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</LexerType> | |
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</LexerType> | |
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</LexerType> | |
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<WordsStyle name="STRING R" styleID="4" fgColor="D69D85" bgColor="1E1E1E" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="">if else for while</WordsStyle> | |
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</LexerType> | |
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<WordsStyle name="Current line background colour" styleID="6" fgColor="C8C8C8" bgColor="000000" fontStyle="0" fontSize="">bool long int char</WordsStyle> | |
</LexerType> | |
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@SamLam140330 The colours are for the dark VS theme also included in this gist. To install the theme, place VS.xml
in your npp /themes/ directory, then select theme from Settings > Style Configurator. If you don't want the dark theme or want to change the syntax colours, you can do so from Language > Define your language..., select Squirrel and edit. You can also add/remove keywords there.
@SamLam140330 The colours are for the dark VS theme also included in this gist. To install the theme, place
in your npp /themes/ directory, then select theme from Settings > Style Configurator. If you don't want the dark theme or want to change the syntax colours, you can do so from Language > Define your language..., select Squirrel and edit. You can also add/remove keywords there.
Ok, thank you
I am not sure is it my setup problem. But it seems to be harder to see the text because it is gray. How can I change it?