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Last active June 13, 2018 20:27
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Signing Git Commits

OpenPGP is a standard for encryption and signing

  • Pairs of public and private keys
  • To send you an encrypted document, I encrypt it with your public key, then only your private key can open it
  • Singing verifies the sender. You sign with your private key, and then anyone with your public key can verify that it was truely you who sent it.


  • PGP is a proprietary implementation and GPG is a Gnu implementation of OpenPGP

Web of Trust

  • The biggest hinderence to GPG adoption for encryption is establishing a web of trust. I trust you and you trust me, we exchange public keys.
  • If I trust you and you also trust Herb, then there is a key signing process that basically validates that our public keys are actually our public keys

Keybase Ideology

  • Uses social capital for identity validation.
  • Keybase makes the connection between social you (twitter, github, facebok, ...) and your key.
  • This allows you to trust a key for an online presence (i.e. coder on GH). Nuanced difference between "this key is yours" and "this key is associated with your online presence"

Keybase Features

  • Upload just your public key so that others can send you encrypted messages and files or verify your signature.
  • Upload a public / private key pair and use it as a "key locker", also enables you to use their ui for decrypting / signing.
  • Generate a key pair with keybase. gives you things like syncing across devices, easy passphrase updates, ...

What does this have to do with Git?

  • When you commit or tag code, the only "real" proof that it was actually you is that you included your email.
  • You can sign git commits / tags with your private key the same way you would sign a file or a message. Anyone with your public key can verify that it was infact you that did it.
  • If you give github a copy of your public key, it will "verify" your commits and tags in the UI to establish trust that it was infact you that signed it.

Why sign commits?

  • Social reasons: Let's say you are often a target of terrible things online. Someone might spoof a commit to a terrible online repository to affect your reputation. It doesn't "quite" give you deniability, but it's better than nothing
  • If it's a prolific project (linux kernel), someone might spoof a commit introducing a security vulnerability. If it's not signed, then people that should be validating trust can't really know that someone they trust wrote that code.
  • Signing release tags is AWESOME it means that people pointing to those shas as a dependency have a bit more of a guarantee about who published it, and also that the entire tag ancestry has been “unchanged”

Alternative viewpoints

  • Not every commit needs to be signed. It's probably enough to sign important commits (maybe merge commits??) to verify the current state.
  • Linus says that it means that you've just automated the process and made it less credible

How to get started?

  1. Create a keybase account and link it to your online presence
  2. Generate a key pair with keybase
  3. Import the key pair into your local GPG key utility
  4. Configure git to sign your commits with the PRIVATE key in your store
  5. Upload your PUBLIC key to GitHub for your "verified" badge
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