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Created October 11, 2021 21:17
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name ring quadrant isNew description
C# adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>C#</a> is our language of choice. It's strongly-typed, blends functional and object-oriented programming and works on all the OS we need to support.
TypeScript adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>TypeScript</a> is our default choice for running code in the browser. It's strongly-typed and smoothes out the rough bits of JavaScript.
Go trial Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>Go</a> is the natural language to use when extending Kubernetes with operators.
Java trial Languages and Frameworks true Redgate purchased Flyway, written in <a href=''>Java</a>. Java is a plausible choice for new products (due to its rich ecosystem), but we default to C#.
Bash adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>Bash</a> is our default choice for scripting internal tools. Everyone should be familiar with the Bash toolkit.
PowerShell hold Languages and Frameworks true Don't use PowerShell for new projects - prefer Bash.
.NET 5 adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>.NET 5</a> is now cross-platform and a great choice for desktop, web and cloud-based applications.
.NET Core hold Languages and Frameworks true Don't use .NET Core - we've moved on to .NET 5.
ASP.NET Core adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>ASP.NET</a>.
React adopt Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>React</a> makes it painless to create interactive UIs.
Electron adopt Platforms true Electron has proved itself for developing web-based desktop products. It's our default choice for new desktop-based applications.
WinForms hold Languages and Frameworks true Don't use WinForms for new projects - prefer Electron.
WPF hold Languages and Frameworks true Don't use WPF for new projects - prefer Electron.
Blazor.Net assess Languages and Frameworks true <a href=''>Blazor</a> is super exciting. It means we might get to leverage our existing C# skills in the browser. It's too early for Redgate to commit to using this in production, so it's in assess so we can keep a good understanding of developments in this area.
Visual Studio adopt Tools true Visual Studio is our default IDE for developing in C#. We get the Enterprise edition via our MSDN subscription.
Rider adopt Tools true Many teams use Rider instead of Visual Studio for their development. We have licences for it.
VS Code adopt Tools true A free lightweight IDE. Our text editor of choice.
GitHub adopt Tools true All development should use GitHub.
TeamCity adopt Tools true TeamCity is our default build system.
Azure DevOps trial Tools true We believe Azure DevOps might be a fine alternative to TeamCity.
GitHub Actions assess Tools true We're keeping an eye on GitHub actions as part of simplifying our build process.
Redgate.Build hold Tools true Redgate.Build is our own PowerShell based build scripts. Over time it's become complicated and we wouldn't recommend it for new projects.
Terraform adopt Tools true Used for automating infrastucture provisioning.
Application Insights adopt Tools true All applications should use Application Insights as the default developer telemetry platform (incl. feature usage and error reporting).
Raygun hold Tools true Deprecated in favour of Application Insights
Flyway adopt Tools true Our default tool for migrating database schemas.
WSL 2 adopt Tools true Windows Subsystem for Linux should be installed on every development machine
SignalR adopt Tools true <a href=''>SignalR</a> is our default choice for push-functionality.
Hashicorp Vault adopt Tools true We recommend <a href=''>Hashicorp Vault</a> for storing secrets.
Keepass files in GitHub hold Tools true Use a password manager (or Vault) instead.
Docker adopt Tools true Docker should be used as the default containerisation technology. Used for building, testing and deployment.
gRPC trial Tools true <a href=''>gRPC</a> is a high-performance RPC framework which we may investigate for high-volume data collection (for example, SQL Monitor).
Snyk adopt Tools true We use Snyk to scan for known vulnerabilities in our products' dependencies.
DocFx trial Tools true <a href=''>DocFX</a> is an extensible and scalable static documentation generator. We're experimenting with it for the <a href=''>web version of the progression framework</a>. Could this be a future solution to host our documentation too?
Makefiles assess Tools true Should we fall back to using Makefiles as part of a simpler build process? Again, this is part of our desire to simplify our build process.
Cake assess Tools true <a href=''>Cake</a> is a free and OSS cross-platform build automation system with a C# DSL.
Bazel assess Tools true <a href=''>Bazel</a> is a build/test tool similar to Make/Maven/Gradle.
Earthly assess Tools true <a href=''>Earthly</a> is a syntax for defining your build leading to repeatable and understable builds.
Feature Flagging vendors (Launch Darkly?) assess Tools true If your usage of feature flagging becomes sufficiently complicated then it's time to investigate third-party vendors.
Virtualbox based Vagrant boxes hold Tools true Use Docker instead where possible. UI and manual testing may still use Virtualbox.
Flux 2 trial Tools true <a href=''>Flux</a> is an implementation of GitOps for Kuberenetes
Redgate Platform adopt Platforms true All new applications should be built on the Redgate Platform.
Kubernetes adopt Platforms true <a href=''>K8S</a> is the undeniable winner of orchestration tools.
SQL Server as backing store adopt Platforms true When a product needs to store more complex data than it can fit in a flat file, we ask the customer for a SQL DB.
PostgreSQL as backing store trial Platforms true If there's a very good reason to use a lightweight/free database engine, we should choose Postgres.
Windows adopt Platforms true Windows must be one of our supported target platforms.
Linux x64 (.NET supported versions) adopt Platforms true Linux must be one of our supported target platforms.
macOS adopt Platforms true MacOS must be one of our supported target platforms.
Virtual Machines hold Platforms true Prefer using lightweight Docker containers.
CLIs adopt Techniques true Product should, where possible, expose funtionality via a CLI.
RESTful APIs adopt Techniques true A REST architetural style is our default choice for building web APIs. Deviations can be made when it makes sense to do so.
Containerised products assess Techniques true Where possible, all new products should be built to be containerised. We should ship the Mac/Linux versions of our products inside Docker containers.
Infrastructure as code adopt Techniques true Infrastructure should be provisioned through code rather than manually (except for ad-hoc testing)
Automated code style settings adopt Techniques true Codebases should be formatted consistently. Automated code-style settings achieve this without fuss.
Static code analysis (linters) adopt Techniques true Static code analysis is invaluable for automatically checking for problems in code. We use ESLint for JS and Roslyn-based analyzers for .NET. We also experimented with SonarQube but our implementation wasn't giving us confidence.
Semantic Versioning adopt Techniques true We should use semver for all our versioning needs unless there's a compelling reason not to.
Database Agnosticism adopt Techniques true We aim for feature parity between products that support different database engines.
Feature Flags adopt Techniques true Feature Flags are a great technique for minimizing long-lived feature branches. Our recommendation is to focus on simplicity - if you find yourself writing substantial code to support Feature Flags, consider using a third-party solution.
Continuous delivery adopt Techniques true Products should be ready for release at any time.
Continuous Deployment assess Techniques true We'd like to evaluate technology that increases our deployment frequency, with a view to getting value into the hands of our users as quickly as possible.
Build inside Docker containers trial Techniques true We should reduce build dependencies by building and testing our products inside containers.
AI/ML assess Techniques true AI/ML are becoming commoditized. Off-the-shelf software is available for predictive modelling, text analysis, anomaly detection and much more.
Automation/Low-code solutions assess Techniques true Remote is driving a digital transformation across industries. Low-code solutions, such as Power Apps, allow organizations to modernize these processes.
Git Ops trial Techniques true The core idea of GitOps is having a Git repository that always contains declarative descriptions of the infrastructure currently desired in the production environment and an automated process to make the production environment match the described state in the repository. If you want to deploy a new application or update an existing one, you only need to update the repository - the automated process handles everything else. It’s like having cruise control for managing your applications in production. <a href=''>Read more</a>
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