n,t){function e(e){return i[((u.get(e)||("range"===t.t?u.set(e,n.push(e)):0/0))-1)%i.length]}function r(t,e){return ta.range(n.length).map(function(n){return t+e*n})}var u,i,o;return e.domain=function(r){if(!arguments.length)return n;n=[],u=new l;for(var i,o=-1,a=r.length;++o<a;)u.has(i=r[o])||u.set(i,n.push(i));return e[t.t].apply(e,t.a)},e.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=n,o=0,t={t:"range",a:arguments},e):i},e.rangePoints=function(u,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var c=u[0],l=u[1],s=n.length<2?(c=(c+l)/2,0):(l-c)/(n.length-1+a);return i=r(c+s*a/2,s),o=0,t={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments},e},e.rangeRoundPoints=function(u,a){arguments.length<2&&(a=0);var c=u[0],l=u[1],s=n.length<2?(c=l=Math.round((c+l)/2),0):(l-c)/(n.length-1+a)|0;return i=r(c+Math.round(s*a/2+(l-c-(n.length-1+a)*s)/2),s),o=0,t={t:"rangeRoundPoints",a:arguments},e},e.rangeBands=function(u,a,c){arguments.length<2&&(a=0),arguments.length<3&&(c=a);var l=u[1]<u[0],s=u[l-0],f=u[1-l],h=(f-s)/(n.length-a+2*c);return i=r(s+h*c,h),l&&i.reverse(),o=h*(1-a),t={t:"rangeBands",a:arguments},e},e.rangeRoundBands=function(u,a,c){arguments.length<2&&(a=0),arguments.length<3&&(c=a);var l=u[1]<u[0],s=u[l-0],f=u[1-l],h=Math.floor((f-s)/(n.length-a+2*c));return i=r(s+Math.round((f-s-(n.length-a)*h)/2),h),l&&i.reverse(),o=Math.round(h*(1-a)),t={t:"rangeRoundBands",a:arguments},e},e.rangeBand=function(){return o},e.rangeExtent=function(){return Pi(t.a[0])},e.copy=function(){return Qi(n,t)},e.domain(n)}function no(n,t){function i(){var e=0,r=t.length;for(a=[];++e<r;)a[e-1]=ta.quantile(n,e/r);return o}function o(n){return isNaN(n=+n)?void 0:t[ta.bisect(a,n)]}var a;return o.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(,i()):n},o.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,i()):t},o.quantiles=function(){return a},o.invertExtent=function(e){return e=t.indexOf(e),0>e?[0/0,0/0]:[e>0?a[e-1]:n[0],e<a.length?a[e]:n[n.length-1]]},o.copy=function(){return no(n,t)},i()}function to(n,t,e){function r(t){return e[Math.max(0,Math.min(o,Math.floor(i*(t-n))))]}function u(){return i=e.length/(t-n),o=e.length-1,r}var i,o;return r.domain=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=+e[0],t=+e[e.length-1],u()):[n,t]},r.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,u()):e},r.invertExtent=function(t){return t=e.indexOf(t),t=0>t?0/0:t/i+n,[t,t+1/i]},r.copy=function(){return to(n,t,e)},u()}function eo(n,t){function e(e){return e>=e?t[ta.bisect(n,e)]:void 0}return e.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,e):t},e.invertExtent=function(e){return e=t.indexOf(e),[n[e-1],n[e]]},e.copy=function(){return eo(n,t)},e}function ro(n){function t(n){return+n}return t.invert=t,t.domain=t.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(,t):n},t.ticks=function(t){return Xi(n,t)},t.tickFormat=function(t,e){return $i(n,t,e)},t.copy=function(){return ro(n)},t}function uo(){return 0}function io(n){return n.innerRadius}function oo(n){return n.outerRadius}function ao(n){return n.startAngle}function co(n){return n.endAngle}function lo(n){return n&&n.padAngle}function so(n,t,e,r){return(n-e)*t-(t-r)*n>0?0:1}function fo(n,t,e,r,u){var i=n[0]-t[0],o=n[1]-t[1],a=(u?r:-r)/Math.sqrt(i*i+o*o),c=a*o,l=-a*i,s=n[0]+c,f=n[1]+l,h=t[0]+c,g=t[1]+l,p=(s+h)/2,v=(f+g)/2,d=h-s,m=g-f,y=d*d+m*m,M=e-r,x=s*g-h*f,b=(0>m?-1:1)*Math.sqrt(M*M*y-x*x),_=(x*m-d*b)/y,w=(-x*d-m*b)/y,S=(x*m+d*b)/y,k=(-x*d+m*b)/y,E=_-p,A=w-v,N=S-p,C=k-v;return E*E+A*A>N*N+C*C&&(_=S,w=k),[[_-c,w-l],[_*e/M,w*e/M]]}function ho(n){function t(t){function o(){l.push("M",i(n(s),a))}for(var c,l=[],s=[],f=-1,h=t.length,g=Et(e),p=Et(r);++f<h;),c=t[f],f)?s.push([,c,f),,c,f)]):s.length&&(o(),s=[]);return s.length&&o(),l.length?l.join(""):null}var e=Ar,r=Nr,u=Ne,i=go,o=i.key,a=.7;return t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t.defined=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=n,t):u},t.interpolate=function(n){return arguments.length?(o="function"==typeof n?i=n:(i=El.get(n)||go).key,t):o},t.tension=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,t):a},t}function go(n){return n.join("L")}function po(n){return go(n)+"Z"}function vo(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],u=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)u.push("H",(r[0]+(r=n[t])[0])/2,"V",r[1]);return e>1&&u.push("H",r[0]),u.join("")}function mo(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],u=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)u.push("V",(r=n[t])[1],"H",r[0]);return u.join("")}function yo(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length,r=n[0],u=[r[0],",",r[1]];++t<e;)u.push("H",(r=n[t])[0],"V",r[1]);return u.join("")}function Mo(n,t){return n.length<4?go(n):n[1]+_o(n.slice(1,-1),wo(n,t))}function xo(n,t){return n.length<3?go(n):n[0]+_o((n.push(n[0]),n),wo([n[n.length-2]].concat(n,[n[1]]),t))}function bo(n,t){return n.length<3?go(n):n[0]+_o(n,wo(n,t))}function _o(n,t){if(t.length<1||n.length!=t.length&&n.length!=t.length+2)return go(n);var e=n.length!=t.length,r="",u=n[0],i=n[1],o=t[0],a=o,c=1;if(e&&(r+="Q"+(i[0]-2*o[0]/3)+","+(i[1]-2*o[1]/3)+","+i[0]+","+i[1],u=n[1],c=2),t.length>1){a=t[1],i=n[c],c++,r+="C"+(u[0]+o[0])+","+(u[1]+o[1])+","+(i[0]-a[0])+","+(i[1]-a[1])+","+i[0]+","+i[1];for(var l=2;l<t.length;l++,c++)i=n[c],a=t[l],r+="S"+(i[0]-a[0])+","+(i[1]-a[1])+","+i[0]+","+i[1]}if(e){var s=n[c];r+="Q"+(i[0]+2*a[0]/3)+","+(i[1]+2*a[1]/3)+","+s[0]+","+s[1]}return r}function wo(n,t){for(var e,r=[],u=(1-t)/2,i=n[0],o=n[1],a=1,c=n.length;++a<c;)e=i,i=o,o=n[a],r.push([u*(o[0]-e[0]),u*(o[1]-e[1])]);return r}function So(n){if(n.length<3)return go(n);var t=1,e=n.length,r=n[0],u=r[0],i=r[1],o=[u,u,u,(r=n[1])[0]],a=[i,i,i,r[1]],c=[u,",",i,"L",No(Cl,o),",",No(Cl,a)];for(n.push(n[e-1]);++t<=e;)r=n[t],o.shift(),o.push(r[0]),a.shift(),a.push(r[1]),Co(c,o,a);return n.pop(),c.push("L",r),c.join("")}function ko(n){if(n.length<4)return go(n);for(var t,e=[],r=-1,u=n.length,i=[0],o=[0];++r<3;)t=n[r],i.push(t[0]),o.push(t[1]);for(e.push(No(Cl,i)+","+No(Cl,o)),--r;++r<u;)t=n[r],i.shift(),i.push(t[0]),o.shift(),o.push(t[1]),Co(e,i,o);return e.join("")}function Eo(n){for(var t,e,r=-1,u=n.length,i=u+4,o=[],a=[];++r<4;)e=n[r%u],o.push(e[0]),a.push(e[1]);for(t=[No(Cl,o),",",No(Cl,a)],--r;++r<i;)e=n[r%u],o.shift(),o.push(e[0]),a.shift(),a.push(e[1]),Co(t,o,a);return t.join("")}function Ao(n,t){var e=n.length-1;if(e)for(var r,u,i=n[0][0],o=n[0][1],a=n[e][0]-i,c=n[e][1]-o,l=-1;++l<=e;)r=n[l],u=l/e,r[0]=t*r[0]+(1-t)*(i+u*a),r[1]=t*r[1]+(1-t)*(o+u*c);return So(n)}function No(n,t){return n[0]*t[0]+n[1]*t[1]+n[2]*t[2]+n[3]*t[3]}function Co(n,t,e){n.push("C",No(Al,t),",",No(Al,e),",",No(Nl,t),",",No(Nl,e),",",No(Cl,t),",",No(Cl,e))}function zo(n,t){return(t[1]-n[1])/(t[0]-n[0])}function qo(n){for(var t=0,e=n.length-1,r=[],u=n[0],i=n[1],o=r[0]=zo(u,i);++t<e;)r[t]=(o+(o=zo(u=i,i=n[t+1])))/2;return r[t]=o,r}function Lo(n){for(var t,e,r,u,i=[],o=qo(n),a=-1,c=n.length-1;++a<c;)t=zo(n[a],n[a+1]),ga(t)<Ca?o[a]=o[a+1]=0:(e=o[a]/t,r=o[a+1]/t,u=e*e+r*r,u>9&&(u=3*t/Math.sqrt(u),o[a]=u*e,o[a+1]=u*r));for(a=-1;++a<=c;)u=(n[Math.min(c,a+1)][0]-n[Math.max(0,a-1)][0])/(6*(1+o[a]*o[a])),i.push([u||0,o[a]*u||0]);return i}function To(n){return n.length<3?go(n):n[0]+_o(n,Lo(n))}function Ro(n){for(var t,e,r,u=-1,i=n.length;++u<i;)t=n[u],e=t[0],r=t[1]-Ra,t[0]=e*Math.cos(r),t[1]=e*Math.sin(r);return n}function Do(n){function t(t){function c(){v.push("M",a(n(m),f),s,l(n(d.reverse()),f),"Z")}for(var h,g,p,v=[],d=[],m=[],y=-1,M=t.length,x=Et(e),b=Et(u),_=e===r?function(){return g}:Et(r),w=u===i?function(){return p}:Et(i);++y<M;),h=t[y],y)?(d.push([,h,y),,h,y)]),m.push([,h,y),,h,y)])):d.length&&(c(),d=[],m=[]);return d.length&&c(),v.length?v.join(""):null}var e=Ar,r=Ar,u=0,i=Nr,o=Ne,a=go,c=a.key,l=a,s="L",f=.7;return t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=r=n,t):r},t.x0=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.x1=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r | |
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Y(n,"function"==typeof e?function(n,o,a){n[i][u].tween.set(t,r(,n.__data__,o,a)))}:(e=r(e),function(n){n[i][u].tween.set(t,e)}))}function Vo(n){return null==n&&(n=""),function(){this.textContent=n}}function Xo(n){return null==n?"__transition__":"__transition_"+n+"__"}function $o(n,t,e,r,u){var i=n[e]||(n[e]={active:0,count:0}),o=i[r];if(!o){var a=u.time;o=i[r]={tween:new l,time:a,delay:u.delay,duration:u.duration,ease:u.ease,index:t},u=null,++i.count,ta.timer(function(u){function c(e){if(>r)return s();var u=i[];u&&(--i.count,delete i[],u.event&&,n.__data__,u.index)),,o.event&&,n.__data__,t),o.tween.forEach(function(e,r){(,n.__data__,t))&&v.push(r)}),h=o.ease,f=o.duration,ta.timer(function(){return p.c=l(e||1)?Ne:l,1},0,a)}function l(e){if(!==r)return 1;for(var u=e/f,a=h(u),c=v.length;c>0;)v[--c].call(n,a);return u>=1?(o.event&&,n.__data__,t),s()):void 0}function s(){return--i.count?delete i[r]:delete n[e],1}var f,h,g=o.delay,p=ec,v=[];return 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r=n.charCodeAt(s++),a=1;if(10===r)u=!0;else if(13===r)u=!0,10===n.charCodeAt(s)&&(++s,++a);else if(r!==c)continue;return n.slice(t,s-a)}return n.slice(t)}for(var r,u,i={},o={},a=[],l=n.length,s=0,f=0;(r=e())!==o;){for(var h=[];r!==i&&r!==o;)h.push(r),r=e();t&&null==(h=t(h,f++))||a.push(h)}return a},e.format=function(t){if(Array.isArray(t[0]))return e.formatRows(t);var r=new m,u=[];return t.forEach(function(n){for(var t in n)r.has(t)||u.push(r.add(t))}),[].concat({return{return o(t[n])}).join(n)})).join("\n")},e.formatRows=function(n){return"\n")},e},ta.csv=ta.dsv(",","text/csv"),ta.tsv=ta.dsv(" ","text/tab-separated-values");var Ka,Qa,nc,tc,ec,rc=this[x(this,"requestAnimationFrame")]||function(n){setTimeout(n,17)};ta.timer=function(n,t,e){var r=arguments.length;2>r&&(t=0),3>r&&(;var u=e+t,i={c:n,t:u,f:!1,n:null};Qa?Qa.n=i:Ka=i,Qa=i,nc||(tc=clearTimeout(tc),nc=1,rc(qt))},ta.timer.flush=function(){Lt(),Tt()},ta.round=function(n,t){return 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ce,Mc={sphere:function(){mc+=4*qa},point:b,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:function(){yc.reset(),Mc.lineStart=ge},polygonEnd:function(){var n=2*yc;mc+=0>n?4*qa+n:n,Mc.lineStart=Mc.lineEnd=Mc.point=b}};ta.geo.bounds=function(){function n(n,t){M.push(x=[s=n,h=n]),f>t&&(f=t),t>g&&(g=t)}function t(t,e){var r=pe([t*Da,e*Da]);if(m){var u=de(m,r),i=[u[1],-u[0],0],o=de(i,u);Me(o),o=xe(o);var c=t-p,l=c>0?1:-1,v=o[0]*Pa*l,d=ga(c)>180;if(d^(v>l*p&&l*t>v)){var y=o[1]*Pa;y>g&&(g=y)}else if(v=(v+360)%360-180,d^(v>l*p&&l*t>v)){var y=-o[1]*Pa;f>y&&(f=y)}else f>e&&(f=e),e>g&&(g=e);d?p>t?a(s,t)>a(s,h)&&(h=t):a(t,h)>a(s,h)&&(s=t):h>=s?(s>t&&(s=t),t>h&&(h=t)):t>p?a(s,t)>a(s,h)&&(h=t):a(t,h)>a(s,h)&&(s=t)}else n(t,e);m=r,p=t}function e(){b.point=t}function r(){x[0]=s,x[1]=h,b.point=n,m=null}function u(n,e){if(m){var r=n-p;y+=ga(r)>180?r+(r>0?360:-360):r}else v=n,d=e;Mc.point(n,e),t(n,e)}function i(){Mc.lineStart()}function o(){u(v,d),Mc.lineEnd(),ga(y)>Ca&&(s=-(h=180)),x[0]=s,x[1]=h,m=null}function a(n,t){return(t-=n)<0?t+360:t}function c(n,t){return n[0]-t[0]}function l(n,t){return t[0]<=t[1]?t[0]<=n&&n<=t[1]:n<t[0]||t[1]<n}var s,f,h,g,p,v,d,m,y,M,x,b={point:n,lineStart:e,lineEnd:r,polygonStart:function(){b.point=u,b.lineStart=i,b.lineEnd=o,y=0,Mc.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){Mc.polygonEnd(),b.point=n,b.lineStart=e,b.lineEnd=r,0>yc?(s=-(h=180),f=-(g=90)):y>Ca?g=90:-Ca>y&&(f=-90),x[0]=s,x[1]=h}};return function(n){g=h=-(s=f=1/0),M=[],,b);var t=M.length;if(t){M.sort(c);for(var e,r=1,u=M[0],i=[u];t>r;++r)e=M[r],l(e[0],u)||l(e[1],u)?(a(u[0],e[1])>a(u[0],u[1])&&(u[1]=e[1]),a(e[0],u[1])>a(u[0],u[1])&&(u[0]=e[0])):i.push(u=e);for(var o,e,p=-1/0,t=i.length-1,r=0,u=i[t];t>=r;u=e,++r)e=i[r],(o=a(u[1],e[0]))>p&&(p=o,s=e[0],h=u[1])}return M=x=null,1/0===s||1/0===f?[[0/0,0/0],[0/0,0/0]]:[[s,f],[h,g]]}}(),ta.geo.centroid=function(n){xc=bc=_c=wc=Sc=kc=Ec=Ac=Nc=Cc=zc=0,,qc);var t=Nc,e=Cc,r=zc,u=t*t+e*e+r*r;return za>u&&(t=kc,e=Ec,r=Ac,Ca>bc&&(t=_c,e=wc,r=Sc),u=t*t+e*e+r*r,za>u)?[0/0,0/0]:[Math.atan2(e,t)*Pa,tt(r/Math.sqrt(u))*Pa]};var xc,bc,_c,wc,Sc,kc,Ec,Ac,Nc,Cc,zc,qc={sphere:b,point:_e,lineStart:Se,lineEnd:ke,polygonStart:function(){qc.lineStart=Ee},polygonEnd:function(){qc.lineStart=Se}},Lc=Le(Ne,Pe,je,[-qa,-qa/2]),Tc=1e9;ta.geo.clipExtent=function(){var n,t,e,r,u,i,o={stream:function(n){return u&&(u.valid=!1),u=i(n),u.valid=!0,u},extent:function(a){return arguments.length?(i=Ie(n=+a[0][0],t=+a[0][1],e=+a[1][0],r=+a[1][1]),u&&(u.valid=!1,u=null),o):[[n,t],[e,r]]}};return o.extent([[0,0],[960,500]])},(ta.geo.conicEqualArea=function(){return Ye(Ze)}).raw=Ze,ta.geo.albers=function(){return ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96,0]).center([-.6,38.7]).parallels([29.5,45.5]).scale(1070)},ta.geo.albersUsa=function(){function n(n){var i=n[0],o=n[1];return t=null,e(i,o),t||(r(i,o),t)||u(i,o),t}var t,e,r,u,i=ta.geo.albers(),o=ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154,0]).center([-2,58.5]).parallels([55,65]),a=ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157,0]).center([-3,19.9]).parallels([8,18]),c={point:function(n,e){t=[n,e]}};return n.invert=function(n){var t=i.scale(),e=i.translate(),r=(n[0]-e[0])/t,u=(n[1]-e[1])/t;return(u>=.12&&.234>u&&r>=-.425&&-.214>r?o:u>=.166&&.234>u&&r>=-.214&&-.115>r?a:i).invert(n)},{var,,;return{point:function(n,u){t.point(n,u),e.point(n,u),r.point(n,u)},sphere:function(){t.sphere(),e.sphere(),r.sphere()},lineStart:function(){t.lineStart(),e.lineStart(),r.lineStart()},lineEnd:function(){t.lineEnd(),e.lineEnd(),r.lineEnd()},polygonStart:function(){t.polygonStart(),e.polygonStart(),r.polygonStart()},polygonEnd:function(){t.polygonEnd(),e.polygonEnd(),r.polygonEnd()}}},n.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(i.precision(t),o.precision(t),a.precision(t),n):i.precision()},n.scale=function(t){return arguments.length?(i.scale(t),o.scale(.35*t),a.scale(t),n.translate(i.translate())):i.scale()},n.translate=function(t){if(!arguments.length)return i.translate();var l=i.scale(),s=+t[0],f=+t[1];return e=i.translate(t).clipExtent([[s-.455*l,f-.238*l],[s+.455*l,f+.238*l]]).stream(c).point,r=o.translate([s-.307*l,f+.201*l]).clipExtent([[s-.425*l+Ca,f+.12*l+Ca],[s-.214*l-Ca,f+.234*l-Ca]]).stream(c).point,u=a.translate([s-.205*l,f+.212*l]).clipExtent([[s-.214*l+Ca,f+.166*l+Ca],[s-.115*l-Ca,f+.234*l-Ca]]).stream(c).point,n},n.scale(1070)};var Rc,Dc,Pc,Uc,jc,Fc,Hc={point:b,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:function(){Dc=0,Hc.lineStart=Ve},polygonEnd:function(){Hc.lineStart=Hc.lineEnd=Hc.point=b,Rc+=ga(Dc/2)}},Oc={point:Xe,lineStart:b,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:b,polygonEnd:b},Ic={point:We,lineStart:Je,lineEnd:Ge,polygonStart:function(){Ic.lineStart=Ke},polygonEnd:function(){Ic.point=We,Ic.lineStart=Je,Ic.lineEnd=Ge}};ta.geo.path=function(){function n(n){return n&&("function"==typeof a&&i.pointRadius(+a.apply(this,arguments)),o&&o.valid||(o=u(i)),,o)),i.result()}function t(){return o=null,n}var e,r,u,i,o,a=4.5;return n.area=function(n){return Rc=0,,u(Hc)),Rc},n.centroid=function(n){return _c=wc=Sc=kc=Ec=Ac=Nc=Cc=zc=0,,u(Ic)),zc?[Nc/zc,Cc/zc]:Ac?[kc/Ac,Ec/Ac]:Sc?[_c/Sc,wc/Sc]:[0/0,0/0]},n.bounds=function(n){return jc=Fc=-(Pc=Uc=1/0),,u(Oc)),[[Pc,Uc],[jc,Fc]]},n.projection=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=(e=n)?||tr(n):y,t()):e},n.context=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=null==(r=n)?new $e:new Qe(n),"function"!=typeof a&&i.pointRadius(a),t()):r},n.pointRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(a="function"==typeof t?t:(i.pointRadius(+t),+t),n):a},n.projection(ta.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)},ta.geo.transform=function(n){return{stream:function(t){var e=new er(t);for(var r in n)e[r]=n[r];return e}}},er.prototype={point:function(n,t){,t)},sphere:function(){},lineStart:function(){},lineEnd:function(){},polygonStart:function(){},polygonEnd:function(){}},ta.geo.projection=ur,ta.geo.projectionMutator=ir,(ta.geo.equirectangular=function(){return ur(ar)}).raw=ar.invert=ar,ta.geo.rotation=function(n){function t(t){return t=n(t[0]*Da,t[1]*Da),t[0]*=Pa,t[1]*=Pa,t}return n=lr(n[0]%360*Da,n[1]*Da,n.length>2?n[2]*Da:0),t.invert=function(t){return t=n.invert(t[0]*Da,t[1]*Da),t[0]*=Pa,t[1]*=Pa,t},t},cr.invert=ar,{function n(){var n="function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r,t=lr(-n[0]*Da,-n[1]*Da,0).invert,u=[];return e(null,null,1,{point:function(n,e){u.push(n=t(n,e)),n[0]*=Pa,n[1]*=Pa}}),{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[u]}}var t,e,r=[0,0],u=6;return n.origin=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.angle=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=gr((t=+r)*Da,u*Da),n):t},n.precision=function(r){return arguments.length?(e=gr(t*Da,(u=+r)*Da),n):u},n.angle(90)},ta.geo.distance=function(n,t){var e,r=(t[0]-n[0])*Da,u=n[1]*Da,i=t[1]*Da,o=Math.sin(r),a=Math.cos(r),c=Math.sin(u),l=Math.cos(u),s=Math.sin(i),f=Math.cos(i);return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((e=f*o)*e+(e=l*s-c*f*a)*e),c*s+l*f*a)},ta.geo.graticule=function(){function n(){return{type:"MultiLineString",coordinates:t()}}function t(){return ta.range(Math.ceil(i/d)*d,u,d).map(h).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(l/m)*m,c,m).map(g)).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(r/p)*p,e,p).filter(function(n){return ga(n%d)>Ca}).map(s)).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(a/v)*v,o,v).filter(function(n){return ga(n%m)>Ca}).map(f))}var e,r,u,i,o,a,c,l,s,f,h,g,p=10,v=p,d=90,m=360,y=2.5;return n.lines=function(){return t().map(function(n){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:n}})},n.outline=function(){return{type:"Polygon",coordinates:[h(i).concat(g(c).slice(1),h(u).reverse().slice(1),g(l).reverse().slice(1))]}},n.extent=function(t){return arguments.length?n.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t):n.minorExtent()},n.majorExtent=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=+t[0][0],u=+t[1][0],l=+t[0][1],c=+t[1][1],i>u&&(t=i,i=u,u=t),l>c&&(t=l,l=c,c=t),n.precision(y)):[[i,l],[u,c]]},n.minorExtent=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=+t[0][0],e=+t[1][0],a=+t[0][1],o=+t[1][1],r>e&&(t=r,r=e,e=t),a>o&&(t=a,a=o,o=t),n.precision(y)):[[r,a],[e,o]]},n.step=function(t){return arguments.length?n.majorStep(t).minorStep(t):n.minorStep()},n.majorStep=function(t){return arguments.length?(d=+t[0],m=+t[1],n):[d,m]},n.minorStep=function(t){return arguments.length?(p=+t[0],v=+t[1],n):[p,v]},n.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(y=+t,s=vr(a,o,90),f=dr(r,e,y),h=vr(l,c,90),g=dr(i,u,y),n):y},n.majorExtent([[-180,-90+Ca],[180,90-Ca]]).minorExtent([[-180,-80-Ca],[180,80+Ca]])},ta.geo.greatArc=function(){function n(){return{type:"LineString",coordinates:[t||r.apply(this,arguments),e||u.apply(this,arguments)]}}var t,e,r=mr,u=yr;return n.distance=function(){return ta.geo.distance(t||r.apply(this,arguments),e||u.apply(this,arguments))},n.source=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t="function"==typeof e?null:e,n):r},{return arguments.length?(u=t,e="function"==typeof t?null:t,n):u},n.precision=function(){return arguments.length?n:0},n},ta.geo.interpolate=function(n,t){return Mr(n[0]*Da,n[1]*Da,t[0]*Da,t[1]*Da)},ta.geo.length=function(n){return Yc=0,,Zc),Yc};var Yc,Zc={sphere:b,point:b,lineStart:xr,lineEnd:b,polygonStart:b,polygonEnd:b},Vc=br(function(n){return Math.sqrt(2/(1+n))},function(n){return 2*Math.asin(n/2)});(ta.geo.azimuthalEqualArea=function(){return ur(Vc)}).raw=Vc;var Xc=br(function(n){var t=Math.acos(n);return t&&t/Math.sin(t)},y);(ta.geo.azimuthalEquidistant=function(){return ur(Xc)}).raw=Xc,(ta.geo.conicConformal=function(){return Ye(_r)}).raw=_r,(ta.geo.conicEquidistant=function(){return Ye(wr)}).raw=wr;var $c=br(function(n){return 1/n},Math.atan);(ta.geo.gnomonic=function(){return ur($c)}).raw=$c,Sr.invert=function(n,t){return[n,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(t))-Ra]},(ta.geo.mercator=function(){return kr(Sr)}).raw=Sr;var Bc=br(function(){return 1},Math.asin);(ta.geo.orthographic=function(){return ur(Bc)}).raw=Bc;var Wc=br(function(n){return 1/(1+n)},function(n){return 2*Math.atan(n)});(ta.geo.stereographic=function(){return ur(Wc)}).raw=Wc,Er.invert=function(n,t){return[-t,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(n))-Ra]},(ta.geo.transverseMercator=function(){var n=kr(Er),,e=n.rotate;return{return n?t([-n[1],n[0]]):(n=t(),[n[1],-n[0]])},n.rotate=function(n){return n?e([n[0],n[1],n.length>2?n[2]+90:90]):(n=e(),[n[0],n[1],n[2]-90])},e([0,0,90])}).raw=Er,ta.geom={},ta.geom.hull=function(n){function t(n){if(n.length<3)return[];var t,u=Et(e),i=Et(r),o=n.length,a=[],c=[];for(t=0;o>t;t++)a.push([,n[t],t),,n[t],t),t]);for(a.sort(zr),t=0;o>t;t++)c.push([a[t][0],-a[t][1]]);var l=Cr(a),s=Cr(c),f=s[0]===l[0],h=s[s.length-1]===l[l.length-1],g=[];for(t=l.length-1;t>=0;--t)g.push(n[a[l[t]][2]]);for(t=+f;t<s.length-h;++t)g.push(n[a[s[t]][2]]);return g}var e=Ar,r=Nr;return arguments.length?t(n):(t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=n,t):e},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(r=n,t):r},t)},ta.geom.polygon=function(n){return ya(n,Jc),n};var Jc=ta.geom.polygon.prototype=[];Jc.area=function(){for(var n,t=-1,e=this.length,r=this[e-1],u=0;++t<e;)n=r,r=this[t],u+=n[1]*r[0]-n[0]*r[1];return.5*u},Jc.centroid=function(n){var t,e,r=-1,u=this.length,i=0,o=0,a=this[u-1];for(arguments.length||(n=-1/(6*this.area()));++r<u;)t=a,a=this[r],e=t[0]*a[1]-a[0]*t[1],i+=(t[0]+a[0])*e,o+=(t[1]+a[1])*e;return[i*n,o*n]},Jc.clip=function(n){for(var t,e,r,u,i,o,a=Tr(n),c=-1,l=this.length-Tr(this),s=this[l-1];++c<l;){for(t=n.slice(),n.length=0,u=this[c],i=t[(r=t.length-a)-1],e=-1;++e<r;)o=t[e],qr(o,s,u)?(qr(i,s,u)||n.push(Lr(i,o,s,u)),n.push(o)):qr(i,s,u)&&n.push(Lr(i,o,s,u)),i=o;a&&n.push(n[0]),s=u}return n};var Gc,Kc,Qc,nl,tl,el=[],rl=[];Or.prototype.prepare=function(){for(var n,t=this.edges,e=t.length;e--;)n=t[e].edge,n.b&&n.a||t.splice(e,1);return t.sort(Yr),t.length},Qr.prototype={start:function(){return},end:function(){return}},nu.prototype={insert:function(n,t){var e,r,u;if(n){if(t.P=n,t.N=n.N,n.N&&(n.N.P=t),n.N=t,n.R){for(n=n.R;n.L;)n=n.L;n.L=t}else n.R=t;e=n}else this._?(n=uu(this._),t.P=null,t.N=n,n.P=n.L=t,e=n):(t.P=t.N=null,this._=t,e=null);for(t.L=t.R=null,t.U=e,t.C=!0,n=t;e&&e.C;)r=e.U,e===r.L?(u=r.R,u&&u.C?(e.C=u.C=!1,r.C=!0,n=r):(n===e.R&&(eu(this,e),n=e,e=n.U),e.C=!1,r.C=!0,ru(this,r))):(u=r.L,u&&u.C?(e.C=u.C=!1,r.C=!0,n=r):(n===e.L&&(ru(this,e),n=e,e=n.U),e.C=!1,r.C=!0,eu(this,r))),e=n.U;this._.C=!1},remove:function(n){n.N&&(n.N.P=n.P),n.P&&(n.P.N=n.N),n.N=n.P=null;var t,e,r,u=n.U,i=n.L,o=n.R;if(e=i?o?uu(o):i:o,u?u.L===n?u.L=e:u.R=e:this._=e,i&&o?(r=e.C,e.C=n.C,e.L=i,i.U=e,e!==o?(u=e.U,e.U=n.U,n=e.R,u.L=n,e.R=o,o.U=e):(e.U=u,u=e,n=e.R)):(r=n.C,n=e),n&&(n.U=u),!r){if(n&&n.C)return void(n.C=!1);do{if(n===this._)break;if(n===u.L){if(t=u.R,t.C&&(t.C=!1,u.C=!0,eu(this,u),t=u.R),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.R&&t.R.C||(t.L.C=!1,t.C=!0,ru(this,t),t=u.R),t.C=u.C,u.C=t.R.C=!1,eu(this,u),n=this._;break}}else if(t=u.L,t.C&&(t.C=!1,u.C=!0,ru(this,u),t=u.L),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.L&&t.L.C||(t.R.C=!1,t.C=!0,eu(this,t),t=u.L),t.C=u.C,u.C=t.L.C=!1,ru(this,u),n=this._;break}t.C=!0,n=u,u=u.U}while(!n.C);n&&(n.C=!1)}}},ta.geom.voronoi=function(n){function t(n){var t=new Array(n.length),r=a[0][0],u=a[0][1],i=a[1][0],o=a[1][1];return iu(e(n),a).cells.forEach(function(e,a){var c=e.edges,,s=t[a]=c.length?{var t=n.start();return[t.x,t.y]}):l.x>=r&&l.x<=i&&l.y>=u&&l.y<=o?[[r,o],[i,o],[i,u],[r,u]]:[];s.point=n[a]}),t}function e(n){return,t){return{x:Math.round(i(n,t)/Ca)*Ca,y:Math.round(o(n,t)/Ca)*Ca,i:t}})}var r=Ar,u=Nr,i=r,o=u,a=ul;return n?t(n):(t.links=function(n){return iu(e(n)).edges.filter(function(n){return n.l&&n.r}).map(function(t){return{source:n[t.l.i],target:n[t.r.i]}})},t.triangles=function(n){var t=[];return iu(e(n)).cells.forEach(function(e,r){for(var u,i,,a=e.edges.sort(Yr),c=-1,l=a.length,s=a[l-1].edge,f=s.l===o?s.r:s.l;++c<l;)u=s,i=f,s=a[c].edge,f=s.l===o?s.r:s.l,r<i.i&&r<f.i&&au(o,i,f)<0&&t.push([n[r],n[i.i],n[f.i]])}),t},t.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=Et(r=n),t):r},t.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=Et(u=n),t):u},t.clipExtent=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=null==n?ul:n,t):a===ul?null:a},t.size=function(n){return arguments.length?t.clipExtent(n&&[[0,0],n]):a===ul?null:a&&a[1]},t)};var ul=[[-1e6,-1e6],[1e6,1e6]];ta.geom.delaunay=function(n){return ta.geom.voronoi().triangles(n)},ta.geom.quadtree=function(n,t,e,r,u){function i(n){function i(n,t,e,r,u,i,o,a){if(!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(r))if(n.leaf){var c=n.x,s=n.y;if(null!=c)if(ga(c-e)+ga(s-r)<.01)l(n,t,e,r,u,i,o,a);else{var f=n.point;n.x=n.y=n.point=null,l(n,f,c,s,u,i,o,a),l(n,t,e,r,u,i,o,a)}else n.x=e,n.y=r,n.point=t}else l(n,t,e,r,u,i,o,a)}function l(n,t,e,r,u,o,a,c){var l=.5*(u+a),s=.5*(o+c),f=e>=l,h=r>=s,g=h<<1|f;n.leaf=!1,n=n.nodes[g]||(n.nodes[g]=su()),f?u=l:a=l,h?o=s:c=s,i(n,t,e,r,u,o,a,c)}var s,f,h,g,p,v,d,m,y,M=Et(a),x=Et(c);if(null!=t)v=t,d=e,m=r,y=u;else if(m=y=-(v=d=1/0),f=[],h=[],p=n.length,o)for(g=0;p>g;++g)s=n[g],s.x<v&&(v=s.x),s.y<d&&(d=s.y),s.x>m&&(m=s.x),s.y>y&&(y=s.y),f.push(s.x),h.push(s.y);else for(g=0;p>g;++g){var b=+M(s=n[g],g),_=+x(s,g);v>b&&(v=b),d>_&&(d=_),b>m&&(m=b),_>y&&(y=_),f.push(b),h.push(_)}var w=m-v,S=y-d;w>S?y=d+w:m=v+S;var k=su();if(k.add=function(n){i(k,n,+M(n,++g),+x(n,g),v,d,m,y)},k.visit=function(n){fu(n,k,v,d,m,y)},k.find=function(n){return hu(k,n[0],n[1],v,d,m,y)},g=-1,null==t){for(;++g<p;)i(k,n[g],f[g],h[g],v,d,m,y);--g}else n.forEach(k.add);return f=h=n=s=null,k}var o,a=Ar,c=Nr;return(o=arguments.length)?(a=cu,c=lu,3===o&&(u=e,r=t,e=t=0),i(n)):(i.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,i):a},i.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=n,i):c},i.extent=function(n){return arguments.length?(null==n?t=e=r=u=null:(t=+n[0][0],e=+n[0][1],r=+n[1][0],u=+n[1][1]),i):null==t?null:[[t,e],[r,u]]},i.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(null==n?t=e=r=u=null:(t=e=0,r=+n[0],u=+n[1]),i):null==t?null:[r-t,u-e]},i)},ta.interpolateRgb=gu,ta.interpolateObject=pu,ta.interpolateNumber=vu,ta.interpolateString=du;var il=/[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g,ol=new RegExp(il.source,"g");ta.interpolate=mu,ta.interpolators=[function(n,t){var e=typeof t;return("string"===e?Ga.has(t)||/^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/.test(t)?gu:du:t instanceof ot?gu:Array.isArray(t)?yu:"object"===e&&isNaN(t)?pu:vu)(n,t)}],ta.interpolateArray=yu;var al=function(){return y},{linear:al,poly:ku,quad:function(){return _u},cubic:function(){return wu},sin:function(){return Eu},exp:function(){return Au},circle:function(){return Nu},elastic:Cu,back:zu,bounce:function(){return qu}}),{"in":y,out:xu,"in-out":bu,"out-in":function(n){return bu(xu(n))}});ta.ease=function(n){var t=n.indexOf("-"),e=t>=0?n.slice(0,t):n,r=t>=0?n.slice(t+1):"in";return e=cl.get(e)||al,r=ll.get(r)||y,Mu(r(e.apply(null,,1))))},ta.interpolateHcl=Lu,ta.interpolateHsl=Tu,ta.interpolateLab=Ru,ta.interpolateRound=Du,ta.transform=function(n){var t=ua.createElementNS(ta.ns.prefix.svg,"g");return(ta.transform=function(n){if(null!=n){t.setAttribute("transform",n);var e=t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()}return new Pu(e?e.matrix:sl)})(n)},Pu.prototype.toString=function(){return"translate("+this.translate+")rotate("+this.rotate+")skewX("+this.skew+")scale("+this.scale+")"};var sl={a:1,b:0,c:0,d:1,e:0,f:0};ta.interpolateTransform=Hu,ta.layout={},ta.layout.bundle=function(){return function(n){for(var t=[],e=-1,r=n.length;++e<r;)t.push(Yu(n[e]));return t}},ta.layout.chord=function(){function n(){var n,l,f,h,g,p={},v=[],d=ta.range(i),m=[];for(e=[],r=[],n=0,h=-1;++h<i;){for(l=0,g=-1;++g<i;)l+=u[h][g];v.push(l),m.push(ta.range(i)),n+=l}for(o&&d.sort(function(n,t){return o(v[n],v[t])}),a&&m.forEach(function(n,t){n.sort(function(n,e){return a(u[t][n],u[t][e])})}),n=(La-s*i)/n,l=0,h=-1;++h<i;){for(f=l,g=-1;++g<i;){var y=d[h],M=m[y][g],x=u[y][M],b=l,_=l+=x*n;p[y+"-"+M]={index:y,subindex:M,startAngle:b,endAngle:_,value:x}}r[y]={index:y,startAngle:f,endAngle:l,value:(l-f)/n},l+=s}for(h=-1;++h<i;)for(g=h-1;++g<i;){var w=p[h+"-"+g],S=p[g+"-"+h];(w.value||S.value)&&e.push(w.value<S.value?{source:S,target:w}:{source:w,target:S})}c&&t()}function t(){e.sort(function(n,t){return c((,(})}var e,r,u,i,o,a,c,l={},s=0;return l.matrix=function(n){return arguments.length?(i=(u=n)&&u.length,e=r=null,l):u},l.padding=function(n){return arguments.length?(s=n,e=r=null,l):s},l.sortGroups=function(n){return arguments.length?(o=n,e=r=null,l):o},l.sortSubgroups=function(n){return arguments.length?(a=n,e=null,l):a},l.sortChords=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=n,e&&t(),l):c},l.chords=function(){return e||n(),e},l.groups=function(){return r||n(),r},l},ta.layout.force=function(){function n(n){return function(t,e,r,u){if(t.point!==n){var,,a=u-e,c=i*i+o*o;if(c>a*a/d){if(p>c){var l=t.charge/c;n.px-=i*l,*l}return!0}if(t.point&&c&&p>c){var l=t.pointCharge/c;n.px-=i*l,*l}}return!t.charge}}function t(n){n.px=ta.event.x,,a.resume()}var e,r,u,i,o,a={},c=ta.dispatch("start","tick","end"),l=[1,1],s=.9,f=fl,h=hl,g=-30,p=gl,v=.1,d=.64,m=[],M=[];return a.tick=function(){if((r*=.99)<.005)return c.end({type:"end",alpha:r=0}),!0;var t,e,a,f,h,p,d,y,x,b=m.length,_=M.length;for(e=0;_>e;++e)a=M[e],f=a.source,,y=h.x-f.x,x=h.y-f.y,(p=y*y+x*x)&&(p=r*i[e]*((p=Math.sqrt(p))-u[e])/p,y*=p,x*=p,h.x-=y*(d=f.weight/(h.weight+f.weight)),h.y-=x*d,f.x+=y*(d=1-d),f.y+=x*d);if((d=r*v)&&(y=l[0]/2,x=l[1]/2,e=-1,d))for(;++e<b;)a=m[e],a.x+=(y-a.x)*d,a.y+=(x-a.y)*d;if(g)for(Ju(t=ta.geom.quadtree(m),r,o),e=-1;++e<b;)(a=m[e]).fixed||t.visit(n(a));for(e=-1;++e<b;)a=m[e],a.fixed?(a.x=a.px,*s,a.y-=(*s);c.tick({type:"tick",alpha:r})},a.nodes=function(n){return arguments.length?(m=n,a):m},a.links=function(n){return arguments.length?(M=n,a):M},a.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(l=n,a):l},a.linkDistance=function(n){return arguments.length?(f="function"==typeof n?n:+n,a):f},a.distance=a.linkDistance,a.linkStrength=function(n){return arguments.length?(h="function"==typeof n?n:+n,a):h},a.friction=function(n){return arguments.length?(s=+n,a):s},a.charge=function(n){return arguments.length?(g="function"==typeof n?n:+n,a):g},a.chargeDistance=function(n){return arguments.length?(p=n*n,a):Math.sqrt(p)},a.gravity=function(n){return arguments.length?(v=+n,a):v},a.theta=function(n){return arguments.length?(d=n*n,a):Math.sqrt(d)},a.alpha=function(n){return arguments.length?