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Last active June 8, 2020 18:41
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Pretty-print whatever JSON is currently in the pasteboard and view it in your pager of choice
pbj [-c] [-m]
If the pasteboard contains a JSON object or a URL pointing to a JSON resource it will be formatted
and displayed in a pager.
pbj <FILE> [-c] [-m]
If a FILE is provided (as a local path or url), it will be read in rather than using the contents
of the pasteboard.
<cmd> | pbj [-c] [-m]
You can also pipe JSON output from other commands to pbj.
-c copy the reformatted JSON to the pasteboard rather than displaying it
-m minify the JSON to a single line rather than pretty-printing it
If defined, pbj will use vim's 'less' emulation mode and display JSON using the color-scheme specified.
The default scheme names you can choose from include:
blue delek evening morning peachpuff slate
darkblue desert industry murphy ron torte
default elflord koehler pablo shine zellner
If PBJ_COLORS is not defined, you can use PBJ_PAGER to specify which command pbj will use to display JSON.
For instance, the following is equivalent to setting PBJ_COLORS to 'slate':
export PBJ_PAGER="vim --cmd 'let no_plugin_maps=1' -c 'runtime! macros/less.vim|set syntax=json|set ic|colorscheme slate' -"
If neither PBJ_COLORS nor PBJ_PAGER is not defined, pbj will use the command in your PAGER environment
variable to display the JSON data
Created by Christian Swinehart on 2020-05-27.
Copyright (c) 2020 Samizdat Drafting Co. All rights reserved.
from __future__ import with_statement, division
import re
import os
import json
from sys import argv, stdin, stdout, exit
from urllib2 import urlopen
from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
VIM_CMD = "vim --cmd 'let no_plugin_maps=1' -c 'runtime! macros/less.vim|set syntax=json|set ic|colorscheme %s' -"
getenv = lambda *args: os.environ.get(*args)
def main():
args = argv[1:]
opts = [s for s in args if s.startswith('-')]
fnames = [s for s in args if s not in opts]
# short circuit on printing documentation
if '-h' in opts or '--help' in opts:
print __doc__.split('---')[0]
# check options for indentation depth
indent = None if '-m' in opts else 2
# get the JSON payload
# read from file/url if one was passed as an argument
fn = fnames[0]
rsrc = urlopen(fn) if fn.startswith('http') else open(fn)
blob =
except IndexError:
# otherwise read from pipe or pasteboard
if not stdin.isatty():
blob =
blob = check_output(['pbpaste'])
# if pasteboard contains a url rather than a JSON blob, fetch it
if re.match(r'https?://', blob):
print 'Fetching', blob
blob = urlopen(blob).read()
# reformat the JSON
obj = json.loads(blob, object_pairs_hook=odict)
text = json.dumps(obj, indent=indent, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')
except ValueError, e:
if fnames:
print '%s:'%fnames[0],
print e
# pick the output channel (stdout, pager, or pasteboard)
if not stdout.isatty():
elif '-c' in opts:
pager = 'pbcopy'
print "Pasteboard JSON updated"
scheme = getenv('PBJ_COLORS')
pager = VIM_CMD%scheme if scheme else getenv('PBJ_PAGER', getenv('PAGER', 'less'))
# output the text and wait for the process to exit
proc = Popen(pager, shell=True, stdin=PIPE)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
pass # let the pager catch ctrl-c
except IOError:
pass # ignore broken pipes caused by quitting the pager program.
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Ignore ctl-c like the pager itself does. Otherwise the pager is
# left running and the terminal is in raw mode and unusable.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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