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Created February 14, 2012 20:58
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A Messy Demo
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Created by Christian Swinehart on 2012-02-14.
Copyright (c) 2012 Samizdat Drafting Co. All rights reserved.
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys
import os
import random
# dependencies: pip install tornado decorator
from decorator import decorator
from couchdb import Server, Database, ResourceConflict
from tornado import ioloop
import tornado.web
def pretty(count, name):
return "%i %s%s:"%(count, name, '' if count==1 else 's')
def basic_crud():
# grab these synchronously so there aren't sequence problems below
s = Server('')
db = s['cc']
# get a database (after seeing it exists) without blocking
def got_db(database, error):
if error:
print "Server.get: Error", error
print "Database:", database
s.get('cc', callback=got_db)
# get a single doc
def got_doc(doc, error):
if error:
print "Database.get: Error", error
print "Document:", doc
db.get('lorem', callback=got_doc)
# get a selection of docs by id
def got_many(docs, error):
if error:
print "Database.get: Error", error
print pretty(len(docs),"Document")
for doc in docs:
print " %s"%doc
db.get(['lorem','ipsum','dolor'], callback=got_many)
# access a view
def got_rows(rows, error):
if error:
print "Database.view: Error", error
print pretty(len(rows), "Row")
for row in rows:
print " %s"%row
db.view('_all_docs', limit=20, descending=True, callback=got_rows)
def changes_feed():
s = Server('')
db = s['cc']
def callback(seq, changes):
# the callback will be continually invoked whenever db writes occur.
# calls are throttled to a maximum rate of 1/s since edits often come
# in barrages
print "Current seq:",seq
print pretty(len(changes),"Change"), changes, "\n"
db.changes(feed="continuous", heartbeat=60000, since=11430, callback=callback)
def document_readwrite():
# grab these synchronously so there aren't sequence problems below
s = Server('')
db = s['cc']
some_docs = [row.doc for row in db.view('_all_docs', include_docs=True, limit=5)]
# make some edits to the documents we loaded earlier and PUT them to the db
for doc in some_docs:
doc['foo'] = random.random()
# randomly delete the revs on a few docs to cause a conflict when we upload
if random.random()<.1:
del doc['_rev']
def done_writing(resp, error):
if error: raise error
# the resp is a list of {id:, doc:, error:} dicts:
# find the docs that weren't updated due to stale/missing _revs
conflicts = [r['doc'] for r in resp if isinstance(r['error'], ResourceConflict)]
if conflicts:
print "Found conflics when writing:",conflicts
# fetch the current versions of the conflicted docs so we can merge them
def got_old_versions(docs, error):
# let's just overwrite whatever was on the database by copying the
# current _rev onto the doc we already tried to upload. Then we can
# retry the write.
merged = []
for old_doc, new_doc in zip(conflicts, docs):
if new_doc:
old_doc['_rev'] = new_doc['_rev']
def wrote_merged_versions(resp, error):
# hopefully the rev-transplant and reupload was quick enough
# that nobody else edited the doc in the meantime and we won't
# have any more conflicts
if error: raise error
if any(r for r in resp if r['error']):
print "Still have conflicts:", resp
print "Successfully merged"
db.update(merged, callback=wrote_merged_versions)
db.get(conflicts, callback=got_old_versions)
db.update(some_docs, callback=done_writing)
def webapp():
db = Database('')
class HelloYou(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self, user_id):
db.get(user_id, callback=self.got_user_doc)
def got_user_doc(self, doc, error):
# if error isn't None, something went wrong
if error:
self.write('hello whoever you are')
print error
# presume the doc is of the form {firstname:"", lastname:""}
self.write('hello %s %s'%(doc['firstname'],doc['lastname']))
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/hello/([^/]+)", HelloYou),
loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
def main():
# the main example
# try running these one at a time ... and then all at once...
# basic_crud()
# document_readwrite()
# changes_feed()
# this coordinates the http and keeps the script running until the loop
# is stopped in one of the callbacks (or you hit ^c). otherwise it would
# exit almost immediately.
# ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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