(n=+n,r?r=n>0?n:0:n>0&&(c.start({type:"start",alpha:r=n}),ta.timer(a.tick)),a):r},a.start=function(){function n(n,r){if(!e){for(e=new Array(c),a=0;c>a;++a)e[a]=[];for(a=0;s>a;++a){var u=M[a];e[u.source.index].push(,e[].push(u.source)}}for(var i,o=e[t],a=-1,l=o.length;++a<l;)if(!isNaN(i=o[a][n]))return i;return Math.random()*r}var t,e,r,c=m.length,s=M.length,p=l[0],v=l[1];for(t=0;c>t;++t)(r=m[t]).index=t,r.weight=0;for(t=0;s>t;++t)r=M[t],"number"==typeof r.source&&(r.source=m[r.source]),"number"==typeof[]),++r.source.weight,;for(t=0;c>t;++t)r=m[t],isNaN(r.x)&&(r.x=n("x",p)),isNaN(r.y)&&(r.y=n("y",v)),isNaN(r.px)&&(r.px=r.x),isNaN(;if(u=[],"function"==typeof f)for(t=0;s>t;++t)u[t],M[t],t);else for(t=0;s>t;++t)u[t]=f;if(i=[],"function"==typeof h)for(t=0;s>t;++t)i[t],M[t],t);else for(t=0;s>t;++t)i[t]=h;if(o=[],"function"==typeof g)for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t],m[t],t);else for(t=0;c>t;++t)o[t]=g;return a.resume()},a.resume=function(){return a.alpha(.1)},a.stop=function(){return a.alpha(0)},a.drag=function(){return e||(e=ta.behavior.drag().origin(y).on("dragstart.force",Xu).on("drag.force",t).on("dragend.force",$u)),arguments.length?void this.on("mouseover.force",Bu).on("mouseout.force",Wu).call(e):e},ta.rebind(a,c,"on")};var fl=20,hl=1,gl=1/0;ta.layout.hierarchy=function(){function n(u){var i,o=[u],a=[];for(u.depth=0;null!=(i=o.pop());)if(a.push(i),(,i,i.depth))&&(c=l.length)){for(var c,l,s;--c>=0;)o.push(s=l[c]),s.parent=i,s.depth=i.depth+1;r&&(i.value=0),i.children=l}else r&&(,i,i.depth)||0),delete i.children;return Qu(u,function(n){var e,u;t&&(e=n.children)&&e.sort(t),r&&(u=n.parent)&&(u.value+=n.value)}),a}var t=ei,e=ni,r=ti;return n.sort=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.children=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.revalue=function(t){return r&&(Ku(t,function(n){n.children&&(n.value=0)}),Qu(t,function(t){var e;t.children||(,t,t.depth)||0),(e=t.parent)&&(e.value+=t.value)})),t},n},ta.layout.partition=function(){function n(t,e,r,u){var i=t.children;if(t.x=e,t.y=t.depth*u,t.dx=r,t.dy=u,i&&(o=i.length)){var o,a,c,l=-1;for(r=t.value?r/t.value:0;++l<o;)n(a=i[l],e,c=a.value*r,u),e+=c}}function t(n){var e=n.children,r=0;if(e&&(u=e.length))for(var u,i=-1;++i<u;)r=Math.max(r,t(e[i]));return 1+r}function e(e,i){var,e,i);return n(o[0],0,u[0],u[1]/t(o[0])),o}var r=ta.layout.hierarchy(),u=[1,1];return e.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(u=n,e):u},Gu(e,r)},ta.layout.pie=function(){function n(o){var a,c=o.length,,r){,e,r)}),s=+("function"==typeof r?r.apply(this,arguments):r),f=("function"==typeof u?u.apply(this,arguments):u)-s,h=Math.min(Math.abs(f)/c,+("function"==typeof i?i.apply(this,arguments):i)),g=h*(0>f?-1:1),p=(f-c*g)/ta.sum(l),v=ta.range(c),d=[];return null!=e&&v.sort(e===pl?function(n,t){return l[t]-l[n]}:function(n,t){return e(o[n],o[t])}),v.forEach(function(n){d[n]={data:o[n],value:a=l[n],startAngle:s,endAngle:s+=a*p+g,padAngle:h}}),d}var t=Number,e=pl,r=0,u=La,i=0;return n.value=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.sort=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.startAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,n):r},n.endAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n.padAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n};var pl={};ta.layout.stack=function(){function n(a,c){if(!(h=a.length))return a;var,r){return,e,r)}),{return,e){return[,t,e),,t,e)]})}),,s,c);l=ta.permute(l,f),s=ta.permute(s,f);var h,g,p,v,,s,c),m=l[0].length;for(p=0;m>p;++p)for(,l[0][p],v=d[p],s[0][p][1]),g=1;h>g;++g),l[g][p],v+=s[g-1][p][1],s[g][p][1]);return a}var t=y,e=ai,r=ci,u=oi,i=ui,o=ii;return n.values=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.order=function(t){return arguments.length?(e="function"==typeof t?t:vl.get(t)||ai,n):e},n.offset=function(t){return arguments.length?(r="function"==typeof t?t:dl.get(t)||ci,n):r},n.x=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,n):i},n.y=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=t,n):o},n.out=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n};var{"inside-out":function(n){var t,e,r=n.length,,,o=ta.range(r).sort(function(n,t){return u[n]-u[t]}),a=0,c=0,l=[],s=[];for(t=0;r>t;++t)e=o[t],c>a?(a+=i[e],l.push(e)):(c+=i[e],s.push(e));return s.reverse().concat(l)},reverse:function(n){return ta.range(n.length).reverse()},"default":ai}),{silhouette:function(n){var t,e,r,u=n.length,i=n[0].length,o=[],a=0,c=[];for(e=0;i>e;++e){for(t=0,r=0;u>t;t++)r+=n[t][e][1];r>a&&(a=r),o.push(r)}for(e=0;i>e;++e)c[e]=(a-o[e])/2;return c},wiggle:function(n){var t,e,r,u,i,o,a,c,l,s=n.length,f=n[0],h=f.length,g=[];for(g[0]=c=l=0,e=1;h>e;++e){for(t=0,u=0;s>t;++t)u+=n[t][e][1];for(t=0,i=0,a=f[e][0]-f[e-1][0];s>t;++t){for(r=0,o=(n[t][e][1]-n[t][e-1][1])/(2*a);t>r;++r)o+=(n[r][e][1]-n[r][e-1][1])/a;i+=o*n[t][e][1]}g[e]=c-=u?i/u*a:0,l>c&&(l=c)}for(e=0;h>e;++e)g[e]-=l;return g},expand:function(n){var t,e,r,u=n.length,i=n[0].length,o=1/u,a=[];for(e=0;i>e;++e){for(t=0,r=0;u>t;t++)r+=n[t][e][1];if(r)for(t=0;u>t;t++)n[t][e][1]/=r;else for(t=0;u>t;t++)n[t][e][1]=o}for(e=0;i>e;++e)a[e]=0;return a},zero:ci});ta.layout.histogram=function(){function n(n,i){for(var o,a,c=[],,this),,l,i),,s,l,i),i=-1,h=l.length,g=f.length-1,p=t?1:1/h;++i<g;)o=c[i]=[],o.dx=f[i+1]-(o.x=f[i]),o.y=0;if(g>0)for(i=-1;++i<h;)a=l[i],a>=s[0]&&a<=s[1]&&(o=c[ta.bisect(f,a,1,g)-1],o.y+=p,o.push(n[i]));return c}var t=!0,e=Number,r=pi,u=hi;return n.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=Et(t),n):r},n.bins=function(t){return arguments.length?(u="number"==typeof t?function(n){return gi(n,t)}:Et(t),n):u},n.frequency=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=!!e,n):t},n},ta.layout.pack=function(){function n(n,i){var,n,i),a=o[0],c=u[0],l=u[1],s=null==t?Math.sqrt:"function"==typeof t?t:function(){return t};if(a.x=a.y=0,Qu(a,function(n){n.r=+s(n.value)}),Qu(a,Mi),r){var f=r*(t?1:Math.max(2*a.r/c,2*a.r/l))/2;Qu(a,function(n){n.r+=f}),Qu(a,Mi),Qu(a,function(n){n.r-=f})}return _i(a,c/2,l/2,t?1:1/Math.max(2*a.r/c,2*a.r/l)),o}var t,e=ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(vi),r=0,u=[1,1];return n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,n):u},n.radius=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=null==e||"function"==typeof e?e:+e,n):t},n.padding=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=+t,n):r},Gu(n,e)},ta.layout.tree=function(){function n(n,u){var,n,u),f=s[0],h=t(f);if(Qu(h,e),h.parent.m=-h.z,Ku(h,r),l)Ku(f,i);else{var g=f,p=f,v=f;Ku(f,function(n){n.x<g.x&&(g=n),n.x>p.x&&(p=n),n.depth>v.depth&&(v=n)});var d=a(g,p)/2-g.x,m=c[0]/(p.x+a(p,g)/2+d),y=c[1]/(v.depth||1);Ku(f,function(n){n.x=(n.x+d)*m,n.y=n.depth*y})}return s}function t(n){for(var t,e={A:null,children:[n]},r=[e];null!=(t=r.pop());)for(var u,i=t.children,o=0,a=i.length;a>o;++o)r.push((i[o]=u={_:i[o],parent:t,children:(u=i[o].children)&&u.slice()||[],A:null,a:null,z:0,m:0,c:0,s:0,t:null,i:o}).a=u);return e.children[0]}function e(n){var t=n.children,e=n.parent.children,r=n.i?e[n.i-1]:null;if(t.length){Ni(n);var i=(t[0].z+t[t.length-1].z)/2;r?(n.z=r.z+a(n._,r._),n.m=n.z-i):n.z=i}else r&&(n.z=r.z+a(n._,r._));n.parent.A=u(n,r,n.parent.A||e[0])}function r(n){n._.x=n.z+n.parent.m,n.m+=n.parent.m}function u(n,t,e){if(t){for(var r,u=n,i=n,o=t,c=u.parent.children[0],l=u.m,s=i.m,f=o.m,h=c.m;o=Ei(o),u=ki(u),o&&u;)c=ki(c),i=Ei(i),i.a=n,r=o.z+f-u.z-l+a(o._,u._),r>0&&(Ai(Ci(o,n,e),n,r),l+=r,s+=r),f+=o.m,l+=u.m,h+=c.m,s+=i.m;o&&!Ei(i)&&(i.t=o,i.m+=f-s),u&&!ki(c)&&(c.t=u,c.m+=l-h,e=n)}return e}function i(n){n.x*=c[0],n.y=n.depth*c[1]}var o=ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),a=Si,c=[1,1],l=null;return n.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=t,n):a},n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=null==(c=t)?i:null,n):l?null:c},n.nodeSize=function(t){return arguments.length?(l=null==(c=t)?null:i,n):l?c:null},Gu(n,o)},ta.layout.cluster=function(){function n(n,i){var o,,n,i),c=a[0],l=0;Qu(c,function(n){var t=n.children;t&&t.length?(n.x=qi(t),n.y=zi(t)):(n.x=o?l+=e(n,o):0,n.y=0,o=n)});var s=Li(c),f=Ti(c),h=s.x-e(s,f)/2,g=f.x+e(f,s)/2;return Qu(c,u?function(n){n.x=(n.x-c.x)*r[0],n.y=(c.y-n.y)*r[1]}:function(n){n.x=(n.x-h)/(g-h)*r[0],n.y=(1-(c.y?n.y/c.y:1))*r[1]}),a}var t=ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),e=Si,r=[1,1],u=!1;return n.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=null==(r=t),n):u?null:r},n.nodeSize=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=null!=(r=t),n):u?r:null},Gu(n,t)},ta.layout.treemap=function(){function n(n,t){for(var e,r,u=-1,i=n.length;++u<i;)r=(e=n[u]).value*(0>t?0:t),e.area=isNaN(r)||0>=r?0:r}function t(e){var i=e.children;if(i&&i.length){var o,a,c,l=f(e),s=[],h=i.slice(),p=1/0,v="slice"===g?l.dx:"dice"===g?l.dy:"slice-dice"===g?1&e.depth?l.dy:l.dx:Math.min(l.dx,l.dy);for(n(h,l.dx*l.dy/e.value),s.area=0;(c=h.length)>0;)s.push(o=h[c-1]),s.area+=o.area,"squarify"!==g||(a=r(s,v))<=p?(h.pop(),p=a):(s.area-=s.pop().area,u(s,v,l,!1),v=Math.min(l.dx,l.dy),s.length=s.area=0,p=1/0);s.length&&(u(s,v,l,!0),s.length=s.area=0),i.forEach(t)}}function e(t){var r=t.children;if(r&&r.length){var i,o=f(t),a=r.slice(),c=[];for(n(a,o.dx*o.dy/t.value),c.area=0;i=a.pop();)c.push(i),c.area+=i.area,null!=i.z&&(u(c,i.z?o.dx:o.dy,o,!a.length),c.length=c.area=0);r.forEach(e)}}function r(n,t){for(var e,r=n.area,u=0,i=1/0,o=-1,a=n.length;++o<a;)(e=n[o].area)&&(i>e&&(i=e),e>u&&(u=e));return r*=r,t*=t,r?Math.max(t*u*p/r,r/(t*i*p)):1/0}function u(n,t,e,r){var u,i=-1,o=n.length,a=e.x,l=e.y,s=t?c(n.area/t):0;if(t==e.dx){for((r||s>e.dy)&&(s=e.dy);++i<o;)u=n[i],u.x=a,u.y=l,u.dy=s,a+=u.dx=Math.min(e.x+e.dx-a,s?c(u.area/s):0);u.z=!0,u.dx+=e.x+e.dx-a,e.y+=s,e.dy-=s}else{for((r||s>e.dx)&&(s=e.dx);++i<o;)u=n[i],u.x=a,u.y=l,u.dx=s,l+=u.dy=Math.min(e.y+e.dy-l,s?c(u.area/s):0);u.z=!1,u.dy+=e.y+e.dy-l,e.x+=s,e.dx-=s}}function i(r){var u=o||a(r),i=u[0];return i.x=0,i.y=0,i.dx=l[0],i.dy=l[1],o&&a.revalue(i),n([i],i.dx*i.dy/i.value),(o?e:t)(i),h&&(o=u),u}var o,a=ta.layout.hierarchy(),c=Math.round,l=[1,1],s=null,f=Ri,h=!1,g="squarify",p=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5)); | |
return i.size=function(n){return arguments.length?(l=n,i):l},i.padding=function(n){function t(t){var,t,t.depth);return null==e?Ri(t):Di(t,"number"==typeof e?[e,e,e,e]:e)}function e(t){return Di(t,n)}if(!arguments.length)return s;var r;return f=null==(s=n)?Ri:"function"==(r=typeof n)?t:"number"===r?(n=[n,n,n,n],e):e,i},i.round=function(n){return arguments.length?(c=n?Math.round:Number,i):c!=Number},i.sticky=function(n){return arguments.length?(h=n,o=null,i):h},i.ratio=function(n){return arguments.length?(p=n,i):p},i.mode=function(n){return arguments.length?(g=n+"",i):g},Gu(i,a)},ta.random={normal:function(n,t){var e=arguments.length;return 2>e&&(t=1),1>e&&(n=0),function(){var e,r,u;do e=2*Math.random()-1,r=2*Math.random()-1,u=e*e+r*r;while(!u||u>1);return n+t*e*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(u)/u)}},logNormal:function(){var n=ta.random.normal.apply(ta,arguments);return function(){return Math.exp(n())}},bates:function(n){var t=ta.random.irwinHall(n);return function(){return t()/n}},irwinHall:function(n){return function(){for(var t=0,e=0;n>e;e++)t+=Math.random();return t}}},ta.scale={};var ml={floor:y,ceil:y};ta.scale.linear=function(){return Ii([0,1],[0,1],mu,!1)};var yl={s:1,g:1,p:1,r:1,e:1};ta.scale.log=function(){return Ji(ta.scale.linear().domain([0,1]),10,!0,[1,10])};var Ml=ta.format(".0e"),xl={floor:function(n){return-Math.ceil(-n)},ceil:function(n){return-Math.floor(-n)}};ta.scale.pow=function(){return Gi(ta.scale.linear(),1,[0,1])},ta.scale.sqrt=function(){return ta.scale.pow().exponent(.5)},ta.scale.ordinal=function(){return Qi([],{t:"range",a:[[]]})},ta.scale.category10=function(){return ta.scale.ordinal().range(bl)},ta.scale.category20=function(){return ta.scale.ordinal().range(_l)},ta.scale.category20b=function(){return ta.scale.ordinal().range(wl)},ta.scale.category20c=function(){return ta.scale.ordinal().range(Sl)};var bl=[2062260,16744206,2924588,14034728,9725885,9197131,14907330,8355711,12369186,1556175].map(Mt),_l=[2062260,11454440,16744206,16759672,2924588,10018698,14034728,16750742,9725885,12955861,9197131,12885140,14907330,16234194,8355711,13092807,12369186,14408589,1556175,10410725].map(Mt),wl=[3750777,5395619,7040719,10264286,6519097,9216594,11915115,13556636,9202993,12426809,15186514,15190932,8666169,11356490,14049643,15177372,8077683,10834324,13528509,14589654].map(Mt),Sl=[3244733,7057110,10406625,13032431,15095053,16616764,16625259,16634018,3253076,7652470,10607003,13101504,7695281,10394312,12369372,14342891,6513507,9868950,12434877,14277081].map(Mt);ta.scale.quantile=function(){return no([],[])},ta.scale.quantize=function(){return to(0,1,[0,1])},ta.scale.threshold=function(){return eo([.5],[0,1])},ta.scale.identity=function(){return ro([0,1])},ta.svg={},ta.svg.arc=function(){function n(){var n=Math.max(0,+e.apply(this,arguments)),l=Math.max(0,+r.apply(this,arguments)),s=o.apply(this,arguments)-Ra,f=a.apply(this,arguments)-Ra,h=Math.abs(f-s),g=s>f?0:1;if(n>l&&(p=l,l=n,n=p),h>=Ta)return t(l,g)+(n?t(n,1-g):"")+"Z";var p,v,d,m,y,M,x,b,_,w,S,k,E=0,A=0,N=[];if((m=(+c.apply(this,arguments)||0)/2)&&(d=i===kl?Math.sqrt(n*n+l*l):+i.apply(this,arguments),g||(A*=-1),l&&(A=tt(d/l*Math.sin(m))),n&&(E=tt(d/n*Math.sin(m)))),l){y=l*Math.cos(s+A),M=l*Math.sin(s+A),x=l*Math.cos(f-A),b=l*Math.sin(f-A);var C=Math.abs(f-s-2*A)<=qa?0:1;if(A&&so(y,M,x,b)===g^C){var z=(s+f)/2;y=l*Math.cos(z),M=l*Math.sin(z),x=b=null}}else y=M=0;if(n){_=n*Math.cos(f-E),w=n*Math.sin(f-E),S=n*Math.cos(s+E),k=n*Math.sin(s+E);var q=Math.abs(s-f+2*E)<=qa?0:1;if(E&&so(_,w,S,k)===1-g^q){var L=(s+f)/2;_=n*Math.cos(L),w=n*Math.sin(L),S=k=null}}else _=w=0;if((p=Math.min(Math.abs(l-n)/2,+u.apply(this,arguments)))>.001){v=l>n^g?0:1;var T=null==S?[_,w]:null==x?[y,M]:Lr([y,M],[S,k],[x,b],[_,w]),R=y-T[0],D=M-T[1],P=x-T[0],U=b-T[1],j=1/Math.sin(Math.acos((R*P+D*U)/(Math.sqrt(R*R+D*D)*Math.sqrt(P*P+U*U)))/2),F=Math.sqrt(T[0]*T[0]+T[1]*T[1]);if(null!=x){var H=Math.min(p,(l-F)/(j+1)),O=fo(null==S?[_,w]:[S,k],[y,M],l,H,g),I=fo([x,b],[_,w],l,H,g);p===H?N.push("M",O[0],"A",H,",",H," 0 0,",v," ",O[1],"A",l,",",l," 0 ",1-g^so(O[1][0],O[1][1],I[1][0],I[1][1]),",",g," ",I[1],"A",H,",",H," 0 0,",v," ",I[0]):N.push("M",O[0],"A",H,",",H," 0 1,",v," ",I[0])}else N.push("M",y,",",M);if(null!=S){var Y=Math.min(p,(n-F)/(j-1)),Z=fo([y,M],[S,k],n,-Y,g),V=fo([_,w],null==x?[y,M]:[x,b],n,-Y,g);p===Y?N.push("L",V[0],"A",Y,",",Y," 0 0,",v," ",V[1],"A",n,",",n," 0 ",g^so(V[1][0],V[1][1],Z[1][0],Z[1][1]),",",1-g," ",Z[1],"A",Y,",",Y," 0 0,",v," ",Z[0]):N.push("L",V[0],"A",Y,",",Y," 0 0,",v," ",Z[0])}else N.push("L",_,",",w)}else N.push("M",y,",",M),null!=x&&N.push("A",l,",",l," 0 ",C,",",g," ",x,",",b),N.push("L",_,",",w),null!=S&&N.push("A",n,",",n," 0 ",q,",",1-g," ",S,",",k);return N.push("Z"),N.join("")}function t(n,t){return"M0,"+n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,"+t+" 0,"+-n+"A"+n+","+n+" 0 1,"+t+" 0,"+n}var e=io,r=oo,u=uo,i=kl,o=ao,a=co,c=lo;return n.innerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=Et(t),n):e},n.outerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=Et(t),n):r},n.cornerRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=Et(t),n):u},n.padRadius=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t==kl?kl:Et(t),n):i},n.startAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=Et(t),n):o},n.endAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(a=Et(t),n):a},n.padAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(c=Et(t),n):c},n.centroid=function(){var n=(+e.apply(this,arguments)+ +r.apply(this,arguments))/2,t=(+o.apply(this,arguments)+ +a.apply(this,arguments))/2-Ra;return[Math.cos(t)*n,Math.sin(t)*n]},n};var kl="auto";ta.svg.line=function(){return 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st | county | STATE | composite | fipstxt | FIPS | count3 | |
AK | Aleutians East | Alaska | ak_aleutians east | 02013 | 2013 | 0 | |
AK | Aleutians West | Alaska | ak_aleutians west | 02016 | 2016 | 0 | |
AK | Anchorage | Alaska | ak_anchorage | 02020 | 2020 | 19 | |
AK | Bethel | Alaska | ak_bethel | 02050 | 2050 | 1 | |
AK | Bristol Bay | Alaska | ak_bristol bay | 02060 | 2060 | 0 | |
AK | Denali | Alaska | ak_denali | 02068 | 2068 | 0 | |
AK | Dillingham | Alaska | ak_dillingham | 02070 | 2070 | 0 | |
AK | Fairbanks North Star | Alaska | ak_fairbanks north star | 02090 | 2090 | 4 | |
AK | Haines | Alaska | ak_haines | 02100 | 2100 | 0 | |
AK | Juneau | Alaska | ak_juneau | 02110 | 2110 | 1 | |
AK | Kenai Peninsula | Alaska | ak_kenai peninsula | 02122 | 2122 | 1 | |
AK | Ketchikan Gateway | Alaska | ak_ketchikan gateway | 02130 | 2130 | 2 | |
AK | Kodiak Island | Alaska | ak_kodiak island | 02150 | 2150 | 1 | |
AK | Lake and Peninsula | Alaska | ak_lake and peninsula | 02164 | 2164 | 0 | |
AK | Matanuska-Susitna | Alaska | ak_matanuska-susitna | 02170 | 2170 | 2 | |
AK | Nome | Alaska | ak_nome | 02180 | 2180 | 0 | |
AK | North Slope | Alaska | ak_north slope | 02185 | 2185 | 0 | |
AK | Northwest Arctic | Alaska | ak_northwest arctic | 02188 | 2188 | 0 | |
AK | Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan | Alaska | ak_prince of wales-outer ketchikan | 02201 | 2201 | 0 | |
AK | Sitka | Alaska | ak_sitka | 02220 | 2220 | 0 | |
AK | Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon | Alaska | ak_skagway-hoonah-angoon | 02232 | 2232 | 0 | |
AK | Southeast Fairbanks | Alaska | ak_southeast fairbanks | 02240 | 2240 | 0 | |
AK | Valdez-Cordova | Alaska | ak_valdez-cordova | 02261 | 2261 | 2 | |
AK | Wade Hampton | Alaska | ak_wade hampton | 02270 | 2270 | 0 | |
AK | Wrangell-Petersburg | Alaska | ak_wrangell-petersburg | 02280 | 2280 | 0 | |
AK | Yakutat | Alaska | ak_yakutat | 02282 | 2282 | 0 | |
AK | Yukon-Koyukuk | Alaska | ak_yukon-koyukuk | 02290 | 2290 | 0 | |
AL | Autauga | Alabama | al_autauga | 01001 | 1001 | 1 | |
AL | Baldwin | Alabama | al_baldwin | 01003 | 1003 | 5 | |
AL | Barbour | Alabama | al_barbour | 01005 | 1005 | 4 | |
AL | Bibb | Alabama | al_bibb | 01007 | 1007 | 6 | |
AL | Blount | Alabama | al_blount | 01009 | 1009 | 1 | |
AL | Bullock | Alabama | al_bullock | 01011 | 1011 | 0 | |
AL | Butler | Alabama | al_butler | 01013 | 1013 | 3 | |
AL | Calhoun | Alabama | al_calhoun | 01015 | 1015 | 33 | |
AL | Chambers | Alabama | al_chambers | 01017 | 1017 | 9 | |
AL | Cherokee | Alabama | al_cherokee | 01019 | 1019 | 6 | |
AL | Chilton | Alabama | al_chilton | 01021 | 1021 | 1 | |
AL | Choctaw | Alabama | al_choctaw | 01023 | 1023 | 4 | |
AL | Clarke | Alabama | al_clarke | 01025 | 1025 | 4 | |
AL | Clay | Alabama | al_clay | 01027 | 1027 | 1 | |
AL | Cleburne | Alabama | al_cleburne | 01029 | 1029 | 1 | |
AL | Coffee | Alabama | al_coffee | 01031 | 1031 | 12 | |
AL | Colbert | Alabama | al_colbert | 01033 | 1033 | 23 | |
AL | Conecuh | Alabama | al_conecuh | 01035 | 1035 | 0 | |
AL | Coosa | Alabama | al_coosa | 01037 | 1037 | 0 | |
AL | Covington | Alabama | al_covington | 01039 | 1039 | 7 | |
AL | Crenshaw | Alabama | al_crenshaw | 01041 | 1041 | 2 | |
AL | Cullman | Alabama | al_cullman | 01043 | 1043 | 8 | |
AL | Dale | Alabama | al_dale | 01045 | 1045 | 8 | |
AL | Dallas | Alabama | al_dallas | 01047 | 1047 | 20 | |
AL | DeKalb | Alabama | al_dekalb | 01049 | 1049 | 11 | |
AL | Elmore | Alabama | al_elmore | 01051 | 1051 | 6 | |
AL | Escambia | Alabama | al_escambia | 01053 | 1053 | 9 | |
AL | Etowah | Alabama | al_etowah | 01055 | 1055 | 43 | |
AL | Fayette | Alabama | al_fayette | 01057 | 1057 | 2 | |
AL | Franklin | Alabama | al_franklin | 01059 | 1059 | 8 | |
AL | Geneva | Alabama | al_geneva | 01061 | 1061 | 1 | |
AL | Greene | Alabama | al_greene | 01063 | 1063 | 6 | |
AL | Hale | Alabama | al_hale | 01065 | 1065 | 1 | |
AL | Henry | Alabama | al_henry | 01067 | 1067 | 3 | |
AL | Houston | Alabama | al_houston | 01069 | 1069 | 10 | |
AL | Jackson | Alabama | al_jackson | 01071 | 1071 | 11 | |
AL | Jefferson | Alabama | al_jefferson | 01073 | 1073 | 272 | |
AL | Lamar | Alabama | al_lamar | 01075 | 1075 | 4 | |
AL | Lauderdale | Alabama | al_lauderdale | 01077 | 1077 | 17 | |
AL | Lawrence | Alabama | al_lawrence | 01079 | 1079 | 2 | |
AL | Lee | Alabama | al_lee | 01081 | 1081 | 17 | |
AL | Limestone | Alabama | al_limestone | 01083 | 1083 | 16 | |
AL | Lowndes | Alabama | al_lowndes | 01085 | 1085 | 0 | |
AL | Macon | Alabama | al_macon | 01087 | 1087 | 3 | |
AL | Madison | Alabama | al_madison | 01089 | 1089 | 109 | |
AL | Marengo | Alabama | al_marengo | 01091 | 1091 | 8 | |
AL | Marion | Alabama | al_marion | 01093 | 1093 | 8 | |
AL | Marshall | Alabama | al_marshall | 01095 | 1095 | 39 | |
AL | Mobile | Alabama | al_mobile | 01097 | 1097 | 48 | |
AL | Monroe | Alabama | al_monroe | 01099 | 1099 | 1 | |
AL | Montgomery | Alabama | al_montgomery | 01101 | 1101 | 93 | |
AL | Morgan | Alabama | al_morgan | 01103 | 1103 | 40 | |
AL | Perry | Alabama | al_perry | 01105 | 1105 | 3 | |
AL | Pickens | Alabama | al_pickens | 01107 | 1107 | 4 | |
AL | Pike | Alabama | al_pike | 01109 | 1109 | 1 | |
AL | Randolph | Alabama | al_randolph | 01111 | 1111 | 4 | |
AL | Russell | Alabama | al_russell | 01113 | 1113 | 5 | |
AL | Shelby | Alabama | al_shelby | 01117 | 1117 | 4 | |
AL | St. Clair | Alabama | al_st. clair | 01115 | 1115 | 2 | |
AL | Sumter | Alabama | al_sumter | 01119 | 1119 | 11 | |
AL | Talladega | Alabama | al_talladega | 01121 | 1121 | 16 | |
AL | Tallapoosa | Alabama | al_tallapoosa | 01123 | 1123 | 5 | |
AL | Tuscaloosa | Alabama | al_tuscaloosa | 01125 | 1125 | 47 | |
AL | Walker | Alabama | al_walker | 01127 | 1127 | 17 | |
AL | Washington | Alabama | al_washington | 01129 | 1129 | 0 | |
AL | Wilcox | Alabama | al_wilcox | 01131 | 1131 | 0 | |
AL | Winston | Alabama | al_winston | 01133 | 1133 | 4 | |
AR | Arkansas | Arkansas | ar_arkansas | 05001 | 5001 | 21 | |
AR | Ashley | Arkansas | ar_ashley | 05003 | 5003 | 12 | |
AR | Baxter | Arkansas | ar_baxter | 05005 | 5005 | 13 | |
AR | Benton | Arkansas | ar_benton | 05007 | 5007 | 14 | |
AR | Boone | Arkansas | ar_boone | 05009 | 5009 | 2 | |
AR | Bradley | Arkansas | ar_bradley | 05011 | 5011 | 8 | |
AR | Calhoun | Arkansas | ar_calhoun | 05013 | 5013 | 1 | |
AR | Carroll | Arkansas | ar_carroll | 05015 | 5015 | 4 | |
AR | Chicot | Arkansas | ar_chicot | 05017 | 5017 | 12 | |
AR | Clark | Arkansas | ar_clark | 05019 | 5019 | 3 | |
AR | Clay | Arkansas | ar_clay | 05021 | 5021 | 2 | |
AR | Cleburne | Arkansas | ar_cleburne | 05023 | 5023 | 4 | |
AR | Cleveland | Arkansas | ar_cleveland | 05025 | 5025 | 0 | |
AR | Columbia | Arkansas | ar_columbia | 05027 | 5027 | 8 | |
AR | Conway | Arkansas | ar_conway | 05029 | 5029 | 1 | |
AR | Craighead | Arkansas | ar_craighead | 05031 | 5031 | 35 | |
AR | Crawford | Arkansas | ar_crawford | 05033 | 5033 | 6 | |
AR | Crittenden | Arkansas | ar_crittenden | 05035 | 5035 | 55 | |
AR | Cross | Arkansas | ar_cross | 05037 | 5037 | 6 | |
AR | Dallas | Arkansas | ar_dallas | 05039 | 5039 | 2 | |
AR | Desha | Arkansas | ar_desha | 05041 | 5041 | 16 | |
AR | Drew | Arkansas | ar_drew | 05043 | 5043 | 4 | |
AR | Faulkner | Arkansas | ar_faulkner | 05045 | 5045 | 17 | |
AR | Franklin | Arkansas | ar_franklin | 05047 | 5047 | 0 | |
AR | Fulton | Arkansas | ar_fulton | 05049 | 5049 | 3 | |
AR | Garland | Arkansas | ar_garland | 05051 | 5051 | 20 | |
AR | Grant | Arkansas | ar_grant | 05053 | 5053 | 0 | |
AR | Greene | Arkansas | ar_greene | 05055 | 5055 | 9 | |
AR | Hempstead | Arkansas | ar_hempstead | 05057 | 5057 | 4 | |
AR | Hot Spring | Arkansas | ar_hot spring | 05059 | 5059 | 2 | |
AR | Howard | Arkansas | ar_howard | 05061 | 5061 | 3 | |
AR | Independence | Arkansas | ar_independence | 05063 | 5063 | 5 | |
AR | Izard | Arkansas | ar_izard | 05065 | 5065 | 0 | |
AR | Jackson | Arkansas | ar_jackson | 05067 | 5067 | 8 | |
AR | Jefferson | Arkansas | ar_jefferson | 05069 | 5069 | 107 | |
AR | Johnson | Arkansas | ar_johnson | 05071 | 5071 | 6 | |
AR | Lafayette | Arkansas | ar_lafayette | 05073 | 5073 | 3 | |
AR | Lawrence | Arkansas | ar_lawrence | 05075 | 5075 | 6 | |
AR | Lee | Arkansas | ar_lee | 05077 | 5077 | 10 | |
AR | Lincoln | Arkansas | ar_lincoln | 05079 | 5079 | 1 | |
AR | Little River | Arkansas | ar_little river | 05081 | 5081 | 2 | |
AR | Logan | Arkansas | ar_logan | 05083 | 5083 | 0 | |
AR | Lonoke | Arkansas | ar_lonoke | 05085 | 5085 | 13 | |
AR | Madison | Arkansas | ar_madison | 05087 | 5087 | 0 | |
AR | Marion | Arkansas | ar_marion | 05089 | 5089 | 0 | |
AR | Miller | Arkansas | ar_miller | 05091 | 5091 | 3 | |
AR | Mississippi | Arkansas | ar_mississippi | 05093 | 5093 | 63 | |
AR | Monroe | Arkansas | ar_monroe | 05095 | 5095 | 15 | |
AR | Montgomery | Arkansas | ar_montgomery | 05097 | 5097 | 0 | |
AR | Nevada | Arkansas | ar_nevada | 05099 | 5099 | 1 | |
AR | Newton | Arkansas | ar_newton | 05101 | 5101 | 0 | |
AR | Ouachita | Arkansas | ar_ouachita | 05103 | 5103 | 3 | |
AR | Perry | Arkansas | ar_perry | 05105 | 5105 | 0 | |
AR | Phillips | Arkansas | ar_phillips | 05107 | 5107 | 92 | |
AR | Pike | Arkansas | ar_pike | 05109 | 5109 | 3 | |
AR | Poinsett | Arkansas | ar_poinsett | 05111 | 5111 | 9 | |
AR | Polk | Arkansas | ar_polk | 05113 | 5113 | 5 | |
AR | Pope | Arkansas | ar_pope | 05115 | 5115 | 4 | |
AR | Prairie | Arkansas | ar_prairie | 05117 | 5117 | 6 | |
AR | Pulaski | Arkansas | ar_pulaski | 05119 | 5119 | 175 | |
AR | Randolph | Arkansas | ar_randolph | 05121 | 5121 | 3 | |
AR | Saline | Arkansas | ar_saline | 05125 | 5125 | 4 | |
AR | Scott | Arkansas | ar_scott | 05127 | 5127 | 0 | |
AR | Searcy | Arkansas | ar_searcy | 05129 | 5129 | 0 | |
AR | Sebastian | Arkansas | ar_sebastian | 05131 | 5131 | 9 | |
AR | Sevier | Arkansas | ar_sevier | 05133 | 5133 | 0 | |
AR | Sharp | Arkansas | ar_sharp | 05135 | 5135 | 3 | |
AR | St. Francis | Arkansas | ar_st. francis | 05123 | 5123 | 42 | |
AR | Stone | Arkansas | ar_stone | 05137 | 5137 | 1 | |
AR | Union | Arkansas | ar_union | 05139 | 5139 | 15 | |
AR | Van Buren | Arkansas | ar_van buren | 05141 | 5141 | 5 | |
AR | Washington | Arkansas | ar_washington | 05143 | 5143 | 25 | |
AR | White | Arkansas | ar_white | 05145 | 5145 | 7 | |
AR | Woodruff | Arkansas | ar_woodruff | 05147 | 5147 | 2 | |
AR | Yell | Arkansas | ar_yell | 05149 | 5149 | 1 | |
AZ | Apache | Arizona | az_apache | 04001 | 4001 | 0 | |
AZ | Cochise | Arizona | az_cochise | 04003 | 4003 | 20 | |
AZ | Coconino | Arizona | az_coconino | 04005 | 4005 | 9 | |
AZ | Gila | Arizona | az_gila | 04007 | 4007 | 9 | |
AZ | Graham | Arizona | az_graham | 04009 | 4009 | 1 | |
AZ | Greenlee | Arizona | az_greenlee | 04011 | 4011 | 0 | |
AZ | La Paz | Arizona | az_la paz | 04012 | 4012 | 0 | |
AZ | Maricopa | Arizona | az_maricopa | 04013 | 4013 | 213 | |
AZ | Mohave | Arizona | az_mohave | 04015 | 4015 | 7 | |
AZ | Navajo | Arizona | az_navajo | 04017 | 4017 | 4 | |
AZ | Pima | Arizona | az_pima | 04019 | 4019 | 49 | |
AZ | Pinal | Arizona | az_pinal | 04021 | 4021 | 6 | |
AZ | Santa Cruz | Arizona | az_santa cruz | 04023 | 4023 | 2 | |
AZ | Yavapai | Arizona | az_yavapai | 04025 | 4025 | 22 | |
AZ | Yuma | Arizona | az_yuma | 04027 | 4027 | 13 | |
CA | Alameda | California | ca_alameda | 06001 | 6001 | 26 | |
CA | Alpine | California | ca_alpine | 06003 | 6003 | 0 | |
CA | Amador | California | ca_amador | 06005 | 6005 | 1 | |
CA | Butte | California | ca_butte | 06007 | 6007 | 2 | |
CA | Calaveras | California | ca_calaveras | 06009 | 6009 | 0 | |
CA | Colusa | California | ca_colusa | 06011 | 6011 | 0 | |
CA | Contra Costa | California | ca_contra costa | 06013 | 6013 | 10 | |
CA | Del Norte | California | ca_del norte | 06015 | 6015 | 0 | |
CA | El Dorado | California | ca_el dorado | 06017 | 6017 | 0 | |
CA | Fresno | California | ca_fresno | 06019 | 6019 | 6 | |
CA | Glenn | California | ca_glenn | 06021 | 6021 | 1 | |
CA | Humboldt | California | ca_humboldt | 06023 | 6023 | 0 | |
CA | Imperial | California | ca_imperial | 06025 | 6025 | 2 | |
CA | Inyo | California | ca_inyo | 06027 | 6027 | 0 | |
CA | Kern | California | ca_kern | 06029 | 6029 | 9 | |
CA | Kings | California | ca_kings | 06031 | 6031 | 0 | |
CA | Lake | California | ca_lake | 06033 | 6033 | 0 | |
CA | Lassen | California | ca_lassen | 06035 | 6035 | 2 | |
CA | Los Angeles | California | ca_los angeles | 06037 | 6037 | 172 | |
CA | Madera | California | ca_madera | 06039 | 6039 | 0 | |
CA | Marin | California | ca_marin | 06041 | 6041 | 0 | |
CA | Mariposa | California | ca_mariposa | 06043 | 6043 | 0 | |
CA | Mendocino | California | ca_mendocino | 06045 | 6045 | 1 | |
CA | Merced | California | ca_merced | 06047 | 6047 | 1 | |
CA | Modoc | California | ca_modoc | 06049 | 6049 | 0 | |
CA | Mono | California | ca_mono | 06051 | 6051 | 0 | |
CA | Monterey | California | ca_monterey | 06053 | 6053 | 9 | |
CA | Napa | California | ca_napa | 06055 | 6055 | 0 | |
CA | Nevada | California | ca_nevada | 06057 | 6057 | 0 | |
CA | Orange | California | ca_orange | 06059 | 6059 | 40 | |
CA | Placer | California | ca_placer | 06061 | 6061 | 3 | |
CA | Plumas | California | ca_plumas | 06063 | 6063 | 0 | |
CA | Riverside | California | ca_riverside | 06065 | 6065 | 27 | |
CA | Sacramento | California | ca_sacramento | 06067 | 6067 | 15 | |
CA | San Benito | California | ca_san benito | 06069 | 6069 | 0 | |
CA | San Bernardino | California | ca_san bernardino | 06071 | 6071 | 53 | |
CA | San Diego | California | ca_san diego | 06073 | 6073 | 58 | |
CA | San Francisco | California | ca_san francisco | 06075 | 6075 | 6 | |
CA | San Joaquin | California | ca_san joaquin | 06077 | 6077 | 7 | |
CA | San Luis Obispo | California | ca_san luis obispo | 06079 | 6079 | 2 | |
CA | San Mateo | California | ca_san mateo | 06081 | 6081 | 7 | |
CA | Santa Barbara | California | ca_santa barbara | 06083 | 6083 | 3 | |
CA | Santa Clara | California | ca_santa clara | 06085 | 6085 | 22 | |
CA | Santa Cruz | California | ca_santa cruz | 06087 | 6087 | 1 | |
CA | Shasta | California | ca_shasta | 06089 | 6089 | 4 | |
CA | Sierra | California | ca_sierra | 06091 | 6091 | 0 | |
CA | Siskiyou | California | ca_siskiyou | 06093 | 6093 | 0 | |
CA | Solano | California | ca_solano | 06095 | 6095 | 10 | |
CA | Sonoma | California | ca_sonoma | 06097 | 6097 | 3 | |
CA | Stanislaus | California | ca_stanislaus | 06099 | 6099 | 6 | |
CA | Sutter | California | ca_sutter | 06101 | 6101 | 0 | |
CA | Tehama | California | ca_tehama | 06103 | 6103 | 2 | |
CA | Trinity | California | ca_trinity | 06105 | 6105 | 0 | |
CA | Tulare | California | ca_tulare | 06107 | 6107 | 4 | |
CA | Tuolumne | California | ca_tuolumne | 06109 | 6109 | 0 | |
CA | Ventura | California | ca_ventura | 06111 | 6111 | 6 | |
CA | Yolo | California | ca_yolo | 06113 | 6113 | 2 | |
CA | Yuba | California | ca_yuba | 06115 | 6115 | 3 | |
CO | Adams | Colorado | co_adams | 08001 | 8001 | 15 | |
CO | Alamosa | Colorado | co_alamosa | 08003 | 8003 | 2 | |
CO | Arapahoe | Colorado | co_arapahoe | 08005 | 8005 | 18 | |
CO | Archuleta | Colorado | co_archuleta | 08007 | 8007 | 0 | |
CO | Baca | Colorado | co_baca | 08009 | 8009 | 0 | |
CO | Bent | Colorado | co_bent | 08011 | 8011 | 1 | |
CO | Boulder | Colorado | co_boulder | 08013 | 8013 | 10 | |
CO | Broomfield | Colorado | co_broomfield | 08014 | 8014 | 0 | |
CO | Chaffee | Colorado | co_chaffee | 08015 | 8015 | 1 | |
CO | Cheyenne | Colorado | co_cheyenne | 08017 | 8017 | 0 | |
CO | Clear Creek | Colorado | co_clear creek | 08019 | 8019 | 0 | |
CO | Conejos | Colorado | co_conejos | 08021 | 8021 | 0 | |
