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  • Save samklr/6098126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save samklr/6098126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Goal: Use Scalding to datamine the 2010 US Census data (kindly provided by @ElonAzoulay & @hmason), to find
WEALTHY == house value quarter million, household income 150k
WELL EDUCATED == sort by edu, edu = (10 * Phd + 5 * MS + 1 * BS) score
import com.twitter.scalding._
import cascading.tuple.Fields
import cascading.tap.SinkMode
class CensusJob(args : Args) extends Job(args) {
val filename = "census_2010_acs.csv"
val columns = Seq("postal_code","state","region","division","statefips","latitude","longitude",
val fields = new Fields(columns: _*)
val input = Csv(filename,",", fields,false, false, "\"",SinkMode.REPLACE)
val output = Tsv("output.tsv")
type X = (String,String,Double, Long, Double)
type Y = List[X]
// keep only those columns I care about
.project('postal_code, 'state,'medianage, 'median_house_value, 'median_household_income, 'education_level_college_bachelors_pct, 'education_level_college_masters_pct, 'education_level_college_doctorate_pct)
// houses worth 250k or more
.filter('median_house_value) {
x:Double => x > 250000.0d
// don't want to live in a retirement community
.filter('medianage) {
x:Double => x < 50
// atleast six figure household income, 2 parents * 75K = 150k
.filter('median_household_income) {
x:Long => x > 150000
// place a very high value on academia
.map(('education_level_college_doctorate_pct, 'education_level_college_masters_pct, 'education_level_college_bachelors_pct) -> 'edu){
x:(Double,Double,Double) => (10*x._1 + 5*x._2 + x._3 )
.project('postal_code, 'state, 'edu, 'median_house_value, 'median_household_income)
.groupAll {
val init: Y = Nil
group =>
group.foldLeft[Y,X] (('postal_code, 'state, 'edu, 'median_house_value, 'median_household_income) -> 'res)(init) {
(a:Y, b:X) => a ++ List((b._1, b._2, b._3, b._4, b._5))
}.mapTo('* -> '*) {
x: Y =>
.sortBy(y => -y._3)
.groupBy(y => y._2)
.map(kv => { val (x,y) = kv; x + " -> " + z => z._1).mkString(",") })
MA -> 02468,01741,01467,02481,01770,01776,02493,02030
NM -> 88040
IL -> 60043,60022,60521,60029
MO -> 63073,63005
WA -> 98039,98050
NJ -> 08558,08550,07043,08502,07046,07078,07028,07739,08836,07450,07945,07021,07930,07423,07458,07481,07979,07931,07722,07620
TX -> 77094,76092,76034
MD -> 20686,21153,20816,20817,20854,21737,21029,21036,20777,20818,21794,21738,20759,21405
CT -> 06870,06883,06820,06840,06880,06903,06890,06897,06878,06092
FL -> 32461
PA -> 19066,19085,19425
NH -> 03604
CA -> 94022,94024,95070,94027,94563,91108,92657,90272,94506,90077,90274,92145,94507,92861,92678
UT -> 84731
AL -> 36473
VA -> 22027,22101,22181,22182,22207,22066,22124,22039,22308,20124,23129
NY -> 10527,10518,10576,10510,10514,10597,10282,10007,10583,10804,11753,10577,10069,10506,11568,10504,11030,11576,11765,06390,10914
DE -> 19807
0. Census Data as CSV here:, thanks to @ElonAzoulay
1. The census data has 66 fields, but Scala supports only upto Tuple22.
Have to use Cascading Fields for the Csv, cannot simply specify column names as a tuple.
2. The 32000+ zipcodes after being subject to filters reduces to ~100, which comfortably fits in a regular Scala List.
So we run a fold in the reducer & aggregate into a single scala list.
This is useful because we can do custom sorting, grouping, output formatting/pretty-printing much more comfortably in straight scala than with the DSL.
3. To find the mapping of zipcode to actual US city, use & type in the zipcode.
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