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Created November 26, 2013 13:17
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package nodescala
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
import scala.collection._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import java.util.concurrent.{Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit, LinkedBlockingQueue}
import{HttpExchange, HttpHandler, HttpServer}
/** Contains utilities common to the NodeScala© framework.
trait NodeScala {
import NodeScala._
def port: Int
def createListener(relativePath: String): Listener
/** Uses the response object to respond to the write the response back.
* The response should be written back in parts, and the method should
* occasionally check that server was not stopped, otherwise a very long
* response may take very long to finish.
* @param exchange the exchange used to write the response back
* @param token the cancellation token for
* @param body the response to write back
private def respond(exchange: Exchange, token: CancellationToken, response: Response): Unit = {
while (response.hasNext && token.nonCancelled) {
val s =
/** A server:
* 1) creates and starts an http listener
* 2) creates a cancellation token (hint: use one of the `Future` companion methods)
* 3) as long as the token is not cancelled and there is a request from the http listener
* asynchronously process that request using the `respond` method
* @param relativePath a relative path on which to start listening on
* @param handler a function mapping a request to a response
* @return a subscription that can stop the server and all its asynchronous operations *entirely*.
def start(relativePath: String)(handler: Request => Response): Subscription = {
val l = createListener(relativePath)
val listenerSub = l.start
val requestSub = { ct =>
Future {
while (ct.nonCancelled) {
val f = l.nextRequest
f onComplete {
case anyValue => {
val req = anyValue.get._1
val exc = anyValue.get._2
val res = handler(req)
respond(exc, ct, res)
Subscription.apply(listenerSub, requestSub)
object NodeScala {
/** A request is a multimap of headers, where each header is a key-value pair of strings.
type Request = Map[String, List[String]]
/** A response consists of a potentially long string (e.g. a data file).
* To be able to process this string in parts, the response is encoded
* as an iterator over a subsequences of the response string.
type Response = Iterator[String]
/** Used to write the response to the request.
trait Exchange {
/** Writes to the output stream of the exchange.
def write(s: String): Unit
/** Communicates that the response has ended and that there
* will be no further writes.
def close(): Unit
def request: Request
object Exchange {
def apply(exchange: HttpExchange) = new Exchange {
val os = exchange.getResponseBody()
exchange.sendResponseHeaders(200, 0L)
def write(s: String) = os.write(s.getBytes)
def close() = os.close()
def request: Request = {
val headers = for ((k, vs) <- exchange.getRequestHeaders) yield (k, vs.toList)
immutable.Map() ++ headers
trait Listener {
def port: Int
def relativePath: String
def start(): Subscription
def createContext(handler: Exchange => Unit): Unit
def removeContext(): Unit
/** Given a relative path:
* 1) constructs an uncompleted promise
* 2) installs an asynchronous request handler using `createContext`
* that completes the promise with a request when it arrives
* and then deregisters itself using `removeContext`
* 3) returns the future with the request
* @param relativePath the relative path on which we want to listen to requests
* @return the promise holding the pair of a request and an exchange object
def nextRequest(): Future[(Request, Exchange)] = {
val p = Promise[(Request, Exchange)]()
val f = p.future
createContext(ex => {
p.success((ex.request, ex))
f onComplete {ex =>
object Listener {
class Default(val port: Int, val relativePath: String) extends Listener {
private val s = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(port), 0)
private val executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue)
def start() = {
new Subscription {
def unsubscribe() = {
def createContext(handler: Exchange => Unit) = s.createContext(relativePath, new HttpHandler {
def handle(httpxchg: HttpExchange) = handler(Exchange(httpxchg))
def removeContext() = s.removeContext(relativePath)
/** The standard server implementation.
class Default(val port: Int) extends NodeScala {
def createListener(relativePath: String) = new Listener.Default(port, relativePath)
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