CO | Costilla | Colorado | co_costilla | 08023 | 8023 | 0 | |
CO | Crowley | Colorado | co_crowley | 08025 | 8025 | 0 | |
CO | Custer | Colorado | co_custer | 08027 | 8027 | 0 | |
CO | Delta | Colorado | co_delta | 08029 | 8029 | 1 | |
CO | Denver | Colorado | co_denver | 08031 | 8031 | 29 | |
CO | Dolores | Colorado | co_dolores | 08033 | 8033 | 0 | |
CO | Douglas | Colorado | co_douglas | 08035 | 8035 | 3 | |
CO | Eagle | Colorado | co_eagle | 08037 | 8037 | 0 | |
CO | El Paso | Colorado | co_el paso | 08041 | 8041 | 43 | |
CO | Elbert | Colorado | co_elbert | 08039 | 8039 | 0 | |
CO | Fremont | Colorado | co_fremont | 08043 | 8043 | 1 | |
CO | Garfield | Colorado | co_garfield | 08045 | 8045 | 3 | |
CO | Gilpin | Colorado | co_gilpin | 08047 | 8047 | 0 | |
CO | Grand | Colorado | co_grand | 08049 | 8049 | 0 | |
CO | Gunnison | Colorado | co_gunnison | 08051 | 8051 | 1 | |
CO | Hinsdale | Colorado | co_hinsdale | 08053 | 8053 | 0 | |
CO | Huerfano | Colorado | co_huerfano | 08055 | 8055 | 1 | |
CO | Jackson | Colorado | co_jackson | 08057 | 8057 | 1 | |
CO | Jefferson | Colorado | co_jefferson | 08059 | 8059 | 20 | |
CO | Kiowa | Colorado | co_kiowa | 08061 | 8061 | 0 | |
CO | Kit Carson | Colorado | co_kit carson | 08063 | 8063 | 0 | |
CO | La Plata | Colorado | co_la plata | 08067 | 8067 | 1 | |
CO | Lake | Colorado | co_lake | 08065 | 8065 | 0 | |
CO | Larimer | Colorado | co_larimer | 08069 | 8069 | 10 | |
CO | Las Animas | Colorado | co_las animas | 08071 | 8071 | 0 | |
CO | Lincoln | Colorado | co_lincoln | 08073 | 8073 | 0 | |
CO | Logan | Colorado | co_logan | 08075 | 8075 | 0 | |
CO | Mesa | Colorado | co_mesa | 08077 | 8077 | 4 | |
CO | Mineral | Colorado | co_mineral | 08079 | 8079 | 0 | |
CO | Moffat | Colorado | co_moffat | 08081 | 8081 | 1 | |
CO | Montezuma | Colorado | co_montezuma | 08083 | 8083 | 0 | |
CO | Montrose | Colorado | co_montrose | 08085 | 8085 | 3 | |
CO | Morgan | Colorado | co_morgan | 08087 | 8087 | 1 | |
CO | Otero | Colorado | co_otero | 08089 | 8089 | 0 | |
CO | Ouray | Colorado | co_ouray | 08091 | 8091 | 0 | |
CO | Park | Colorado | co_park | 08093 | 8093 | 1 | |
CO | Phillips | Colorado | co_phillips | 08095 | 8095 | 0 | |
CO | Pitkin | Colorado | co_pitkin | 08097 | 8097 | 0 | |
CO | Prowers | Colorado | co_prowers | 08099 | 8099 | 2 | |
CO | Pueblo | Colorado | co_pueblo | 08101 | 8101 | 10 | |
CO | Rio Blanco | Colorado | co_rio blanco | 08103 | 8103 | 0 | |
CO | Rio Grande | Colorado | co_rio grande | 08105 | 8105 | 0 | |
CO | Routt | Colorado | co_routt | 08107 | 8107 | 0 | |
CO | Saguache | Colorado | co_saguache | 08109 | 8109 | 0 | |
CO | San Juan | Colorado | co_san juan | 08111 | 8111 | 0 | |
CO | San Miguel | Colorado | co_san miguel | 08113 | 8113 | 0 | |
CO | Sedgwick | Colorado | co_sedgwick | 08115 | 8115 | 0 | |
CO | Summit | Colorado | co_summit | 08117 | 8117 | 1 | |
CO | Teller | Colorado | co_teller | 08119 | 8119 | 0 | |
CO | Washington | Colorado | co_washington | 08121 | 8121 | 0 | |
CO | Weld | Colorado | co_weld | 08123 | 8123 | 2 | |
CO | Yuma | Colorado | co_yuma | 08125 | 8125 | 1 | |
CT | Fairfield | Connecticut | ct_fairfield | 09001 | 9001 | 9 | |
CT | Hartford | Connecticut | ct_hartford | 09003 | 9003 | 18 | |
CT | Litchfield | Connecticut | ct_litchfield | 09005 | 9005 | 1 | |
CT | Middlesex | Connecticut | ct_middlesex | 09007 | 9007 | 1 | |
CT | New Haven | Connecticut | ct_new haven | 09009 | 9009 | 9 | |
CT | New London | Connecticut | ct_new london | 09011 | 9011 | 6 | |
CT | Tolland | Connecticut | ct_tolland | 09013 | 9013 | 2 | |
CT | Windham | Connecticut | ct_windham | 09015 | 9015 | 0 | |
DC | District of Columbia | District of Columbia | dc_district of columbia | 11001 | 11001 | 2 | |
DE | Kent | Delaware | de_kent | 10001 | 10001 | 2 | |
DE | New Castle | Delaware | de_new castle | 10003 | 10003 | 6 | |
DE | Sussex | Delaware | de_sussex | 10005 | 10005 | 2 | |
FL | Alachua | Florida | fl_alachua | 12001 | 12001 | 4 | |
FL | Baker | Florida | fl_baker | 12003 | 12003 | 0 | |
FL | Bay | Florida | fl_bay | 12005 | 12005 | 24 | |
FL | Bradford | Florida | fl_bradford | 12007 | 12007 | 1 | |
FL | Brevard | Florida | fl_brevard | 12009 | 12009 | 14 | |
FL | Broward | Florida | fl_broward | 12011 | 12011 | 59 | |
FL | Calhoun | Florida | fl_calhoun | 12013 | 12013 | 1 | |
FL | Charlotte | Florida | fl_charlotte | 12015 | 12015 | 4 | |
FL | Citrus | Florida | fl_citrus | 12017 | 12017 | 9 | |
FL | Clay | Florida | fl_clay | 12019 | 12019 | 2 | |
FL | Collier | Florida | fl_collier | 12021 | 12021 | 4 | |
FL | Columbia | Florida | fl_columbia | 12023 | 12023 | 1 | |
FL | DeSoto | Florida | fl_desoto | 12027 | 12027 | 1 | |
FL | Dixie | Florida | fl_dixie | 12029 | 12029 | 0 | |
FL | Duval | Florida | fl_duval | 12031 | 12031 | 69 | |
FL | Escambia | Florida | fl_escambia | 12033 | 12033 | 21 | |
FL | Flagler | Florida | fl_flagler | 12035 | 12035 | 0 | |
FL | Franklin | Florida | fl_franklin | 12037 | 12037 | 0 | |
FL | Gadsden | Florida | fl_gadsden | 12039 | 12039 | 0 | |
FL | Gilchrist | Florida | fl_gilchrist | 12041 | 12041 | 1 | |
FL | Glades | Florida | fl_glades | 12043 | 12043 | 1 | |
FL | Gulf | Florida | fl_gulf | 12045 | 12045 | 1 | |
FL | Hamilton | Florida | fl_hamilton | 12047 | 12047 | 0 | |
FL | Hardee | Florida | fl_hardee | 12049 | 12049 | 0 | |
FL | Hendry | Florida | fl_hendry | 12051 | 12051 | 1 | |
FL | Hernando | Florida | fl_hernando | 12053 | 12053 | 9 | |
FL | Highlands | Florida | fl_highlands | 12055 | 12055 | 6 | |
FL | Hillsborough | Florida | fl_hillsborough | 12057 | 12057 | 59 | |
FL | Holmes | Florida | fl_holmes | 12059 | 12059 | 1 | |
FL | Indian River | Florida | fl_indian river | 12061 | 12061 | 2 | |
FL | Jackson | Florida | fl_jackson | 12063 | 12063 | 3 | |
FL | Jefferson | Florida | fl_jefferson | 12065 | 12065 | 0 | |
FL | Lafayette | Florida | fl_lafayette | 12067 | 12067 | 0 | |
FL | Lake | Florida | fl_lake | 12069 | 12069 | 10 | |
FL | Lee | Florida | fl_lee | 12071 | 12071 | 21 | |
FL | Leon | Florida | fl_leon | 12073 | 12073 | 14 | |
FL | Levy | Florida | fl_levy | 12075 | 12075 | 1 | |
FL | Liberty | Florida | fl_liberty | 12077 | 12077 | 0 | |
FL | Madison | Florida | fl_madison | 12079 | 12079 | 0 | |
FL | Manatee | Florida | fl_manatee | 12081 | 12081 | 7 | |
FL | Marion | Florida | fl_marion | 12083 | 12083 | 13 | |
FL | Martin | Florida | fl_martin | 12085 | 12085 | 6 | |
FL | Miami-Dade | Florida | fl_miami-dade | 12086 | 12086 | 95 | |
FL | Monroe | Florida | fl_monroe | 12087 | 12087 | 2 | |
FL | Nassau | Florida | fl_nassau | 12089 | 12089 | 1 | |
FL | Okaloosa | Florida | fl_okaloosa | 12091 | 12091 | 13 | |
FL | Okeechobee | Florida | fl_okeechobee | 12093 | 12093 | 1 | |
FL | Orange | Florida | fl_orange | 12095 | 12095 | 42 | |
FL | Osceola | Florida | fl_osceola | 12097 | 12097 | 8 | |
FL | Palm Beach | Florida | fl_palm beach | 12099 | 12099 | 43 | |
FL | Pasco | Florida | fl_pasco | 12101 | 12101 | 5 | |
FL | Pinellas | Florida | fl_pinellas | 12103 | 12103 | 29 | |
FL | Polk | Florida | fl_polk | 12105 | 12105 | 22 | |
FL | Putnam | Florida | fl_putnam | 12107 | 12107 | 2 | |
FL | Santa Rosa | Florida | fl_santa rosa | 12113 | 12113 | 2 | |
FL | Sarasota | Florida | fl_sarasota | 12115 | 12115 | 7 | |
FL | Seminole | Florida | fl_seminole | 12117 | 12117 | 8 | |
FL | St. Johns | Florida | fl_st. johns | 12109 | 12109 | 3 | |
FL | St. Lucie | Florida | fl_st. lucie | 12111 | 12111 | 1 | |
FL | Sumter | Florida | fl_sumter | 12119 | 12119 | 1 | |
FL | Suwannee | Florida | fl_suwannee | 12121 | 12121 | 3 | |
FL | Taylor | Florida | fl_taylor | 12123 | 12123 | 1 | |
FL | Union | Florida | fl_union | 12125 | 12125 | 0 | |
FL | Volusia | Florida | fl_volusia | 12127 | 12127 | 11 | |
FL | Wakulla | Florida | fl_wakulla | 12129 | 12129 | 1 | |
FL | Walton | Florida | fl_walton | 12131 | 12131 | 0 | |
FL | Washington | Florida | fl_washington | 12133 | 12133 | 2 | |
GA | Appling | Georgia | ga_appling | 13001 | 13001 | 3 | |
GA | Atkinson | Georgia | ga_atkinson | 13003 | 13003 | 0 | |
GA | Bacon | Georgia | ga_bacon | 13005 | 13005 | 0 | |
GA | Baker | Georgia | ga_baker | 13007 | 13007 | 0 | |
GA | Baldwin | Georgia | ga_baldwin | 13009 | 13009 | 6 | |
GA | Banks | Georgia | ga_banks | 13011 | 13011 | 0 | |
GA | Barrow | Georgia | ga_barrow | 13013 | 13013 | 2 | |
GA | Bartow | Georgia | ga_bartow | 13015 | 13015 | 3 | |
GA | Ben Hill | Georgia | ga_ben hill | 13017 | 13017 | 0 | |
GA | Berrien | Georgia | ga_berrien | 13019 | 13019 | 0 | |
GA | Bibb | Georgia | ga_bibb | 13021 | 13021 | 31 | |
GA | Bleckley | Georgia | ga_bleckley | 13023 | 13023 | 0 | |
GA | Brantley | Georgia | ga_brantley | 13025 | 13025 | 0 | |
GA | Brooks | Georgia | ga_brooks | 13027 | 13027 | 0 | |
GA | Bryan | Georgia | ga_bryan | 13029 | 13029 | 1 | |
GA | Bulloch | Georgia | ga_bulloch | 13031 | 13031 | 2 | |
GA | Burke | Georgia | ga_burke | 13033 | 13033 | 0 | |
GA | Butts | Georgia | ga_butts | 13035 | 13035 | 0 | |
GA | Calhoun | Georgia | ga_calhoun | 13037 | 13037 | 1 | |
GA | Camden | Georgia | ga_camden | 13039 | 13039 | 2 | |
GA | Candler | Georgia | ga_candler | 13043 | 13043 | 2 | |
GA | Carroll | Georgia | ga_carroll | 13045 | 13045 | 7 | |
GA | Catoosa | Georgia | ga_catoosa | 13047 | 13047 | 4 | |
GA | Charlton | Georgia | ga_charlton | 13049 | 13049 | 0 | |
GA | Chatham | Georgia | ga_chatham | 13051 | 13051 | 15 | |
GA | Chattahoochee | Georgia | ga_chattahoochee | 13053 | 13053 | 0 | |
GA | Chattooga | Georgia | ga_chattooga | 13055 | 13055 | 1 | |
GA | Cherokee | Georgia | ga_cherokee | 13057 | 13057 | 8 | |
GA | Clarke | Georgia | ga_clarke | 13059 | 13059 | 8 | |
GA | Clay | Georgia | ga_clay | 13061 | 13061 | 0 | |
GA | Clayton | Georgia | ga_clayton | 13063 | 13063 | 79 | |
GA | Clinch | Georgia | ga_clinch | 13065 | 13065 | 0 | |
GA | Cobb | Georgia | ga_cobb | 13067 | 13067 | 83 | |
GA | Coffee | Georgia | ga_coffee | 13069 | 13069 | 1 | |
GA | Colquitt | Georgia | ga_colquitt | 13071 | 13071 | 1 | |
GA | Columbia | Georgia | ga_columbia | 13073 | 13073 | 2 | |
GA | Cook | Georgia | ga_cook | 13075 | 13075 | 0 | |
GA | Coweta | Georgia | ga_coweta | 13077 | 13077 | 8 | |
GA | Crawford | Georgia | ga_crawford | 13079 | 13079 | 0 | |
GA | Crisp | Georgia | ga_crisp | 13081 | 13081 | 1 | |
GA | Dade | Georgia | ga_dade | 13083 | 13083 | 1 | |
GA | Dawson | Georgia | ga_dawson | 13085 | 13085 | 3 | |
GA | Decatur | Georgia | ga_decatur | 13087 | 13087 | 0 | |
GA | DeKalb | Georgia | ga_dekalb | 13089 | 13089 | 73 | |
GA | Dodge | Georgia | ga_dodge | 13091 | 13091 | 0 | |
GA | Dooly | Georgia | ga_dooly | 13093 | 13093 | 2 | |
GA | Dougherty | Georgia | ga_dougherty | 13095 | 13095 | 14 | |
GA | Douglas | Georgia | ga_douglas | 13097 | 13097 | 1 | |
GA | Early | Georgia | ga_early | 13099 | 13099 | 1 | |
GA | Echols | Georgia | ga_echols | 13101 | 13101 | 0 | |
GA | Effingham | Georgia | ga_effingham | 13103 | 13103 | 0 | |
GA | Elbert | Georgia | ga_elbert | 13105 | 13105 | 1 | |
GA | Emanuel | Georgia | ga_emanuel | 13107 | 13107 | 0 | |
GA | Evans | Georgia | ga_evans | 13109 | 13109 | 1 | |
GA | Fannin | Georgia | ga_fannin | 13111 | 13111 | 4 | |
GA | Fayette | Georgia | ga_fayette | 13113 | 13113 | 4 | |
GA | Floyd | Georgia | ga_floyd | 13115 | 13115 | 15 | |
GA | Forsyth | Georgia | ga_forsyth | 13117 | 13117 | 5 | |
GA | Franklin | Georgia | ga_franklin | 13119 | 13119 | 3 | |
GA | Fulton | Georgia | ga_fulton | 13121 | 13121 | 65 | |
GA | Gilmer | Georgia | ga_gilmer | 13123 | 13123 | 0 | |
GA | Glascock | Georgia | ga_glascock | 13125 | 13125 | 0 | |
GA | Glynn | Georgia | ga_glynn | 13127 | 13127 | 3 | |
GA | Gordon | Georgia | ga_gordon | 13129 | 13129 | 8 | |
GA | Grady | Georgia | ga_grady | 13131 | 13131 | 4 | |
GA | Greene | Georgia | ga_greene | 13133 | 13133 | 1 | |
GA | Gwinnett | Georgia | ga_gwinnett | 13135 | 13135 | 46 | |
GA | Habersham | Georgia | ga_habersham | 13137 | 13137 | 3 | |
GA | Hall | Georgia | ga_hall | 13139 | 13139 | 10 | |
GA | Hancock | Georgia | ga_hancock | 13141 | 13141 | 0 | |
GA | Haralson | Georgia | ga_haralson | 13143 | 13143 | 2 | |
GA | Harris | Georgia | ga_harris | 13145 | 13145 | 2 | |
GA | Hart | Georgia | ga_hart | 13147 | 13147 | 0 | |
GA | Heard | Georgia | ga_heard | 13149 | 13149 | 0 | |
GA | Henry | Georgia | ga_henry | 13151 | 13151 | 6 | |
GA | Houston | Georgia | ga_houston | 13153 | 13153 | 17 | |
GA | Irwin | Georgia | ga_irwin | 13155 | 13155 | 0 | |
GA | Jackson | Georgia | ga_jackson | 13157 | 13157 | 0 | |
GA | Jasper | Georgia | ga_jasper | 13159 | 13159 | 0 | |
GA | Jeff Davis | Georgia | ga_jeff davis | 13161 | 13161 | 1 | |
GA | Jefferson | Georgia | ga_jefferson | 13163 | 13163 | 0 | |
GA | Jenkins | Georgia | ga_jenkins | 13165 | 13165 | 0 | |
GA | Johnson | Georgia | ga_johnson | 13167 | 13167 | 0 | |
GA | Jones | Georgia | ga_jones | 13169 | 13169 | 0 | |
GA | Lamar | Georgia | ga_lamar | 13171 | 13171 | 2 | |
GA | Lanier | Georgia | ga_lanier | 13173 | 13173 | 0 | |
GA | Laurens | Georgia | ga_laurens | 13175 | 13175 | 1 | |
GA | Lee | Georgia | ga_lee | 13177 | 13177 | 2 | |
GA | Liberty | Georgia | ga_liberty | 13179 | 13179 | 36 | |
GA | Lincoln | Georgia | ga_lincoln | 13181 | 13181 | 2 | |
GA | Long | Georgia | ga_long | 13183 | 13183 | 1 | |
GA | Lowndes | Georgia | ga_lowndes | 13185 | 13185 | 8 | |
GA | Lumpkin | Georgia | ga_lumpkin | 13187 | 13187 | 4 | |
GA | Macon | Georgia | ga_macon | 13193 | 13193 | 0 | |
GA | Madison | Georgia | ga_madison | 13195 | 13195 | 0 | |
GA | Marion | Georgia | ga_marion | 13197 | 13197 | 0 | |
GA | McDuffie | Georgia | ga_mcduffie | 13189 | 13189 | 4 | |
GA | McIntosh | Georgia | ga_mcintosh | 13191 | 13191 | 0 | |
GA | Meriwether | Georgia | ga_meriwether | 13199 | 13199 | 2 | |
GA | Miller | Georgia | ga_miller | 13201 | 13201 | 0 | |
GA | Mitchell | Georgia | ga_mitchell | 13205 | 13205 | 0 | |
GA | Monroe | Georgia | ga_monroe | 13207 | 13207 | 0 | |
GA | Montgomery | Georgia | ga_montgomery | 13209 | 13209 | 0 | |
GA | Morgan | Georgia | ga_morgan | 13211 | 13211 | 1 | |
GA | Murray | Georgia | ga_murray | 13213 | 13213 | 23 | |
GA | Muscogee | Georgia | ga_muscogee | 13215 | 13215 | 48 | |
GA | Newton | Georgia | ga_newton | 13217 | 13217 | 5 | |
GA | Oconee | Georgia | ga_oconee | 13219 | 13219 | 19 | |
GA | Oglethorpe | Georgia | ga_oglethorpe | 13221 | 13221 | 0 | |
GA | Paulding | Georgia | ga_paulding | 13223 | 13223 | 0 | |
GA | Peach | Georgia | ga_peach | 13225 | 13225 | 3 | |
GA | Pickens | Georgia | ga_pickens | 13227 | 13227 | 9 | |
GA | Pierce | Georgia | ga_pierce | 13229 | 13229 | 0 | |
GA | Pike | Georgia | ga_pike | 13231 | 13231 | 0 | |
GA | Polk | Georgia | ga_polk | 13233 | 13233 | 4 | |
GA | Pulaski | Georgia | ga_pulaski | 13235 | 13235 | 1 | |
GA | Putnam | Georgia | ga_putnam | 13237 | 13237 | 2 | |
GA | Quitman | Georgia | ga_quitman | 13239 | 13239 | 0 | |
GA | Rabun | Georgia | ga_rabun | 13241 | 13241 | 1 | |
GA | Randolph | Georgia | ga_randolph | 13243 | 13243 | 4 | |
GA | Richmond | Georgia | ga_richmond | 13245 | 13245 | 27 | |
GA | Rockdale | Georgia | ga_rockdale | 13247 | 13247 | 8 | |
GA | Schley | Georgia | ga_schley | 13249 | 13249 | 0 | |
GA | Screven | Georgia | ga_screven | 13251 | 13251 | 0 | |
GA | Seminole | Georgia | ga_seminole | 13253 | 13253 | 0 | |
GA | Spalding | Georgia | ga_spalding | 13255 | 13255 | 11 | |
GA | Stephens | Georgia | ga_stephens | 13257 | 13257 | 1 | |
GA | Stewart | Georgia | ga_stewart | 13259 | 13259 | 3 | |
GA | Sumter | Georgia | ga_sumter | 13261 | 13261 | 1 | |
GA | Talbot | Georgia | ga_talbot | 13263 | 13263 | 0 | |
GA | Taliaferro | Georgia | ga_taliaferro | 13265 | 13265 | 0 | |
GA | Tattnall | Georgia | ga_tattnall | 13267 | 13267 | 1 | |
GA | Taylor | Georgia | ga_taylor | 13269 | 13269 | 5 | |
GA | Telfair | Georgia | ga_telfair | 13271 | 13271 | 1 | |
GA | Terrell | Georgia | ga_terrell | 13273 | 13273 | 2 | |
GA | Thomas | Georgia | ga_thomas | 13275 | 13275 | 2 | |
GA | Tift | Georgia | ga_tift | 13277 | 13277 | 9 | |
GA | Toombs | Georgia | ga_toombs | 13279 | 13279 | 6 | |
GA | Towns | Georgia | ga_towns | 13281 | 13281 | 0 | |
GA | Treutlen | Georgia | ga_treutlen | 13283 | 13283 | 0 | |
GA | Troup | Georgia | ga_troup | 13285 | 13285 | 11 | |
GA | Turner | Georgia | ga_turner | 13287 | 13287 | 1 | |
GA | Twiggs | Georgia | ga_twiggs | 13289 | 13289 | 2 | |
GA | Union | Georgia | ga_union | 13291 | 13291 | 2 | |
GA | Upson | Georgia | ga_upson | 13293 | 13293 | 2 | |
GA | Walker | Georgia | ga_walker | 13295 | 13295 | 22 | |
GA | Walton | Georgia | ga_walton | 13297 | 13297 | 2 | |
GA | Ware | Georgia | ga_ware | 13299 | 13299 | 5 | |
GA | Warren | Georgia | ga_warren | 13301 | 13301 | 0 | |
GA | Washington | Georgia | ga_washington | 13303 | 13303 | 4 | |
GA | Wayne | Georgia | ga_wayne | 13305 | 13305 | 2 | |
GA | Webster | Georgia | ga_webster | 13307 | 13307 | 0 | |
GA | Wheeler | Georgia | ga_wheeler | 13309 | 13309 | 0 | |
GA | White | Georgia | ga_white | 13311 | 13311 | 0 | |
GA | Whitfield | Georgia | ga_whitfield | 13313 | 13313 | 52 | |
GA | Wilcox | Georgia | ga_wilcox | 13315 | 13315 | 0 | |
GA | Wilkes | Georgia | ga_wilkes | 13317 | 13317 | 2 | |
GA | Wilkinson | Georgia | ga_wilkinson | 13319 | 13319 | 0 | |
GA | Worth | Georgia | ga_worth | 13321 | 13321 | 0 | |
HI | Hawaii | Hawaii | hi_hawaii | 15001 | 15001 | 0 | |
HI | Honolulu | Hawaii | hi_honolulu | 15003 | 15003 | 8 | |
HI | Kalawao | Hawaii | hi_kalawao | 15005 | 15005 | 0 | |
HI | Kauai | Hawaii | hi_kauai | 15007 | 15007 | 0 | |
HI | Maui | Hawaii | hi_maui | 15009 | 15009 | 0 | |
IA | Adair | Iowa | ia_adair | 19001 | 19001 | 0 | |
IA | Adams | Iowa | ia_adams | 19003 | 19003 | 0 | |
IA | Allamakee | Iowa | ia_allamakee | 19005 | 19005 | 0 | |
IA | Appanoose | Iowa | ia_appanoose | 19007 | 19007 | 1 | |
IA | Audubon | Iowa | ia_audubon | 19009 | 19009 | 0 | |
IA | Benton | Iowa | ia_benton | 19011 | 19011 | 5 | |
IA | Black Hawk | Iowa | ia_black hawk | 19013 | 19013 | 31 | |
IA | Boone | Iowa | ia_boone | 19015 | 19015 | 1 | |
IA | Bremer | Iowa | ia_bremer | 19017 | 19017 | 2 | |
IA | Buchanan | Iowa | ia_buchanan | 19019 | 19019 | 3 | |
IA | Buena Vista | Iowa | ia_buena vista | 19021 | 19021 | 4 | |
IA | Butler | Iowa | ia_butler | 19023 | 19023 | 0 | |
IA | Calhoun | Iowa | ia_calhoun | 19025 | 19025 | 0 | |
IA | Carroll | Iowa | ia_carroll | 19027 | 19027 | 0 | |
IA | Cass | Iowa | ia_cass | 19029 | 19029 | 1 | |
IA | Cedar | Iowa | ia_cedar | 19031 | 19031 | 0 | |
IA | Cerro Gordo | Iowa | ia_cerro gordo | 19033 | 19033 | 7 | |
IA | Cherokee | Iowa | ia_cherokee | 19035 | 19035 | 0 | |
IA | Chickasaw | Iowa | ia_chickasaw | 19037 | 19037 | 3 | |
IA | Clarke | Iowa | ia_clarke | 19039 | 19039 | 1 | |
IA | Clay | Iowa | ia_clay | 19041 | 19041 | 1 | |
IA | Clayton | Iowa | ia_clayton | 19043 | 19043 | 2 | |
IA | Clinton | Iowa | ia_clinton | 19045 | 19045 | 10 | |
IA | Crawford | Iowa | ia_crawford | 19047 | 19047 | 4 | |
IA | Dallas | Iowa | ia_dallas | 19049 | 19049 | 1 | |
IA | Davis | Iowa | ia_davis | 19051 | 19051 | 0 | |
IA | Decatur | Iowa | ia_decatur | 19053 | 19053 | 2 | |
IA | Delaware | Iowa | ia_delaware | 19055 | 19055 | 2 | |
IA | Des Moines | Iowa | ia_des moines | 19057 | 19057 | 22 | |
IA | Dickinson | Iowa | ia_dickinson | 19059 | 19059 | 0 | |
IA | Dubuque | Iowa | ia_dubuque | 19061 | 19061 | 30 | |
IA | Emmet | Iowa | ia_emmet | 19063 | 19063 | 0 | |
IA | Fayette | Iowa | ia_fayette | 19065 | 19065 | 3 | |
IA | Floyd | Iowa | ia_floyd | 19067 | 19067 | 0 | |
IA | Franklin | Iowa | ia_franklin | 19069 | 19069 | 0 | |
IA | Fremont | Iowa | ia_fremont | 19071 | 19071 | 0 | |
IA | Greene | Iowa | ia_greene | 19073 | 19073 | 1 | |
IA | Grundy | Iowa | ia_grundy | 19075 | 19075 | 0 | |
IA | Guthrie | Iowa | ia_guthrie | 19077 | 19077 | 0 | |
IA | Hamilton | Iowa | ia_hamilton | 19079 | 19079 | 0 | |
IA | Hancock | Iowa | ia_hancock | 19081 | 19081 | 0 | |
IA | Hardin | Iowa | ia_hardin | 19083 | 19083 | 3 | |
IA | Harrison | Iowa | ia_harrison | 19085 | 19085 | 0 | |
IA | Henry | Iowa | ia_henry | 19087 | 19087 | 6 | |
IA | Howard | Iowa | ia_howard | 19089 | 19089 | 0 | |
IA | Humboldt | Iowa | ia_humboldt | 19091 | 19091 | 0 | |
IA | Ida | Iowa | ia_ida | 19093 | 19093 | 1 | |
IA | Iowa | Iowa | ia_iowa | 19095 | 19095 | 4 | |
IA | Jackson | Iowa | ia_jackson | 19097 | 19097 | 2 | |
IA | Jasper | Iowa | ia_jasper | 19099 | 19099 | 2 | |
IA | Jefferson | Iowa | ia_jefferson | 19101 | 19101 | 1 | |
IA | Johnson | Iowa | ia_johnson | 19103 | 19103 | 31 | |
IA | Jones | Iowa | ia_jones | 19105 | 19105 | 0 | |
IA | Keokuk | Iowa | ia_keokuk | 19107 | 19107 | 0 | |
IA | Kossuth | Iowa | ia_kossuth | 19109 | 19109 | 0 | |
IA | Lee | Iowa | ia_lee | 19111 | 19111 | 7 | |
IA | Linn | Iowa | ia_linn | 19113 | 19113 | 71 | |
IA | Louisa | Iowa | ia_louisa | 19115 | 19115 | 0 | |
IA | Lucas | Iowa | ia_lucas | 19117 | 19117 | 1 | |
IA | Lyon | Iowa | ia_lyon | 19119 | 19119 | 0 | |
IA | Madison | Iowa | ia_madison | 19121 | 19121 | 0 | |
IA | Mahaska | Iowa | ia_mahaska | 19123 | 19123 | 0 | |
IA | Marion | Iowa | ia_marion | 19125 | 19125 | 2 | |
IA | Marshall | Iowa | ia_marshall | 19127 | 19127 | 7 | |
IA | Mills | Iowa | ia_mills | 19129 | 19129 | 1 | |
IA | Mitchell | Iowa | ia_mitchell | 19131 | 19131 | 0 | |
IA | Monona | Iowa | ia_monona | 19133 | 19133 | 0 | |
IA | Monroe | Iowa | ia_monroe | 19135 | 19135 | 0 | |
IA | Montgomery | Iowa | ia_montgomery | 19137 | 19137 | 1 | |
IA | Muscatine | Iowa | ia_muscatine | 19139 | 19139 | 1 | |
IA | O'Brien | Iowa | ia_o'brien | 19141 | 19141 | 1 | |
IA | Osceola | Iowa | ia_osceola | 19143 | 19143 | 1 | |
IA | Page | Iowa | ia_page | 19145 | 19145 | 2 | |
IA | Palo Alto | Iowa | ia_palo alto | 19147 | 19147 | 1 | |
IA | Plymouth | Iowa | ia_plymouth | 19149 | 19149 | 2 | |
IA | Pocahontas | Iowa | ia_pocahontas | 19151 | 19151 | 1 | |
IA | Polk | Iowa | ia_polk | 19153 | 19153 | 53 | |
IA | Pottawattamie | Iowa | ia_pottawattamie | 19155 | 19155 | 4 | |
IA | Poweshiek | Iowa | ia_poweshiek | 19157 | 19157 | 2 | |
IA | Ringgold | Iowa | ia_ringgold | 19159 | 19159 | 0 | |
IA | Sac | Iowa | ia_sac | 19161 | 19161 | 0 | |
IA | Scott | Iowa | ia_scott | 19163 | 19163 | 28 | |
IA | Shelby | Iowa | ia_shelby | 19165 | 19165 | 0 | |
IA | Sioux | Iowa | ia_sioux | 19167 | 19167 | 0 | |
IA | Story | Iowa | ia_story | 19169 | 19169 | 5 | |
IA | Tama | Iowa | ia_tama | 19171 | 19171 | 0 | |
IA | Taylor | Iowa | ia_taylor | 19173 | 19173 | 0 | |
IA | Union | Iowa | ia_union | 19175 | 19175 | 0 | |
IA | Van Buren | Iowa | ia_van buren | 19177 | 19177 | 1 | |
IA | Wapello | Iowa | ia_wapello | 19179 | 19179 | 3 | |
IA | Warren | Iowa | ia_warren | 19181 | 19181 | 2 | |
IA | Washington | Iowa | ia_washington | 19183 | 19183 | 0 | |
IA | Wayne | Iowa | ia_wayne | 19185 | 19185 | 2 | |
IA | Webster | Iowa | ia_webster | 19187 | 19187 | 2 | |
IA | Winnebago | Iowa | ia_winnebago | 19189 | 19189 | 0 | |
IA | Winneshiek | Iowa | ia_winneshiek | 19191 | 19191 | 0 | |
IA | Woodbury | Iowa | ia_woodbury | 19193 | 19193 | 9 | |
IA | Worth | Iowa | ia_worth | 19195 | 19195 | 0 | |
IA | Wright | Iowa | ia_wright | 19197 | 19197 | 0 | |
ID | Ada | Idaho | id_ada | 16001 | 16001 | 9 | |
ID | Adams | Idaho | id_adams | 16003 | 16003 | 0 | |
ID | Bannock | Idaho | id_bannock | 16005 | 16005 | 1 | |
ID | Bear Lake | Idaho | id_bear lake | 16007 | 16007 | 0 | |
ID | Benewah | Idaho | id_benewah | 16009 | 16009 | 0 | |
ID | Bingham | Idaho | id_bingham | 16011 | 16011 | 4 | |
ID | Blaine | Idaho | id_blaine | 16013 | 16013 | 1 | |
ID | Boise | Idaho | id_boise | 16015 | 16015 | 0 | |
ID | Bonner | Idaho | id_bonner | 16017 | 16017 | 2 | |
ID | Bonneville | Idaho | id_bonneville | 16019 | 16019 | 7 | |
ID | Boundary | Idaho | id_boundary | 16021 | 16021 | 0 | |
ID | Butte | Idaho | id_butte | 16023 | 16023 | 0 | |
ID | Camas | Idaho | id_camas | 16025 | 16025 | 0 | |
ID | Canyon | Idaho | id_canyon | 16027 | 16027 | 3 | |
ID | Caribou | Idaho | id_caribou | 16029 | 16029 | 0 | |
ID | Cassia | Idaho | id_cassia | 16031 | 16031 | 0 | |
ID | Clark | Idaho | id_clark | 16033 | 16033 | 0 | |
ID | Clearwater | Idaho | id_clearwater | 16035 | 16035 | 0 | |
ID | Custer | Idaho | id_custer | 16037 | 16037 | 0 | |
ID | Elmore | Idaho | id_elmore | 16039 | 16039 | 3 | |
ID | Franklin | Idaho | id_franklin | 16041 | 16041 | 0 | |
ID | Fremont | Idaho | id_fremont | 16043 | 16043 | 0 | |
ID | Gem | Idaho | id_gem | 16045 | 16045 | 0 | |
ID | Gooding | Idaho | id_gooding | 16047 | 16047 | 1 | |
ID | Idaho | Idaho | id_idaho | 16049 | 16049 | 1 | |
ID | Jefferson | Idaho | id_jefferson | 16051 | 16051 | 0 | |
ID | Jerome | Idaho | id_jerome | 16053 | 16053 | 0 | |
ID | Kootenai | Idaho | id_kootenai | 16055 | 16055 | 1 | |
ID | Latah | Idaho | id_latah | 16057 | 16057 | 0 | |
ID | Lemhi | Idaho | id_lemhi | 16059 | 16059 | 0 | |
ID | Lewis | Idaho | id_lewis | 16061 | 16061 | 0 | |
ID | Lincoln | Idaho | id_lincoln | 16063 | 16063 | 0 | |
ID | Madison | Idaho | id_madison | 16065 | 16065 | 0 | |
ID | Minidoka | Idaho | id_minidoka | 16067 | 16067 | 0 | |
ID | Nez Perce | Idaho | id_nez perce | 16069 | 16069 | 2 | |
ID | Oneida | Idaho | id_oneida | 16071 | 16071 | 0 | |
ID | Owyhee | Idaho | id_owyhee | 16073 | 16073 | 0 | |
ID | Payette | Idaho | id_payette | 16075 | 16075 | 1 | |
ID | Power | Idaho | id_power | 16077 | 16077 | 0 | |
ID | Shoshone | Idaho | id_shoshone | 16079 | 16079 | 0 | |
ID | Teton | Idaho | id_teton | 16081 | 16081 | 0 | |
ID | Twin Falls | Idaho | id_twin falls | 16083 | 16083 | 2 | |
ID | Valley | Idaho | id_valley | 16085 | 16085 | 0 | |
ID | Washington | Idaho | id_washington | 16087 | 16087 | 1 | |
IL | Adams | Illinois | il_adams | 17001 | 17001 | 14 | |
IL | Alexander | Illinois | il_alexander | 17003 | 17003 | 0 | |
IL | Bond | Illinois | il_bond | 17005 | 17005 | 0 | |
IL | Boone | Illinois | il_boone | 17007 | 17007 | 16 | |
IL | Brown | Illinois | il_brown | 17009 | 17009 | 1 | |
IL | Bureau | Illinois | il_bureau | 17011 | 17011 | 12 | |
IL | Calhoun | Illinois | il_calhoun | 17013 | 17013 | 0 | |
IL | Carroll | Illinois | il_carroll | 17015 | 17015 | 2 | |
IL | Cass | Illinois | il_cass | 17017 | 17017 | 3 | |
IL | Champaign | Illinois | il_champaign | 17019 | 17019 | 135 | |
IL | Christian | Illinois | il_christian | 17021 | 17021 | 8 | |
IL | Clark | Illinois | il_clark | 17023 | 17023 | 3 | |
IL | Clay | Illinois | il_clay | 17025 | 17025 | 8 | |
IL | Clinton | Illinois | il_clinton | 17027 | 17027 | 8 | |
IL | Coles | Illinois | il_coles | 17029 | 17029 | 21 | |
IL | Cook | Illinois | il_cook | 17031 | 17031 | 15781 | |
IL | Crawford | Illinois | il_crawford | 17033 | 17033 | 7 | |
IL | Cumberland | Illinois | il_cumberland | 17035 | 17035 | 0 | |
IL | De Witt | Illinois | il_de witt | 17039 | 17039 | 11 | |
IL | DeKalb | Illinois | il_dekalb | 17037 | 17037 | 39 | |
IL | Douglas | Illinois | il_douglas | 17041 | 17041 | 5 | |
IL | DuPage | Illinois | il_dupage | 17043 | 17043 | 1879 | |
IL | Edgar | Illinois | il_edgar | 17045 | 17045 | 7 | |
IL | Edwards | Illinois | il_edwards | 17047 | 17047 | 1 | |
IL | Effingham | Illinois | il_effingham | 17049 | 17049 | 11 | |
IL | Fayette | Illinois | il_fayette | 17051 | 17051 | 9 | |
IL | Ford | Illinois | il_ford | 17053 | 17053 | 4 | |
IL | Franklin | Illinois | il_franklin | 17055 | 17055 | 24 | |
IL | Fulton | Illinois | il_fulton | 17057 | 17057 | 5 | |
IL | Gallatin | Illinois | il_gallatin | 17059 | 17059 | 1 | |
IL | Greene | Illinois | il_greene | 17061 | 17061 | 3 | |
IL | Grundy | Illinois | il_grundy | 17063 | 17063 | 17 | |
IL | Hamilton | Illinois | il_hamilton | 17065 | 17065 | 5 | |
IL | Hancock | Illinois | il_hancock | 17067 | 17067 | 4 | |
IL | Hardin | Illinois | il_hardin | 17069 | 17069 | 0 | |
IL | Henderson | Illinois | il_henderson | 17071 | 17071 | 0 | |
IL | Henry | Illinois | il_henry | 17073 | 17073 | 21 | |
IL | Iroquois | Illinois | il_iroquois | 17075 | 17075 | 16 | |
IL | Jackson | Illinois | il_jackson | 17077 | 17077 | 76 | |
IL | Jasper | Illinois | il_jasper | 17079 | 17079 | 1 | |
IL | Jefferson | Illinois | il_jefferson | 17081 | 17081 | 31 | |
IL | Jersey | Illinois | il_jersey | 17083 | 17083 | 4 | |
IL | Jo Daviess | Illinois | il_jo daviess | 17085 | 17085 | 2 | |
IL | Johnson | Illinois | il_johnson | 17087 | 17087 | 21 | |
IL | Kane | Illinois | il_kane | 17089 | 17089 | 761 | |
IL | Kankakee | Illinois | il_kankakee | 17091 | 17091 | 257 | |
IL | Kendall | Illinois | il_kendall | 17093 | 17093 | 20 | |
IL | Knox | Illinois | il_knox | 17095 | 17095 | 36 | |
IL | La Salle | Illinois | il_la salle | 17099 | 17099 | 55 | |
IL | Lake | Illinois | il_lake | 17097 | 17097 | 456 | |
IL | Lawrence | Illinois | il_lawrence | 17101 | 17101 | 2 | |
IL | Lee | Illinois | il_lee | 17103 | 17103 | 9 | |
IL | Livingston | Illinois | il_livingston | 17105 | 17105 | 11 | |
IL | Logan | Illinois | il_logan | 17107 | 17107 | 9 | |
IL | Macon | Illinois | il_macon | 17115 | 17115 | 71 | |
IL | Macoupin | Illinois | il_macoupin | 17117 | 17117 | 17 | |
IL | Madison | Illinois | il_madison | 17119 | 17119 | 39 | |
IL | Marion | Illinois | il_marion | 17121 | 17121 | 33 | |
IL | Marshall | Illinois | il_marshall | 17123 | 17123 | 7 | |
IL | Mason | Illinois | il_mason | 17125 | 17125 | 2 | |
IL | Massac | Illinois | il_massac | 17127 | 17127 | 2 | |
IL | McDonough | Illinois | il_mcdonough | 17109 | 17109 | 17 | |
IL | McHenry | Illinois | il_mchenry | 17111 | 17111 | 93 | |
IL | McLean | Illinois | il_mclean | 17113 | 17113 | 69 | |
IL | Menard | Illinois | il_menard | 17129 | 17129 | 1 | |
IL | Mercer | Illinois | il_mercer | 17131 | 17131 | 1 | |
IL | Monroe | Illinois | il_monroe | 17133 | 17133 | 1 | |
IL | Montgomery | Illinois | il_montgomery | 17135 | 17135 | 5 | |
IL | Morgan | Illinois | il_morgan | 17137 | 17137 | 9 | |
IL | Moultrie | Illinois | il_moultrie | 17139 | 17139 | 0 | |
IL | Ogle | Illinois | il_ogle | 17141 | 17141 | 8 | |
IL | Peoria | Illinois | il_peoria | 17143 | 17143 | 102 | |
IL | Perry | Illinois | il_perry | 17145 | 17145 | 28 | |
IL | Piatt | Illinois | il_piatt | 17147 | 17147 | 6 | |
IL | Pike | Illinois | il_pike | 17149 | 17149 | 2 | |
IL | Pope | Illinois | il_pope | 17151 | 17151 | 1 | |
IL | Pulaski | Illinois | il_pulaski | 17153 | 17153 | 11 | |
IL | Putnam | Illinois | il_putnam | 17155 | 17155 | 3 | |
IL | Randolph | Illinois | il_randolph | 17157 | 17157 | 6 | |
IL | Richland | Illinois | il_richland | 17159 | 17159 | 4 | |
IL | Rock Island | Illinois | il_rock island | 17161 | 17161 | 63 | |
IL | Saline | Illinois | il_saline | 17165 | 17165 | 31 | |
IL | Sangamon | Illinois | il_sangamon | 17167 | 17167 | 116 | |
IL | Schuyler | Illinois | il_schuyler | 17169 | 17169 | 1 | |
IL | Scott | Illinois | il_scott | 17171 | 17171 | 0 | |
IL | Shelby | Illinois | il_shelby | 17173 | 17173 | 14 | |
IL | St. Clair | Illinois | il_st. clair | 17163 | 17163 | 49 | |
IL | Stark | Illinois | il_stark | 17175 | 17175 | 11 | |
IL | Stephenson | Illinois | il_stephenson | 17177 | 17177 | 19 | |
