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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Save samlam/2dd181132561eab679ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lwg test
if (!window.aiScope){
window.aiScope = scope;
window.aiContainer = this;
var ai =;
///setup and cached the func
if (!ai){
ai = = {};
ai.playerNumber = scope.getMyPlayerNumber();
ai.mines = scope.getBuildings({type: "Goldmine"});
ai.getSupply = function (){
return game.players[ai.playerNumber].supply;
ai.findNearestMine = function(fromX, fromY){
var nearestMine = null;
var neasrestDist = 99999;
var dist = Math.pow(mine.getX() - fromX, 2) + Math.pow(mine.getY() - fromY, 2);
if(dist < neasrestDist)
nearestMine = mine;
neasrestDist = dist;
return nearestMine;
ai.findNextBuilder = function (idleWorkers){
var visibleWorkers = scope.getUnits({type:"Worker", player:ai.playerNumber});
if (idleWorkers.length > 0) return idleWorkers[0];
if (visibleWorkers.length > 0) return visibleWorkers[0];
ai.getMaxSupply = function (){
return scope.player.maxSupply;
ai.cycle = 0;
console.log('ai is initialized');
ai.cycle ++;
var castles = scope.getBuildings({type: "Castle", player: ai.playerNumber });
var houses = scope.getBuildings({type: "House", player: ai.playerNumber});
var barracks = scope.getBuildings({type: "Barracks", player: ai.playerNumber });
var idleWorkers = scope.getUnits({type: "Worker", player: ai.playerNumber, order: "Stop"});
var allVisibleUnits = scope.getUnits({player: ai.playerNumber});
var availableSupply = ai.getMaxSupply() - ai.getSupply();
var gold = scope.getGold();
if (window.DEBUG) debugger;
if (!ai.builder || !ai.builder.unit.isAlive){
ai.builder = ai.findNextBuilder(idleWorkers);
if (ai.builder){
var homeCastle = castles[0];
if (!homeCastle) return; //temp. avoid exception
ai.builder.nxBuildSite = {x:castles[0].getX() + 4, y:castles[0].getY()};
ai.builder.findNextBuildSite = function (currentPos){
//if game.fieldIsBlocked(x,y)
ai.builder.isOnBuildSite = function (){
return (this.unit.pos.y == this.nxBuildSite.y && this.unit.pos.x == this.nxBuildSite.x)? true: false;
ai.builder.clearLastOrder = function(){
this.LastOrder = this.LastOrderFromPos = this.LastOrderTargetPos = null;
this.LastOrderCycle = 0;
console.log('cancel order/ resetting last order');
ai.builder.buildNewHouse = function(availGold){
if (availGold < 100) {
//cancel order
scope.order("Build House", [this], {x: this.nxBuildSite.x, y: this.nxBuildSite.y});
this.LastOrder = "Build House";
this.LastOrderCycle = ai.cycle;
console.log("build new house");
return true;
ai.builder.buildBarracks = function(availGold){
if(availGold < 200) {
//cancel order
scope.order("Build Barracks", [this],this.nxBuildSite);
this.LastOrder = "Build Barracks";
this.LastOrderCycle = ai.cycle;
console.log("build barrack");
ai.builder.move = function(pos){
scope.order("Move",[builder], pos);
this.LastOrder = "Move";
this.LastOrderCycle = ai.cycle;
this.LastOrderTargetPos = pos;
this.LastOrderFromPos = this.unit.pos;
console.log ('builder is moving from (' + this.unit.pos.x.toString() + ',' + this.unit.pos.y.toString() + ') to target', pos);
ai.builder.isStuck = function(){
if (ai.cycle > this.LastOrderCycle && this.LastOrderFromPos == this.unit.pos)
return true;
var builder = ai.builder;
console.log('cycle/gold/availableSupply', ai.cycle, scope.getGold(), availableSupply);
if (builder){
if ( ( == "Stop") || == "Mine"){
//build house
if ((houses.length == 0 || availableSupply < 6 ) && gold >= 100){
if (builder.isOnBuildSite()){
}else if (!builder.isOnBuildSite() && !builder.isStuck()) {
}else if (builder.isStuck()){
console.log('stuck on building houses');
builder.nxBuildSite.x += -4;
builder.nxBuildSite.y += -4;
//build barracks
if (houses.length > 0 && barracks.length < 2 && gold >= 200){
console.log('should build barracks');
if (builder.isOnBuildSite()){
console.log('inposition, let\'s build barracks');
}else if (!builder.isOnBuildSite() && !builder.isStuck()){
console.log('not in position yet, let\'s move to buildsite', builder.nxBuildSite);
}else if (builder.isStuck()){
console.log('stuck on building barracks');
builder.nxBuildSite.x += -4;
builder.nxBuildSite.y += -4;
//no worker should be idle
if ( =={
//if builder is idle and its last order = the current cycle, which means builder is yet to execute the last order
if (builder.LastOrder && builder.LastOrderCycle >= ai.cycle) {
console.log('idle builder, let\'s head to mine');
var m = ai.findNearestMine(worker.getX(), worker.getY());
scope.order("Mine", [worker], {unit:m});
//no building should be idle
var q = castle.getUnitTypeNameInProductionQueAt(0);
if (!castle.getUnitTypeNameInProductionQueAt(1) && gold > 60){
scope.order("Train Worker", [castle]);
console.log("train new worker");
//no barracks should be idle
if (!barrack.getUnitTypeNameInProductionQueAt(1) && gold > 80 && !barrack.unit.isUnderConstruction){
scope.order("Train Rifleman", [barrack]);
console.log("train new Rifleman");
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