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Created August 1, 2018 13:30
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Manipulation and pattern recognition within a matrix. With six different examples.
# S. No, Student Name, Science, English, History, Arts, Maths
classroom = [ [1, 'Roy', 80, 75, 85, 90, 95],
[2, 'John', 75, 80, 75, 85, 100],
[3, 'Dave', 80, 80, 80, 90, 95]]
print('[OUT] E.g. 0')
print('Pretty print: ' + '\n' + '---------')
for student in classroom:
# print(len(student))
print('Name: ' + student[1] +
'\n' + 'Science: ' + str(student[2]) +
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# Each element in 1st dimension is a row
# Each element in the 2nd dimension is a column
# If each row has the same no. of columns, only then it is a matrix...
# ...otherwise it's a nested list.
# E.g. 1: Initialise a 6x6 matrix with the value 0.
print('[OUT] E.g. 1')
# create 6 columns
eg1_matrix = [0] * 6
print('Length: ' + str(len(eg1_matrix)))
for row in range(6):
eg1_matrix[row] = [0] * 6
print('Length: ' + str(len(eg1_matrix)))
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# E.g. 2: Decrementing a list
print('[OUT] E.g. 2')
eg2_lst = [1,2,3,4,5]
eg2_lstLen = len(eg2_lst)
for revPtr in range(eg2_lstLen, -1, -1):
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# E.g. 3: Incrementing a list by alternate elements
print('[OUT] E.g. 3')
eg3_elements = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
for element in range(len(eg3_elements)):
if (element % 2) == 0:
print('Even index: ' + str(element) + ', value: ' + str(eg3_elements[element]))
if (element % 2) == 1:
print('Odd index: ' + str(element) + ', value: ' + str(eg3_elements[element]))
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# E.g. 4: Iterating a matrix
print('[OUT] E.g. 4')
eg4_matrix = [
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
['i', 'j', 'k', 'l']
width = len(eg4_matrix[0]) # x
height = len(eg4_matrix) # y
print('width: ' + str(width))
print('height: ' + str(height))
for y in range(height-1):
# print('y: ' + str(eg4_matrix[y]))
for x in range(width-1):
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# E.g. 5: Picking out sublists from a row
print('[OUT] E.g. 5')
eg5_matrix = [
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
['e', 'f', 'g', 'h'],
['i', 'j', 'k', 'l']
upTo = 3
width = len(eg4_matrix[0]) # x
height = len(eg4_matrix) # y
print('width: ' + str(width))
print('height: ' + str(height))
for y in range(height):
a = eg5_matrix[y]
for startSlice in range(len(a)):
endSlice = upTo-1
aSublist = a[startSlice:endSlice]
aSet = set(aSublist)
if len(aSet) == 1:
# Match found
# print('len(aSet)/match: ' + str(len(aSet)))
# exit()
# print('len(aSet): ' + str(len(aSet)))
endSlice += 1
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
# E.g. 6: 3-in-a-row checker
print('[OUT] E.g. 6')
eg6_matrix = [
[2, 1, 1],
[2, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 2]
# Flag tracking if a 3-in-a-row was found in the board
finished = False
# Methods for checking 3-in-a-row
# Check horizontally
def horizontalCheck(row, col):
threeInARow = False
consecutiveCount = 0
# From starting position to end of row...
for j in range(col, 3):
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == eg6_matrix[row][j]:
consecutiveCount += 1
if consecutiveCount >= 3:
threeInARow = True
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == 1:
print('p1 wins on horizontal, row: ' + str(row+1))
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == 2:
print('p2 wins on horizontal, row: ' + str(row+1))
return threeInARow
# Check vertically
def verticalCheck(row, col):
threeInARow = False
consecutiveCount = 0
for i in range(row, 3):
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == eg6_matrix[i][col]:
consecutiveCount += 1
if consecutiveCount >= 3:
threeInARow = True
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == 1:
print('p1 wins on vertical, col: ' + str(col+1))
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == 2:
print('p2 wins on vertical, col: ' + str(col+1))
return threeInARow
# Check diagonally
def diagonalCheck(row, col):
print('row: ' + str(row) + ', col: ' + str(col))
threeInARow = False
count = 0
slope = None
consecutiveCount = 0
j = col
print('scanning positive slope...')
for i in range(row, 3):
print('i: ' + str(i) + ', j: ' + str(j))
if j >= 3:
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == eg6_matrix[i][j]:
consecutiveCount += 1
# Move along 1 col, 1 row to essentially move 1 down diagonally
j += 1
if consecutiveCount >= 3:
count += 1
slope = 'positive'
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == 1:
print('p1 wins on diagonal, slope: ' + slope)
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == 2:
print('p2 wins on diagonal, slope: ' + slope)
consecutiveCount = 0
j = col
print('scanning negative slope...')
for i in range(row, -1, -1):
if j >= 3:
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == eg6_matrix[i][j]:
consecutiveCount += 1
# Move along 1 col, -1 row to essentially move 1 up diagonally
j += 1
if consecutiveCount >= 3:
count += 1
slope = 'negative'
if eg6_matrix[row][col] == 1:
print('p1 wins on diagonal!')
elif eg6_matrix[row][col] == 2:
print('p2 wins on diagonal!')
if count > 0:
print('count (>): ' + str(count))
threeInARow = True
if count == 2:
print('count (==): ' + str(count))
slope = 'both'
return threeInARow, slope
# Check if there's a 3-in-a-row in the board
def checkForFours():
# For each counter in the board...
for i in range(columnLength): # col elems
for j in range(rowLength): # row elems
# We only check for 3-in-a-row starting at (i,j)
if eg6_matrix[i][j] != 0:
if horizontalCheck(i, j):
finished = True
print('horizontal match!')
if verticalCheck(i, j):
finished = True
print('vertical match!')
diag_threes, slope = diagonalCheck(i, j)
if diag_threes:
print('checkForFours/slope: ' + slope)
finished = True
# Find out dimensions of board
columnLength = len(eg6_matrix)
rowLength = len(eg6_matrix[0])
print('columnLength: ' + str(columnLength))
print('rowLength: ' + str(rowLength))
print('\n' + '------' + '\n')
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