IL | Tazewell | Illinois | il_tazewell | 17179 | 17179 | 37 | |
IL | Union | Illinois | il_union | 17181 | 17181 | 8 | |
IL | Vermilion | Illinois | il_vermilion | 17183 | 17183 | 87 | |
IL | Wabash | Illinois | il_wabash | 17185 | 17185 | 2 | |
IL | Warren | Illinois | il_warren | 17187 | 17187 | 0 | |
IL | Washington | Illinois | il_washington | 17189 | 17189 | 1 | |
IL | Wayne | Illinois | il_wayne | 17191 | 17191 | 9 | |
IL | White | Illinois | il_white | 17193 | 17193 | 1 | |
IL | Whiteside | Illinois | il_whiteside | 17195 | 17195 | 33 | |
IL | Will | Illinois | il_will | 17197 | 17197 | 909 | |
IL | Williamson | Illinois | il_williamson | 17199 | 17199 | 57 | |
IL | Winnebago | Illinois | il_winnebago | 17201 | 17201 | 226 | |
IL | Woodford | Illinois | il_woodford | 17203 | 17203 | 7 | |
IN | Adams | Indiana | in_adams | 18001 | 18001 | 4 | |
IN | Allen | Indiana | in_allen | 18003 | 18003 | 216 | |
IN | Bartholomew | Indiana | in_bartholomew | 18005 | 18005 | 25 | |
IN | Benton | Indiana | in_benton | 18007 | 18007 | 1 | |
IN | Blackford | Indiana | in_blackford | 18009 | 18009 | 5 | |
IN | Boone | Indiana | in_boone | 18011 | 18011 | 15 | |
IN | Brown | Indiana | in_brown | 18013 | 18013 | 6 | |
IN | Carroll | Indiana | in_carroll | 18015 | 18015 | 11 | |
IN | Cass | Indiana | in_cass | 18017 | 18017 | 117 | |
IN | Clark | Indiana | in_clark | 18019 | 18019 | 31 | |
IN | Clay | Indiana | in_clay | 18021 | 18021 | 14 | |
IN | Clinton | Indiana | in_clinton | 18023 | 18023 | 13 | |
IN | Crawford | Indiana | in_crawford | 18025 | 18025 | 2 | |
IN | Daviess | Indiana | in_daviess | 18027 | 18027 | 6 | |
IN | Dearborn | Indiana | in_dearborn | 18029 | 18029 | 1 | |
IN | Decatur | Indiana | in_decatur | 18031 | 18031 | 9 | |
IN | DeKalb | Indiana | in_dekalb | 18033 | 18033 | 51 | |
IN | Delaware | Indiana | in_delaware | 18035 | 18035 | 53 | |
IN | Dubois | Indiana | in_dubois | 18037 | 18037 | 8 | |
IN | Elkhart | Indiana | in_elkhart | 18039 | 18039 | 144 | |
IN | Fayette | Indiana | in_fayette | 18041 | 18041 | 16 | |
IN | Floyd | Indiana | in_floyd | 18043 | 18043 | 11 | |
IN | Fountain | Indiana | in_fountain | 18045 | 18045 | 21 | |
IN | Franklin | Indiana | in_franklin | 18047 | 18047 | 0 | |
IN | Fulton | Indiana | in_fulton | 18049 | 18049 | 16 | |
IN | Gibson | Indiana | in_gibson | 18051 | 18051 | 8 | |
IN | Grant | Indiana | in_grant | 18053 | 18053 | 43 | |
IN | Greene | Indiana | in_greene | 18055 | 18055 | 25 | |
IN | Hamilton | Indiana | in_hamilton | 18057 | 18057 | 49 | |
IN | Hancock | Indiana | in_hancock | 18059 | 18059 | 10 | |
IN | Harrison | Indiana | in_harrison | 18061 | 18061 | 35 | |
IN | Hendricks | Indiana | in_hendricks | 18063 | 18063 | 101 | |
IN | Henry | Indiana | in_henry | 18065 | 18065 | 24 | |
IN | Howard | Indiana | in_howard | 18067 | 18067 | 80 | |
IN | Huntington | Indiana | in_huntington | 18069 | 18069 | 11 | |
IN | Jackson | Indiana | in_jackson | 18071 | 18071 | 11 | |
IN | Jasper | Indiana | in_jasper | 18073 | 18073 | 68 | |
IN | Jay | Indiana | in_jay | 18075 | 18075 | 2 | |
IN | Jefferson | Indiana | in_jefferson | 18077 | 18077 | 3 | |
IN | Jennings | Indiana | in_jennings | 18079 | 18079 | 15 | |
IN | Johnson | Indiana | in_johnson | 18081 | 18081 | 77 | |
IN | Knox | Indiana | in_knox | 18083 | 18083 | 22 | |
IN | Kosciusko | Indiana | in_kosciusko | 18085 | 18085 | 48 | |
IN | LaGrange | Indiana | in_lagrange | 18087 | 18087 | 5 | |
IN | Lake | Indiana | in_lake | 18089 | 18089 | 2715 | |
IN | LaPorte | Indiana | in_laporte | 18091 | 18091 | 249 | |
IN | Lawrence | Indiana | in_lawrence | 18093 | 18093 | 17 | |
IN | Madison | Indiana | in_madison | 18095 | 18095 | 42 | |
IN | Marion | Indiana | in_marion | 18097 | 18097 | 1106 | |
IN | Marshall | Indiana | in_marshall | 18099 | 18099 | 16 | |
IN | Martin | Indiana | in_martin | 18101 | 18101 | 1 | |
IN | Miami | Indiana | in_miami | 18103 | 18103 | 12 | |
IN | Monroe | Indiana | in_monroe | 18105 | 18105 | 33 | |
IN | Montgomery | Indiana | in_montgomery | 18107 | 18107 | 20 | |
IN | Morgan | Indiana | in_morgan | 18109 | 18109 | 14 | |
IN | Newton | Indiana | in_newton | 18111 | 18111 | 9 | |
IN | Noble | Indiana | in_noble | 18113 | 18113 | 22 | |
IN | Ohio | Indiana | in_ohio | 18115 | 18115 | 0 | |
IN | Orange | Indiana | in_orange | 18117 | 18117 | 4 | |
IN | Owen | Indiana | in_owen | 18119 | 18119 | 1 | |
IN | Parke | Indiana | in_parke | 18121 | 18121 | 7 | |
IN | Perry | Indiana | in_perry | 18123 | 18123 | 4 | |
IN | Pike | Indiana | in_pike | 18125 | 18125 | 0 | |
IN | Porter | Indiana | in_porter | 18127 | 18127 | 905 | |
IN | Posey | Indiana | in_posey | 18129 | 18129 | 1 | |
IN | Pulaski | Indiana | in_pulaski | 18131 | 18131 | 9 | |
IN | Putnam | Indiana | in_putnam | 18133 | 18133 | 7 | |
IN | Randolph | Indiana | in_randolph | 18135 | 18135 | 41 | |
IN | Ripley | Indiana | in_ripley | 18137 | 18137 | 1 | |
IN | Rush | Indiana | in_rush | 18139 | 18139 | 1 | |
IN | Scott | Indiana | in_scott | 18143 | 18143 | 25 | |
IN | Shelby | Indiana | in_shelby | 18145 | 18145 | 37 | |
IN | Spencer | Indiana | in_spencer | 18147 | 18147 | 2 | |
IN | St. Joseph | Indiana | in_st. joseph | 18141 | 18141 | 589 | |
IN | Starke | Indiana | in_starke | 18149 | 18149 | 15 | |
IN | Steuben | Indiana | in_steuben | 18151 | 18151 | 20 | |
IN | Sullivan | Indiana | in_sullivan | 18153 | 18153 | 10 | |
IN | Switzerland | Indiana | in_switzerland | 18155 | 18155 | 3 | |
IN | Tippecanoe | Indiana | in_tippecanoe | 18157 | 18157 | 74 | |
IN | Tipton | Indiana | in_tipton | 18159 | 18159 | 7 | |
IN | Union | Indiana | in_union | 18161 | 18161 | 1 | |
IN | Vanderburgh | Indiana | in_vanderburgh | 18163 | 18163 | 55 | |
IN | Vermillion | Indiana | in_vermillion | 18165 | 18165 | 13 | |
IN | Vigo | Indiana | in_vigo | 18167 | 18167 | 95 | |
IN | Wabash | Indiana | in_wabash | 18169 | 18169 | 61 | |
IN | Warren | Indiana | in_warren | 18171 | 18171 | 0 | |
IN | Warrick | Indiana | in_warrick | 18173 | 18173 | 4 | |
IN | Washington | Indiana | in_washington | 18175 | 18175 | 0 | |
IN | Wayne | Indiana | in_wayne | 18177 | 18177 | 26 | |
IN | Wells | Indiana | in_wells | 18179 | 18179 | 9 | |
IN | White | Indiana | in_white | 18181 | 18181 | 7 | |
IN | Whitley | Indiana | in_whitley | 18183 | 18183 | 24 | |
KS | Allen | Kansas | ks_allen | 20001 | 20001 | 2 | |
KS | Anderson | Kansas | ks_anderson | 20003 | 20003 | 2 | |
KS | Atchison | Kansas | ks_atchison | 20005 | 20005 | 0 | |
KS | Barber | Kansas | ks_barber | 20007 | 20007 | 0 | |
KS | Barton | Kansas | ks_barton | 20009 | 20009 | 3 | |
KS | Bourbon | Kansas | ks_bourbon | 20011 | 20011 | 0 | |
KS | Brown | Kansas | ks_brown | 20013 | 20013 | 0 | |
KS | Butler | Kansas | ks_butler | 20015 | 20015 | 5 | |
KS | Chase | Kansas | ks_chase | 20017 | 20017 | 0 | |
KS | Chautauqua | Kansas | ks_chautauqua | 20019 | 20019 | 0 | |
KS | Cherokee | Kansas | ks_cherokee | 20021 | 20021 | 0 | |
KS | Cheyenne | Kansas | ks_cheyenne | 20023 | 20023 | 0 | |
KS | Clark | Kansas | ks_clark | 20025 | 20025 | 0 | |
KS | Clay | Kansas | ks_clay | 20027 | 20027 | 0 | |
KS | Cloud | Kansas | ks_cloud | 20029 | 20029 | 0 | |
KS | Coffey | Kansas | ks_coffey | 20031 | 20031 | 0 | |
KS | Comanche | Kansas | ks_comanche | 20033 | 20033 | 2 | |
KS | Cowley | Kansas | ks_cowley | 20035 | 20035 | 2 | |
KS | Crawford | Kansas | ks_crawford | 20037 | 20037 | 3 | |
KS | Decatur | Kansas | ks_decatur | 20039 | 20039 | 0 | |
KS | Dickinson | Kansas | ks_dickinson | 20041 | 20041 | 3 | |
KS | Doniphan | Kansas | ks_doniphan | 20043 | 20043 | 0 | |
KS | Douglas | Kansas | ks_douglas | 20045 | 20045 | 1 | |
KS | Edwards | Kansas | ks_edwards | 20047 | 20047 | 0 | |
KS | Elk | Kansas | ks_elk | 20049 | 20049 | 0 | |
KS | Ellis | Kansas | ks_ellis | 20051 | 20051 | 0 | |
KS | Ellsworth | Kansas | ks_ellsworth | 20053 | 20053 | 0 | |
KS | Finney | Kansas | ks_finney | 20055 | 20055 | 4 | |
KS | Ford | Kansas | ks_ford | 20057 | 20057 | 1 | |
KS | Franklin | Kansas | ks_franklin | 20059 | 20059 | 3 | |
KS | Geary | Kansas | ks_geary | 20061 | 20061 | 8 | |
KS | Gove | Kansas | ks_gove | 20063 | 20063 | 0 | |
KS | Graham | Kansas | ks_graham | 20065 | 20065 | 0 | |
KS | Grant | Kansas | ks_grant | 20067 | 20067 | 0 | |
KS | Gray | Kansas | ks_gray | 20069 | 20069 | 0 | |
KS | Greeley | Kansas | ks_greeley | 20071 | 20071 | 0 | |
KS | Greenwood | Kansas | ks_greenwood | 20073 | 20073 | 0 | |
KS | Hamilton | Kansas | ks_hamilton | 20075 | 20075 | 0 | |
KS | Harper | Kansas | ks_harper | 20077 | 20077 | 0 | |
KS | Harvey | Kansas | ks_harvey | 20079 | 20079 | 0 | |
KS | Haskell | Kansas | ks_haskell | 20081 | 20081 | 0 | |
KS | Hodgeman | Kansas | ks_hodgeman | 20083 | 20083 | 0 | |
KS | Jackson | Kansas | ks_jackson | 20085 | 20085 | 0 | |
KS | Jefferson | Kansas | ks_jefferson | 20087 | 20087 | 1 | |
KS | Jewell | Kansas | ks_jewell | 20089 | 20089 | 0 | |
KS | Johnson | Kansas | ks_johnson | 20091 | 20091 | 29 | |
KS | Kearny | Kansas | ks_kearny | 20093 | 20093 | 1 | |
KS | Kingman | Kansas | ks_kingman | 20095 | 20095 | 0 | |
KS | Kiowa | Kansas | ks_kiowa | 20097 | 20097 | 0 | |
KS | Labette | Kansas | ks_labette | 20099 | 20099 | 1 | |
KS | Lane | Kansas | ks_lane | 20101 | 20101 | 0 | |
KS | Leavenworth | Kansas | ks_leavenworth | 20103 | 20103 | 4 | |
KS | Lincoln | Kansas | ks_lincoln | 20105 | 20105 | 0 | |
KS | Linn | Kansas | ks_linn | 20107 | 20107 | 0 | |
KS | Logan | Kansas | ks_logan | 20109 | 20109 | 0 | |
KS | Lyon | Kansas | ks_lyon | 20111 | 20111 | 1 | |
KS | Marion | Kansas | ks_marion | 20115 | 20115 | 0 | |
KS | Marshall | Kansas | ks_marshall | 20117 | 20117 | 1 | |
KS | McPherson | Kansas | ks_mcpherson | 20113 | 20113 | 0 | |
KS | Meade | Kansas | ks_meade | 20119 | 20119 | 0 | |
KS | Miami | Kansas | ks_miami | 20121 | 20121 | 1 | |
KS | Mitchell | Kansas | ks_mitchell | 20123 | 20123 | 0 | |
KS | Montgomery | Kansas | ks_montgomery | 20125 | 20125 | 6 | |
KS | Morris | Kansas | ks_morris | 20127 | 20127 | 0 | |
KS | Morton | Kansas | ks_morton | 20129 | 20129 | 0 | |
KS | Nemaha | Kansas | ks_nemaha | 20131 | 20131 | 0 | |
KS | Neosho | Kansas | ks_neosho | 20133 | 20133 | 0 | |
KS | Ness | Kansas | ks_ness | 20135 | 20135 | 0 | |
KS | Norton | Kansas | ks_norton | 20137 | 20137 | 0 | |
KS | Osage | Kansas | ks_osage | 20139 | 20139 | 2 | |
KS | Osborne | Kansas | ks_osborne | 20141 | 20141 | 0 | |
KS | Ottawa | Kansas | ks_ottawa | 20143 | 20143 | 0 | |
KS | Pawnee | Kansas | ks_pawnee | 20145 | 20145 | 0 | |
KS | Phillips | Kansas | ks_phillips | 20147 | 20147 | 0 | |
KS | Pottawatomie | Kansas | ks_pottawatomie | 20149 | 20149 | 0 | |
KS | Pratt | Kansas | ks_pratt | 20151 | 20151 | 2 | |
KS | Rawlins | Kansas | ks_rawlins | 20153 | 20153 | 0 | |
KS | Reno | Kansas | ks_reno | 20155 | 20155 | 4 | |
KS | Republic | Kansas | ks_republic | 20157 | 20157 | 0 | |
KS | Rice | Kansas | ks_rice | 20159 | 20159 | 0 | |
KS | Riley | Kansas | ks_riley | 20161 | 20161 | 19 | |
KS | Rooks | Kansas | ks_rooks | 20163 | 20163 | 0 | |
KS | Rush | Kansas | ks_rush | 20165 | 20165 | 0 | |
KS | Russell | Kansas | ks_russell | 20167 | 20167 | 0 | |
KS | Saline | Kansas | ks_saline | 20169 | 20169 | 3 | |
KS | Scott | Kansas | ks_scott | 20171 | 20171 | 0 | |
KS | Sedgwick | Kansas | ks_sedgwick | 20173 | 20173 | 25 | |
KS | Seward | Kansas | ks_seward | 20175 | 20175 | 3 | |
KS | Shawnee | Kansas | ks_shawnee | 20177 | 20177 | 27 | |
KS | Sheridan | Kansas | ks_sheridan | 20179 | 20179 | 0 | |
KS | Sherman | Kansas | ks_sherman | 20181 | 20181 | 0 | |
KS | Smith | Kansas | ks_smith | 20183 | 20183 | 0 | |
KS | Stafford | Kansas | ks_stafford | 20185 | 20185 | 0 | |
KS | Stanton | Kansas | ks_stanton | 20187 | 20187 | 0 | |
KS | Stevens | Kansas | ks_stevens | 20189 | 20189 | 0 | |
KS | Sumner | Kansas | ks_sumner | 20191 | 20191 | 1 | |
KS | Thomas | Kansas | ks_thomas | 20193 | 20193 | 0 | |
KS | Trego | Kansas | ks_trego | 20195 | 20195 | 0 | |
KS | Wabaunsee | Kansas | ks_wabaunsee | 20197 | 20197 | 0 | |
KS | Wallace | Kansas | ks_wallace | 20199 | 20199 | 0 | |
KS | Washington | Kansas | ks_washington | 20201 | 20201 | 0 | |
KS | Wichita | Kansas | ks_wichita | 20203 | 20203 | 0 | |
KS | Wilson | Kansas | ks_wilson | 20205 | 20205 | 0 | |
KS | Woodson | Kansas | ks_woodson | 20207 | 20207 | 0 | |
KS | Wyandotte | Kansas | ks_wyandotte | 20209 | 20209 | 7 | |
KY | Adair | Kentucky | ky_adair | 21001 | 21001 | 7 | |
KY | Allen | Kentucky | ky_allen | 21003 | 21003 | 2 | |
KY | Anderson | Kentucky | ky_anderson | 21005 | 21005 | 0 | |
KY | Ballard | Kentucky | ky_ballard | 21007 | 21007 | 5 | |
KY | Barren | Kentucky | ky_barren | 21009 | 21009 | 9 | |
KY | Bath | Kentucky | ky_bath | 21011 | 21011 | 0 | |
KY | Bell | Kentucky | ky_bell | 21013 | 21013 | 22 | |
KY | Boone | Kentucky | ky_boone | 21015 | 21015 | 19 | |
KY | Bourbon | Kentucky | ky_bourbon | 21017 | 21017 | 6 | |
KY | Boyd | Kentucky | ky_boyd | 21019 | 21019 | 25 | |
KY | Boyle | Kentucky | ky_boyle | 21021 | 21021 | 9 | |
KY | Bracken | Kentucky | ky_bracken | 21023 | 21023 | 0 | |
KY | Breathitt | Kentucky | ky_breathitt | 21025 | 21025 | 4 | |
KY | Breckinridge | Kentucky | ky_breckinridge | 21027 | 21027 | 0 | |
KY | Bullitt | Kentucky | ky_bullitt | 21029 | 21029 | 13 | |
KY | Butler | Kentucky | ky_butler | 21031 | 21031 | 5 | |
KY | Caldwell | Kentucky | ky_caldwell | 21033 | 21033 | 8 | |
KY | Calloway | Kentucky | ky_calloway | 21035 | 21035 | 26 | |
KY | Campbell | Kentucky | ky_campbell | 21037 | 21037 | 2 | |
KY | Carlisle | Kentucky | ky_carlisle | 21039 | 21039 | 1 | |
KY | Carroll | Kentucky | ky_carroll | 21041 | 21041 | 1 | |
KY | Carter | Kentucky | ky_carter | 21043 | 21043 | 6 | |
KY | Casey | Kentucky | ky_casey | 21045 | 21045 | 2 | |
KY | Christian | Kentucky | ky_christian | 21047 | 21047 | 44 | |
KY | Clark | Kentucky | ky_clark | 21049 | 21049 | 7 | |
KY | Clay | Kentucky | ky_clay | 21051 | 21051 | 8 | |
KY | Clinton | Kentucky | ky_clinton | 21053 | 21053 | 2 | |
KY | Crittenden | Kentucky | ky_crittenden | 21055 | 21055 | 10 | |
KY | Cumberland | Kentucky | ky_cumberland | 21057 | 21057 | 1 | |
KY | Daviess | Kentucky | ky_daviess | 21059 | 21059 | 38 | |
KY | Edmonson | Kentucky | ky_edmonson | 21061 | 21061 | 4 | |
KY | Elliott | Kentucky | ky_elliott | 21063 | 21063 | 0 | |
KY | Estill | Kentucky | ky_estill | 21065 | 21065 | 10 | |
KY | Fayette | Kentucky | ky_fayette | 21067 | 21067 | 66 | |
KY | Fleming | Kentucky | ky_fleming | 21069 | 21069 | 2 | |
KY | Floyd | Kentucky | ky_floyd | 21071 | 21071 | 9 | |
KY | Franklin | Kentucky | ky_franklin | 21073 | 21073 | 24 | |
KY | Fulton | Kentucky | ky_fulton | 21075 | 21075 | 18 | |
KY | Gallatin | Kentucky | ky_gallatin | 21077 | 21077 | 0 | |
KY | Garrard | Kentucky | ky_garrard | 21079 | 21079 | 0 | |
KY | Grant | Kentucky | ky_grant | 21081 | 21081 | 5 | |
KY | Graves | Kentucky | ky_graves | 21083 | 21083 | 16 | |
KY | Grayson | Kentucky | ky_grayson | 21085 | 21085 | 4 | |
KY | Green | Kentucky | ky_green | 21087 | 21087 | 6 | |
KY | Greenup | Kentucky | ky_greenup | 21089 | 21089 | 1 | |
KY | Hancock | Kentucky | ky_hancock | 21091 | 21091 | 5 | |
KY | Hardin | Kentucky | ky_hardin | 21093 | 21093 | 43 | |
KY | Harlan | Kentucky | ky_harlan | 21095 | 21095 | 10 | |
KY | Harrison | Kentucky | ky_harrison | 21097 | 21097 | 8 | |
KY | Hart | Kentucky | ky_hart | 21099 | 21099 | 2 | |
KY | Henderson | Kentucky | ky_henderson | 21101 | 21101 | 15 | |
KY | Henry | Kentucky | ky_henry | 21103 | 21103 | 2 | |
KY | Hickman | Kentucky | ky_hickman | 21105 | 21105 | 0 | |
KY | Hopkins | Kentucky | ky_hopkins | 21107 | 21107 | 16 | |
KY | Jackson | Kentucky | ky_jackson | 21109 | 21109 | 4 | |
KY | Jefferson | Kentucky | ky_jefferson | 21111 | 21111 | 186 | |
KY | Jessamine | Kentucky | ky_jessamine | 21113 | 21113 | 3 | |
KY | Johnson | Kentucky | ky_johnson | 21115 | 21115 | 12 | |
KY | Kenton | Kentucky | ky_kenton | 21117 | 21117 | 3 | |
KY | Knott | Kentucky | ky_knott | 21119 | 21119 | 3 | |
KY | Knox | Kentucky | ky_knox | 21121 | 21121 | 3 | |
KY | Larue | Kentucky | ky_larue | 21123 | 21123 | 5 | |
KY | Laurel | Kentucky | ky_laurel | 21125 | 21125 | 11 | |
KY | Lawrence | Kentucky | ky_lawrence | 21127 | 21127 | 0 | |
KY | Lee | Kentucky | ky_lee | 21129 | 21129 | 2 | |
KY | Leslie | Kentucky | ky_leslie | 21131 | 21131 | 5 | |
KY | Letcher | Kentucky | ky_letcher | 21133 | 21133 | 8 | |
KY | Lewis | Kentucky | ky_lewis | 21135 | 21135 | 2 | |
KY | Lincoln | Kentucky | ky_lincoln | 21137 | 21137 | 2 | |
KY | Livingston | Kentucky | ky_livingston | 21139 | 21139 | 9 | |
KY | Logan | Kentucky | ky_logan | 21141 | 21141 | 6 | |
KY | Lyon | Kentucky | ky_lyon | 21143 | 21143 | 3 | |
KY | Madison | Kentucky | ky_madison | 21151 | 21151 | 23 | |
KY | Magoffin | Kentucky | ky_magoffin | 21153 | 21153 | 4 | |
KY | Marion | Kentucky | ky_marion | 21155 | 21155 | 3 | |
KY | Marshall | Kentucky | ky_marshall | 21157 | 21157 | 4 | |
KY | Martin | Kentucky | ky_martin | 21159 | 21159 | 3 | |
KY | Mason | Kentucky | ky_mason | 21161 | 21161 | 1 | |
KY | McCracken | Kentucky | ky_mccracken | 21145 | 21145 | 70 | |
KY | McCreary | Kentucky | ky_mccreary | 21147 | 21147 | 8 | |
KY | McLean | Kentucky | ky_mclean | 21149 | 21149 | 0 | |
KY | Meade | Kentucky | ky_meade | 21163 | 21163 | 3 | |
KY | Menifee | Kentucky | ky_menifee | 21165 | 21165 | 1 | |
KY | Mercer | Kentucky | ky_mercer | 21167 | 21167 | 3 | |
KY | Metcalfe | Kentucky | ky_metcalfe | 21169 | 21169 | 5 | |
KY | Monroe | Kentucky | ky_monroe | 21171 | 21171 | 0 | |
KY | Montgomery | Kentucky | ky_montgomery | 21173 | 21173 | 9 | |
KY | Morgan | Kentucky | ky_morgan | 21175 | 21175 | 3 | |
KY | Muhlenberg | Kentucky | ky_muhlenberg | 21177 | 21177 | 39 | |
KY | Nelson | Kentucky | ky_nelson | 21179 | 21179 | 9 | |
KY | Nicholas | Kentucky | ky_nicholas | 21181 | 21181 | 0 | |
KY | Ohio | Kentucky | ky_ohio | 21183 | 21183 | 6 | |
KY | Oldham | Kentucky | ky_oldham | 21185 | 21185 | 5 | |
KY | Owen | Kentucky | ky_owen | 21187 | 21187 | 1 | |
KY | Owsley | Kentucky | ky_owsley | 21189 | 21189 | 2 | |
KY | Pendleton | Kentucky | ky_pendleton | 21191 | 21191 | 3 | |
KY | Perry | Kentucky | ky_perry | 21193 | 21193 | 32 | |
KY | Pike | Kentucky | ky_pike | 21195 | 21195 | 11 | |
KY | Powell | Kentucky | ky_powell | 21197 | 21197 | 1 | |
KY | Pulaski | Kentucky | ky_pulaski | 21199 | 21199 | 20 | |
KY | Robertson | Kentucky | ky_robertson | 21201 | 21201 | 0 | |
KY | Rockcastle | Kentucky | ky_rockcastle | 21203 | 21203 | 2 | |
KY | Rowan | Kentucky | ky_rowan | 21205 | 21205 | 31 | |
KY | Russell | Kentucky | ky_russell | 21207 | 21207 | 10 | |
KY | Scott | Kentucky | ky_scott | 21209 | 21209 | 3 | |
KY | Shelby | Kentucky | ky_shelby | 21211 | 21211 | 3 | |
KY | Simpson | Kentucky | ky_simpson | 21213 | 21213 | 0 | |
KY | Spencer | Kentucky | ky_spencer | 21215 | 21215 | 0 | |
KY | Taylor | Kentucky | ky_taylor | 21217 | 21217 | 10 | |
KY | Todd | Kentucky | ky_todd | 21219 | 21219 | 1 | |
KY | Trigg | Kentucky | ky_trigg | 21221 | 21221 | 0 | |
KY | Trimble | Kentucky | ky_trimble | 21223 | 21223 | 2 | |
KY | Union | Kentucky | ky_union | 21225 | 21225 | 2 | |
KY | Warren | Kentucky | ky_warren | 21227 | 21227 | 11 | |
KY | Washington | Kentucky | ky_washington | 21229 | 21229 | 4 | |
KY | Wayne | Kentucky | ky_wayne | 21231 | 21231 | 5 | |
KY | Webster | Kentucky | ky_webster | 21233 | 21233 | 11 | |
KY | Whitley | Kentucky | ky_whitley | 21235 | 21235 | 28 | |
KY | Wolfe | Kentucky | ky_wolfe | 21237 | 21237 | 9 | |
KY | Woodford | Kentucky | ky_woodford | 21239 | 21239 | 10 | |
LA | Acadia | Louisiana | la_acadia | 22001 | 22001 | 0 | |
LA | Allen | Louisiana | la_allen | 22003 | 22003 | 2 | |
LA | Ascension | Louisiana | la_ascension | 22005 | 22005 | 5 | |
LA | Assumption | Louisiana | la_assumption | 22007 | 22007 | 1 | |
LA | Avoyelles | Louisiana | la_avoyelles | 22009 | 22009 | 3 | |
LA | Beauregard | Louisiana | la_beauregard | 22011 | 22011 | 2 | |
LA | Bienville | Louisiana | la_bienville | 22013 | 22013 | 2 | |
LA | Bossier | Louisiana | la_bossier | 22015 | 22015 | 15 | |
LA | Caddo | Louisiana | la_caddo | 22017 | 22017 | 66 | |
LA | Calcasieu | Louisiana | la_calcasieu | 22019 | 22019 | 11 | |
LA | Caldwell | Louisiana | la_caldwell | 22021 | 22021 | 0 | |
LA | Cameron | Louisiana | la_cameron | 22023 | 22023 | 0 | |
LA | Catahoula | Louisiana | la_catahoula | 22025 | 22025 | 1 | |
LA | Claiborne | Louisiana | la_claiborne | 22027 | 22027 | 4 | |
LA | Concordia | Louisiana | la_concordia | 22029 | 22029 | 9 | |
LA | De Soto | Louisiana | la_de soto | 22031 | 22031 | 0 | |
LA | East Baton Rouge | Louisiana | la_east baton rouge | 22033 | 22033 | 65 | |
LA | East Carroll | Louisiana | la_east carroll | 22035 | 22035 | 1 | |
LA | East Feliciana | Louisiana | la_east feliciana | 22037 | 22037 | 0 | |
LA | Evangeline | Louisiana | la_evangeline | 22039 | 22039 | 2 | |
LA | Franklin | Louisiana | la_franklin | 22041 | 22041 | 6 | |
LA | Grant | Louisiana | la_grant | 22043 | 22043 | 0 | |
LA | Iberia | Louisiana | la_iberia | 22045 | 22045 | 1 | |
LA | Iberville | Louisiana | la_iberville | 22047 | 22047 | 2 | |
LA | Jackson | Louisiana | la_jackson | 22049 | 22049 | 2 | |
LA | Jefferson | Louisiana | la_jefferson | 22051 | 22051 | 63 | |
LA | Jefferson Davis | Louisiana | la_jefferson davis | 22053 | 22053 | 1 | |
LA | La Salle | Louisiana | la_la salle | 22059 | 22059 | 5 | |
LA | Lafayette | Louisiana | la_lafayette | 22055 | 22055 | 10 | |
LA | Lafourche | Louisiana | la_lafourche | 22057 | 22057 | 2 | |
LA | Lincoln | Louisiana | la_lincoln | 22061 | 22061 | 16 | |
LA | Livingston | Louisiana | la_livingston | 22063 | 22063 | 3 | |
LA | Madison | Louisiana | la_madison | 22065 | 22065 | 10 | |
LA | Morehouse | Louisiana | la_morehouse | 22067 | 22067 | 10 | |
LA | Natchitoches | Louisiana | la_natchitoches | 22069 | 22069 | 1 | |
LA | Orleans | Louisiana | la_orleans | 22071 | 22071 | 13 | |
LA | Ouachita | Louisiana | la_ouachita | 22073 | 22073 | 35 | |
LA | Plaquemines | Louisiana | la_plaquemines | 22075 | 22075 | 1 | |
LA | Pointe Coupee | Louisiana | la_pointe coupee | 22077 | 22077 | 2 | |
LA | Rapides | Louisiana | la_rapides | 22079 | 22079 | 20 | |
LA | Red River | Louisiana | la_red river | 22081 | 22081 | 0 | |
LA | Richland | Louisiana | la_richland | 22083 | 22083 | 5 | |
LA | Sabine | Louisiana | la_sabine | 22085 | 22085 | 1 | |
LA | St. Bernard | Louisiana | la_st. bernard | 22087 | 22087 | 15 | |
LA | St. Charles | Louisiana | la_st. charles | 22089 | 22089 | 3 | |
LA | St. Helena | Louisiana | la_st. helena | 22091 | 22091 | 0 | |
LA | St. James | Louisiana | la_st. james | 22093 | 22093 | 0 | |
LA | St. John the Baptist | Louisiana | la_st. john the baptist | 22095 | 22095 | 6 | |
LA | St. Landry | Louisiana | la_st. landry | 22097 | 22097 | 3 | |
LA | St. Martin | Louisiana | la_st. martin | 22099 | 22099 | 10 | |
LA | St. Mary | Louisiana | la_st. mary | 22101 | 22101 | 5 | |
LA | St. Tammany | Louisiana | la_st. tammany | 22103 | 22103 | 18 | |
LA | Tangipahoa | Louisiana | la_tangipahoa | 22105 | 22105 | 22 | |
LA | Tensas | Louisiana | la_tensas | 22107 | 22107 | 0 | |
LA | Terrebonne | Louisiana | la_terrebonne | 22109 | 22109 | 3 | |
LA | Union | Louisiana | la_union | 22111 | 22111 | 5 | |
LA | Vermilion | Louisiana | la_vermilion | 22113 | 22113 | 1 | |
LA | Vernon | Louisiana | la_vernon | 22115 | 22115 | 31 | |
LA | Washington | Louisiana | la_washington | 22117 | 22117 | 6 | |
LA | Webster | Louisiana | la_webster | 22119 | 22119 | 2 | |
LA | West Baton Rouge | Louisiana | la_west baton rouge | 22121 | 22121 | 0 | |
LA | West Carroll | Louisiana | la_west carroll | 22123 | 22123 | 1 | |
LA | West Feliciana | Louisiana | la_west feliciana | 22125 | 22125 | 0 | |
LA | Winn | Louisiana | la_winn | 22127 | 22127 | 0 | |
MA | Barnstable | Massachusetts | ma_barnstable | 25001 | 25001 | 1 | |
MA | Berkshire | Massachusetts | ma_berkshire | 25003 | 25003 | 1 | |
MA | Bristol | Massachusetts | ma_bristol | 25005 | 25005 | 1 | |
MA | Dukes | Massachusetts | ma_dukes | 25007 | 25007 | 0 | |
MA | Essex | Massachusetts | ma_essex | 25009 | 25009 | 6 | |
MA | Franklin | Massachusetts | ma_franklin | 25011 | 25011 | 2 | |
MA | Hampden | Massachusetts | ma_hampden | 25013 | 25013 | 75 | |
MA | Hampshire | Massachusetts | ma_hampshire | 25015 | 25015 | 1 | |
MA | Middlesex | Massachusetts | ma_middlesex | 25017 | 25017 | 9 | |
MA | Nantucket | Massachusetts | ma_nantucket | 25019 | 25019 | 0 | |
MA | Norfolk | Massachusetts | ma_norfolk | 25021 | 25021 | 6 | |
MA | Plymouth | Massachusetts | ma_plymouth | 25023 | 25023 | 0 | |
MA | Suffolk | Massachusetts | ma_suffolk | 25025 | 25025 | 1 | |
MA | Worcester | Massachusetts | ma_worcester | 25027 | 25027 | 5 | |
MD | Allegany | Maryland | md_allegany | 24001 | 24001 | 1 | |
MD | Anne Arundel | Maryland | md_anne arundel | 24003 | 24003 | 5 | |
MD | Baltimore | Maryland | md_baltimore | 24005 | 24005 | 8 | |
MD | Baltimore City | Maryland | md_baltimore city | 24510 | 24510 | 4 | |
MD | Calvert | Maryland | md_calvert | 24009 | 24009 | 0 | |
MD | Caroline | Maryland | md_caroline | 24011 | 24011 | 0 | |
MD | Carroll | Maryland | md_carroll | 24013 | 24013 | 0 | |
MD | Cecil | Maryland | md_cecil | 24015 | 24015 | 1 | |
MD | Charles | Maryland | md_charles | 24017 | 24017 | 2 | |
MD | Dorchester | Maryland | md_dorchester | 24019 | 24019 | 0 | |
MD | Frederick | Maryland | md_frederick | 24021 | 24021 | 1 | |
MD | Garrett | Maryland | md_garrett | 24023 | 24023 | 0 | |
MD | Harford | Maryland | md_harford | 24025 | 24025 | 2 | |
MD | Howard | Maryland | md_howard | 24027 | 24027 | 0 | |
MD | Kent | Maryland | md_kent | 24029 | 24029 | 0 | |
MD | Montgomery | Maryland | md_montgomery | 24031 | 24031 | 4 | |
MD | Prince George's | Maryland | md_prince george's | 24033 | 24033 | 14 | |
MD | Queen Anne's | Maryland | md_queen anne's | 24035 | 24035 | 0 | |
MD | Somerset | Maryland | md_somerset | 24039 | 24039 | 0 | |
MD | St. Mary's | Maryland | md_st. mary's | 24037 | 24037 | 2 | |
MD | Talbot | Maryland | md_talbot | 24041 | 24041 | 1 | |
MD | Washington | Maryland | md_washington | 24043 | 24043 | 3 | |
MD | Wicomico | Maryland | md_wicomico | 24045 | 24045 | 1 | |
MD | Worcester | Maryland | md_worcester | 24047 | 24047 | 1 | |
ME | Androscoggin | Maine | me_androscoggin | 23001 | 23001 | 1 | |
ME | Aroostook | Maine | me_aroostook | 23003 | 23003 | 2 | |
ME | Cumberland | Maine | me_cumberland | 23005 | 23005 | 3 | |
ME | Franklin | Maine | me_franklin | 23007 | 23007 | 0 | |
ME | Hancock | Maine | me_hancock | 23009 | 23009 | 1 | |
ME | Kennebec | Maine | me_kennebec | 23011 | 23011 | 2 | |
ME | Knox | Maine | me_knox | 23013 | 23013 | 0 | |
ME | Lincoln | Maine | me_lincoln | 23015 | 23015 | 0 | |
ME | Oxford | Maine | me_oxford | 23017 | 23017 | 1 | |
ME | Penobscot | Maine | me_penobscot | 23019 | 23019 | 2 | |
ME | Piscataquis | Maine | me_piscataquis | 23021 | 23021 | 2 | |
ME | Sagadahoc | Maine | me_sagadahoc | 23023 | 23023 | 0 | |
ME | Somerset | Maine | me_somerset | 23025 | 23025 | 2 | |
ME | Waldo | Maine | me_waldo | 23027 | 23027 | 0 | |
ME | Washington | Maine | me_washington | 23029 | 23029 | 1 | |
ME | York | Maine | me_york | 23031 | 23031 | 1 | |
MI | Alcona | Michigan | mi_alcona | 26001 | 26001 | 0 | |
MI | Alger | Michigan | mi_alger | 26003 | 26003 | 1 | |
MI | Allegan | Michigan | mi_allegan | 26005 | 26005 | 10 | |
MI | Alpena | Michigan | mi_alpena | 26007 | 26007 | 1 | |
MI | Antrim | Michigan | mi_antrim | 26009 | 26009 | 0 | |
MI | Arenac | Michigan | mi_arenac | 26011 | 26011 | 0 | |
MI | Baraga | Michigan | mi_baraga | 26013 | 26013 | 0 | |
MI | Barry | Michigan | mi_barry | 26015 | 26015 | 8 | |
MI | Bay | Michigan | mi_bay | 26017 | 26017 | 2 | |
MI | Benzie | Michigan | mi_benzie | 26019 | 26019 | 0 | |
MI | Berrien | Michigan | mi_berrien | 26021 | 26021 | 89 | |
MI | Branch | Michigan | mi_branch | 26023 | 26023 | 8 | |
MI | Calhoun | Michigan | mi_calhoun | 26025 | 26025 | 23 | |
MI | Cass | Michigan | mi_cass | 26027 | 26027 | 13 | |
MI | Charlevoix | Michigan | mi_charlevoix | 26029 | 26029 | 0 | |
MI | Cheboygan | Michigan | mi_cheboygan | 26031 | 26031 | 1 | |
MI | Chippewa | Michigan | mi_chippewa | 26033 | 26033 | 1 | |
MI | Clare | Michigan | mi_clare | 26035 | 26035 | 9 | |
MI | Clinton | Michigan | mi_clinton | 26037 | 26037 | 1 | |
MI | Crawford | Michigan | mi_crawford | 26039 | 26039 | 1 | |
MI | Delta | Michigan | mi_delta | 26041 | 26041 | 7 | |
MI | Dickinson | Michigan | mi_dickinson | 26043 | 26043 | 3 | |
MI | Eaton | Michigan | mi_eaton | 26045 | 26045 | 6 | |
MI | Emmet | Michigan | mi_emmet | 26047 | 26047 | 1 | |
MI | Genesee | Michigan | mi_genesee | 26049 | 26049 | 35 | |
MI | Gladwin | Michigan | mi_gladwin | 26051 | 26051 | 0 | |
MI | Gogebic | Michigan | mi_gogebic | 26053 | 26053 | 0 | |
MI | Grand Traverse | Michigan | mi_grand traverse | 26055 | 26055 | 8 | |
MI | Gratiot | Michigan | mi_gratiot | 26057 | 26057 | 1 | |
MI | Hillsdale | Michigan | mi_hillsdale | 26059 | 26059 | 2 | |
MI | Houghton | Michigan | mi_houghton | 26061 | 26061 | 1 | |
MI | Huron | Michigan | mi_huron | 26063 | 26063 | 3 | |
MI | Ingham | Michigan | mi_ingham | 26065 | 26065 | 37 | |
MI | Ionia | Michigan | mi_ionia | 26067 | 26067 | 7 | |
MI | Iosco | Michigan | mi_iosco | 26069 | 26069 | 1 | |
MI | Iron | Michigan | mi_iron | 26071 | 26071 | 3 | |
MI | Isabella | Michigan | mi_isabella | 26073 | 26073 | 1 | |
MI | Jackson | Michigan | mi_jackson | 26075 | 26075 | 6 | |
MI | Kalamazoo | Michigan | mi_kalamazoo | 26077 | 26077 | 63 | |
MI | Kalkaska | Michigan | mi_kalkaska | 26079 | 26079 | 0 | |
MI | Kent | Michigan | mi_kent | 26081 | 26081 | 44 | |
MI | Keweenaw | Michigan | mi_keweenaw | 26083 | 26083 | 0 | |
MI | Lake | Michigan | mi_lake | 26085 | 26085 | 2 | |
MI | Lapeer | Michigan | mi_lapeer | 26087 | 26087 | 1 | |
MI | Leelanau | Michigan | mi_leelanau | 26089 | 26089 | 0 | |
MI | Lenawee | Michigan | mi_lenawee | 26091 | 26091 | 1 | |
MI | Livingston | Michigan | mi_livingston | 26093 | 26093 | 0 | |
MI | Luce | Michigan | mi_luce | 26095 | 26095 | 1 | |
MI | Mackinac | Michigan | mi_mackinac | 26097 | 26097 | 1 | |
MI | Macomb | Michigan | mi_macomb | 26099 | 26099 | 32 | |
MI | Manistee | Michigan | mi_manistee | 26101 | 26101 | 4 | |
MI | Marquette | Michigan | mi_marquette | 26103 | 26103 | 7 | |
MI | Mason | Michigan | mi_mason | 26105 | 26105 | 1 | |
MI | Mecosta | Michigan | mi_mecosta | 26107 | 26107 | 6 | |
MI | Menominee | Michigan | mi_menominee | 26109 | 26109 | 5 | |
MI | Midland | Michigan | mi_midland | 26111 | 26111 | 3 | |
MI | Missaukee | Michigan | mi_missaukee | 26113 | 26113 | 1 | |
MI | Monroe | Michigan | mi_monroe | 26115 | 26115 | 5 | |
MI | Montcalm | Michigan | mi_montcalm | 26117 | 26117 | 7 | |
MI | Montmorency | Michigan | mi_montmorency | 26119 | 26119 | 0 | |
MI | Muskegon | Michigan | mi_muskegon | 26121 | 26121 | 20 | |
MI | Newaygo | Michigan | mi_newaygo | 26123 | 26123 | 3 | |
MI | Oakland | Michigan | mi_oakland | 26125 | 26125 | 39 | |
MI | Oceana | Michigan | mi_oceana | 26127 | 26127 | 3 | |
MI | Ogemaw | Michigan | mi_ogemaw | 26129 | 26129 | 1 | |
MI | Ontonagon | Michigan | mi_ontonagon | 26131 | 26131 | 0 | |
MI | Osceola | Michigan | mi_osceola | 26133 | 26133 | 1 | |
MI | Oscoda | Michigan | mi_oscoda | 26135 | 26135 | 0 | |
MI | Otsego | Michigan | mi_otsego | 26137 | 26137 | 1 | |
MI | Ottawa | Michigan | mi_ottawa | 26139 | 26139 | 8 | |
MI | Presque Isle | Michigan | mi_presque isle | 26141 | 26141 | 0 | |
MI | Roscommon | Michigan | mi_roscommon | 26143 | 26143 | 0 | |
MI | Saginaw | Michigan | mi_saginaw | 26145 | 26145 | 18 | |
MI | Sanilac | Michigan | mi_sanilac | 26151 | 26151 | 0 | |
MI | Schoolcraft | Michigan | mi_schoolcraft | 26153 | 26153 | 1 | |
MI | Shiawassee | Michigan | mi_shiawassee | 26155 | 26155 | 2 | |
MI | St. Clair | Michigan | mi_st. clair | 26147 | 26147 | 6 | |
MI | St. Joseph | Michigan | mi_st. joseph | 26149 | 26149 | 13 | |
MI | Tuscola | Michigan | mi_tuscola | 26157 | 26157 | 2 | |
MI | Van Buren | Michigan | mi_van buren | 26159 | 26159 | 19 | |
MI | Washtenaw | Michigan | mi_washtenaw | 26161 | 26161 | 5 | |
MI | Wayne | Michigan | mi_wayne | 26163 | 26163 | 62 | |
MI | Wexford | Michigan | mi_wexford | 26165 | 26165 | 1 | |
MN | Aitkin | Minnesota | mn_aitkin | 27001 | 27001 | 3 | |
MN | Anoka | Minnesota | mn_anoka | 27003 | 27003 | 18 | |
MN | Becker | Minnesota | mn_becker | 27005 | 27005 | 2 | |
MN | Beltrami | Minnesota | mn_beltrami | 27007 | 27007 | 3 | |
MN | Benton | Minnesota | mn_benton | 27009 | 27009 | 3 | |
MN | Big Stone | Minnesota | mn_big stone | 27011 | 27011 | 1 | |
MN | Blue Earth | Minnesota | mn_blue earth | 27013 | 27013 | 8 | |
MN | Brown | Minnesota | mn_brown | 27015 | 27015 | 2 | |
MN | Carlton | Minnesota | mn_carlton | 27017 | 27017 | 5 | |
MN | Carver | Minnesota | mn_carver | 27019 | 27019 | 0 | |
MN | Cass | Minnesota | mn_cass | 27021 | 27021 | 5 | |
MN | Chippewa | Minnesota | mn_chippewa | 27023 | 27023 | 0 | |
MN | Chisago | Minnesota | mn_chisago | 27025 | 27025 | 1 | |
MN | Clay | Minnesota | mn_clay | 27027 | 27027 | 0 | |
MN | Clearwater | Minnesota | mn_clearwater | 27029 | 27029 | 2 | |
MN | Cook | Minnesota | mn_cook | 27031 | 27031 | 0 | |
MN | Cottonwood | Minnesota | mn_cottonwood | 27033 | 27033 | 0 | |
MN | Crow Wing | Minnesota | mn_crow wing | 27035 | 27035 | 3 | |
MN | Dakota | Minnesota | mn_dakota | 27037 | 27037 | 19 | |
MN | Dodge | Minnesota | mn_dodge | 27039 | 27039 | 1 | |
MN | Douglas | Minnesota | mn_douglas | 27041 | 27041 | 1 | |
MN | Faribault | Minnesota | mn_faribault | 27043 | 27043 | 1 | |
MN | Fillmore | Minnesota | mn_fillmore | 27045 | 27045 | 1 | |
MN | Freeborn | Minnesota | mn_freeborn | 27047 | 27047 | 8 | |
MN | Goodhue | Minnesota | mn_goodhue | 27049 | 27049 | 1 | |
MN | Grant | Minnesota | mn_grant | 27051 | 27051 | 0 | |
MN | Hennepin | Minnesota | mn_hennepin | 27053 | 27053 | 249 | |
MN | Houston | Minnesota | mn_houston | 27055 | 27055 | 2 | |
MN | Hubbard | Minnesota | mn_hubbard | 27057 | 27057 | 0 | |
MN | Isanti | Minnesota | mn_isanti | 27059 | 27059 | 6 | |
MN | Itasca | Minnesota | mn_itasca | 27061 | 27061 | 1 | |
MN | Jackson | Minnesota | mn_jackson | 27063 | 27063 | 0 | |
MN | Kanabec | Minnesota | mn_kanabec | 27065 | 27065 | 2 | |
MN | Kandiyohi | Minnesota | mn_kandiyohi | 27067 | 27067 | 2 | |
MN | Kittson | Minnesota | mn_kittson | 27069 | 27069 | 0 | |
MN | Koochiching | Minnesota | mn_koochiching | 27071 | 27071 | 1 | |
MN | Lac qui Parle | Minnesota | mn_lac qui parle | 27073 | 27073 | 0 | |
MN | Lake | Minnesota | mn_lake | 27075 | 27075 | 0 | |
MN | Lake of the Woods | Minnesota | mn_lake of the woods | 27077 | 27077 | 0 | |
MN | Le Sueur | Minnesota | mn_le sueur | 27079 | 27079 | 1 | |
MN | Lincoln | Minnesota | mn_lincoln | 27081 | 27081 | 0 | |
MN | Lyon | Minnesota | mn_lyon | 27083 | 27083 | 0 | |
MN | Mahnomen | Minnesota | mn_mahnomen | 27087 | 27087 | 0 | |
MN | Marshall | Minnesota | mn_marshall | 27089 | 27089 | 0 | |
MN | Martin | Minnesota | mn_martin | 27091 | 27091 | 1 | |
MN | McLeod | Minnesota | mn_mcleod | 27085 | 27085 | 0 | |
MN | Meeker | Minnesota | mn_meeker | 27093 | 27093 | 1 | |
MN | Mille Lacs | Minnesota | mn_mille lacs | 27095 | 27095 | 3 | |
MN | Morrison | Minnesota | mn_morrison | 27097 | 27097 | 1 | |
MN | Mower | Minnesota | mn_mower | 27099 | 27099 | 3 | |
MN | Murray | Minnesota | mn_murray | 27101 | 27101 | 0 | |
MN | Nicollet | Minnesota | mn_nicollet | 27103 | 27103 | 4 | |
MN | Nobles | Minnesota | mn_nobles | 27105 | 27105 | 0 | |
MN | Norman | Minnesota | mn_norman | 27107 | 27107 | 0 | |
MN | Olmsted | Minnesota | mn_olmsted | 27109 | 27109 | 7 | |
MN | Otter Tail | Minnesota | mn_otter tail | 27111 | 27111 | 0 | |
MN | Pennington | Minnesota | mn_pennington | 27113 | 27113 | 1 | |
MN | Pine | Minnesota | mn_pine | 27115 | 27115 | 5 | |
MN | Pipestone | Minnesota | mn_pipestone | 27117 | 27117 | 0 | |
MN | Polk | Minnesota | mn_polk | 27119 | 27119 | 2 | |
MN | Pope | Minnesota | mn_pope | 27121 | 27121 | 1 | |
MN | Ramsey | Minnesota | mn_ramsey | 27123 | 27123 | 18 | |
MN | Red Lake | Minnesota | mn_red lake | 27125 | 27125 | 0 | |
MN | Redwood | Minnesota | mn_redwood | 27127 | 27127 | 1 | |
MN | Renville | Minnesota | mn_renville | 27129 | 27129 | 0 | |
MN | Rice | Minnesota | mn_rice | 27131 | 27131 | 7 | |
MN | Rock | Minnesota | mn_rock | 27133 | 27133 | 1 | |
MN | Roseau | Minnesota | mn_roseau | 27135 | 27135 | 0 | |
MN | Scott | Minnesota | mn_scott | 27139 | 27139 | 4 | |
MN | Sherburne | Minnesota | mn_sherburne | 27141 | 27141 | 7 | |
MN | Sibley | Minnesota | mn_sibley | 27143 | 27143 | 0 | |
MN | St. Louis | Minnesota | mn_st. louis | 27137 | 27137 | 14 | |
MN | Stearns | Minnesota | mn_stearns | 27145 | 27145 | 8 | |
MN | Steele | Minnesota | mn_steele | 27147 | 27147 | 2 | |
MN | Stevens | Minnesota | mn_stevens | 27149 | 27149 | 0 | |
MN | Swift | Minnesota | mn_swift | 27151 | 27151 | 0 | |
MN | Todd | Minnesota | mn_todd | 27153 | 27153 | 2 | |
MN | Traverse | Minnesota | mn_traverse | 27155 | 27155 | 0 | |
MN | Wabasha | Minnesota | mn_wabasha | 27157 | 27157 | 3 | |
MN | Wadena | Minnesota | mn_wadena | 27159 | 27159 | 0 | |
MN | Waseca | Minnesota | mn_waseca | 27161 | 27161 | 3 | |
MN | Washington | Minnesota | mn_washington | 27163 | 27163 | 17 | |
MN | Watonwan | Minnesota | mn_watonwan | 27165 | 27165 | 0 | |
MN | Wilkin | Minnesota | mn_wilkin | 27167 | 27167 | 0 | |
MN | Winona | Minnesota | mn_winona | 27169 | 27169 | 5 | |
MN | Wright | Minnesota | mn_wright | 27171 | 27171 | 1 | |
MN | Yellow Medicine | Minnesota | mn_yellow medicine | 27173 | 27173 | 0 | |
MO | Adair | Missouri | mo_adair | 29001 | 29001 | 1 | |
MO | Andrew | Missouri | mo_andrew | 29003 | 29003 | 0 | |
MO | Atchison | Missouri | mo_atchison | 29005 | 29005 | 0 | |
MO | Audrain | Missouri | mo_audrain | 29007 | 29007 | 2 | |
MO | Barry | Missouri | mo_barry | 29009 | 29009 | 0 | |
MO | Barton | Missouri | mo_barton | 29011 | 29011 | 2 | |
MO | Bates | Missouri | mo_bates | 29013 | 29013 | 0 | |
MO | Benton | Missouri | mo_benton | 29015 | 29015 | 1 | |
MO | Bollinger | Missouri | mo_bollinger | 29017 | 29017 | 0 | |
MO | Boone | Missouri | mo_boone | 29019 | 29019 | 5 | |
MO | Buchanan | Missouri | mo_buchanan | 29021 | 29021 | 7 | |
MO | Butler | Missouri | mo_butler | 29023 | 29023 | 11 | |
MO | Caldwell | Missouri | mo_caldwell | 29025 | 29025 | 0 | |
MO | Callaway | Missouri | mo_callaway | 29027 | 29027 | 4 | |
MO | Camden | Missouri | mo_camden | 29029 | 29029 | 2 | |
MO | Cape Girardeau | Missouri | mo_cape girardeau | 29031 | 29031 | 8 | |
MO | Carroll | Missouri | mo_carroll | 29033 | 29033 | 0 | |
MO | Carter | Missouri | mo_carter | 29035 | 29035 | 0 | |
MO | Cass | Missouri | mo_cass | 29037 | 29037 | 3 | |
MO | Cedar | Missouri | mo_cedar | 29039 | 29039 | 0 | |
MO | Chariton | Missouri | mo_chariton | 29041 | 29041 | 0 | |
MO | Christian | Missouri | mo_christian | 29043 | 29043 | 4 | |
MO | Clark | Missouri | mo_clark | 29045 | 29045 | 0 | |
MO | Clay | Missouri | mo_clay | 29047 | 29047 | 8 | |
MO | Clinton | Missouri | mo_clinton | 29049 | 29049 | 1 | |
MO | Cole | Missouri | mo_cole | 29051 | 29051 | 13 | |
MO | Cooper | Missouri | mo_cooper | 29053 | 29053 | 0 | |
MO | Crawford | Missouri | mo_crawford | 29055 | 29055 | 1 | |
MO | Dade | Missouri | mo_dade | 29057 | 29057 | 0 | |
MO | Dallas | Missouri | mo_dallas | 29059 | 29059 | 2 | |
MO | Daviess | Missouri | mo_daviess | 29061 | 29061 | 0 | |
MO | DeKalb | Missouri | mo_dekalb | 29063 | 29063 | 0 | |
MO | Dent | Missouri | mo_dent | 29065 | 29065 | 1 | |
MO | Douglas | Missouri | mo_douglas | 29067 | 29067 | 1 | |
MO | Dunklin | Missouri | mo_dunklin | 29069 | 29069 | 7 | |
MO | Franklin | Missouri | mo_franklin | 29071 | 29071 | 6 | |
MO | Gasconade | Missouri | mo_gasconade | 29073 | 29073 | 0 | |
MO | Gentry | Missouri | mo_gentry | 29075 | 29075 | 0 | |
MO | Greene | Missouri | mo_greene | 29077 | 29077 | 22 | |
MO | Grundy | Missouri | mo_grundy | 29079 | 29079 | 0 | |
MO | Harrison | Missouri | mo_harrison | 29081 | 29081 | 1 | |
MO | Henry | Missouri | mo_henry | 29083 | 29083 | 4 | |
MO | Hickory | Missouri | mo_hickory | 29085 | 29085 | 1 | |
MO | Holt | Missouri | mo_holt | 29087 | 29087 | 0 | |
MO | Howard | Missouri | mo_howard | 29089 | 29089 | 1 | |
MO | Howell | Missouri | mo_howell | 29091 | 29091 | 5 | |
MO | Iron | Missouri | mo_iron | 29093 | 29093 | 1 | |
MO | Jackson | Missouri | mo_jackson | 29095 | 29095 | 31 | |
MO | Jasper | Missouri | mo_jasper | 29097 | 29097 | 1 | |
MO | Jefferson | Missouri | mo_jefferson | 29099 | 29099 | 9 | |
MO | Johnson | Missouri | mo_johnson | 29101 | 29101 | 3 | |
MO | Knox | Missouri | mo_knox | 29103 | 29103 | 0 | |
MO | Laclede | Missouri | mo_laclede | 29105 | 29105 | 1 | |
MO | Lafayette | Missouri | mo_lafayette | 29107 | 29107 | 2 | |
MO | Lawrence | Missouri | mo_lawrence | 29109 | 29109 | 1 | |
MO | Lewis | Missouri | mo_lewis | 29111 | 29111 | 1 | |
MO | Lincoln | Missouri | mo_lincoln | 29113 | 29113 | 0 | |
MO | Linn | Missouri | mo_linn | 29115 | 29115 | 0 | |
MO | Livingston | Missouri | mo_livingston | 29117 | 29117 | 0 | |
MO | Macon | Missouri | mo_macon | 29121 | 29121 | 2 | |
MO | Madison | Missouri | mo_madison | 29123 | 29123 | 0 | |
MO | Maries | Missouri | mo_maries | 29125 | 29125 | 0 | |
MO | Marion | Missouri | mo_marion | 29127 | 29127 | 4 | |
MO | McDonald | Missouri | mo_mcdonald | 29119 | 29119 | 0 | |
MO | Mercer | Missouri | mo_mercer | 29129 | 29129 | 0 | |
MO | Miller | Missouri | mo_miller | 29131 | 29131 | 1 | |
MO | Mississippi | Missouri | mo_mississippi | 29133 | 29133 | 1 | |
MO | Moniteau | Missouri | mo_moniteau | 29135 | 29135 | 0 | |
MO | Monroe | Missouri | mo_monroe | 29137 | 29137 | 0 | |
MO | Montgomery | Missouri | mo_montgomery | 29139 | 29139 | 1 | |
MO | Morgan | Missouri | mo_morgan | 29141 | 29141 | 0 | |
MO | New Madrid | Missouri | mo_new madrid | 29143 | 29143 | 2 | |
MO | Newton | Missouri | mo_newton | 29145 | 29145 | 0 | |
MO | Nodaway | Missouri | mo_nodaway | 29147 | 29147 | 0 | |
MO | Oregon | Missouri | mo_oregon | 29149 | 29149 | 0 | |
MO | Osage | Missouri | mo_osage | 29151 | 29151 | 2 | |
MO | Ozark | Missouri | mo_ozark | 29153 | 29153 | 0 | |
MO | Pemiscot | Missouri | mo_pemiscot | 29155 | 29155 | 5 | |
MO | Perry | Missouri | mo_perry | 29157 | 29157 | 0 | |
MO | Pettis | Missouri | mo_pettis | 29159 | 29159 | 6 | |
MO | Phelps | Missouri | mo_phelps | 29161 | 29161 | 6 | |
MO | Pike | Missouri | mo_pike | 29163 | 29163 | 2 | |
MO | Platte | Missouri | mo_platte | 29165 | 29165 | 2 | |
MO | Polk | Missouri | mo_polk | 29167 | 29167 | 2 | |
MO | Pulaski | Missouri | mo_pulaski | 29169 | 29169 | 7 | |
MO | Putnam | Missouri | mo_putnam | 29171 | 29171 | 0 | |
MO | Ralls | Missouri | mo_ralls | 29173 | 29173 | 1 | |
MO | Randolph | Missouri | mo_randolph | 29175 | 29175 | 0 | |
MO | Ray | Missouri | mo_ray | 29177 | 29177 | 1 | |
MO | Reynolds | Missouri | mo_reynolds | 29179 | 29179 | 0 | |
MO | Ripley | Missouri | mo_ripley | 29181 | 29181 | 0 | |
MO | Saline | Missouri | mo_saline | 29195 | 29195 | 2 | |
MO | Schuyler | Missouri | mo_schuyler | 29197 | 29197 | 0 | |
MO | Scotland | Missouri | mo_scotland | 29199 | 29199 | 0 | |
MO | Scott | Missouri | mo_scott | 29201 | 29201 | 21 | |
MO | Shannon | Missouri | mo_shannon | 29203 | 29203 | 0 | |
MO | Shelby | Missouri | mo_shelby | 29205 | 29205 | 0 | |
MO | St. Charles | Missouri | mo_st. charles | 29183 | 29183 | 13 | |
MO | St. Clair | Missouri | mo_st. clair | 29185 | 29185 | 0 | |
MO | St. Francois | Missouri | mo_st. francois | 29187 | 29187 | 2 | |
MO | St. Louis | Missouri | mo_st. louis | 29189 | 29189 | 51 | |
MO | St. Louis City | Missouri | mo_st. louis city | 29510 | 29510 | 13 | |
MO | Ste. Genevieve | Missouri | mo_ste. genevieve | 29186 | 29186 | 0 | |
MO | Stoddard | Missouri | mo_stoddard | 29207 | 29207 | 6 | |
MO | Stone | Missouri | mo_stone | 29209 | 29209 | 1 | |
MO | Sullivan | Missouri | mo_sullivan | 29211 | 29211 | 0 | |
MO | Taney | Missouri | mo_taney | 29213 | 29213 | 3 | |
MO | Texas | Missouri | mo_texas | 29215 | 29215 | 5 | |
MO | Vernon | Missouri | mo_vernon | 29217 | 29217 | 2 | |
MO | Warren | Missouri | mo_warren | 29219 | 29219 | 3 | |
MO | Washington | Missouri | mo_washington | 29221 | 29221 | 1 | |
MO | Wayne | Missouri | mo_wayne | 29223 | 29223 | 1 | |
MO | Webster | Missouri | mo_webster | 29225 | 29225 | 0 | |
MO | Worth | Missouri | mo_worth | 29227 | 29227 | 0 | |
MO | Wright | Missouri | mo_wright | 29229 | 29229 | 1 | |
MS | Adams | Mississippi | ms_adams | 28001 | 28001 | 50 | |
MS | Alcorn | Mississippi | ms_alcorn | 28003 | 28003 | 60 | |
MS | Amite | Mississippi | ms_amite | 28005 | 28005 | 0 | |
MS | Attala | Mississippi | ms_attala | 28007 | 28007 | 81 | |
MS | Benton | Mississippi | ms_benton | 28009 | 28009 | 7 | |
MS | Bolivar | Mississippi | ms_bolivar | 28011 | 28011 | 272 | |
MS | Calhoun | Mississippi | ms_calhoun | 28013 | 28013 | 14 | |
MS | Carroll | Mississippi | ms_carroll | 28015 | 28015 | 3 | |
MS | Chickasaw | Mississippi | ms_chickasaw | 28017 | 28017 | 16 | |
MS | Choctaw | Mississippi | ms_choctaw | 28019 | 28019 | 24 | |
MS | Claiborne | Mississippi | ms_claiborne | 28021 | 28021 | 11 | |
MS | Clarke | Mississippi | ms_clarke | 28023 | 28023 | 17 | |
MS | Clay | Mississippi | ms_clay | 28025 | 28025 | 110 | |
MS | Coahoma | Mississippi | ms_coahoma | 28027 | 28027 | 447 | |
MS | Copiah | Mississippi | ms_copiah | 28029 | 28029 | 35 | |
MS | Covington | Mississippi | ms_covington | 28031 | 28031 | 6 | |
MS | DeSoto | Mississippi | ms_desoto | 28033 | 28033 | 74 | |
MS | Forrest | Mississippi | ms_forrest | 28035 | 28035 | 38 | |
MS | Franklin | Mississippi | ms_franklin | 28037 | 28037 | 0 | |
MS | George | Mississippi | ms_george | 28039 | 28039 | 1 | |
MS | Greene | Mississippi | ms_greene | 28041 | 28041 | 2 | |
MS | Grenada | Mississippi | ms_grenada | 28043 | 28043 | 111 | |
MS | Hancock | Mississippi | ms_hancock | 28045 | 28045 | 5 | |
MS | Harrison | Mississippi | ms_harrison | 28047 | 28047 | 54 | |
MS | Hinds | Mississippi | ms_hinds | 28049 | 28049 | 296 | |
MS | Holmes | Mississippi | ms_holmes | 28051 | 28051 | 60 | |
MS | Humphreys | Mississippi | ms_humphreys | 28053 | 28053 | 17 | |
MS | Issaquena | Mississippi | ms_issaquena | 28055 | 28055 | 0 | |
MS | Itawamba | Mississippi | ms_itawamba | 28057 | 28057 | 30 | |
MS | Jackson | Mississippi | ms_jackson | 28059 | 28059 | 16 | |
MS | Jasper | Mississippi | ms_jasper | 28061 | 28061 | 14 | |
MS | Jefferson | Mississippi | ms_jefferson | 28063 | 28063 | 0 | |
MS | Jefferson Davis | Mississippi | ms_jefferson davis | 28065 | 28065 | 27 | |
MS | Jones | Mississippi | ms_jones | 28067 | 28067 | 82 | |
MS | Kemper | Mississippi | ms_kemper | 28069 | 28069 | 9 | |
MS | Lafayette | Mississippi | ms_lafayette | 28071 | 28071 | 19 | |
MS | Lamar | Mississippi | ms_lamar | 28073 | 28073 | 3 | |
MS | Lauderdale | Mississippi | ms_lauderdale | 28075 | 28075 | 80 | |
MS | Lawrence | Mississippi | ms_lawrence | 28077 | 28077 | 4 | |
MS | Leake | Mississippi | ms_leake | 28079 | 28079 | 13 | |
MS | Lee | Mississippi | ms_lee | 28081 | 28081 | 83 | |
MS | Leflore | Mississippi | ms_leflore | 28083 | 28083 | 291 | |
MS | Lincoln | Mississippi | ms_lincoln | 28085 | 28085 | 68 | |
MS | Lowndes | Mississippi | ms_lowndes | 28087 | 28087 | 91 | |
MS | Madison | Mississippi | ms_madison | 28089 | 28089 | 165 | |
MS | Marion | Mississippi | ms_marion | 28091 | 28091 | 19 | |
MS | Marshall | Mississippi | ms_marshall | 28093 | 28093 | 69 | |
MS | Monroe | Mississippi | ms_monroe | 28095 | 28095 | 55 | |
MS | Montgomery | Mississippi | ms_montgomery | 28097 | 28097 | 36 | |
MS | Neshoba | Mississippi | ms_neshoba | 28099 | 28099 | 17 | |
MS | Newton | Mississippi | ms_newton | 28101 | 28101 | 2 | |
MS | Noxubee | Mississippi | ms_noxubee | 28103 | 28103 | 7 | |
MS | Oktibbeha | Mississippi | ms_oktibbeha | 28105 | 28105 | 40 | |
MS | Panola | Mississippi | ms_panola | 28107 | 28107 | 88 | |
MS | Pearl River | Mississippi | ms_pearl river | 28109 | 28109 | 10 | |
MS | Perry | Mississippi | ms_perry | 28111 | 28111 | 0 | |
MS | Pike | Mississippi | ms_pike | 28113 | 28113 | 33 | |
MS | Pontotoc | Mississippi | ms_pontotoc | 28115 | 28115 | 31 | |
MS | Prentiss | Mississippi | ms_prentiss | 28117 | 28117 | 26 | |
MS | Quitman | Mississippi | ms_quitman | 28119 | 28119 | 21 | |
MS | Rankin | Mississippi | ms_rankin | 28121 | 28121 | 66 | |
MS | Scott | Mississippi | ms_scott | 28123 | 28123 | 33 | |
MS | Sharkey | Mississippi | ms_sharkey | 28125 | 28125 | 3 | |
MS | Simpson | Mississippi | ms_simpson | 28127 | 28127 | 7 | |
MS | Smith | Mississippi | ms_smith | 28129 | 28129 | 3 | |
MS | Stone | Mississippi | ms_stone | 28131 | 28131 | 4 | |
MS | Sunflower | Mississippi | ms_sunflower | 28133 | 28133 | 113 | |
MS | Tallahatchie | Mississippi | ms_tallahatchie | 28135 | 28135 | 69 | |
MS | Tate | Mississippi | ms_tate | 28137 | 28137 | 28 | |
MS | Tippah | Mississippi | ms_tippah | 28139 | 28139 | 98 | |
MS | Tishomingo | Mississippi | ms_tishomingo | 28141 | 28141 | 8 | |
MS | Tunica | Mississippi | ms_tunica | 28143 | 28143 | 55 | |
MS | Union | Mississippi | ms_union | 28145 | 28145 | 28 | |
MS | Walthall | Mississippi | ms_walthall | 28147 | 28147 | 6 | |
MS | Warren | Mississippi | ms_warren | 28149 | 28149 | 42 | |
MS | Washington | Mississippi | ms_washington | 28151 | 28151 | 236 | |
MS | Wayne | Mississippi | ms_wayne | 28153 | 28153 | 24 | |
MS | Webster | Mississippi | ms_webster | 28155 | 28155 | 4 | |
MS | Wilkinson | Mississippi | ms_wilkinson | 28157 | 28157 | 0 | |
MS | Winston | Mississippi | ms_winston | 28159 | 28159 | 44 | |
MS | Yalobusha | Mississippi | ms_yalobusha | 28161 | 28161 | 10 | |
MS | Yazoo | Mississippi | ms_yazoo | 28163 | 28163 | 155 | |
MT | Beaverhead | Montana | mt_beaverhead | 30001 | 30001 | 0 | |
MT | Big Horn | Montana | mt_big horn | 30003 | 30003 | 2 | |
MT | Blaine | Montana | mt_blaine | 30005 | 30005 | 0 | |
MT | Broadwater | Montana | mt_broadwater | 30007 | 30007 | 0 | |
MT | Carbon | Montana | mt_carbon | 30009 | 30009 | 0 | |
MT | Carter | Montana | mt_carter | 30011 | 30011 | 0 | |
MT | Cascade | Montana | mt_cascade | 30013 | 30013 | 14 | |
MT | Chouteau | Montana | mt_chouteau | 30015 | 30015 | 0 | |
MT | Custer | Montana | mt_custer | 30017 | 30017 | 0 | |
MT | Daniels | Montana | mt_daniels | 30019 | 30019 | 1 | |
MT | Dawson | Montana | mt_dawson | 30021 | 30021 | 1 | |
MT | Deer Lodge | Montana | mt_deer lodge | 30023 | 30023 | 1 | |
MT | Fallon | Montana | mt_fallon | 30025 | 30025 | 0 | |
MT | Fergus | Montana | mt_fergus | 30027 | 30027 | 0 | |
MT | Flathead | Montana | mt_flathead | 30029 | 30029 | 4 | |
MT | Gallatin | Montana | mt_gallatin | 30031 | 30031 | 3 | |
MT | Garfield | Montana | mt_garfield | 30033 | 30033 | 0 | |
MT | Glacier | Montana | mt_glacier | 30035 | 30035 | 1 | |
MT | Golden Valley | Montana | mt_golden valley | 30037 | 30037 | 0 | |
MT | Granite | Montana | mt_granite | 30039 | 30039 | 0 | |
MT | Hill | Montana | mt_hill | 30041 | 30041 | 1 | |
MT | Jefferson | Montana | mt_jefferson | 30043 | 30043 | 0 | |
MT | Judith Basin | Montana | mt_judith basin | 30045 | 30045 | 0 | |
MT | Lake | Montana | mt_lake | 30047 | 30047 | 0 | |
MT | Lewis and Clark | Montana | mt_lewis and clark | 30049 | 30049 | 1 | |
MT | Liberty | Montana | mt_liberty | 30051 | 30051 | 0 | |
MT | Lincoln | Montana | mt_lincoln | 30053 | 30053 | 0 | |
MT | Madison | Montana | mt_madison | 30057 | 30057 | 1 | |
MT | McCone | Montana | mt_mccone | 30055 | 30055 | 0 | |
MT | Meagher | Montana | mt_meagher | 30059 | 30059 | 0 | |
MT | Mineral | Montana | mt_mineral | 30061 | 30061 | 0 | |
MT | Missoula | Montana | mt_missoula | 30063 | 30063 | 6 | |
MT | Musselshell | Montana | mt_musselshell | 30065 | 30065 | 0 | |
MT | Park | Montana | mt_park | 30067 | 30067 | 1 | |
MT | Petroleum | Montana | mt_petroleum | 30069 | 30069 | 0 | |
MT | Phillips | Montana | mt_phillips | 30071 | 30071 | 0 | |
MT | Pondera | Montana | mt_pondera | 30073 | 30073 | 0 | |
MT | Powder River | Montana | mt_powder river | 30075 | 30075 | 0 | |
MT | Powell | Montana | mt_powell | 30077 | 30077 | 0 | |
MT | Prairie | Montana | mt_prairie | 30079 | 30079 | 0 | |
MT | Ravalli | Montana | mt_ravalli | 30081 | 30081 | 2 | |
MT | Richland | Montana | mt_richland | 30083 | 30083 | 0 | |
MT | Roosevelt | Montana | mt_roosevelt | 30085 | 30085 | 0 | |
MT | Rosebud | Montana | mt_rosebud | 30087 | 30087 | 0 | |
MT | Sanders | Montana | mt_sanders | 30089 | 30089 | 0 | |
MT | Sheridan | Montana | mt_sheridan | 30091 | 30091 | 0 | |
MT | Silver Bow | Montana | mt_silver bow | 30093 | 30093 | 0 | |
MT | Stillwater | Montana | mt_stillwater | 30095 | 30095 | 0 | |
MT | Sweet Grass | Montana | mt_sweet grass | 30097 | 30097 | 0 | |
MT | Teton | Montana | mt_teton | 30099 | 30099 | 0 | |
MT | Toole | Montana | mt_toole | 30101 | 30101 | 0 | |
MT | Treasure | Montana | mt_treasure | 30103 | 30103 | 0 | |
MT | Valley | Montana | mt_valley | 30105 | 30105 | 1 | |
MT | Wheatland | Montana | mt_wheatland | 30107 | 30107 | 0 | |
MT | Wibaux | Montana | mt_wibaux | 30109 | 30109 | 0 | |
MT | Yellowstone | Montana | mt_yellowstone | 30111 | 30111 | 13 | |
NC | Alamance | North Carolina | nc_alamance | 37001 | 37001 | 2 | |
NC | Alexander | North Carolina | nc_alexander | 37003 | 37003 | 1 | |
NC | Alleghany | North Carolina | nc_alleghany | 37005 | 37005 | 0 | |
NC | Anson | North Carolina | nc_anson | 37007 | 37007 | 0 | |
NC | Ashe | North Carolina | nc_ashe | 37009 | 37009 | 5 | |
NC | Avery | North Carolina | nc_avery | 37011 | 37011 | 0 | |
NC | Beaufort | North Carolina | nc_beaufort | 37013 | 37013 | 0 | |
NC | Bertie | North Carolina | nc_bertie | 37015 | 37015 | 0 | |
NC | Bladen | North Carolina | nc_bladen | 37017 | 37017 | 1 | |
NC | Brunswick | North Carolina | nc_brunswick | 37019 | 37019 | 0 | |
NC | Buncombe | North Carolina | nc_buncombe | 37021 | 37021 | 2 | |
NC | Burke | North Carolina | nc_burke | 37023 | 37023 | 1 | |
NC | Cabarrus | North Carolina | nc_cabarrus | 37025 | 37025 | 5 | |
NC | Caldwell | North Carolina | nc_caldwell | 37027 | 37027 | 9 | |
NC | Camden | North Carolina | nc_camden | 37029 | 37029 | 0 | |
NC | Carteret | North Carolina | nc_carteret | 37031 | 37031 | 5 | |
NC | Caswell | North Carolina | nc_caswell | 37033 | 37033 | 0 | |
NC | Catawba | North Carolina | nc_catawba | 37035 | 37035 | 7 | |
NC | Chatham | North Carolina | nc_chatham | 37037 | 37037 | 1 | |
NC | Cherokee | North Carolina | nc_cherokee | 37039 | 37039 | 0 | |
NC | Chowan | North Carolina | nc_chowan | 37041 | 37041 | 0 | |
NC | Clay | North Carolina | nc_clay | 37043 | 37043 | 0 | |
NC | Cleveland | North Carolina | nc_cleveland | 37045 | 37045 | 3 | |
NC | Columbus | North Carolina | nc_columbus | 37047 | 37047 | 0 | |
NC | Craven | North Carolina | nc_craven | 37049 | 37049 | 5 | |
NC | Cumberland | North Carolina | nc_cumberland | 37051 | 37051 | 49 | |
NC | Currituck | North Carolina | nc_currituck | 37053 | 37053 | 0 | |
NC | Dare | North Carolina | nc_dare | 37055 | 37055 | 0 | |
NC | Davidson | North Carolina | nc_davidson | 37057 | 37057 | 7 | |
NC | Davie | North Carolina | nc_davie | 37059 | 37059 | 0 | |
NC | Duplin | North Carolina | nc_duplin | 37061 | 37061 | 0 | |
NC | Durham | North Carolina | nc_durham | 37063 | 37063 | 1 | |
NC | Edgecombe | North Carolina | nc_edgecombe | 37065 | 37065 | 1 | |
NC | Forsyth | North Carolina | nc_forsyth | 37067 | 37067 | 7 | |
NC | Franklin | North Carolina | nc_franklin | 37069 | 37069 | 0 | |
NC | Gaston | North Carolina | nc_gaston | 37071 | 37071 | 8 | |
NC | Gates | North Carolina | nc_gates | 37073 | 37073 | 0 | |
NC | Graham | North Carolina | nc_graham | 37075 | 37075 | 0 | |
NC | Granville | North Carolina | nc_granville | 37077 | 37077 | 0 | |
NC | Greene | North Carolina | nc_greene | 37079 | 37079 | 1 | |
NC | Guilford | North Carolina | nc_guilford | 37081 | 37081 | 10 | |
NC | Halifax | North Carolina | nc_halifax | 37083 | 37083 | 0 | |
NC | Harnett | North Carolina | nc_harnett | 37085 | 37085 | 0 | |
NC | Haywood | North Carolina | nc_haywood | 37087 | 37087 | 3 | |
NC | Henderson | North Carolina | nc_henderson | 37089 | 37089 | 2 | |
NC | Hertford | North Carolina | nc_hertford | 37091 | 37091 | 0 | |
NC | Hoke | North Carolina | nc_hoke | 37093 | 37093 | 1 | |
NC | Hyde | North Carolina | nc_hyde | 37095 | 37095 | 0 | |
NC | Iredell | North Carolina | nc_iredell | 37097 | 37097 | 4 | |
NC | Jackson | North Carolina | nc_jackson | 37099 | 37099 | 0 | |
NC | Johnston | North Carolina | nc_johnston | 37101 | 37101 | 1 | |
NC | Jones | North Carolina | nc_jones | 37103 | 37103 | 0 | |
NC | Lee | North Carolina | nc_lee | 37105 | 37105 | 1 | |
NC | Lenoir | North Carolina | nc_lenoir | 37107 | 37107 | 0 | |
NC | Lincoln | North Carolina | nc_lincoln | 37109 | 37109 | 4 | |
NC | Macon | North Carolina | nc_macon | 37113 | 37113 | 2 | |
NC | Madison | North Carolina | nc_madison | 37115 | 37115 | 0 | |
NC | Martin | North Carolina | nc_martin | 37117 | 37117 | 3 | |
NC | McDowell | North Carolina | nc_mcdowell | 37111 | 37111 | 0 | |
NC | Mecklenburg | North Carolina | nc_mecklenburg | 37119 | 37119 | 21 | |
NC | Mitchell | North Carolina | nc_mitchell | 37121 | 37121 | 1 | |
NC | Montgomery | North Carolina | nc_montgomery | 37123 | 37123 | 1 | |
NC | Moore | North Carolina | nc_moore | 37125 | 37125 | 4 | |
NC | Nash | North Carolina | nc_nash | 37127 | 37127 | 2 | |
NC | New Hanover | North Carolina | nc_new hanover | 37129 | 37129 | 4 | |
NC | Northampton | North Carolina | nc_northampton | 37131 | 37131 | 0 | |
NC | Onslow | North Carolina | nc_onslow | 37133 | 37133 | 40 | |
NC | Orange | North Carolina | nc_orange | 37135 | 37135 | 4 | |
NC | Pamlico | North Carolina | nc_pamlico | 37137 | 37137 | 1 | |
NC | Pasquotank | North Carolina | nc_pasquotank | 37139 | 37139 | 2 | |
NC | Pender | North Carolina | nc_pender | 37141 | 37141 | 7 | |
NC | Perquimans | North Carolina | nc_perquimans | 37143 | 37143 | 0 | |
NC | Person | North Carolina | nc_person | 37145 | 37145 | 0 | |
NC | Pitt | North Carolina | nc_pitt | 37147 | 37147 | 3 | |
NC | Polk | North Carolina | nc_polk | 37149 | 37149 | 0 | |
NC | Randolph | North Carolina | nc_randolph | 37151 | 37151 | 4 | |
NC | Richmond | North Carolina | nc_richmond | 37153 | 37153 | 1 | |
NC | Robeson | North Carolina | nc_robeson | 37155 | 37155 | 4 | |
NC | Rockingham | North Carolina | nc_rockingham | 37157 | 37157 | 4 | |
NC | Rowan | North Carolina | nc_rowan | 37159 | 37159 | 4 | |
NC | Rutherford | North Carolina | nc_rutherford | 37161 | 37161 | 4 | |
NC | Sampson | North Carolina | nc_sampson | 37163 | 37163 | 1 | |
NC | Scotland | North Carolina | nc_scotland | 37165 | 37165 | 0 | |
NC | Stanly | North Carolina | nc_stanly | 37167 | 37167 | 1 | |
NC | Stokes | North Carolina | nc_stokes | 37169 | 37169 | 0 | |
NC | Surry | North Carolina | nc_surry | 37171 | 37171 | 1 | |
NC | Swain | North Carolina | nc_swain | 37173 | 37173 | 1 | |
NC | Transylvania | North Carolina | nc_transylvania | 37175 | 37175 | 0 | |
NC | Tyrrell | North Carolina | nc_tyrrell | 37177 | 37177 | 0 | |
NC | Union | North Carolina | nc_union | 37179 | 37179 | 11 | |
NC | Vance | North Carolina | nc_vance | 37181 | 37181 | 1 | |
NC | Wake | North Carolina | nc_wake | 37183 | 37183 | 7 | |
NC | Warren | North Carolina | nc_warren | 37185 | 37185 | 0 | |
NC | Washington | North Carolina | nc_washington | 37187 | 37187 | 0 | |
NC | Watauga | North Carolina | nc_watauga | 37189 | 37189 | 0 | |
NC | Wayne | North Carolina | nc_wayne | 37191 | 37191 | 4 | |
NC | Wilkes | North Carolina | nc_wilkes | 37193 | 37193 | 3 | |
NC | Wilson | North Carolina | nc_wilson | 37195 | 37195 | 2 | |
NC | Yadkin | North Carolina | nc_yadkin | 37197 | 37197 | 0 | |
NC | Yancey | North Carolina | nc_yancey | 37199 | 37199 | 0 | |
ND | Adams | North Dakota | nd_adams | 38001 | 38001 | 0 | |
ND | Barnes | North Dakota | nd_barnes | 38003 | 38003 | 0 | |
ND | Benson | North Dakota | nd_benson | 38005 | 38005 | 0 | |
ND | Billings | North Dakota | nd_billings | 38007 | 38007 | 0 | |
ND | Bottineau | North Dakota | nd_bottineau | 38009 | 38009 | 1 | |
ND | Bowman | North Dakota | nd_bowman | 38011 | 38011 | 0 | |
ND | Burke | North Dakota | nd_burke | 38013 | 38013 | 0 | |
ND | Burleigh | North Dakota | nd_burleigh | 38015 | 38015 | 1 | |
ND | Cass | North Dakota | nd_cass | 38017 | 38017 | 7 | |
ND | Cavalier | North Dakota | nd_cavalier | 38019 | 38019 | 0 | |
ND | Dickey | North Dakota | nd_dickey | 38021 | 38021 | 0 | |
ND | Divide | North Dakota | nd_divide | 38023 | 38023 | 0 | |
ND | Dunn | North Dakota | nd_dunn | 38025 | 38025 | 0 | |
ND | Eddy | North Dakota | nd_eddy | 38027 | 38027 | 0 | |
ND | Emmons | North Dakota | nd_emmons | 38029 | 38029 | 0 | |
ND | Foster | North Dakota | nd_foster | 38031 | 38031 | 0 | |
ND | Golden Valley | North Dakota | nd_golden valley | 38033 | 38033 | 0 | |
ND | Grand Forks | North Dakota | nd_grand forks | 38035 | 38035 | 4 | |
ND | Grant | North Dakota | nd_grant | 38037 | 38037 | 0 | |
ND | Griggs | North Dakota | nd_griggs | 38039 | 38039 | 0 | |
ND | Hettinger | North Dakota | nd_hettinger | 38041 | 38041 | 0 | |
ND | Kidder | North Dakota | nd_kidder | 38043 | 38043 | 0 | |
ND | LaMoure | North Dakota | nd_lamoure | 38045 | 38045 | 0 | |
ND | Logan | North Dakota | nd_logan | 38047 | 38047 | 0 | |
ND | McHenry | North Dakota | nd_mchenry | 38049 | 38049 | 0 | |
ND | McIntosh | North Dakota | nd_mcintosh | 38051 | 38051 | 0 | |
ND | McKenzie | North Dakota | nd_mckenzie | 38053 | 38053 | 0 | |
ND | McLean | North Dakota | nd_mclean | 38055 | 38055 | 1 | |
ND | Mercer | North Dakota | nd_mercer | 38057 | 38057 | 2 | |
ND | Morton | North Dakota | nd_morton | 38059 | 38059 | 0 | |
ND | Mountrail | North Dakota | nd_mountrail | 38061 | 38061 | 0 | |
ND | Nelson | North Dakota | nd_nelson | 38063 | 38063 | 0 | |
ND | Oliver | North Dakota | nd_oliver | 38065 | 38065 | 0 | |
ND | Pembina | North Dakota | nd_pembina | 38067 | 38067 | 0 | |
ND | Pierce | North Dakota | nd_pierce | 38069 | 38069 | 1 | |
ND | Ramsey | North Dakota | nd_ramsey | 38071 | 38071 | 0 | |
ND | Ransom | North Dakota | nd_ransom | 38073 | 38073 | 0 | |
ND | Renville | North Dakota | nd_renville | 38075 | 38075 | 0 | |
ND | Richland | North Dakota | nd_richland | 38077 | 38077 | 0 | |
ND | Rolette | North Dakota | nd_rolette | 38079 | 38079 | 0 | |
ND | Sargent | North Dakota | nd_sargent | 38081 | 38081 | 0 | |
ND | Sheridan | North Dakota | nd_sheridan | 38083 | 38083 | 0 | |
ND | Sioux | North Dakota | nd_sioux | 38085 | 38085 | 0 | |
ND | Slope | North Dakota | nd_slope | 38087 | 38087 | 0 | |
ND | Stark | North Dakota | nd_stark | 38089 | 38089 | 3 | |
ND | Steele | North Dakota | nd_steele | 38091 | 38091 | 0 | |
ND | Stutsman | North Dakota | nd_stutsman | 38093 | 38093 | 0 | |
ND | Towner | North Dakota | nd_towner | 38095 | 38095 | 0 | |
ND | Traill | North Dakota | nd_traill | 38097 | 38097 | 0 | |
ND | Walsh | North Dakota | nd_walsh | 38099 | 38099 | 0 | |
ND | Ward | North Dakota | nd_ward | 38101 | 38101 | 11 | |
ND | Wells | North Dakota | nd_wells | 38103 | 38103 | 0 | |
ND | Williams | North Dakota | nd_williams | 38105 | 38105 | 0 | |
NE | Adams | Nebraska | ne_adams | 31001 | 31001 | 4 | |
NE | Antelope | Nebraska | ne_antelope | 31003 | 31003 | 0 | |
NE | Arthur | Nebraska | ne_arthur | 31005 | 31005 | 0 | |
NE | Banner | Nebraska | ne_banner | 31007 | 31007 | 0 | |
NE | Blaine | Nebraska | ne_blaine | 31009 | 31009 | 0 | |
NE | Boone | Nebraska | ne_boone | 31011 | 31011 | 0 | |
NE | Box Butte | Nebraska | ne_box butte | 31013 | 31013 | 2 | |
NE | Boyd | Nebraska | ne_boyd | 31015 | 31015 | 0 | |
NE | Brown | Nebraska | ne_brown | 31017 | 31017 | 0 | |
NE | Buffalo | Nebraska | ne_buffalo | 31019 | 31019 | 4 | |
NE | Burt | Nebraska | ne_burt | 31021 | 31021 | 0 | |
NE | Butler | Nebraska | ne_butler | 31023 | 31023 | 0 | |
NE | Cass | Nebraska | ne_cass | 31025 | 31025 | 0 | |
NE | Cedar | Nebraska | ne_cedar | 31027 | 31027 | 0 | |
NE | Chase | Nebraska | ne_chase | 31029 | 31029 | 0 | |
NE | Cherry | Nebraska | ne_cherry | 31031 | 31031 | 1 | |
NE | Cheyenne | Nebraska | ne_cheyenne | 31033 | 31033 | 5 | |
NE | Clay | Nebraska | ne_clay | 31035 | 31035 | 0 | |
NE | Colfax | Nebraska | ne_colfax | 31037 | 31037 | 0 | |
NE | Cuming | Nebraska | ne_cuming | 31039 | 31039 | 0 | |
NE | Custer | Nebraska | ne_custer | 31041 | 31041 | 0 | |
NE | Dakota | Nebraska | ne_dakota | 31043 | 31043 | 3 | |
NE | Dawes | Nebraska | ne_dawes | 31045 | 31045 | 0 | |
NE | Dawson | Nebraska | ne_dawson | 31047 | 31047 | 2 | |
NE | Deuel | Nebraska | ne_deuel | 31049 | 31049 | 0 | |
NE | Dixon | Nebraska | ne_dixon | 31051 | 31051 | 0 | |
NE | Dodge | Nebraska | ne_dodge | 31053 | 31053 | 8 | |
NE | Douglas | Nebraska | ne_douglas | 31055 | 31055 | 20 | |
NE | Dundy | Nebraska | ne_dundy | 31057 | 31057 | 0 | |
NE | Fillmore | Nebraska | ne_fillmore | 31059 | 31059 | 0 | |
NE | Franklin | Nebraska | ne_franklin | 31061 | 31061 | 0 | |
NE | Frontier | Nebraska | ne_frontier | 31063 | 31063 | 0 | |
NE | Furnas | Nebraska | ne_furnas | 31065 | 31065 | 0 | |
NE | Gage | Nebraska | ne_gage | 31067 | 31067 | 1 | |
NE | Garden | Nebraska | ne_garden | 31069 | 31069 | 0 | |
NE | Garfield | Nebraska | ne_garfield | 31071 | 31071 | 0 | |
NE | Gosper | Nebraska | ne_gosper | 31073 | 31073 | 0 | |
NE | Grant | Nebraska | ne_grant | 31075 | 31075 | 0 | |
NE | Greeley | Nebraska | ne_greeley | 31077 | 31077 | 1 | |
NE | Hall | Nebraska | ne_hall | 31079 | 31079 | 3 | |
NE | Hamilton | Nebraska | ne_hamilton | 31081 | 31081 | 0 | |
NE | Harlan | Nebraska | ne_harlan | 31083 | 31083 | 0 | |
NE | Hayes | Nebraska | ne_hayes | 31085 | 31085 | 0 | |
NE | Hitchcock | Nebraska | ne_hitchcock | 31087 | 31087 | 0 | |
NE | Holt | Nebraska | ne_holt | 31089 | 31089 | 1 | |
NE | Hooker | Nebraska | ne_hooker | 31091 | 31091 | 0 | |
NE | Howard | Nebraska | ne_howard | 31093 | 31093 | 0 | |
NE | Jefferson | Nebraska | ne_jefferson | 31095 | 31095 | 0 | |
NE | Johnson | Nebraska | ne_johnson | 31097 | 31097 | 0 | |
NE | Kearney | Nebraska | ne_kearney | 31099 | 31099 | 0 | |
NE | Keith | Nebraska | ne_keith | 31101 | 31101 | 0 | |
NE | Keya Paha | Nebraska | ne_keya paha | 31103 | 31103 | 0 | |
NE | Kimball | Nebraska | ne_kimball | 31105 | 31105 | 0 | |
NE | Knox | Nebraska | ne_knox | 31107 | 31107 | 0 | |
NE | Lancaster | Nebraska | ne_lancaster | 31109 | 31109 | 14 | |
NE | Lincoln | Nebraska | ne_lincoln | 31111 | 31111 | 10 | |
NE | Logan | Nebraska | ne_logan | 31113 | 31113 | 0 | |
NE | Loup | Nebraska | ne_loup | 31115 | 31115 | 0 | |
NE | Madison | Nebraska | ne_madison | 31119 | 31119 | 8 | |
NE | McPherson | Nebraska | ne_mcpherson | 31117 | 31117 | 0 | |
NE | Merrick | Nebraska | ne_merrick | 31121 | 31121 | 0 | |
NE | Morrill | Nebraska | ne_morrill | 31123 | 31123 | 0 | |
NE | Nance | Nebraska | ne_nance | 31125 | 31125 | 0 | |
NE | Nemaha | Nebraska | ne_nemaha | 31127 | 31127 | 0 | |
NE | Nuckolls | Nebraska | ne_nuckolls | 31129 | 31129 | 0 | |
NE | Otoe | Nebraska | ne_otoe | 31131 | 31131 | 0 | |
NE | Pawnee | Nebraska | ne_pawnee | 31133 | 31133 | 0 | |
NE | Perkins | Nebraska | ne_perkins | 31135 | 31135 | 0 | |
NE | Phelps | Nebraska | ne_phelps | 31137 | 31137 | 0 | |
NE | Pierce | Nebraska | ne_pierce | 31139 | 31139 | 0 | |
NE | Platte | Nebraska | ne_platte | 31141 | 31141 | 1 | |
NE | Polk | Nebraska | ne_polk | 31143 | 31143 | 0 | |
NE | Red Willow | Nebraska | ne_red willow | 31145 | 31145 | 0 | |
NE | Richardson | Nebraska | ne_richardson | 31147 | 31147 | 1 | |
NE | Rock | Nebraska | ne_rock | 31149 | 31149 | 0 | |
NE | Saline | Nebraska | ne_saline | 31151 | 31151 | 0 | |
NE | Sarpy | Nebraska | ne_sarpy | 31153 | 31153 | 6 | |
NE | Saunders | Nebraska | ne_saunders | 31155 | 31155 | 0 | |
NE | Scotts Bluff | Nebraska | ne_scotts bluff | 31157 | 31157 | 6 | |
NE | Seward | Nebraska | ne_seward | 31159 | 31159 | 0 | |
NE | Sheridan | Nebraska | ne_sheridan | 31161 | 31161 | 0 | |
NE | Sherman | Nebraska | ne_sherman | 31163 | 31163 | 0 | |
NE | Sioux | Nebraska | ne_sioux | 31165 | 31165 | 1 | |
NE | Stanton | Nebraska | ne_stanton | 31167 | 31167 | 0 | |
NE | Thayer | Nebraska | ne_thayer | 31169 | 31169 | 1 | |
NE | Thomas | Nebraska | ne_thomas | 31171 | 31171 | 0 | |
NE | Thurston | Nebraska | ne_thurston | 31173 | 31173 | 0 | |
NE | Valley | Nebraska | ne_valley | 31175 | 31175 | 0 | |
NE | Washington | Nebraska | ne_washington | 31177 | 31177 | 0 | |
NE | Wayne | Nebraska | ne_wayne | 31179 | 31179 | 0 | |
NE | Webster | Nebraska | ne_webster | 31181 | 31181 | 0 | |
NE | Wheeler | Nebraska | ne_wheeler | 31183 | 31183 | 0 | |
NE | York | Nebraska | ne_york | 31185 | 31185 | 1 | |
NH | Belknap | New Hampshire | nh_belknap | 33001 | 33001 | 0 | |
NH | Carroll | New Hampshire | nh_carroll | 33003 | 33003 | 1 | |
NH | Cheshire | New Hampshire | nh_cheshire | 33005 | 33005 | 0 | |
NH | Coos | New Hampshire | nh_coos | 33007 | 33007 | 0 | |
NH | Grafton | New Hampshire | nh_grafton | 33009 | 33009 | 0 | |
NH | Hillsborough | New Hampshire | nh_hillsborough | 33011 | 33011 | 0 | |
NH | Merrimack | New Hampshire | nh_merrimack | 33013 | 33013 | 3 | |
NH | Rockingham | New Hampshire | nh_rockingham | 33015 | 33015 | 9 | |
NH | Strafford | New Hampshire | nh_strafford | 33017 | 33017 | 0 | |
NH | Sullivan | New Hampshire | nh_sullivan | 33019 | 33019 | 1 | |
NJ | Atlantic | New Jersey | nj_atlantic | 34001 | 34001 | 3 | |
NJ | Bergen | New Jersey | nj_bergen | 34003 | 34003 | 0 | |
NJ | Burlington | New Jersey | nj_burlington | 34005 | 34005 | 0 | |
NJ | Camden | New Jersey | nj_camden | 34007 | 34007 | 0 | |
NJ | Cape May | New Jersey | nj_cape may | 34009 | 34009 | 0 | |
NJ | Cumberland | New Jersey | nj_cumberland | 34011 | 34011 | 0 | |
NJ | Essex | New Jersey | nj_essex | 34013 | 34013 | 1 | |
NJ | Gloucester | New Jersey | nj_gloucester | 34015 | 34015 | 1 | |
NJ | Hudson | New Jersey | nj_hudson | 34017 | 34017 | 4 | |
NJ | Hunterdon | New Jersey | nj_hunterdon | 34019 | 34019 | 0 | |
NJ | Mercer | New Jersey | nj_mercer | 34021 | 34021 | 1 | |
NJ | Middlesex | New Jersey | nj_middlesex | 34023 | 34023 | 2 | |
NJ | Monmouth | New Jersey | nj_monmouth | 34025 | 34025 | 3 | |
NJ | Morris | New Jersey | nj_morris | 34027 | 34027 | 1 | |
NJ | Ocean | New Jersey | nj_ocean | 34029 | 34029 | 1 | |
NJ | Passaic | New Jersey | nj_passaic | 34031 | 34031 | 1 | |
NJ | Salem | New Jersey | nj_salem | 34033 | 34033 | 1 | |
NJ | Somerset | New Jersey | nj_somerset | 34035 | 34035 | 1 | |
NJ | Sussex | New Jersey | nj_sussex | 34037 | 34037 | 0 | |
NJ | Union | New Jersey | nj_union | 34039 | 34039 | 1 | |
NJ | Warren | New Jersey | nj_warren | 34041 | 34041 | 0 | |
NM | Bernalillo | New Mexico | nm_bernalillo | 35001 | 35001 | 27 | |
NM | Catron | New Mexico | nm_catron | 35003 | 35003 | 1 | |
NM | Chaves | New Mexico | nm_chaves | 35005 | 35005 | 3 | |
NM | Cibola | New Mexico | nm_cibola | 35006 | 35006 | 0 | |
NM | Colfax | New Mexico | nm_colfax | 35007 | 35007 | 0 | |
NM | Curry | New Mexico | nm_curry | 35009 | 35009 | 6 | |
NM | De Baca | New Mexico | nm_de baca | 35011 | 35011 | 0 | |
NM | Dona Ana | New Mexico | nm_dona ana | 35013 | 35013 | 6 | |
NM | Eddy | New Mexico | nm_eddy | 35015 | 35015 | 2 | |
NM | Grant | New Mexico | nm_grant | 35017 | 35017 | 1 | |
NM | Guadalupe | New Mexico | nm_guadalupe | 35019 | 35019 | 0 | |
NM | Harding | New Mexico | nm_harding | 35021 | 35021 | 0 | |
NM | Hidalgo | New Mexico | nm_hidalgo | 35023 | 35023 | 0 | |
NM | Lea | New Mexico | nm_lea | 35025 | 35025 | 3 | |
NM | Lincoln | New Mexico | nm_lincoln | 35027 | 35027 | 1 | |
NM | Los Alamos | New Mexico | nm_los alamos | 35028 | 35028 | 2 | |
NM | Luna | New Mexico | nm_luna | 35029 | 35029 | 1 | |
NM | McKinley | New Mexico | nm_mckinley | 35031 | 35031 | 1 | |
NM | Mora | New Mexico | nm_mora | 35033 | 35033 | 0 | |
NM | Otero | New Mexico | nm_otero | 35035 | 35035 | 4 | |
NM | Quay | New Mexico | nm_quay | 35037 | 35037 | 1 | |
NM | Rio Arriba | New Mexico | nm_rio arriba | 35039 | 35039 | 1 | |
NM | Roosevelt | New Mexico | nm_roosevelt | 35041 | 35041 | 0 | |
NM | San Juan | New Mexico | nm_san juan | 35045 | 35045 | 5 | |
NM | San Miguel | New Mexico | nm_san miguel | 35047 | 35047 | 0 | |
NM | Sandoval | New Mexico | nm_sandoval | 35043 | 35043 | 4 | |
NM | Santa Fe | New Mexico | nm_santa fe | 35049 | 35049 | 5 | |
NM | Sierra | New Mexico | nm_sierra | 35051 | 35051 | 0 | |
NM | Socorro | New Mexico | nm_socorro | 35053 | 35053 | 0 | |
NM | Taos | New Mexico | nm_taos | 35055 | 35055 | 1 | |
NM | Torrance | New Mexico | nm_torrance | 35057 | 35057 | 0 | |
NM | Union | New Mexico | nm_union | 35059 | 35059 | 0 | |
NM | Valencia | New Mexico | nm_valencia | 35061 | 35061 | 0 | |
NV | Carson City | Nevada | nv_carson city | 32510 | 32510 | 13 | |
NV | Churchill | Nevada | nv_churchill | 32001 | 32001 | 3 | |
NV | Clark | Nevada | nv_clark | 32003 | 32003 | 64 | |
NV | Douglas | Nevada | nv_douglas | 32005 | 32005 | 1 | |
NV | Elko | Nevada | nv_elko | 32007 | 32007 | 1 | |
NV | Esmeralda | Nevada | nv_esmeralda | 32009 | 32009 | 0 | |
NV | Eureka | Nevada | nv_eureka | 32011 | 32011 | 0 | |
NV | Humboldt | Nevada | nv_humboldt | 32013 | 32013 | 2 | |
NV | Lander | Nevada | nv_lander | 32015 | 32015 | 0 | |
NV | Lincoln | Nevada | nv_lincoln | 32017 | 32017 | 0 | |
NV | Lyon | Nevada | nv_lyon | 32019 | 32019 | 3 | |
NV | Mineral | Nevada | nv_mineral | 32021 | 32021 | 0 | |
NV | Nye | Nevada | nv_nye | 32023 | 32023 | 1 | |
NV | Pershing | Nevada | nv_pershing | 32027 | 32027 | 0 | |
NV | Storey | Nevada | nv_storey | 32029 | 32029 | 0 | |
NV | Washoe | Nevada | nv_washoe | 32031 | 32031 | 14 | |
NV | White Pine | Nevada | nv_white pine | 32033 | 32033 | 1 | |
NY | Albany | New York | ny_albany | 36001 | 36001 | 1 | |
NY | Allegany | New York | ny_allegany | 36003 | 36003 | 1 | |
NY | Bronx | New York | ny_bronx | 36005 | 36005 | 3 | |
NY | Broome | New York | ny_broome | 36007 | 36007 | 2 | |
NY | Cattaraugus | New York | ny_cattaraugus | 36009 | 36009 | 0 | |
NY | Cayuga | New York | ny_cayuga | 36011 | 36011 | 1 | |
NY | Chautauqua | New York | ny_chautauqua | 36013 | 36013 | 3 | |
NY | Chemung | New York | ny_chemung | 36015 | 36015 | 0 | |
NY | Chenango | New York | ny_chenango | 36017 | 36017 | 1 | |
NY | Clinton | New York | ny_clinton | 36019 | 36019 | 0 | |
NY | Columbia | New York | ny_columbia | 36021 | 36021 | 1 | |
NY | Cortland | New York | ny_cortland | 36023 | 36023 | 1 | |
NY | Delaware | New York | ny_delaware | 36025 | 36025 | 0 | |
NY | Dutchess | New York | ny_dutchess | 36027 | 36027 | 1 | |
NY | Erie | New York | ny_erie | 36029 | 36029 | 14 | |
NY | Essex | New York | ny_essex | 36031 | 36031 | 0 | |
NY | Franklin | New York | ny_franklin | 36033 | 36033 | 0 | |
NY | Fulton | New York | ny_fulton | 36035 | 36035 | 1 | |
NY | Genesee | New York | ny_genesee | 36037 | 36037 | 0 | |
NY | Greene | New York | ny_greene | 36039 | 36039 | 0 | |
NY | Hamilton | New York | ny_hamilton | 36041 | 36041 | 0 | |
NY | Herkimer | New York | ny_herkimer | 36043 | 36043 | 5 | |
NY | Jefferson | New York | ny_jefferson | 36045 | 36045 | 0 | |
NY | Kings | New York | ny_kings | 36047 | 36047 | 1 | |
NY | Lewis | New York | ny_lewis | 36049 | 36049 | 0 | |
NY | Livingston | New York | ny_livingston | 36051 | 36051 | 0 | |
NY | Madison | New York | ny_madison | 36053 | 36053 | 0 | |
NY | Monroe | New York | ny_monroe | 36055 | 36055 | 6 | |
NY | Montgomery | New York | ny_montgomery | 36057 | 36057 | 0 | |
NY | Nassau | New York | ny_nassau | 36059 | 36059 | 14 | |
NY | New York | New York | ny_new york | 36061 | 36061 | 10 | |
NY | Niagara | New York | ny_niagara | 36063 | 36063 | 3 | |
NY | Oneida | New York | ny_oneida | 36065 | 36065 | 1 | |
NY | Onondaga | New York | ny_onondaga | 36067 | 36067 | 2 | |
NY | Ontario | New York | ny_ontario | 36069 | 36069 | 1 | |
NY | Orange | New York | ny_orange | 36071 | 36071 | 3 | |
NY | Orleans | New York | ny_orleans | 36073 | 36073 | 0 | |
NY | Oswego | New York | ny_oswego | 36075 | 36075 | 0 | |
NY | Otsego | New York | ny_otsego | 36077 | 36077 | 1 | |
NY | Putnam | New York | ny_putnam | 36079 | 36079 | 0 | |
NY | Queens | New York | ny_queens | 36081 | 36081 | 0 | |
NY | Rensselaer | New York | ny_rensselaer | 36083 | 36083 | 1 | |
NY | Richmond | New York | ny_richmond | 36085 | 36085 | 1 | |
NY | Rockland | New York | ny_rockland | 36087 | 36087 | 2 | |
NY | Saratoga | New York | ny_saratoga | 36091 | 36091 | 0 | |
NY | Schenectady | New York | ny_schenectady | 36093 | 36093 | 0 | |
NY | Schoharie | New York | ny_schoharie | 36095 | 36095 | 0 | |
NY | Schuyler | New York | ny_schuyler | 36097 | 36097 | 0 | |
NY | Seneca | New York | ny_seneca | 36099 | 36099 | 0 | |
NY | St. Lawrence | New York | ny_st. lawrence | 36089 | 36089 | 0 | |
NY | Steuben | New York | ny_steuben | 36101 | 36101 | 2 | |
NY | Suffolk | New York | ny_suffolk | 36103 | 36103 | 4 | |
NY | Sullivan | New York | ny_sullivan | 36105 | 36105 | 1 | |
NY | Tioga | New York | ny_tioga | 36107 | 36107 | 1 | |
NY | Tompkins | New York | ny_tompkins | 36109 | 36109 | 1 | |
NY | Ulster | New York | ny_ulster | 36111 | 36111 | 1 | |
NY | Warren | New York | ny_warren | 36113 | 36113 | 0 | |
NY | Washington | New York | ny_washington | 36115 | 36115 | 0 | |
NY | Wayne | New York | ny_wayne | 36117 | 36117 | 0 | |
NY | Westchester | New York | ny_westchester | 36119 | 36119 | 6 | |
NY | Wyoming | New York | ny_wyoming | 36121 | 36121 | 0 | |
NY | Yates | New York | ny_yates | 36123 | 36123 | 0 | |
OH | Adams | Ohio | oh_adams | 39001 | 39001 | 3 | |
OH | Allen | Ohio | oh_allen | 39003 | 39003 | 14 | |
OH | Ashland | Ohio | oh_ashland | 39005 | 39005 | 39 | |
OH | Ashtabula | Ohio | oh_ashtabula | 39007 | 39007 | 5 | |
OH | Athens | Ohio | oh_athens | 39009 | 39009 | 4 | |
OH | Auglaize | Ohio | oh_auglaize | 39011 | 39011 | 8 | |
OH | Belmont | Ohio | oh_belmont | 39013 | 39013 | 3 | |
OH | Brown | Ohio | oh_brown | 39015 | 39015 | 2 | |
OH | Butler | Ohio | oh_butler | 39017 | 39017 | 39 | |
OH | Carroll | Ohio | oh_carroll | 39019 | 39019 | 3 | |
OH | Champaign | Ohio | oh_champaign | 39021 | 39021 | 9 | |
OH | Clark | Ohio | oh_clark | 39023 | 39023 | 18 | |
OH | Clermont | Ohio | oh_clermont | 39025 | 39025 | 23 | |
OH | Clinton | Ohio | oh_clinton | 39027 | 39027 | 6 | |
OH | Columbiana | Ohio | oh_columbiana | 39029 | 39029 | 3 | |
OH | Coshocton | Ohio | oh_coshocton | 39031 | 39031 | 1 | |
OH | Crawford | Ohio | oh_crawford | 39033 | 39033 | 6 | |
OH | Cuyahoga | Ohio | oh_cuyahoga | 39035 | 39035 | 38 | |
OH | Darke | Ohio | oh_darke | 39037 | 39037 | 2 | |
OH | Defiance | Ohio | oh_defiance | 39039 | 39039 | 3 | |
OH | Delaware | Ohio | oh_delaware | 39041 | 39041 | 3 | |
OH | Erie | Ohio | oh_erie | 39043 | 39043 | 12 | |
OH | Fairfield | Ohio | oh_fairfield | 39045 | 39045 | 3 | |
OH | Fayette | Ohio | oh_fayette | 39047 | 39047 | 21 | |
OH | Franklin | Ohio | oh_franklin | 39049 | 39049 | 156 | |
OH | Fulton | Ohio | oh_fulton | 39051 | 39051 | 9 | |
OH | Gallia | Ohio | oh_gallia | 39053 | 39053 | 30 | |
OH | Geauga | Ohio | oh_geauga | 39055 | 39055 | 7 | |
OH | Greene | Ohio | oh_greene | 39057 | 39057 | 25 | |
OH | Guernsey | Ohio | oh_guernsey | 39059 | 39059 | 2 | |
OH | Hamilton | Ohio | oh_hamilton | 39061 | 39061 | 72 | |
OH | Hancock | Ohio | oh_hancock | 39063 | 39063 | 8 | |
OH | Hardin | Ohio | oh_hardin | 39065 | 39065 | 0 | |
OH | Harrison | Ohio | oh_harrison | 39067 | 39067 | 0 | |
OH | Henry | Ohio | oh_henry | 39069 | 39069 | 0 | |
OH | Highland | Ohio | oh_highland | 39071 | 39071 | 7 | |
OH | Hocking | Ohio | oh_hocking | 39073 | 39073 | 7 | |
OH | Holmes | Ohio | oh_holmes | 39075 | 39075 | 1 | |
OH | Huron | Ohio | oh_huron | 39077 | 39077 | 4 | |
OH | Jackson | Ohio | oh_jackson | 39079 | 39079 | 8 | |
OH | Jefferson | Ohio | oh_jefferson | 39081 | 39081 | 4 | |
OH | Knox | Ohio | oh_knox | 39083 | 39083 | 1 | |
OH | Lake | Ohio | oh_lake | 39085 | 39085 | 23 | |
OH | Lawrence | Ohio | oh_lawrence | 39087 | 39087 | 12 | |
OH | Licking | Ohio | oh_licking | 39089 | 39089 | 16 | |
OH | Logan | Ohio | oh_logan | 39091 | 39091 | 14 | |
OH | Lorain | Ohio | oh_lorain | 39093 | 39093 | 34 | |
OH | Lucas | Ohio | oh_lucas | 39095 | 39095 | 26 | |
OH | Madison | Ohio | oh_madison | 39097 | 39097 | 2 | |
OH | Mahoning | Ohio | oh_mahoning | 39099 | 39099 | 36 | |
OH | Marion | Ohio | oh_marion | 39101 | 39101 | 16 | |
OH | Medina | Ohio | oh_medina | 39103 | 39103 | 9 | |
OH | Meigs | Ohio | oh_meigs | 39105 | 39105 | 2 | |
OH | Mercer | Ohio | oh_mercer | 39107 | 39107 | 4 | |
OH | Miami | Ohio | oh_miami | 39109 | 39109 | 34 | |
OH | Monroe | Ohio | oh_monroe | 39111 | 39111 | 0 | |
OH | Montgomery | Ohio | oh_montgomery | 39113 | 39113 | 69 | |
OH | Morgan | Ohio | oh_morgan | 39115 | 39115 | 1 | |
OH | Morrow | Ohio | oh_morrow | 39117 | 39117 | 0 | |
OH | Muskingum | Ohio | oh_muskingum | 39119 | 39119 | 2 | |
OH | Noble | Ohio | oh_noble | 39121 | 39121 | 1 | |
OH | Ottawa | Ohio | oh_ottawa | 39123 | 39123 | 0 | |
OH | Paulding | Ohio | oh_paulding | 39125 | 39125 | 2 | |
OH | Perry | Ohio | oh_perry | 39127 | 39127 | 1 | |
OH | Pickaway | Ohio | oh_pickaway | 39129 | 39129 | 3 | |
OH | Pike | Ohio | oh_pike | 39131 | 39131 | 5 | |
OH | Portage | Ohio | oh_portage | 39133 | 39133 | 8 | |
OH | Preble | Ohio | oh_preble | 39135 | 39135 | 6 | |
OH | Putnam | Ohio | oh_putnam | 39137 | 39137 | 2 | |
OH | Richland | Ohio | oh_richland | 39139 | 39139 | 29 | |
OH | Ross | Ohio | oh_ross | 39141 | 39141 | 5 | |
OH | Sandusky | Ohio | oh_sandusky | 39143 | 39143 | 4 | |
OH | Scioto | Ohio | oh_scioto | 39145 | 39145 | 11 | |
OH | Seneca | Ohio | oh_seneca | 39147 | 39147 | 4 | |
OH | Shelby | Ohio | oh_shelby | 39149 | 39149 | 20 | |
OH | Stark | Ohio | oh_stark | 39151 | 39151 | 17 | |
OH | Summit | Ohio | oh_summit | 39153 | 39153 | 20 | |
OH | Trumbull | Ohio | oh_trumbull | 39155 | 39155 | 8 | |
OH | Tuscarawas | Ohio | oh_tuscarawas | 39157 | 39157 | 2 | |
OH | Union | Ohio | oh_union | 39159 | 39159 | 4 | |
OH | Van Wert | Ohio | oh_van wert | 39161 | 39161 | 2 | |
OH | Vinton | Ohio | oh_vinton | 39163 | 39163 | 0 | |
OH | Warren | Ohio | oh_warren | 39165 | 39165 | 20 | |
OH | Washington | Ohio | oh_washington | 39167 | 39167 | 1 | |
OH | Wayne | Ohio | oh_wayne | 39169 | 39169 | 18 | |
OH | Williams | Ohio | oh_williams | 39171 | 39171 | 6 | |
OH | Wood | Ohio | oh_wood | 39173 | 39173 | 13 | |
OH | Wyandot | Ohio | oh_wyandot | 39175 | 39175 | 0 | |
OK | Adair | Oklahoma | ok_adair | 40001 | 40001 | 0 | |
OK | Alfalfa | Oklahoma | ok_alfalfa | 40003 | 40003 | 0 | |
OK | Atoka | Oklahoma | ok_atoka | 40005 | 40005 | 1 | |
OK | Beaver | Oklahoma | ok_beaver | 40007 | 40007 | 0 | |
OK | Beckham | Oklahoma | ok_beckham | 40009 | 40009 | 0 | |
OK | Blaine | Oklahoma | ok_blaine | 40011 | 40011 | 0 | |
OK | Bryan | Oklahoma | ok_bryan | 40013 | 40013 | 2 | |
OK | Caddo | Oklahoma | ok_caddo | 40015 | 40015 | 0 | |
OK | Canadian | Oklahoma | ok_canadian | 40017 | 40017 | 4 | |
OK | Carter | Oklahoma | ok_carter | 40019 | 40019 | 0 | |
OK | Cherokee | Oklahoma | ok_cherokee | 40021 | 40021 | 0 | |
OK | Choctaw | Oklahoma | ok_choctaw | 40023 | 40023 | 0 | |
OK | Cimarron | Oklahoma | ok_cimarron | 40025 | 40025 | 0 | |
OK | Cleveland | Oklahoma | ok_cleveland | 40027 | 40027 | 4 | |
OK | Coal | Oklahoma | ok_coal | 40029 | 40029 | 0 | |
OK | Comanche | Oklahoma | ok_comanche | 40031 | 40031 | 21 | |
OK | Cotton | Oklahoma | ok_cotton | 40033 | 40033 | 0 | |
OK | Craig | Oklahoma | ok_craig | 40035 | 40035 | 1 | |
OK | Creek | Oklahoma | ok_creek | 40037 | 40037 | 2 | |
OK | Custer | Oklahoma | ok_custer | 40039 | 40039 | 1 | |
OK | Delaware | Oklahoma | ok_delaware | 40041 | 40041 | 1 | |
OK | Dewey | Oklahoma | ok_dewey | 40043 | 40043 | 0 | |
OK | Ellis | Oklahoma | ok_ellis | 40045 | 40045 | 0 | |
OK | Garfield | Oklahoma | ok_garfield | 40047 | 40047 | 0 | |
OK | Garvin | Oklahoma | ok_garvin | 40049 | 40049 | 0 | |
OK | Grady | Oklahoma | ok_grady | 40051 | 40051 | 0 | |
OK | Grant | Oklahoma | ok_grant | 40053 | 40053 | 0 | |
OK | Greer | Oklahoma | ok_greer | 40055 | 40055 | 0 | |
OK | Harmon | Oklahoma | ok_harmon | 40057 | 40057 | 0 | |
OK | Harper | Oklahoma | ok_harper | 40059 | 40059 | 0 | |
OK | Haskell | Oklahoma | ok_haskell | 40061 | 40061 | 0 | |
OK | Hughes | Oklahoma | ok_hughes | 40063 | 40063 | 0 | |
OK | Jackson | Oklahoma | ok_jackson | 40065 | 40065 | 4 | |
OK | Jefferson | Oklahoma | ok_jefferson | 40067 | 40067 | 0 | |
OK | Johnston | Oklahoma | ok_johnston | 40069 | 40069 | 0 | |
OK | Kay | Oklahoma | ok_kay | 40071 | 40071 | 1 | |
OK | Kingfisher | Oklahoma | ok_kingfisher | 40073 | 40073 | 0 | |
OK | Kiowa | Oklahoma | ok_kiowa | 40075 | 40075 | 0 | |
OK | Latimer | Oklahoma | ok_latimer | 40077 | 40077 | 0 | |
OK | Le Flore | Oklahoma | ok_le flore | 40079 | 40079 | 1 | |
OK | Lincoln | Oklahoma | ok_lincoln | 40081 | 40081 | 1 | |
OK | Logan | Oklahoma | ok_logan | 40083 | 40083 | 0 | |
OK | Love | Oklahoma | ok_love | 40085 | 40085 | 0 | |
OK | Major | Oklahoma | ok_major | 40093 | 40093 | 0 | |
OK | Marshall | Oklahoma | ok_marshall | 40095 | 40095 | 0 | |
OK | Mayes | Oklahoma | ok_mayes | 40097 | 40097 | 11 | |
OK | McClain | Oklahoma | ok_mcclain | 40087 | 40087 | 0 | |
OK | McCurtain | Oklahoma | ok_mccurtain | 40089 | 40089 | 4 | |
OK | McIntosh | Oklahoma | ok_mcintosh | 40091 | 40091 | 0 | |
OK | Murray | Oklahoma | ok_murray | 40099 | 40099 | 0 | |
OK | Muskogee | Oklahoma | ok_muskogee | 40101 | 40101 | 5 | |
OK | Noble | Oklahoma | ok_noble | 40103 | 40103 | 0 | |
OK | Nowata | Oklahoma | ok_nowata | 40105 | 40105 | 0 | |
OK | Okfuskee | Oklahoma | ok_okfuskee | 40107 | 40107 | 0 | |
OK | Oklahoma | Oklahoma | ok_oklahoma | 40109 | 40109 | 58 | |
OK | Okmulgee | Oklahoma | ok_okmulgee | 40111 | 40111 | 2 | |
OK | Osage | Oklahoma | ok_osage | 40113 | 40113 | 1 | |
OK | Ottawa | Oklahoma | ok_ottawa | 40115 | 40115 | 1 | |
OK | Pawnee | Oklahoma | ok_pawnee | 40117 | 40117 | 0 | |
OK | Payne | Oklahoma | ok_payne | 40119 | 40119 | 2 | |
OK | Pittsburg | Oklahoma | ok_pittsburg | 40121 | 40121 | 0 | |
OK | Pontotoc | Oklahoma | ok_pontotoc | 40123 | 40123 | 7 | |
OK | Pottawatomie | Oklahoma | ok_pottawatomie | 40125 | 40125 | 4 | |
OK | Pushmataha | Oklahoma | ok_pushmataha | 40127 | 40127 | 0 | |
OK | Roger Mills | Oklahoma | ok_roger mills | 40129 | 40129 | 0 | |
OK | Rogers | Oklahoma | ok_rogers | 40131 | 40131 | 5 | |
OK | Seminole | Oklahoma | ok_seminole | 40133 | 40133 | 1 | |
OK | Sequoyah | Oklahoma | ok_sequoyah | 40135 | 40135 | 1 | |
OK | Stephens | Oklahoma | ok_stephens | 40137 | 40137 | 9 | |
OK | Texas | Oklahoma | ok_texas | 40139 | 40139 | 1 | |
OK | Tillman | Oklahoma | ok_tillman | 40141 | 40141 | 0 | |
OK | Tulsa | Oklahoma | ok_tulsa | 40143 | 40143 | 44 | |
OK | Wagoner | Oklahoma | ok_wagoner | 40145 | 40145 | 1 | |
OK | Washington | Oklahoma | ok_washington | 40147 | 40147 | 4 | |
OK | Washita | Oklahoma | ok_washita | 40149 | 40149 | 0 | |
OK | Woods | Oklahoma | ok_woods | 40151 | 40151 | 1 | |
OK | Woodward | Oklahoma | ok_woodward | 40153 | 40153 | 1 | |
OR | Baker | Oregon | or_baker | 41001 | 41001 | 0 | |
OR | Benton | Oregon | or_benton | 41003 | 41003 | 1 | |
OR | Clackamas | Oregon | or_clackamas | 41005 | 41005 | 7 | |
OR | Clatsop | Oregon | or_clatsop | 41007 | 41007 | 0 | |
OR | Columbia | Oregon | or_columbia | 41009 | 41009 | 0 | |
OR | Coos | Oregon | or_coos | 41011 | 41011 | 1 | |
OR | Crook | Oregon | or_crook | 41013 | 41013 | 0 | |
OR | Curry | Oregon | or_curry | 41015 | 41015 | 0 | |
OR | Deschutes | Oregon | or_deschutes | 41017 | 41017 | 2 | |
OR | Douglas | Oregon | or_douglas | 41019 | 41019 | 4 | |
OR | Gilliam | Oregon | or_gilliam | 41021 | 41021 | 0 | |
OR | Grant | Oregon | or_grant | 41023 | 41023 | 0 | |
OR | Harney | Oregon | or_harney | 41025 | 41025 | 0 | |
OR | Hood River | Oregon | or_hood river | 41027 | 41027 | 1 | |
OR | Jackson | Oregon | or_jackson | 41029 | 41029 | 3 | |
OR | Jefferson | Oregon | or_jefferson | 41031 | 41031 | 0 | |
OR | Josephine | Oregon | or_josephine | 41033 | 41033 | 1 | |
OR | Klamath | Oregon | or_klamath | 41035 | 41035 | 1 | |
OR | Lake | Oregon | or_lake | 41037 | 41037 | 0 | |
OR | Lane | Oregon | or_lane | 41039 | 41039 | 2 | |
OR | Lincoln | Oregon | or_lincoln | 41041 | 41041 | 0 | |
OR | Linn | Oregon | or_linn | 41043 | 41043 | 1 | |
OR | Malheur | Oregon | or_malheur | 41045 | 41045 | 2 | |
OR | Marion | Oregon | or_marion | 41047 | 41047 | 5 | |
OR | Morrow | Oregon | or_morrow | 41049 | 41049 | 0 | |
OR | Multnomah | Oregon | or_multnomah | 41051 | 41051 | 6 | |
OR | Polk | Oregon | or_polk | 41053 | 41053 | 0 | |
OR | Sherman | Oregon | or_sherman | 41055 | 41055 | 0 | |
OR | Tillamook | Oregon | or_tillamook | 41057 | 41057 | 0 | |
OR | Umatilla | Oregon | or_umatilla | 41059 | 41059 | 0 | |
OR | Union | Oregon | or_union | 41061 | 41061 | 2 | |
OR | Wallowa | Oregon | or_wallowa | 41063 | 41063 | 0 | |
OR | Wasco | Oregon | or_wasco | 41065 | 41065 | 0 | |
OR | Washington | Oregon | or_washington | 41067 | 41067 | 1 | |
OR | Wheeler | Oregon | or_wheeler | 41069 | 41069 | 0 | |
OR | Yamhill | Oregon | or_yamhill | 41071 | 41071 | 0 | |
PA | Adams | Pennsylvania | pa_adams | 42001 | 42001 | 2 | |
PA | Allegheny | Pennsylvania | pa_allegheny | 42003 | 42003 | 23 | |
PA | Armstrong | Pennsylvania | pa_armstrong | 42005 | 42005 | 0 | |
PA | Beaver | Pennsylvania | pa_beaver | 42007 | 42007 | 9 | |
PA | Bedford | Pennsylvania | pa_bedford | 42009 | 42009 | 1 | |
PA | Berks | Pennsylvania | pa_berks | 42011 | 42011 | 7 | |
PA | Blair | Pennsylvania | pa_blair | 42013 | 42013 | 4 | |
PA | Bradford | Pennsylvania | pa_bradford | 42015 | 42015 | 0 | |
PA | Bucks | Pennsylvania | pa_bucks | 42017 | 42017 | 8 | |
PA | Butler | Pennsylvania | pa_butler | 42019 | 42019 | 3 | |
PA | Cambria | Pennsylvania | pa_cambria | 42021 | 42021 | 0 | |
PA | Cameron | Pennsylvania | pa_cameron | 42023 | 42023 | 0 | |
PA | Carbon | Pennsylvania | pa_carbon | 42025 | 42025 | 1 | |
PA | Centre | Pennsylvania | pa_centre | 42027 | 42027 | 1 | |
PA | Chester | Pennsylvania | pa_chester | 42029 | 42029 | 4 | |
PA | Clarion | Pennsylvania | pa_clarion | 42031 | 42031 | 1 | |
PA | Clearfield | Pennsylvania | pa_clearfield | 42033 | 42033 | 5 | |
PA | Clinton | Pennsylvania | pa_clinton | 42035 | 42035 | 1 | |
PA | Columbia | Pennsylvania | pa_columbia | 42037 | 42037 | 1 | |
PA | Crawford | Pennsylvania | pa_crawford | 42039 | 42039 | 1 | |
PA | Cumberland | Pennsylvania | pa_cumberland | 42041 | 42041 | 4 | |
PA | Dauphin | Pennsylvania | pa_dauphin | 42043 | 42043 | 2 | |
PA | Delaware | Pennsylvania | pa_delaware | 42045 | 42045 | 3 | |
PA | Elk | Pennsylvania | pa_elk | 42047 | 42047 | 1 | |
PA | Erie | Pennsylvania | pa_erie | 42049 | 42049 | 7 | |
PA | Fayette | Pennsylvania | pa_fayette | 42051 | 42051 | 6 | |
PA | Forest | Pennsylvania | pa_forest | 42053 | 42053 | 0 | |
PA | Franklin | Pennsylvania | pa_franklin | 42055 | 42055 | 4 | |
PA | Fulton | Pennsylvania | pa_fulton | 42057 | 42057 | 0 | |
PA | Greene | Pennsylvania | pa_greene | 42059 | 42059 | 1 | |
PA | Huntingdon | Pennsylvania | pa_huntingdon | 42061 | 42061 | 0 | |
PA | Indiana | Pennsylvania | pa_indiana | 42063 | 42063 | 2 | |
PA | Jefferson | Pennsylvania | pa_jefferson | 42065 | 42065 | 0 | |
PA | Juniata | Pennsylvania | pa_juniata | 42067 | 42067 | 1 | |
PA | Lackawanna | Pennsylvania | pa_lackawanna | 42069 | 42069 | 1 | |
PA | Lancaster | Pennsylvania | pa_lancaster | 42071 | 42071 | 9 | |
PA | Lawrence | Pennsylvania | pa_lawrence | 42073 | 42073 | 3 | |
PA | Lebanon | Pennsylvania | pa_lebanon | 42075 | 42075 | 3 | |
PA | Lehigh | Pennsylvania | pa_lehigh | 42077 | 42077 | 2 | |
PA | Luzerne | Pennsylvania | pa_luzerne | 42079 | 42079 | 8 | |
PA | Lycoming | Pennsylvania | pa_lycoming | 42081 | 42081 | 2 | |
PA | McKean | Pennsylvania | pa_mckean | 42083 | 42083 | 0 | |
PA | Mercer | Pennsylvania | pa_mercer | 42085 | 42085 | 0 | |
PA | Mifflin | Pennsylvania | pa_mifflin | 42087 | 42087 | 0 | |
PA | Monroe | Pennsylvania | pa_monroe | 42089 | 42089 | 3 | |
PA | Montgomery | Pennsylvania | pa_montgomery | 42091 | 42091 | 3 | |
PA | Montour | Pennsylvania | pa_montour | 42093 | 42093 | 0 | |
PA | Northampton | Pennsylvania | pa_northampton | 42095 | 42095 | 0 | |
PA | Northumberland | Pennsylvania | pa_northumberland | 42097 | 42097 | 1 | |
PA | Perry | Pennsylvania | pa_perry | 42099 | 42099 | 0 | |
PA | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | pa_philadelphia | 42101 | 42101 | 9 | |
PA | Pike | Pennsylvania | pa_pike | 42103 | 42103 | 0 | |
PA | Potter | Pennsylvania | pa_potter | 42105 | 42105 | 0 | |
PA | Schuylkill | Pennsylvania | pa_schuylkill | 42107 | 42107 | 0 | |
PA | Snyder | Pennsylvania | pa_snyder | 42109 | 42109 | 1 | |
PA | Somerset | Pennsylvania | pa_somerset | 42111 | 42111 | 2 | |
PA | Sullivan | Pennsylvania | pa_sullivan | 42113 | 42113 | 0 | |
PA | Susquehanna | Pennsylvania | pa_susquehanna | 42115 | 42115 | 6 | |
PA | Tioga | Pennsylvania | pa_tioga | 42117 | 42117 | 0 | |
PA | Union | Pennsylvania | pa_union | 42119 | 42119 | 0 | |
PA | Venango | Pennsylvania | pa_venango | 42121 | 42121 | 2 | |
PA | Warren | Pennsylvania | pa_warren | 42123 | 42123 | 1 | |
PA | Washington | Pennsylvania | pa_washington | 42125 | 42125 | 13 | |
PA | Wayne | Pennsylvania | pa_wayne | 42127 | 42127 | 1 | |
PA | Westmoreland | Pennsylvania | pa_westmoreland | 42129 | 42129 | 5 | |
PA | Wyoming | Pennsylvania | pa_wyoming | 42131 | 42131 | 0 | |
PA | York | Pennsylvania | pa_york | 42133 | 42133 | 3 | |
RI | Bristol | Rhode Island | ri_bristol | 44001 | 44001 | 0 | |
RI | Kent | Rhode Island | ri_kent | 44003 | 44003 | 0 | |
RI | Newport | Rhode Island | ri_newport | 44005 | 44005 | 1 | |
RI | Providence | Rhode Island | ri_providence | 44007 | 44007 | 3 | |
RI | Washington | Rhode Island | ri_washington | 44009 | 44009 | 1 | |
SC | Abbeville | South Carolina | sc_abbeville | 45001 | 45001 | 0 | |
SC | Aiken | South Carolina | sc_aiken | 45003 | 45003 | 4 | |
SC | Allendale | South Carolina | sc_allendale | 45005 | 45005 | 0 | |
SC | Anderson | South Carolina | sc_anderson | 45007 | 45007 | 8 | |
SC | Bamberg | South Carolina | sc_bamberg | 45009 | 45009 | 0 | |
SC | Barnwell | South Carolina | sc_barnwell | 45011 | 45011 | 0 | |
SC | Beaufort | South Carolina | sc_beaufort | 45013 | 45013 | 9 | |
SC | Berkeley | South Carolina | sc_berkeley | 45015 | 45015 | 5 | |
SC | Calhoun | South Carolina | sc_calhoun | 45017 | 45017 | 0 | |
SC | Charleston | South Carolina | sc_charleston | 45019 | 45019 | 18 | |
SC | Cherokee | South Carolina | sc_cherokee | 45021 | 45021 | 1 | |
SC | Chester | South Carolina | sc_chester | 45023 | 45023 | 2 | |
SC | Chesterfield | South Carolina | sc_chesterfield | 45025 | 45025 | 1 | |
SC | Clarendon | South Carolina | sc_clarendon | 45027 | 45027 | 0 | |
SC | Colleton | South Carolina | sc_colleton | 45029 | 45029 | 1 | |
SC | Darlington | South Carolina | sc_darlington | 45031 | 45031 | 11 | |
SC | Dillon | South Carolina | sc_dillon | 45033 | 45033 | 1 | |
SC | Dorchester | South Carolina | sc_dorchester | 45035 | 45035 | 1 | |
SC | Edgefield | South Carolina | sc_edgefield | 45037 | 45037 | 0 | |
SC | Fairfield | South Carolina | sc_fairfield | 45039 | 45039 | 0 | |
SC | Florence | South Carolina | sc_florence | 45041 | 45041 | 3 | |
SC | Georgetown | South Carolina | sc_georgetown | 45043 | 45043 | 0 | |
SC | Greenville | South Carolina | sc_greenville | 45045 | 45045 | 13 | |
SC | Greenwood | South Carolina | sc_greenwood | 45047 | 45047 | 3 | |
SC | Hampton | South Carolina | sc_hampton | 45049 | 45049 | 0 | |
SC | Horry | South Carolina | sc_horry | 45051 | 45051 | 5 | |
SC | Jasper | South Carolina | sc_jasper | 45053 | 45053 | 1 | |
SC | Kershaw | South Carolina | sc_kershaw | 45055 | 45055 | 2 | |
SC | Lancaster | South Carolina | sc_lancaster | 45057 | 45057 | 4 | |
SC | Laurens | South Carolina | sc_laurens | 45059 | 45059 | 1 | |
SC | Lee | South Carolina | sc_lee | 45061 | 45061 | 4 | |
SC | Lexington | South Carolina | sc_lexington | 45063 | 45063 | 6 | |
SC | Marion | South Carolina | sc_marion | 45067 | 45067 | 1 | |
SC | Marlboro | South Carolina | sc_marlboro | 45069 | 45069 | 3 | |
SC | McCormick | South Carolina | sc_mccormick | 45065 | 45065 | 0 | |
SC | Newberry | South Carolina | sc_newberry | 45071 | 45071 | 1 | |
SC | Oconee | South Carolina | sc_oconee | 45073 | 45073 | 1 | |
SC | Orangeburg | South Carolina | sc_orangeburg | 45075 | 45075 | 5 | |
SC | Pickens | South Carolina | sc_pickens | 45077 | 45077 | 0 | |
SC | Richland | South Carolina | sc_richland | 45079 | 45079 | 13 | |
SC | Saluda | South Carolina | sc_saluda | 45081 | 45081 | 0 | |
SC | Spartanburg | South Carolina | sc_spartanburg | 45083 | 45083 | 8 | |
SC | Sumter | South Carolina | sc_sumter | 45085 | 45085 | 7 | |
SC | Union | South Carolina | sc_union | 45087 | 45087 | 2 | |
SC | Williamsburg | South Carolina | sc_williamsburg | 45089 | 45089 | 0 | |
SC | York | South Carolina | sc_york | 45091 | 45091 | 7 | |
SD | Aurora | South Dakota | sd_aurora | 46003 | 46003 | 0 | |
SD | Beadle | South Dakota | sd_beadle | 46005 | 46005 | 0 | |
SD | Bennett | South Dakota | sd_bennett | 46007 | 46007 | 0 | |
SD | Bon Homme | South Dakota | sd_bon homme | 46009 | 46009 | 1 | |
SD | Brookings | South Dakota | sd_brookings | 46011 | 46011 | 2 | |
SD | Brown | South Dakota | sd_brown | 46013 | 46013 | 2 | |
SD | Brule | South Dakota | sd_brule | 46015 | 46015 | 0 | |
SD | Buffalo | South Dakota | sd_buffalo | 46017 | 46017 | 0 | |
SD | Butte | South Dakota | sd_butte | 46019 | 46019 | 1 | |
SD | Campbell | South Dakota | sd_campbell | 46021 | 46021 | 0 | |
SD | Charles Mix | South Dakota | sd_charles mix | 46023 | 46023 | 0 | |
SD | Clark | South Dakota | sd_clark | 46025 | 46025 | 0 | |
SD | Clay | South Dakota | sd_clay | 46027 | 46027 | 0 | |
SD | Codington | South Dakota | sd_codington | 46029 | 46029 | 1 | |
SD | Corson | South Dakota | sd_corson | 46031 | 46031 | 0 | |
SD | Custer | South Dakota | sd_custer | 46033 | 46033 | 0 | |
SD | Davison | South Dakota | sd_davison | 46035 | 46035 | 1 | |
SD | Day | South Dakota | sd_day | 46037 | 46037 | 0 | |
SD | Deuel | South Dakota | sd_deuel | 46039 | 46039 | 0 | |
SD | Dewey | South Dakota | sd_dewey | 46041 | 46041 | 0 | |
SD | Douglas | South Dakota | sd_douglas | 46043 | 46043 | 0 | |
SD | Edmunds | South Dakota | sd_edmunds | 46045 | 46045 | 0 | |
SD | Fall River | South Dakota | sd_fall river | 46047 | 46047 | 0 | |
SD | Faulk | South Dakota | sd_faulk | 46049 | 46049 | 0 | |
SD | Grant | South Dakota | sd_grant | 46051 | 46051 | 0 | |
SD | Gregory | South Dakota | sd_gregory | 46053 | 46053 | 0 | |
SD | Haakon | South Dakota | sd_haakon | 46055 | 46055 | 0 | |
SD | Hamlin | South Dakota | sd_hamlin | 46057 | 46057 | 0 | |
SD | Hand | South Dakota | sd_hand | 46059 | 46059 | 0 | |
SD | Hanson | South Dakota | sd_hanson | 46061 | 46061 | 0 | |
SD | Harding | South Dakota | sd_harding | 46063 | 46063 | 0 | |
SD | Hughes | South Dakota | sd_hughes | 46065 | 46065 | 0 | |
SD | Hutchinson | South Dakota | sd_hutchinson | 46067 | 46067 | 0 | |
SD | Hyde | South Dakota | sd_hyde | 46069 | 46069 | 0 | |
SD | Jackson | South Dakota | sd_jackson | 46071 | 46071 | 0 | |
SD | Jerauld | South Dakota | sd_jerauld | 46073 | 46073 | 0 | |
SD | Jones | South Dakota | sd_jones | 46075 | 46075 | 0 | |
SD | Kingsbury | South Dakota | sd_kingsbury | 46077 | 46077 | 0 | |
SD | Lake | South Dakota | sd_lake | 46079 | 46079 | 0 | |
SD | Lawrence | South Dakota | sd_lawrence | 46081 | 46081 | 1 | |
SD | Lincoln | South Dakota | sd_lincoln | 46083 | 46083 | 0 | |
SD | Lyman | South Dakota | sd_lyman | 46085 | 46085 | 0 | |
SD | Marshall | South Dakota | sd_marshall | 46091 | 46091 | 0 | |
SD | McCook | South Dakota | sd_mccook | 46087 | 46087 | 0 | |
SD | McPherson | South Dakota | sd_mcpherson | 46089 | 46089 | 0 | |
SD | Meade | South Dakota | sd_meade | 46093 | 46093 | 0 | |
SD | Mellette | South Dakota | sd_mellette | 46095 | 46095 | 0 | |
SD | Miner | South Dakota | sd_miner | 46097 | 46097 | 0 | |
SD | Minnehaha | South Dakota | sd_minnehaha | 46099 | 46099 | 6 | |
SD | Moody | South Dakota | sd_moody | 46101 | 46101 | 0 | |
SD | Pennington | South Dakota | sd_pennington | 46103 | 46103 | 10 | |
SD | Perkins | South Dakota | sd_perkins | 46105 | 46105 | 0 | |
SD | Potter | South Dakota | sd_potter | 46107 | 46107 | 0 | |
SD | Roberts | South Dakota | sd_roberts | 46109 | 46109 | 0 | |
SD | Sanborn | South Dakota | sd_sanborn | 46111 | 46111 | 0 | |
SD | Shannon | South Dakota | sd_shannon | 46113 | 46113 | 0 | |
SD | Spink | South Dakota | sd_spink | 46115 | 46115 | 1 | |
SD | Stanley | South Dakota | sd_stanley | 46117 | 46117 | 1 | |
SD | Sully | South Dakota | sd_sully | 46119 | 46119 | 0 | |
SD | Todd | South Dakota | sd_todd | 46121 | 46121 | 0 | |
SD | Tripp | South Dakota | sd_tripp | 46123 | 46123 | 3 | |
SD | Turner | South Dakota | sd_turner | 46125 | 46125 | 5 | |
SD | Union | South Dakota | sd_union | 46127 | 46127 | 1 | |
SD | Walworth | South Dakota | sd_walworth | 46129 | 46129 | 0 | |
SD | Yankton | South Dakota | sd_yankton | 46135 | 46135 | 0 | |
SD | Ziebach | South Dakota | sd_ziebach | 46137 | 46137 | 0 | |
TN | Anderson | Tennessee | tn_anderson | 47001 | 47001 | 11 | |
TN | Bedford | Tennessee | tn_bedford | 47003 | 47003 | 10 | |
TN | Benton | Tennessee | tn_benton | 47005 | 47005 | 7 | |
TN | Bledsoe | Tennessee | tn_bledsoe | 47007 | 47007 | 0 | |
TN | Blount | Tennessee | tn_blount | 47009 | 47009 | 10 | |
TN | Bradley | Tennessee | tn_bradley | 47011 | 47011 | 6 | |
TN | Campbell | Tennessee | tn_campbell | 47013 | 47013 | 6 | |
TN | Cannon | Tennessee | tn_cannon | 47015 | 47015 | 0 | |
TN | Carroll | Tennessee | tn_carroll | 47017 | 47017 | 15 | |
TN | Carter | Tennessee | tn_carter | 47019 | 47019 | 5 | |
TN | Cheatham | Tennessee | tn_cheatham | 47021 | 47021 | 2 | |
TN | Chester | Tennessee | tn_chester | 47023 | 47023 | 5 | |
TN | Claiborne | Tennessee | tn_claiborne | 47025 | 47025 | 4 | |
TN | Clay | Tennessee | tn_clay | 47027 | 47027 | 1 | |
TN | Cocke | Tennessee | tn_cocke | 47029 | 47029 | 5 | |
TN | Coffee | Tennessee | tn_coffee | 47031 | 47031 | 6 | |
TN | Crockett | Tennessee | tn_crockett | 47033 | 47033 | 2 | |
TN | Cumberland | Tennessee | tn_cumberland | 47035 | 47035 | 5 | |
TN | Davidson | Tennessee | tn_davidson | 47037 | 47037 | 76 | |
TN | Decatur | Tennessee | tn_decatur | 47039 | 47039 | 2 | |
TN | DeKalb | Tennessee | tn_dekalb | 47041 | 47041 | 1 | |
TN | Dickson | Tennessee | tn_dickson | 47043 | 47043 | 6 | |
TN | Dyer | Tennessee | tn_dyer | 47045 | 47045 | 17 | |
TN | Fayette | Tennessee | tn_fayette | 47047 | 47047 | 1 | |
TN | Fentress | Tennessee | tn_fentress | 47049 | 47049 | 1 | |
TN | Franklin | Tennessee | tn_franklin | 47051 | 47051 | 9 | |
TN | Gibson | Tennessee | tn_gibson | 47053 | 47053 | 14 | |
TN | Giles | Tennessee | tn_giles | 47055 | 47055 | 5 | |
TN | Grainger | Tennessee | tn_grainger | 47057 | 47057 | 0 | |
TN | Greene | Tennessee | tn_greene | 47059 | 47059 | 4 | |
TN | Grundy | Tennessee | tn_grundy | 47061 | 47061 | 1 | |
TN | Hamblen | Tennessee | tn_hamblen | 47063 | 47063 | 4 | |
TN | Hamilton | Tennessee | tn_hamilton | 47065 | 47065 | 62 | |
TN | Hancock | Tennessee | tn_hancock | 47067 | 47067 | 0 | |
TN | Hardeman | Tennessee | tn_hardeman | 47069 | 47069 | 6 | |
TN | Hardin | Tennessee | tn_hardin | 47071 | 47071 | 8 | |
TN | Hawkins | Tennessee | tn_hawkins | 47073 | 47073 | 1 | |
TN | Haywood | Tennessee | tn_haywood | 47075 | 47075 | 2 | |
TN | Henderson | Tennessee | tn_henderson | 47077 | 47077 | 8 | |
TN | Henry | Tennessee | tn_henry | 47079 | 47079 | 26 | |
TN | Hickman | Tennessee | tn_hickman | 47081 | 47081 | 6 | |
TN | Houston | Tennessee | tn_houston | 47083 | 47083 | 2 | |
TN | Humphreys | Tennessee | tn_humphreys | 47085 | 47085 | 4 | |
TN | Jackson | Tennessee | tn_jackson | 47087 | 47087 | 0 | |
TN | Jefferson | Tennessee | tn_jefferson | 47089 | 47089 | 7 | |
TN | Johnson | Tennessee | tn_johnson | 47091 | 47091 | 0 | |
TN | Knox | Tennessee | tn_knox | 47093 | 47093 | 64 | |
TN | Lake | Tennessee | tn_lake | 47095 | 47095 | 1 | |
TN | Lauderdale | Tennessee | tn_lauderdale | 47097 | 47097 | 4 | |
TN | Lawrence | Tennessee | tn_lawrence | 47099 | 47099 | 2 | |
TN | Lewis | Tennessee | tn_lewis | 47101 | 47101 | 1 | |
TN | Lincoln | Tennessee | tn_lincoln | 47103 | 47103 | 1 | |
TN | Loudon | Tennessee | tn_loudon | 47105 | 47105 | 3 | |
TN | Macon | Tennessee | tn_macon | 47111 | 47111 | 3 | |
TN | Madison | Tennessee | tn_madison | 47113 | 47113 | 44 | |
TN | Marion | Tennessee | tn_marion | 47115 | 47115 | 6 | |
TN | Marshall | Tennessee | tn_marshall | 47117 | 47117 | 1 | |
TN | Maury | Tennessee | tn_maury | 47119 | 47119 | 7 | |
TN | McMinn | Tennessee | tn_mcminn | 47107 | 47107 | 12 | |
TN | McNairy | Tennessee | tn_mcnairy | 47109 | 47109 | 15 | |
TN | Meigs | Tennessee | tn_meigs | 47121 | 47121 | 2 | |
TN | Monroe | Tennessee | tn_monroe | 47123 | 47123 | 12 | |
TN | Montgomery | Tennessee | tn_montgomery | 47125 | 47125 | 22 | |
TN | Moore | Tennessee | tn_moore | 47127 | 47127 | 0 | |
TN | Morgan | Tennessee | tn_morgan | 47129 | 47129 | 3 | |
TN | Obion | Tennessee | tn_obion | 47131 | 47131 | 14 | |
TN | Overton | Tennessee | tn_overton | 47133 | 47133 | 1 | |
TN | Perry | Tennessee | tn_perry | 47135 | 47135 | 2 | |
TN | Pickett | Tennessee | tn_pickett | 47137 | 47137 | 1 | |
TN | Polk | Tennessee | tn_polk | 47139 | 47139 | 7 | |
TN | Putnam | Tennessee | tn_putnam | 47141 | 47141 | 3 | |
TN | Rhea | Tennessee | tn_rhea | 47143 | 47143 | 3 | |
TN | Roane | Tennessee | tn_roane | 47145 | 47145 | 10 | |
TN | Robertson | Tennessee | tn_robertson | 47147 | 47147 | 7 | |
TN | Rutherford | Tennessee | tn_rutherford | 47149 | 47149 | 16 | |
TN | Scott | Tennessee | tn_scott | 47151 | 47151 | 2 | |
TN | Sequatchie | Tennessee | tn_sequatchie | 47153 | 47153 | 0 | |
TN | Sevier | Tennessee | tn_sevier | 47155 | 47155 | 15 | |
TN | Shelby | Tennessee | tn_shelby | 47157 | 47157 | 362 | |
TN | Smith | Tennessee | tn_smith | 47159 | 47159 | 1 | |
TN | Stewart | Tennessee | tn_stewart | 47161 | 47161 | 1 | |
TN | Sullivan | Tennessee | tn_sullivan | 47163 | 47163 | 8 | |
TN | Sumner | Tennessee | tn_sumner | 47165 | 47165 | 4 | |
TN | Tipton | Tennessee | tn_tipton | 47167 | 47167 | 11 | |
TN | Trousdale | Tennessee | tn_trousdale | 47169 | 47169 | 0 | |
TN | Unicoi | Tennessee | tn_unicoi | 47171 | 47171 | 1 | |
TN | Union | Tennessee | tn_union | 47173 | 47173 | 0 | |
TN | Van Buren | Tennessee | tn_van buren | 47175 | 47175 | 2 | |
TN | Warren | Tennessee | tn_warren | 47177 | 47177 | 3 | |
TN | Washington | Tennessee | tn_washington | 47179 | 47179 | 12 | |
TN | Wayne | Tennessee | tn_wayne | 47181 | 47181 | 2 | |
TN | Weakley | Tennessee | tn_weakley | 47183 | 47183 | 6 | |
TN | White | Tennessee | tn_white | 47185 | 47185 | 4 | |
TN | Williamson | Tennessee | tn_williamson | 47187 | 47187 | 5 | |
TN | Wilson | Tennessee | tn_wilson | 47189 | 47189 | 11 | |
TX | Anderson | Texas | tx_anderson | 48001 | 48001 | 1 | |
TX | Andrews | Texas | tx_andrews | 48003 | 48003 | 0 | |
TX | Angelina | Texas | tx_angelina | 48005 | 48005 | 3 | |
TX | Aransas | Texas | tx_aransas | 48007 | 48007 | 0 | |
TX | Archer | Texas | tx_archer | 48009 | 48009 | 0 | |
TX | Armstrong | Texas | tx_armstrong | 48011 | 48011 | 0 | |
TX | Atascosa | Texas | tx_atascosa | 48013 | 48013 | 0 | |
TX | Austin | Texas | tx_austin | 48015 | 48015 | 0 | |
TX | Bailey | Texas | tx_bailey | 48017 | 48017 | 1 | |
TX | Bandera | Texas | tx_bandera | 48019 | 48019 | 2 | |
TX | Bastrop | Texas | tx_bastrop | 48021 | 48021 | 0 | |
TX | Baylor | Texas | tx_baylor | 48023 | 48023 | 0 | |
TX | Bee | Texas | tx_bee | 48025 | 48025 | 2 | |
TX | Bell | Texas | tx_bell | 48027 | 48027 | 61 | |
TX | Bexar | Texas | tx_bexar | 48029 | 48029 | 64 | |
TX | Blanco | Texas | tx_blanco | 48031 | 48031 | 2 | |
TX | Borden | Texas | tx_borden | 48033 | 48033 | 0 | |
TX | Bosque | Texas | tx_bosque | 48035 | 48035 | 2 | |
TX | Bowie | Texas | tx_bowie | 48037 | 48037 | 12 | |
TX | Brazoria | Texas | tx_brazoria | 48039 | 48039 | 15 | |
TX | Brazos | Texas | tx_brazos | 48041 | 48041 | 15 | |
TX | Brewster | Texas | tx_brewster | 48043 | 48043 | 1 | |
TX | Briscoe | Texas | tx_briscoe | 48045 | 48045 | 0 | |
TX | Brooks | Texas | tx_brooks | 48047 | 48047 | 0 | |
TX | Brown | Texas | tx_brown | 48049 | 48049 | 0 | |
TX | Burleson | Texas | tx_burleson | 48051 | 48051 | 0 | |
TX | Burnet | Texas | tx_burnet | 48053 | 48053 | 1 | |
TX | Caldwell | Texas | tx_caldwell | 48055 | 48055 | 0 | |
TX | Calhoun | Texas | tx_calhoun | 48057 | 48057 | 0 | |
TX | Callahan | Texas | tx_callahan | 48059 | 48059 | 0 | |
TX | Cameron | Texas | tx_cameron | 48061 | 48061 | 7 | |
TX | Camp | Texas | tx_camp | 48063 | 48063 | 0 | |
TX | Carson | Texas | tx_carson | 48065 | 48065 | 0 | |
TX | Cass | Texas | tx_cass | 48067 | 48067 | 4 | |
TX | Castro | Texas | tx_castro | 48069 | 48069 | 0 | |
TX | Chambers | Texas | tx_chambers | 48071 | 48071 | 0 | |
TX | Cherokee | Texas | tx_cherokee | 48073 | 48073 | 4 | |
TX | Childress | Texas | tx_childress | 48075 | 48075 | 0 | |
TX | Clay | Texas | tx_clay | 48077 | 48077 | 0 | |
TX | Cochran | Texas | tx_cochran | 48079 | 48079 | 1 | |
TX | Coke | Texas | tx_coke | 48081 | 48081 | 0 | |
TX | Coleman | Texas | tx_coleman | 48083 | 48083 | 0 | |
TX | Collin | Texas | tx_collin | 48085 | 48085 | 12 | |
TX | Collingsworth | Texas | tx_collingsworth | 48087 | 48087 | 0 | |
TX | Colorado | Texas | tx_colorado | 48089 | 48089 | 0 | |
TX | Comal | Texas | tx_comal | 48091 | 48091 | 1 | |
TX | Comanche | Texas | tx_comanche | 48093 | 48093 | 2 | |
TX | Concho | Texas | tx_concho | 48095 | 48095 | 0 | |
TX | Cooke | Texas | tx_cooke | 48097 | 48097 | 3 | |
TX | Coryell | Texas | tx_coryell | 48099 | 48099 | 13 | |
TX | Cottle | Texas | tx_cottle | 48101 | 48101 | 0 | |
TX | Crane | Texas | tx_crane | 48103 | 48103 | 0 | |
TX | Crockett | Texas | tx_crockett | 48105 | 48105 | 0 | |
TX | Crosby | Texas | tx_crosby | 48107 | 48107 | 0 | |
TX | Culberson | Texas | tx_culberson | 48109 | 48109 | 0 | |
TX | Dallam | Texas | tx_dallam | 48111 | 48111 | 0 | |
TX | Dallas | Texas | tx_dallas | 48113 | 48113 | 156 | |
TX | Dawson | Texas | tx_dawson | 48115 | 48115 | 0 | |
TX | Deaf Smith | Texas | tx_deaf smith | 48117 | 48117 | 1 | |
TX | Delta | Texas | tx_delta | 48119 | 48119 | 1 | |
TX | Denton | Texas | tx_denton | 48121 | 48121 | 11 | |
TX | DeWitt | Texas | tx_dewitt | 48123 | 48123 | 1 | |
TX | Dickens | Texas | tx_dickens | 48125 | 48125 | 0 | |
TX | Dimmit | Texas | tx_dimmit | 48127 | 48127 | 0 | |
TX | Donley | Texas | tx_donley | 48129 | 48129 | 0 | |
TX | Duval | Texas | tx_duval | 48131 | 48131 | 0 | |
TX | Eastland | Texas | tx_eastland | 48133 | 48133 | 1 | |
TX | Ector | Texas | tx_ector | 48135 | 48135 | 1 | |
TX | Edwards | Texas | tx_edwards | 48137 | 48137 | 0 | |
TX | El Paso | Texas | tx_el paso | 48141 | 48141 | 34 | |
TX | Ellis | Texas | tx_ellis | 48139 | 48139 | 3 | |
TX | Erath | Texas | tx_erath | 48143 | 48143 | 2 | |
TX | Falls | Texas | tx_falls | 48145 | 48145 | 0 | |
TX | Fannin | Texas | tx_fannin | 48147 | 48147 | 2 | |
TX | Fayette | Texas | tx_fayette | 48149 | 48149 | 0 | |
TX | Fisher | Texas | tx_fisher | 48151 | 48151 | 0 | |
TX | Floyd | Texas | tx_floyd | 48153 | 48153 | 0 | |
TX | Foard | Texas | tx_foard | 48155 | 48155 | 0 | |
TX | Fort Bend | Texas | tx_fort bend | 48157 | 48157 | 8 | |
TX | Franklin | Texas | tx_franklin | 48159 | 48159 | 0 | |
TX | Freestone | Texas | tx_freestone | 48161 | 48161 | 1 | |
TX | Frio | Texas | tx_frio | 48163 | 48163 | 0 | |
TX | Gaines | Texas | tx_gaines | 48165 | 48165 | 0 | |
TX | Galveston | Texas | tx_galveston | 48167 | 48167 | 9 | |
TX | Garza | Texas | tx_garza | 48169 | 48169 | 0 | |
TX | Gillespie | Texas | tx_gillespie | 48171 | 48171 | 0 | |
TX | Glasscock | Texas | tx_glasscock | 48173 | 48173 | 0 | |
TX | Goliad | Texas | tx_goliad | 48175 | 48175 | 0 | |
TX | Gonzales | Texas | tx_gonzales | 48177 | 48177 | 0 | |
TX | Gray | Texas | tx_gray | 48179 | 48179 | 0 | |
TX | Grayson | Texas | tx_grayson | 48181 | 48181 | 4 | |
TX | Gregg | Texas | tx_gregg | 48183 | 48183 | 8 | |
TX | Grimes | Texas | tx_grimes | 48185 | 48185 | 0 | |
TX | Guadalupe | Texas | tx_guadalupe | 48187 | 48187 | 1 | |
TX | Hale | Texas | tx_hale | 48189 | 48189 | 1 | |
TX | Hall | Texas | tx_hall | 48191 | 48191 | 0 | |
TX | Hamilton | Texas | tx_hamilton | 48193 | 48193 | 0 | |
TX | Hansford | Texas | tx_hansford | 48195 | 48195 | 0 | |
TX | Hardeman | Texas | tx_hardeman | 48197 | 48197 | 0 | |
TX | Hardin | Texas | tx_hardin | 48199 | 48199 | 1 | |
TX | Harris | Texas | tx_harris | 48201 | 48201 | 164 | |
TX | Harrison | Texas | tx_harrison | 48203 | 48203 | 2 | |
TX | Hartley | Texas | tx_hartley | 48205 | 48205 | 0 | |
TX | Haskell | Texas | tx_haskell | 48207 | 48207 | 0 | |
TX | Hays | Texas | tx_hays | 48209 | 48209 | 0 | |
TX | Hemphill | Texas | tx_hemphill | 48211 | 48211 | 0 | |
TX | Henderson | Texas | tx_henderson | 48213 | 48213 | 2 | |
TX | Hidalgo | Texas | tx_hidalgo | 48215 | 48215 | 6 | |
TX | Hill | Texas | tx_hill | 48217 | 48217 | 0 | |
TX | Hockley | Texas | tx_hockley | 48219 | 48219 | 0 | |
TX | Hood | Texas | tx_hood | 48221 | 48221 | 0 | |
TX | Hopkins | Texas | tx_hopkins | 48223 | 48223 | 1 | |
TX | Houston | Texas | tx_houston | 48225 | 48225 | 0 | |
TX | Howard | Texas | tx_howard | 48227 | 48227 | 3 | |
TX | Hudspeth | Texas | tx_hudspeth | 48229 | 48229 | 0 | |
TX | Hunt | Texas | tx_hunt | 48231 | 48231 | 4 | |
TX | Hutchinson | Texas | tx_hutchinson | 48233 | 48233 | 0 | |
TX | Irion | Texas | tx_irion | 48235 | 48235 | 0 | |
TX | Jack | Texas | tx_jack | 48237 | 48237 | 0 | |
TX | Jackson | Texas | tx_jackson | 48239 | 48239 | 0 | |
TX | Jasper | Texas | tx_jasper | 48241 | 48241 | 1 | |
TX | Jeff Davis | Texas | tx_jeff davis | 48243 | 48243 | 0 | |
TX | Jefferson | Texas | tx_jefferson | 48245 | 48245 | 13 | |
TX | Jim Hogg | Texas | tx_jim hogg | 48247 | 48247 | 0 | |
TX | Jim Wells | Texas | tx_jim wells | 48249 | 48249 | 1 | |
TX | Johnson | Texas | tx_johnson | 48251 | 48251 | 10 | |
TX | Jones | Texas | tx_jones | 48253 | 48253 | 0 | |
TX | Karnes | Texas | tx_karnes | 48255 | 48255 | 0 | |
TX | Kaufman | Texas | tx_kaufman | 48257 | 48257 | 2 | |
TX | Kendall | Texas | tx_kendall | 48259 | 48259 | 0 | |
TX | Kenedy | Texas | tx_kenedy | 48261 | 48261 | 0 | |
TX | Kent | Texas | tx_kent | 48263 | 48263 | 0 | |
TX | Kerr | Texas | tx_kerr | 48265 | 48265 | 0 | |
TX | Kimble | Texas | tx_kimble | 48267 | 48267 | 0 | |
TX | King | Texas | tx_king | 48269 | 48269 | 0 | |
TX | Kinney | Texas | tx_kinney | 48271 | 48271 | 0 | |
TX | Kleberg | Texas | tx_kleberg | 48273 | 48273 | 1 | |
TX | Knox | Texas | tx_knox | 48275 | 48275 | 0 | |
TX | La Salle | Texas | tx_la salle | 48283 | 48283 | 0 | |
TX | Lamar | Texas | tx_lamar | 48277 | 48277 | 1 | |
TX | Lamb | Texas | tx_lamb | 48279 | 48279 | 0 | |
TX | Lampasas | Texas | tx_lampasas | 48281 | 48281 | 3 | |
TX | Lavaca | Texas | tx_lavaca | 48285 | 48285 | 0 | |
TX | Lee | Texas | tx_lee | 48287 | 48287 | 3 | |
TX | Leon | Texas | tx_leon | 48289 | 48289 | 3 | |
TX | Liberty | Texas | tx_liberty | 48291 | 48291 | 3 | |
TX | Limestone | Texas | tx_limestone | 48293 | 48293 | 0 | |
TX | Lipscomb | Texas | tx_lipscomb | 48295 | 48295 | 0 | |
TX | Live Oak | Texas | tx_live oak | 48297 | 48297 | 0 | |
TX | Llano | Texas | tx_llano | 48299 | 48299 | 0 | |
TX | Loving | Texas | tx_loving | 48301 | 48301 | 0 | |
TX | Lubbock | Texas | tx_lubbock | 48303 | 48303 | 9 | |
TX | Lynn | Texas | tx_lynn | 48305 | 48305 | 0 | |
TX | Madison | Texas | tx_madison | 48313 | 48313 | 0 | |
TX | Marion | Texas | tx_marion | 48315 | 48315 | 0 | |
TX | Martin | Texas | tx_martin | 48317 | 48317 | 0 | |
TX | Mason | Texas | tx_mason | 48319 | 48319 | 0 | |
TX | Matagorda | Texas | tx_matagorda | 48321 | 48321 | 1 | |
TX | Maverick | Texas | tx_maverick | 48323 | 48323 | 1 | |
TX | McCulloch | Texas | tx_mcculloch | 48307 | 48307 | 0 | |
TX | McLennan | Texas | tx_mclennan | 48309 | 48309 | 17 | |
TX | McMullen | Texas | tx_mcmullen | 48311 | 48311 | 0 | |
TX | Medina | Texas | tx_medina | 48325 | 48325 | 1 | |
TX | Menard | Texas | tx_menard | 48327 | 48327 | 0 | |
TX | Midland | Texas | tx_midland | 48329 | 48329 | 1 | |
TX | Milam | Texas | tx_milam | 48331 | 48331 | 0 | |
TX | Mills | Texas | tx_mills | 48333 | 48333 | 0 | |
TX | Mitchell | Texas | tx_mitchell | 48335 | 48335 | 0 | |
TX | Montague | Texas | tx_montague | 48337 | 48337 | 2 | |
TX | Montgomery | Texas | tx_montgomery | 48339 | 48339 | 4 | |
TX | Moore | Texas | tx_moore | 48341 | 48341 | 0 | |
TX | Morris | Texas | tx_morris | 48343 | 48343 | 0 | |
TX | Motley | Texas | tx_motley | 48345 | 48345 | 0 | |
TX | Nacogdoches | Texas | tx_nacogdoches | 48347 | 48347 | 3 | |
TX | Navarro | Texas | tx_navarro | 48349 | 48349 | 2 | |
TX | Newton | Texas | tx_newton | 48351 | 48351 | 0 | |
TX | Nolan | Texas | tx_nolan | 48353 | 48353 | 1 | |
TX | Nueces | Texas | tx_nueces | 48355 | 48355 | 15 | |
TX | Ochiltree | Texas | tx_ochiltree | 48357 | 48357 | 0 | |
TX | Oldham | Texas | tx_oldham | 48359 | 48359 | 0 | |
TX | Orange | Texas | tx_orange | 48361 | 48361 | 2 | |
TX | Palo Pinto | Texas | tx_palo pinto | 48363 | 48363 | 1 | |
TX | Panola | Texas | tx_panola | 48365 | 48365 | 1 | |
TX | Parker | Texas | tx_parker | 48367 | 48367 | 2 | |
TX | Parmer | Texas | tx_parmer | 48369 | 48369 | 0 | |
TX | Pecos | Texas | tx_pecos | 48371 | 48371 | 0 | |
TX | Polk | Texas | tx_polk | 48373 | 48373 | 2 | |
TX | Potter | Texas | tx_potter | 48375 | 48375 | 7 | |
TX | Presidio | Texas | tx_presidio | 48377 | 48377 | 0 | |
TX | Rains | Texas | tx_rains | 48379 | 48379 | 0 | |
TX | Randall | Texas | tx_randall | 48381 | 48381 | 1 | |
TX | Reagan | Texas | tx_reagan | 48383 | 48383 | 0 | |
TX | Real | Texas | tx_real | 48385 | 48385 | 0 | |
TX | Red River | Texas | tx_red river | 48387 | 48387 | 1 | |
TX | Reeves | Texas | tx_reeves | 48389 | 48389 | 0 | |
TX | Refugio | Texas | tx_refugio | 48391 | 48391 | 0 | |
TX | Roberts | Texas | tx_roberts | 48393 | 48393 | 0 | |
TX | Robertson | Texas | tx_robertson | 48395 | 48395 | 0 | |
TX | Rockwall | Texas | tx_rockwall | 48397 | 48397 | 1 | |
TX | Runnels | Texas | tx_runnels | 48399 | 48399 | 0 | |
TX | Rusk | Texas | tx_rusk | 48401 | 48401 | 0 | |
TX | Sabine | Texas | tx_sabine | 48403 | 48403 | 1 | |
TX | San Augustine | Texas | tx_san augustine | 48405 | 48405 | 3 | |
TX | San Jacinto | Texas | tx_san jacinto | 48407 | 48407 | 1 | |
TX | San Patricio | Texas | tx_san patricio | 48409 | 48409 | 2 | |
TX | San Saba | Texas | tx_san saba | 48411 | 48411 | 0 | |
TX | Schleicher | Texas | tx_schleicher | 48413 | 48413 | 0 | |
TX | Scurry | Texas | tx_scurry | 48415 | 48415 | 0 | |
TX | Shackelford | Texas | tx_shackelford | 48417 | 48417 | 0 | |
TX | Shelby | Texas | tx_shelby | 48419 | 48419 | 2 | |
TX | Sherman | Texas | tx_sherman | 48421 | 48421 | 1 | |
TX | Smith | Texas | tx_smith | 48423 | 48423 | 11 | |
TX | Somervell | Texas | tx_somervell | 48425 | 48425 | 0 | |
TX | Starr | Texas | tx_starr | 48427 | 48427 | 1 | |
TX | Stephens | Texas | tx_stephens | 48429 | 48429 | 0 | |
TX | Sterling | Texas | tx_sterling | 48431 | 48431 | 0 | |
TX | Stonewall | Texas | tx_stonewall | 48433 | 48433 | 0 | |
TX | Sutton | Texas | tx_sutton | 48435 | 48435 | 0 | |
TX | Swisher | Texas | tx_swisher | 48437 | 48437 | 1 | |
TX | Tarrant | Texas | tx_tarrant | 48439 | 48439 | 63 | |
TX | Taylor | Texas | tx_taylor | 48441 | 48441 | 10 | |
TX | Terrell | Texas | tx_terrell | 48443 | 48443 | 0 | |
TX | Terry | Texas | tx_terry | 48445 | 48445 | 0 | |
TX | Throckmorton | Texas | tx_throckmorton | 48447 | 48447 | 0 | |
TX | Titus | Texas | tx_titus | 48449 | 48449 | 1 | |
TX | Tom Green | Texas | tx_tom green | 48451 | 48451 | 3 | |
TX | Travis | Texas | tx_travis | 48453 | 48453 | 23 | |
TX | Trinity | Texas | tx_trinity | 48455 | 48455 | 0 | |
TX | Tyler | Texas | tx_tyler | 48457 | 48457 | 0 | |
TX | Upshur | Texas | tx_upshur | 48459 | 48459 | 1 | |
TX | Upton | Texas | tx_upton | 48461 | 48461 | 0 | |
TX | Uvalde | Texas | tx_uvalde | 48463 | 48463 | 0 | |
TX | Val Verde | Texas | tx_val verde | 48465 | 48465 | 1 | |
TX | Van Zandt | Texas | tx_van zandt | 48467 | 48467 | 3 | |
TX | Victoria | Texas | tx_victoria | 48469 | 48469 | 0 | |
TX | Walker | Texas | tx_walker | 48471 | 48471 | 0 | |
TX | Waller | Texas | tx_waller | 48473 | 48473 | 0 | |
TX | Ward | Texas | tx_ward | 48475 | 48475 | 0 | |
TX | Washington | Texas | tx_washington | 48477 | 48477 | 3 | |
TX | Webb | Texas | tx_webb | 48479 | 48479 | 12 | |
TX | Wharton | Texas | tx_wharton | 48481 | 48481 | 4 | |
TX | Wheeler | Texas | tx_wheeler | 48483 | 48483 | 0 | |
TX | Wichita | Texas | tx_wichita | 48485 | 48485 | 8 | |
TX | Wilbarger | Texas | tx_wilbarger | 48487 | 48487 | 0 | |
TX | Willacy | Texas | tx_willacy | 48489 | 48489 | 0 | |
TX | Williamson | Texas | tx_williamson | 48491 | 48491 | 1 | |
TX | Wilson | Texas | tx_wilson | 48493 | 48493 | 0 | |
TX | Winkler | Texas | tx_winkler | 48495 | 48495 | 1 | |
TX | Wise | Texas | tx_wise | 48497 | 48497 | 2 | |
TX | Wood | Texas | tx_wood | 48499 | 48499 | 4 | |
TX | Yoakum | Texas | tx_yoakum | 48501 | 48501 | 0 | |
TX | Young | Texas | tx_young | 48503 | 48503 | 1 | |
TX | Zapata | Texas | tx_zapata | 48505 | 48505 | 0 | |
TX | Zavala | Texas | tx_zavala | 48507 | 48507 | 0 | |
UT | Beaver | Utah | ut_beaver | 49001 | 49001 | 0 | |
UT | Box Elder | Utah | ut_box elder | 49003 | 49003 | 0 | |
UT | Cache | Utah | ut_cache | 49005 | 49005 | 1 | |
UT | Carbon | Utah | ut_carbon | 49007 | 49007 | 0 | |
UT | Daggett | Utah | ut_daggett | 49009 | 49009 | 0 | |
UT | Davis | Utah | ut_davis | 49011 | 49011 | 1 | |
UT | Duchesne | Utah | ut_duchesne | 49013 | 49013 | 0 | |
UT | Emery | Utah | ut_emery | 49015 | 49015 | 0 | |
UT | Garfield | Utah | ut_garfield | 49017 | 49017 | 0 | |
UT | Grand | Utah | ut_grand | 49019 | 49019 | 0 | |
UT | Iron | Utah | ut_iron | 49021 | 49021 | 0 | |
UT | Juab | Utah | ut_juab | 49023 | 49023 | 2 | |
UT | Kane | Utah | ut_kane | 49025 | 49025 | 0 | |
UT | Millard | Utah | ut_millard | 49027 | 49027 | 0 | |
UT | Morgan | Utah | ut_morgan | 49029 | 49029 | 1 | |
UT | Piute | Utah | ut_piute | 49031 | 49031 | 0 | |
UT | Rich | Utah | ut_rich | 49033 | 49033 | 0 | |
UT | Salt Lake | Utah | ut_salt lake | 49035 | 49035 | 24 | |
UT | San Juan | Utah | ut_san juan | 49037 | 49037 | 0 | |
UT | Sanpete | Utah | ut_sanpete | 49039 | 49039 | 0 | |
UT | Sevier | Utah | ut_sevier | 49041 | 49041 | 0 | |
UT | Summit | Utah | ut_summit | 49043 | 49043 | 0 | |
UT | Tooele | Utah | ut_tooele | 49045 | 49045 | 0 | |
UT | Uintah | Utah | ut_uintah | 49047 | 49047 | 0 | |
UT | Utah | Utah | ut_utah | 49049 | 49049 | 17 | |
UT | Wasatch | Utah | ut_wasatch | 49051 | 49051 | 0 | |
UT | Washington | Utah | ut_washington | 49053 | 49053 | 2 | |
UT | Wayne | Utah | ut_wayne | 49055 | 49055 | 0 | |
UT | Weber | Utah | ut_weber | 49057 | 49057 | 5 | |
VA | Accomack | Virginia | va_accomack | 51001 | 51001 | 1 | |
VA | Albemarle | Virginia | va_albemarle | 51003 | 51003 | 2 | |
VA | Alexandria | Virginia | va_alexandria | 51510 | 51510 | 9 | |
VA | Alleghany | Virginia | va_alleghany | 51005 | 51005 | 1 | |
VA | Amelia | Virginia | va_amelia | 51007 | 51007 | 1 | |
VA | Amherst | Virginia | va_amherst | 51009 | 51009 | 0 | |
VA | Appomattox | Virginia | va_appomattox | 51011 | 51011 | 1 | |
VA | Arlington | Virginia | va_arlington | 51013 | 51013 | 0 | |
VA | Augusta | Virginia | va_augusta | 51015 | 51015 | 0 | |
VA | Bath | Virginia | va_bath | 51017 | 51017 | 0 | |
VA | Bedford | Virginia | va_bedford | 51019 | 51019 | 2 | |
VA | Bedford City | Virginia | va_bedford city | 51515 | 51515 | 0 | |
VA | Bland | Virginia | va_bland | 51021 | 51021 | 1 | |
VA | Botetourt | Virginia | va_botetourt | 51023 | 51023 | 3 | |
VA | Bristol | Virginia | va_bristol | 51520 | 51520 | 3 | |
VA | Brunswick | Virginia | va_brunswick | 51025 | 51025 | 0 | |
VA | Buchanan | Virginia | va_buchanan | 51027 | 51027 | 4 | |
VA | Buckingham | Virginia | va_buckingham | 51029 | 51029 | 0 | |
VA | Buena Vista | Virginia | va_buena vista | 51530 | 51530 | 0 | |
VA | Campbell | Virginia | va_campbell | 51031 | 51031 | 0 | |
VA | Caroline | Virginia | va_caroline | 51033 | 51033 | 0 | |
VA | Carroll | Virginia | va_carroll | 51035 | 51035 | 1 | |
VA | Charles City | Virginia | va_charles city | 51036 | 51036 | 0 | |
VA | Charlotte | Virginia | va_charlotte | 51037 | 51037 | 1 | |
VA | Charlottesville | Virginia | va_charlottesville | 51540 | 51540 | 0 | |
VA | Chesapeake | Virginia | va_chesapeake | 51550 | 51550 | 0 | |
VA | Chesterfield | Virginia | va_chesterfield | 51041 | 51041 | 11 | |
VA | Clarke | Virginia | va_clarke | 51043 | 51043 | 0 | |
VA | Colonial Heights | Virginia | va_colonial heights | 51570 | 51570 | 6 | |
VA | Covington | Virginia | va_covington | 51580 | 51580 | 0 | |
VA | Craig | Virginia | va_craig | 51045 | 51045 | 0 | |
VA | Culpeper | Virginia | va_culpeper | 51047 | 51047 | 1 | |
VA | Cumberland | Virginia | va_cumberland | 51049 | 51049 | 1 | |
VA | Danville | Virginia | va_danville | 51590 | 51590 | 1 | |
VA | Dickenson | Virginia | va_dickenson | 51051 | 51051 | 1 | |
VA | Dinwiddie | Virginia | va_dinwiddie | 51053 | 51053 | 0 | |
VA | Emporia | Virginia | va_emporia | 51595 | 51595 | 2 | |
VA | Essex | Virginia | va_essex | 51057 | 51057 | 0 | |
VA | Fairfax | Virginia | va_fairfax | 51059 | 51059 | 3 | |
VA | Fairfax City | Virginia | va_fairfax city | 51600 | 51600 | 2 | |
VA | Falls Church | Virginia | va_falls church | 51610 | 51610 | 0 | |
VA | Fauquier | Virginia | va_fauquier | 51061 | 51061 | 1 | |
VA | Floyd | Virginia | va_floyd | 51063 | 51063 | 0 | |
VA | Fluvanna | Virginia | va_fluvanna | 51065 | 51065 | 0 | |
VA | Franklin | Virginia | va_franklin | 51067 | 51067 | 1 | |
VA | Franklin City | Virginia | va_franklin city | 51620 | 51620 | 0 | |
VA | Frederick | Virginia | va_frederick | 51069 | 51069 | 1 | |
VA | Fredericksburg | Virginia | va_fredericksburg | 51630 | 51630 | 0 | |
VA | Galax | Virginia | va_galax | 51640 | 51640 | 0 | |
VA | Giles | Virginia | va_giles | 51071 | 51071 | 0 | |
VA | Gloucester | Virginia | va_gloucester | 51073 | 51073 | 1 | |
VA | Goochland | Virginia | va_goochland | 51075 | 51075 | 0 | |
VA | Grayson | Virginia | va_grayson | 51077 | 51077 | 2 | |
VA | Greene | Virginia | va_greene | 51079 | 51079 | 2 | |
VA | Greensville | Virginia | va_greensville | 51081 | 51081 | 0 | |
VA | Halifax | Virginia | va_halifax | 51083 | 51083 | 0 | |
VA | Hampton | Virginia | va_hampton | 51650 | 51650 | 34 | |
VA | Hanover | Virginia | va_hanover | 51085 | 51085 | 6 | |
VA | Harrisonburg | Virginia | va_harrisonburg | 51660 | 51660 | 0 | |
VA | Henrico | Virginia | va_henrico | 51087 | 51087 | 0 | |
VA | Henry | Virginia | va_henry | 51089 | 51089 | 3 | |
VA | Highland | Virginia | va_highland | 51091 | 51091 | 0 | |
VA | Hopewell | Virginia | va_hopewell | 51670 | 51670 | 0 | |
VA | Isle of Wight | Virginia | va_isle of wight | 51093 | 51093 | 5 | |
VA | James City | Virginia | va_james city | 51095 | 51095 | 0 | |
VA | King and Queen | Virginia | va_king and queen | 51097 | 51097 | 0 | |
VA | King George | Virginia | va_king george | 51099 | 51099 | 0 | |
VA | King William | Virginia | va_king william | 51101 | 51101 | 0 | |
VA | Lancaster | Virginia | va_lancaster | 51103 | 51103 | 0 | |
VA | Lee | Virginia | va_lee | 51105 | 51105 | 2 | |
VA | Lexington | Virginia | va_lexington | 51678 | 51678 | 0 | |
VA | Loudoun | Virginia | va_loudoun | 51107 | 51107 | 1 | |
VA | Louisa | Virginia | va_louisa | 51109 | 51109 | 0 | |
VA | Lunenburg | Virginia | va_lunenburg | 51111 | 51111 | 0 | |
VA | Lynchburg | Virginia | va_lynchburg | 51680 | 51680 | 3 | |
VA | Madison | Virginia | va_madison | 51113 | 51113 | 0 | |
VA | Manassas | Virginia | va_manassas | 51683 | 51683 | 3 | |
VA | Manassas Park | Virginia | va_manassas park | 51685 | 51685 | 2 | |
VA | Martinsville | Virginia | va_martinsville | 51690 | 51690 | 2 | |
VA | Mathews | Virginia | va_mathews | 51115 | 51115 | 0 | |
VA | Mecklenburg | Virginia | va_mecklenburg | 51117 | 51117 | 1 | |
VA | Middlesex | Virginia | va_middlesex | 51119 | 51119 | 0 | |
VA | Montgomery | Virginia | va_montgomery | 51121 | 51121 | 5 | |
VA | Nelson | Virginia | va_nelson | 51125 | 51125 | 0 | |
VA | New Kent | Virginia | va_new kent | 51127 | 51127 | 0 | |
VA | Newport News | Virginia | va_newport news | 51700 | 51700 | 19 | |
VA | Norfolk | Virginia | va_norfolk | 51710 | 51710 | 41 | |
VA | Northampton | Virginia | va_northampton | 51131 | 51131 | 0 | |
VA | Northumberland | Virginia | va_northumberland | 51133 | 51133 | 1 | |
VA | Norton | Virginia | va_norton | 51720 | 51720 | 3 | |
VA | Nottoway | Virginia | va_nottoway | 51135 | 51135 | 0 | |
VA | Orange | Virginia | va_orange | 51137 | 51137 | 0 | |
VA | Page | Virginia | va_page | 51139 | 51139 | 1 | |
VA | Patrick | Virginia | va_patrick | 51141 | 51141 | 2 | |
VA | Petersburg | Virginia | va_petersburg | 51730 | 51730 | 1 | |
VA | Pittsylvania | Virginia | va_pittsylvania | 51143 | 51143 | 0 | |
VA | Poquoson | Virginia | va_poquoson | 51735 | 51735 | 0 | |
VA | Portsmouth | Virginia | va_portsmouth | 51740 | 51740 | 1 | |
VA | Powhatan | Virginia | va_powhatan | 51145 | 51145 | 0 | |
VA | Prince Edward | Virginia | va_prince edward | 51147 | 51147 | 1 | |
VA | Prince George | Virginia | va_prince george | 51149 | 51149 | 0 | |
VA | Prince William | Virginia | va_prince william | 51153 | 51153 | 4 | |
VA | Pulaski | Virginia | va_pulaski | 51155 | 51155 | 1 | |
VA | Radford | Virginia | va_radford | 51750 | 51750 | 0 | |
VA | Rappahannock | Virginia | va_rappahannock | 51157 | 51157 | 0 | |
VA | Richmond | Virginia | va_richmond | 51159 | 51159 | 0 | |
VA | Richmond City | Virginia | va_richmond city | 51760 | 51760 | 7 | |
VA | Roanoke | Virginia | va_roanoke | 51161 | 51161 | 2 | |
VA | Roanoke City | Virginia | va_roanoke city | 51770 | 51770 | 4 | |
VA | Rockbridge | Virginia | va_rockbridge | 51163 | 51163 | 2 | |
VA | Rockingham | Virginia | va_rockingham | 51165 | 51165 | 1 | |
VA | Russell | Virginia | va_russell | 51167 | 51167 | 1 | |
VA | Salem | Virginia | va_salem | 51775 | 51775 | 1 | |
VA | Scott | Virginia | va_scott | 51169 | 51169 | 1 | |
VA | Shenandoah | Virginia | va_shenandoah | 51171 | 51171 | 1 | |
VA | Smyth | Virginia | va_smyth | 51173 | 51173 | 2 | |
VA | Southampton | Virginia | va_southampton | 51175 | 51175 | 0 | |
VA | Spotsylvania | Virginia | va_spotsylvania | 51177 | 51177 | 0 | |
VA | Stafford | Virginia | va_stafford | 51179 | 51179 | 5 | |
VA | Staunton | Virginia | va_staunton | 51790 | 51790 | 0 | |
VA | Suffolk | Virginia | va_suffolk | 51800 | 51800 | 0 | |
VA | Surry | Virginia | va_surry | 51181 | 51181 | 0 | |
VA | Sussex | Virginia | va_sussex | 51183 | 51183 | 2 | |
VA | Tazewell | Virginia | va_tazewell | 51185 | 51185 | 7 | |
VA | Virginia Beach | Virginia | va_virginia beach | 51810 | 51810 | 18 | |
VA | Warren | Virginia | va_warren | 51187 | 51187 | 0 | |
VA | Washington | Virginia | va_washington | 51191 | 51191 | 0 | |
VA | Waynesboro | Virginia | va_waynesboro | 51820 | 51820 | 1 | |
VA | Westmoreland | Virginia | va_westmoreland | 51193 | 51193 | 1 | |
VA | Williamsburg | Virginia | va_williamsburg | 51830 | 51830 | 0 | |
VA | Winchester | Virginia | va_winchester | 51840 | 51840 | 0 | |
VA | Wise | Virginia | va_wise | 51195 | 51195 | 2 | |
VA | Wythe | Virginia | va_wythe | 51197 | 51197 | 1 | |
VA | York | Virginia | va_york | 51199 | 51199 | 2 | |
VT | Addison | Vermont | vt_addison | 50001 | 50001 | 0 | |
VT | Bennington | Vermont | vt_bennington | 50003 | 50003 | 0 | |
VT | Caledonia | Vermont | vt_caledonia | 50005 | 50005 | 0 | |
VT | Chittenden | Vermont | vt_chittenden | 50007 | 50007 | 3 | |
VT | Essex | Vermont | vt_essex | 50009 | 50009 | 0 | |
VT | Franklin | Vermont | vt_franklin | 50011 | 50011 | 0 | |
VT | Grand Isle | Vermont | vt_grand isle | 50013 | 50013 | 0 | |
VT | Lamoille | Vermont | vt_lamoille | 50015 | 50015 | 0 | |
VT | Orange | Vermont | vt_orange | 50017 | 50017 | 0 | |
VT | Orleans | Vermont | vt_orleans | 50019 | 50019 | 0 | |
VT | Rutland | Vermont | vt_rutland | 50021 | 50021 | 0 | |
VT | Washington | Vermont | vt_washington | 50023 | 50023 | 1 | |
VT | Windham | Vermont | vt_windham | 50025 | 50025 | 0 | |
VT | Windsor | Vermont | vt_windsor | 50027 | 50027 | 0 | |
WA | Adams | Washington | wa_adams | 53001 | 53001 | 0 | |
WA | Asotin | Washington | wa_asotin | 53003 | 53003 | 0 | |
WA | Benton | Washington | wa_benton | 53005 | 53005 | 3 | |
WA | Chelan | Washington | wa_chelan | 53007 | 53007 | 2 | |
WA | Clallam | Washington | wa_clallam | 53009 | 53009 | 2 | |
WA | Clark | Washington | wa_clark | 53011 | 53011 | 8 | |
WA | Columbia | Washington | wa_columbia | 53013 | 53013 | 0 | |
WA | Cowlitz | Washington | wa_cowlitz | 53015 | 53015 | 0 | |
WA | Douglas | Washington | wa_douglas | 53017 | 53017 | 0 | |
WA | Ferry | Washington | wa_ferry | 53019 | 53019 | 1 | |
WA | Franklin | Washington | wa_franklin | 53021 | 53021 | 2 | |
WA | Garfield | Washington | wa_garfield | 53023 | 53023 | 0 | |
WA | Grant | Washington | wa_grant | 53025 | 53025 | 0 | |
WA | Grays Harbor | Washington | wa_grays harbor | 53027 | 53027 | 1 | |
WA | Island | Washington | wa_island | 53029 | 53029 | 1 | |
WA | Jefferson | Washington | wa_jefferson | 53031 | 53031 | 0 | |
WA | King | Washington | wa_king | 53033 | 53033 | 36 | |
WA | Kitsap | Washington | wa_kitsap | 53035 | 53035 | 16 | |
WA | Kittitas | Washington | wa_kittitas | 53037 | 53037 | 0 | |
WA | Klickitat | Washington | wa_klickitat | 53039 | 53039 | 0 | |
WA | Lewis | Washington | wa_lewis | 53041 | 53041 | 6 | |
WA | Lincoln | Washington | wa_lincoln | 53043 | 53043 | 0 | |
WA | Mason | Washington | wa_mason | 53045 | 53045 | 0 | |
WA | Okanogan | Washington | wa_okanogan | 53047 | 53047 | 1 | |
WA | Pacific | Washington | wa_pacific | 53049 | 53049 | 0 | |
WA | Pend Oreille | Washington | wa_pend oreille | 53051 | 53051 | 1 | |
WA | Pierce | Washington | wa_pierce | 53053 | 53053 | 24 | |
WA | San Juan | Washington | wa_san juan | 53055 | 53055 | 0 | |
WA | Skagit | Washington | wa_skagit | 53057 | 53057 | 6 | |
WA | Skamania | Washington | wa_skamania | 53059 | 53059 | 0 | |
WA | Snohomish | Washington | wa_snohomish | 53061 | 53061 | 9 | |
WA | Spokane | Washington | wa_spokane | 53063 | 53063 | 20 | |
WA | Stevens | Washington | wa_stevens | 53065 | 53065 | 1 | |
WA | Thurston | Washington | wa_thurston | 53067 | 53067 | 5 | |
WA | Wahkiakum | Washington | wa_wahkiakum | 53069 | 53069 | 0 | |
WA | Walla Walla | Washington | wa_walla walla | 53071 | 53071 | 3 | |
WA | Whatcom | Washington | wa_whatcom | 53073 | 53073 | 2 | |
WA | Whitman | Washington | wa_whitman | 53075 | 53075 | 0 | |
WA | Yakima | Washington | wa_yakima | 53077 | 53077 | 6 | |
WI | Adams | Wisconsin | wi_adams | 55001 | 55001 | 15 | |
WI | Ashland | Wisconsin | wi_ashland | 55003 | 55003 | 1 | |
WI | Barron | Wisconsin | wi_barron | 55005 | 55005 | 12 | |
WI | Bayfield | Wisconsin | wi_bayfield | 55007 | 55007 | 0 | |
WI | Brown | Wisconsin | wi_brown | 55009 | 55009 | 68 | |
WI | Buffalo | Wisconsin | wi_buffalo | 55011 | 55011 | 1 | |
WI | Burnett | Wisconsin | wi_burnett | 55013 | 55013 | 2 | |
WI | Calumet | Wisconsin | wi_calumet | 55015 | 55015 | 1 | |
WI | Chippewa | Wisconsin | wi_chippewa | 55017 | 55017 | 1 | |
WI | Clark | Wisconsin | wi_clark | 55019 | 55019 | 5 | |
WI | Columbia | Wisconsin | wi_columbia | 55021 | 55021 | 12 | |
WI | Crawford | Wisconsin | wi_crawford | 55023 | 55023 | 3 | |
WI | Dane | Wisconsin | wi_dane | 55025 | 55025 | 110 | |
WI | Dodge | Wisconsin | wi_dodge | 55027 | 55027 | 26 | |
WI | Door | Wisconsin | wi_door | 55029 | 55029 | 2 | |
WI | Douglas | Wisconsin | wi_douglas | 55031 | 55031 | 6 | |
WI | Dunn | Wisconsin | wi_dunn | 55033 | 55033 | 3 | |
WI | Eau Claire | Wisconsin | wi_eau claire | 55035 | 55035 | 26 | |
WI | Florence | Wisconsin | wi_florence | 55037 | 55037 | 1 | |
WI | Fond du Lac | Wisconsin | wi_fond du lac | 55039 | 55039 | 29 | |
WI | Forest | Wisconsin | wi_forest | 55041 | 55041 | 1 | |
WI | Grant | Wisconsin | wi_grant | 55043 | 55043 | 17 | |
WI | Green | Wisconsin | wi_green | 55045 | 55045 | 8 | |
WI | Green Lake | Wisconsin | wi_green lake | 55047 | 55047 | 1 | |
WI | Iowa | Wisconsin | wi_iowa | 55049 | 55049 | 7 | |
WI | Iron | Wisconsin | wi_iron | 55051 | 55051 | 4 | |
WI | Jackson | Wisconsin | wi_jackson | 55053 | 55053 | 5 | |
WI | Jefferson | Wisconsin | wi_jefferson | 55055 | 55055 | 7 | |
WI | Juneau | Wisconsin | wi_juneau | 55057 | 55057 | 7 | |
WI | Kenosha | Wisconsin | wi_kenosha | 55059 | 55059 | 124 | |
WI | Kewaunee | Wisconsin | wi_kewaunee | 55061 | 55061 | 0 | |
WI | La Crosse | Wisconsin | wi_la crosse | 55063 | 55063 | 37 | |
WI | Lafayette | Wisconsin | wi_lafayette | 55065 | 55065 | 1 | |
WI | Langlade | Wisconsin | wi_langlade | 55067 | 55067 | 5 | |
WI | Lincoln | Wisconsin | wi_lincoln | 55069 | 55069 | 32 | |
WI | Manitowoc | Wisconsin | wi_manitowoc | 55071 | 55071 | 8 | |
WI | Marathon | Wisconsin | wi_marathon | 55073 | 55073 | 6 | |
WI | Marinette | Wisconsin | wi_marinette | 55075 | 55075 | 25 | |
WI | Marquette | Wisconsin | wi_marquette | 55077 | 55077 | 6 | |
WI | Menominee | Wisconsin | wi_menominee | 55078 | 55078 | 0 | |
WI | Milwaukee | Wisconsin | wi_milwaukee | 55079 | 55079 | 394 | |
WI | Monroe | Wisconsin | wi_monroe | 55081 | 55081 | 8 | |
WI | Oconto | Wisconsin | wi_oconto | 55083 | 55083 | 14 | |
WI | Oneida | Wisconsin | wi_oneida | 55085 | 55085 | 11 | |
WI | Outagamie | Wisconsin | wi_outagamie | 55087 | 55087 | 34 | |
WI | Ozaukee | Wisconsin | wi_ozaukee | 55089 | 55089 | 3 | |
WI | Pepin | Wisconsin | wi_pepin | 55091 | 55091 | 0 | |
WI | Pierce | Wisconsin | wi_pierce | 55093 | 55093 | 2 | |
WI | Polk | Wisconsin | wi_polk | 55095 | 55095 | 1 | |
WI | Portage | Wisconsin | wi_portage | 55097 | 55097 | 8 | |
WI | Price | Wisconsin | wi_price | 55099 | 55099 | 7 | |
WI | Racine | Wisconsin | wi_racine | 55101 | 55101 | 102 | |
WI | Richland | Wisconsin | wi_richland | 55103 | 55103 | 3 | |
WI | Rock | Wisconsin | wi_rock | 55105 | 55105 | 81 | |
WI | Rusk | Wisconsin | wi_rusk | 55107 | 55107 | 2 | |
WI | Sauk | Wisconsin | wi_sauk | 55111 | 55111 | 29 | |
WI | Sawyer | Wisconsin | wi_sawyer | 55113 | 55113 | 6 | |
WI | Shawano | Wisconsin | wi_shawano | 55115 | 55115 | 15 | |
WI | Sheboygan | Wisconsin | wi_sheboygan | 55117 | 55117 | 21 | |
WI | St. Croix | Wisconsin | wi_st. croix | 55109 | 55109 | 8 | |
WI | Taylor | Wisconsin | wi_taylor | 55119 | 55119 | 2 | |
WI | Trempealeau | Wisconsin | wi_trempealeau | 55121 | 55121 | 2 | |
WI | Vernon | Wisconsin | wi_vernon | 55123 | 55123 | 3 | |
WI | Vilas | Wisconsin | wi_vilas | 55125 | 55125 | 8 | |
WI | Walworth | Wisconsin | wi_walworth | 55127 | 55127 | 70 | |
WI | Washburn | Wisconsin | wi_washburn | 55129 | 55129 | 7 | |
WI | Washington | Wisconsin | wi_washington | 55131 | 55131 | 35 | |
WI | Waukesha | Wisconsin | wi_waukesha | 55133 | 55133 | 89 | |
WI | Waupaca | Wisconsin | wi_waupaca | 55135 | 55135 | 2 | |
WI | Waushara | Wisconsin | wi_waushara | 55137 | 55137 | 11 | |
WI | Winnebago | Wisconsin | wi_winnebago | 55139 | 55139 | 21 | |
WI | Wood | Wisconsin | wi_wood | 55141 | 55141 | 23 | |
WV | Barbour | West Virginia | wv_barbour | 54001 | 54001 | 0 | |
WV | Berkeley | West Virginia | wv_berkeley | 54003 | 54003 | 2 | |
WV | Boone | West Virginia | wv_boone | 54005 | 54005 | 3 | |
WV | Braxton | West Virginia | wv_braxton | 54007 | 54007 | 3 | |
WV | Brooke | West Virginia | wv_brooke | 54009 | 54009 | 1 | |
WV | Cabell | West Virginia | wv_cabell | 54011 | 54011 | 22 | |
WV | Calhoun | West Virginia | wv_calhoun | 54013 | 54013 | 0 | |
WV | Clay | West Virginia | wv_clay | 54015 | 54015 | 0 | |
WV | Doddridge | West Virginia | wv_doddridge | 54017 | 54017 | 3 | |
WV | Fayette | West Virginia | wv_fayette | 54019 | 54019 | 5 | |
WV | Gilmer | West Virginia | wv_gilmer | 54021 | 54021 | 0 | |
WV | Grant | West Virginia | wv_grant | 54023 | 54023 | 0 | |
WV | Greenbrier | West Virginia | wv_greenbrier | 54025 | 54025 | 3 | |
WV | Hampshire | West Virginia | wv_hampshire | 54027 | 54027 | 0 | |
WV | Hancock | West Virginia | wv_hancock | 54029 | 54029 | 0 | |
WV | Hardy | West Virginia | wv_hardy | 54031 | 54031 | 0 | |
WV | Harrison | West Virginia | wv_harrison | 54033 | 54033 | 21 | |
WV | Jackson | West Virginia | wv_jackson | 54035 | 54035 | 3 | |
WV | Jefferson | West Virginia | wv_jefferson | 54037 | 54037 | 0 | |
WV | Kanawha | West Virginia | wv_kanawha | 54039 | 54039 | 28 | |
WV | Lewis | West Virginia | wv_lewis | 54041 | 54041 | 3 | |
WV | Lincoln | West Virginia | wv_lincoln | 54043 | 54043 | 2 | |
WV | Logan | West Virginia | wv_logan | 54045 | 54045 | 14 | |
WV | Marion | West Virginia | wv_marion | 54049 | 54049 | 5 | |
WV | Marshall | West Virginia | wv_marshall | 54051 | 54051 | 2 | |
WV | Mason | West Virginia | wv_mason | 54053 | 54053 | 1 | |
WV | McDowell | West Virginia | wv_mcdowell | 54047 | 54047 | 5 | |
WV | Mercer | West Virginia | wv_mercer | 54055 | 54055 | 7 | |
WV | Mineral | West Virginia | wv_mineral | 54057 | 54057 | 0 | |
WV | Mingo | West Virginia | wv_mingo | 54059 | 54059 | 5 | |
WV | Monongalia | West Virginia | wv_monongalia | 54061 | 54061 | 5 | |
WV | Monroe | West Virginia | wv_monroe | 54063 | 54063 | 0 | |
WV | Morgan | West Virginia | wv_morgan | 54065 | 54065 | 0 | |
WV | Nicholas | West Virginia | wv_nicholas | 54067 | 54067 | 5 | |
WV | Ohio | West Virginia | wv_ohio | 54069 | 54069 | 3 | |
WV | Pendleton | West Virginia | wv_pendleton | 54071 | 54071 | 1 | |
WV | Pleasants | West Virginia | wv_pleasants | 54073 | 54073 | 1 | |
WV | Pocahontas | West Virginia | wv_pocahontas | 54075 | 54075 | 0 | |
WV | Preston | West Virginia | wv_preston | 54077 | 54077 | 4 | |
WV | Putnam | West Virginia | wv_putnam | 54079 | 54079 | 3 | |
WV | Raleigh | West Virginia | wv_raleigh | 54081 | 54081 | 12 | |
WV | Randolph | West Virginia | wv_randolph | 54083 | 54083 | 3 | |
WV | Ritchie | West Virginia | wv_ritchie | 54085 | 54085 | 1 | |
WV | Roane | West Virginia | wv_roane | 54087 | 54087 | 2 | |
WV | Summers | West Virginia | wv_summers | 54089 | 54089 | 0 | |
WV | Taylor | West Virginia | wv_taylor | 54091 | 54091 | 0 | |
WV | Tucker | West Virginia | wv_tucker | 54093 | 54093 | 0 | |
WV | Tyler | West Virginia | wv_tyler | 54095 | 54095 | 0 | |
WV | Upshur | West Virginia | wv_upshur | 54097 | 54097 | 3 | |
WV | Wayne | West Virginia | wv_wayne | 54099 | 54099 | 2 | |
WV | Webster | West Virginia | wv_webster | 54101 | 54101 | 1 | |
WV | Wetzel | West Virginia | wv_wetzel | 54103 | 54103 | 3 | |
WV | Wirt | West Virginia | wv_wirt | 54105 | 54105 | 0 | |
WV | Wood | West Virginia | wv_wood | 54107 | 54107 | 11 | |
WV | Wyoming | West Virginia | wv_wyoming | 54109 | 54109 | 4 | |
WY | Albany | Wyoming | wy_albany | 56001 | 56001 | 2 | |
WY | Big Horn | Wyoming | wy_big horn | 56003 | 56003 | 0 | |
WY | Campbell | Wyoming | wy_campbell | 56005 | 56005 | 2 | |
WY | Carbon | Wyoming | wy_carbon | 56007 | 56007 | 0 | |
WY | Converse | Wyoming | wy_converse | 56009 | 56009 | 0 | |
WY | Crook | Wyoming | wy_crook | 56011 | 56011 | 0 | |
WY | Fremont | Wyoming | wy_fremont | 56013 | 56013 | 0 | |
WY | Goshen | Wyoming | wy_goshen | 56015 | 56015 | 0 | |
WY | Hot Springs | Wyoming | wy_hot springs | 56017 | 56017 | 0 | |
WY | Johnson | Wyoming | wy_johnson | 56019 | 56019 | 0 | |
WY | Laramie | Wyoming | wy_laramie | 56021 | 56021 | 9 | |
WY | Lincoln | Wyoming | wy_lincoln | 56023 | 56023 | 0 | |
WY | Natrona | Wyoming | wy_natrona | 56025 | 56025 | 6 | |
WY | Niobrara | Wyoming | wy_niobrara | 56027 | 56027 | 0 | |
WY | Park | Wyoming | wy_park | 56029 | 56029 | 1 | |
WY | Platte | Wyoming | wy_platte | 56031 | 56031 | 0 | |
WY | Sheridan | Wyoming | wy_sheridan | 56033 | 56033 | 4 | |
WY | Sublette | Wyoming | wy_sublette | 56035 | 56035 | 1 | |
WY | Sweetwater | Wyoming | wy_sweetwater | 56037 | 56037 | 1 | |
WY | Teton | Wyoming | wy_teton | 56039 | 56039 | 2 | |
WY | Uinta | Wyoming | wy_uinta | 56041 | 56041 | 0 | |
WY | Washakie | Wyoming | wy_washakie | 56043 | 56043 | 0 | |
WY | Weston | Wyoming | wy_weston | 56045 | 56045 | 1 |
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<body> | |
<h1>Where 50,000 Guns Recovered in Chicago Came From</h1> | |
<h2>A recreation of <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> NY Time's visualization created by Kevin Quely and Tim Wallace</h2> | |
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var gunsByFips = {}; | |
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var minCount = Infinity; | |
var stateByFips = {}; | |
guns.forEach(function(d){ | |
d.count3 = +d.count3; | |
d.FIPS = +d.FIPS; | |
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stateByFips[d.FIPS] = d.STATE; | |
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} | |
if( d.count3 > 0 && d.count3 < minCount ) { | |
minCount = d.count3; | |
} | |
}); | |
var stateMap = {}; | |
stateFips.forEach(function(d){ | |
stateMap[+d.numeric_Code] = d.usps_Code; | |
}); | |
var rScale = d3.scale.log().base(Math.E).domain([minCount, maxCount]).range([0,10]); | |
svg.selectAll('path.county') | |
.data(countyData) | |
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.attr('class', 'county') | |
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return gunsByFips[] > 0; | |
}) | |
.attr('d', path); | |
svg.selectAll('path.state') | |
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.attr('d', path) | |
.attr('id', function(d) { return; }); | |
countyData = countyData.filter(function(d){ | |
return !isNaN(rScale(gunsByFips[])); | |
}); | |
svg.selectAll('circle') | |
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.attr('r', function(d){ | |
var r = rScale(gunsByFips[]); | |
if( gunsByFips[]==maxCount ) { | |
r *=7; | |
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return r; | |
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svg.selectAll('text.state-name') | |
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var center = path.centroid(d); | |
return center !="NaN,NaN" ? "translate(" + center + ")" : ""; | |
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return stateMap[]; | |
}); | |"#cssload-pgloading").remove(); | |
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queue() | |
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</body> | |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
!function(){function n(n){function e(){for(;i=a<c.length&&n>p;){var u=a++,e=c[u],,1);o.push(l(u)),++p,e[0].apply(null,o)}}function l(n){return function(u,t){--p,null==s&&(null!=u?(s=u,a=d=0/0,o()):(c[n]=t,--d?i||e():o()))}}function o(){null!=s?m(s):f?m(s,c):m.apply(null,[s].concat(c))}var r,i,f,c=[],a=0,p=0,d=0,s=null,m=u;return n||(n=1/0),r={defer:function(){return s||(c.push(arguments),++d,e()),r},await:function(n){return m=n,f=!1,d||o(),r},awaitAll:function(n){return m=n,f=!0,d||o(),r}}}function u(){}var t=[].slice;n.version="1.0.7","function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return n}):"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=n:this.queue=n}(); |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
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This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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Name | numeric_Code | usps_Code | |
Alabama | 1 | AL | |
Alaska | 2 | AK | |
Arizona | 4 | AZ | |
Arkansas | 5 | AR | |
California | 6 | CA | |
Colorado | 8 | CO | |
Connecticut | 9 | CT | |
Delaware | 10 | DE | |
District of Columbia | 11 | DC | |
Florida | 12 | FL | |
Georgia | 13 | GA | |
Hawaii | 15 | HI | |
Idaho | 16 | ID | |
Illinois | 17 | IL | |
Indiana | 18 | IN | |
Iowa | 19 | IA | |
Kansas | 20 | KS | |
Kentucky | 21 | KY | |
Louisiana | 22 | LA | |
Maine | 23 | ME | |
Maryland | 24 | MD | |
Massachusetts | 25 | MA | |
Michigan | 26 | MI | |
Minnesota | 27 | MN | |
Mississippi | 28 | MS | |
Missouri | 29 | MO | |
Montana | 30 | MT | |
Nebraska | 31 | NE | |
Nevada | 32 | NV | |
New Hampshire | 33 | NH | |
New Jersey | 34 | NJ | |
New Mexico | 35 | NM | |
New York | 36 | NY | |
North Carolina | 37 | NC | |
North Dakota | 38 | ND | |
Ohio | 39 | OH | |
Oklahoma | 40 | OK | |
Oregon | 41 | OR | |
Pennsylvania | 42 | PA | |
Rhode Island | 44 | RI | |
South Carolina | 45 | SC | |
South Dakota | 46 | SD | |
Tennessee | 47 | TN | |
Texas | 48 | TX | |
Utah | 49 | UT | |
Vermont | 50 | VT | |
Virginia | 51 | VA | |
Washington | 53 | WA | |
West Virginia | 54 | WV | |
Wisconsin | 55 | WI | |
Wyoming | 56 | WY |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
!function(n,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t(n.topojson={})}(this,function(n){"use strict";function t(){}function r(n){if(!n)return t;var r,e,o=n.scale[0],i=n.scale[1],u=n.translate[0],f=n.translate[1];return function(n,t){t||(r=e=0),n[0]=(r+=n[0])*o+u,n[1]=(e+=n[1])*i+f}}function e(n){if(!n)return t;var r,e,o=n.scale[0],i=n.scale[1],u=n.translate[0],f=n.translate[1];return function(n,t){t||(r=e=0);var c=(n[0]-u)/o|0,a=(n[1]-f)/i|0;n[0]=c-r,n[1]=a-e,r=c,e=a}}function o(n,t){for(var r,e=n.length,o=e-t;o<--e;)r=n[o],n[o++]=n[e],n[e]=r}function i(n,t){for(var r=0,e=n.length;e>r;){var o=r+e>>>1;n[o]<t?r=o+1:e=o}return r}function u(n,t){return"GeometryCollection"===t.type?{type:"FeatureCollection",{return f(n,t)})}:f(n,t)}function f(n,t){var r={type:"Feature",,||{},geometry:c(n,t)};return,r}function c(n,t){function e(n,t){t.length&&t.pop();for(var r,e=l[0>n?~n:n],i=0,u=e.length;u>i;++i)t.push(r=e[i].slice()),s(r,i);0>n&&o(t,u)}function i(n){return n=n.slice(),s(n,0),n}function u(n){for(var t=[],r=0,o=n.length;o>r;++r)e(n[r],t);return t.length<2&&t.push(t[0].slice()),t}function f(n){for(var t=u(n);t.length<4;)t.push(t[0].slice());return t}function c(n){return}function a(n){var t=n.type;return"GeometryCollection"===t?{type:t,}:t in h?{type:t,coordinates:h[t](n)}:null}var s=r(n.transform),l=n.arcs,h={Point:function(n){return i(n.coordinates)},MultiPoint:function(n){return},LineString:function(n){return u(n.arcs)},MultiLineString:function(n){return},Polygon:function(n){return c(n.arcs)},MultiPolygon:function(n){return}};return a(t)}function a(n,t){function r(t){var r,e=n.arcs[0>t?~t:t],o=e[0];return n.transform?(r=[0,0],e.forEach(function(n){r[0]+=n[0],r[1]+=n[1]})):r=e[e.length-1],0>t?[r,o]:[o,r]}function e(n,t){for(var r in n){var e=n[r];delete t[e.start],delete e.start,delete e.end,e.forEach(function(n){o[0>n?~n:n]=1}),f.push(e)}}var o={},i={},u={},f=[],c=-1;return t.forEach(function(r,e){var o,i=n.arcs[0>r?~r:r];i.length<3&&!i[1][0]&&!i[1][1]&&(o=t[++c],t[c]=r,t[e]=o)}),t.forEach(function(n){var t,e,o=r(n),f=o[0],c=o[1];if(t=u[f])if(delete u[t.end],t.push(n),t.end=c,e=i[c]){delete i[e.start];var a=e===t?t:t.concat(e);i[a.start=t.start]=u[a.end=e.end]=a}else i[t.start]=u[t.end]=t;else if(t=i[c])if(delete i[t.start],t.unshift(n),t.start=f,e=u[f]){delete u[e.end];var s=e===t?t:e.concat(t);i[s.start=e.start]=u[s.end=t.end]=s}else i[t.start]=u[t.end]=t;else t=[n],i[t.start=f]=u[t.end=c]=t}),e(u,i),e(i,u),t.forEach(function(n){o[0>n?~n:n]||f.push([n])}),f}function s(n){return c(n,l.apply(this,arguments))}function l(n,t,r){function e(n){var t=0>n?~n:n;(s[t]||(s[t]=[])).push({i:n,g:c})}function o(n){n.forEach(e)}function i(n){n.forEach(o)}function u(n){"GeometryCollection"===n.type?n.geometries.forEach(u):n.type in l&&(c=n,l[n.type](n.arcs))}var f=[];if(arguments.length>1){var c,s=[],l={LineString:o,MultiLineString:i,Polygon:i,MultiPolygon:function(n){n.forEach(i)}};u(t),s.forEach(arguments.length<3?function(n){f.push(n[0].i)}:function(n){r(n[0].g,n[n.length-1].g)&&f.push(n[0].i)})}else for(var h=0,p=n.arcs.length;p>h;++h)f.push(h);return{type:"MultiLineString",arcs:a(n,f)}}function h(n){var t=n[0],r=n[1],e=n[2];return Math.abs((t[0]-e[0])*(r[1]-t[1])-(t[0]-r[0])*(e[1]-t[1]))}function p(n){for(var t,r=-1,e=n.length,o=n[e-1],i=0;++r<e;)t=o,o=n[r],i+=t[0]*o[1]-t[1]*o[0];return i/2}function g(n){return c(n,v.apply(this,arguments))}function v(n,t){function r(n){n.forEach(function(t){t.forEach(function(t){(o[t=0>t?~t:t]||(o[t]=[])).push(n)})}),i.push(n)}function e(t){return p(c(n,{type:"Polygon",arcs:[t]}).coordinates[0])>0}var o={},i=[],u=[];return t.forEach(function(n){"Polygon"===n.type?r(n.arcs):"MultiPolygon"===n.type&&n.arcs.forEach(r)}),i.forEach(function(n){if(!n._){var t=[],r=[n];for(n._=1,u.push(t);n=r.pop();)t.push(n),n.forEach(function(n){n.forEach(function(n){o[0>n?~n:n].forEach(function(n){n._||(n._=1,r.push(n))})})})}}),i.forEach(function(n){delete n._}),{type:"MultiPolygon",{var r,i=[];if(t.forEach(function(n){n.forEach(function(n){n.forEach(function(n){o[0>n?~n:n].length<2&&i.push(n)})})}),i=a(n,i),(r=i.length)>1)for(var u,f=e(t[0][0]),c=0;r>c;++c)if(f===e(i[c])){u=i[0],i[0]=i[c],i[c]=u;break}return i})}}function y(n){function t(n,t){n.forEach(function(n){0>n&&(n=~n);var r=o[n];r?r.push(t):o[n]=[t]})}function r(n,r){n.forEach(function(n){t(n,r)})}function e(n,t){"GeometryCollection"===n.type?n.geometries.forEach(function(n){e(n,t)}):n.type in f&&f[n.type](n.arcs,t)}var o={},{return[]}),f={LineString:t,MultiLineString:r,Polygon:r,MultiPolygon:function(n,t){n.forEach(function(n){r(n,t)})}};n.forEach(e);for(var c in o)for(var a=o[c],s=a.length,l=0;s>l;++l)for(var h=l+1;s>h;++h){var p,g=a[l],v=a[h];(p=u[g])[c=i(p,v)]!==v&&p.splice(c,0,v),(p=u[v])[c=i(p,g)]!==g&&p.splice(c,0,g)}return u}function d(n,t){return n[1][2]-t[1][2]}function m(){function n(n,t){for(;t>0;){var r=(t+1>>1)-1,o=e[r];if(d(n,o)>=0)break;e[o._=t]=o,e[n._=t=r]=n}}function t(n,t){for(;;){var r=t+1<<1,i=r-1,u=t,f=e[u];if(o>i&&d(e[i],f)<0&&(f=e[u=i]),o>r&&d(e[r],f)<0&&(f=e[u=r]),u===t)break;e[f._=t]=f,e[n._=t=u]=n}}var r={},e=[],o=0;return r.push=function(t){return n(e[t._=o]=t,o++),o},r.pop=function(){if(!(0>=o)){var n,r=e[0];return--o>0&&(n=e[o],t(e[n._=0]=n,0)),r}},r.remove=function(r){var i,u=r._;if(e[u]===r)return u!==--o&&(i=e[o],(d(i,r)<0?n:t)(e[i._=u]=i,u)),u},r}function E(n,t){function o(n){f.remove(n),n[1][2]=t(n),f.push(n)}var i=r(n.transform),u=e(n.transform),f=m();return t||(t=h),n.arcs.forEach(function(n){var r,e,c,a,s=[],l=0;for(e=0,c=n.length;c>e;++e)a=n[e],i(n[e]=[a[0],a[1],1/0],e);for(e=1,c=n.length-1;c>e;++e)r=n.slice(e-1,e+2),r[1][2]=t(r),s.push(r),f.push(r);for(e=0,c=s.length;c>e;++e)r=s[e],r.previous=s[e-1],[e+1];for(;r=f.pop();){var h=r.previous,;r[1][2]<l?r[1][2]=l:l=r[1][2],h&&(,h[2]=r[2],o(h)),p&&(p.previous=h,p[0]=r[0],o(p))}n.forEach(u)}),n}var _="1.6.24";n.version=_,n.mesh=s,n.meshArcs=l,n.merge=g,n.mergeArcs=v,n.feature=u,n.neighbors=y,n.presimplify=E}); |
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