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Sam Landfried samlandfried

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samlandfried /
Created July 23, 2017 18:44
Learn how to retrieve a user's access token to an identity provider with Auth0

Auth0 and ID Provider Access

How to Get API Access Tokens to Services You Authenticate With


Auth0 is an incredible tool with a wide range of capabilities for anyone building a web app that relies on storing and authenticating users. It's the AWS of user management via oauth (Although I imagine AWS has some service that takes care of that). The documentation on Auth0 is similarly comprehensive. I found a homegrown tutorial on their site that covered everything I needed to do (When you create a new app, you answer a few questions to describe the type of app you're building and what technology you're using, and it serves the exact tut you need). Even with Auth0 pushing the limit of what a service can do to make it easy for their users to dive in, I spent a solid 2 days trying to get everything working together. Hopefully, this blog can help you clear one hurdle quicker than me.

What I won't talk about

I'm not going to talk about how to authenticate users with Auth0. That's step 1, and it rea

samlandfried /
Last active December 8, 2017 23:01
Three options for discussions below videos. Story #153293661

Disqus (The system we use on BNR blogs) seems like the easiest and best choice. The only compelling arugment I can think of for going a different route is if we were looking for a truly free option or if we wanted to silo ourselves from the BNR blog for some reason (Even then, we could just make a new account).


  • Commonplace
  • Already used on BNR blogs so might promote cross traffic (There's a link in the Disqus form to see all conversations across BNR)
  • Free if we can piggy back off the existing plan
  • Otherwise $10 < 50,000 daily views
samlandfried /
Created July 23, 2017 18:44
Learn how to retrieve a user's access token to an identity provider with Auth0

Auth0 and ID Provider Access

How to Get API Access Tokens to Services You Authenticate With


Auth0 is an incredible tool with a wide range of capabilities for anyone building a web app that relies on storing and authenticating users. It's the AWS of user management via oauth (Although I imagine AWS has some service that takes care of that). The documentation on Auth0 is similarly comprehensive. I found a homegrown tutorial on their site that covered everything I needed to do (When you create a new app, you answer a few questions to describe the type of app you're building and what technology you're using, and it serves the exact tut you need). Even with Auth0 pushing the limit of what a service can do to make it easy for their users to dive in, I spent a solid 2 days trying to get everything working together. Hopefully, this blog can help you clear one hurdle quicker than me.

What I won't talk about

I'm not going to talk about how to authenticate users with Auth0. That's step 1, and it rea

The Flower Diagram

My favorite people to work with

  1. Driven
  2. Committed
  3. Intelligent
  4. Willing to take risks

Transferable skills

  1. Originality
  2. Proofreading
samlandfried /
Last active May 19, 2017 05:40
My resume for the Microsoft LEAP application

Sam Landfried | (267) 230-0677 | GitHub

Personal projects: Poodr | TGen

Technical Experience


  • Attended Turing School of Software & Design
  • Learned Rails, TDD and an Agile workflow
samlandfried / microaggressions
Created May 5, 2017 20:21
Gearup - Microaggressions
I don't think I've been personally affected by any microagressions. I am a middle class, 30-year-old, white guy with a big comfort level with tech. I also haven't witnessed many (Any?) microaggressions, probably half becuase I'm in a privileged position to not be affected by it so I don't notice it, and half because Turing is an especially supportive community where I imagine the occurrences of microagressions is lower than most other places. I heard about 2 instances: One guy said, "You look like a homeless person," in a lighthearted, playful way, without any thoughts to how that might make anyone feel who has dealt with homelessness, not to mention the macro-aggression of saying something mean. I also heard about some students with military backgrounds joking about initiatives within the military to combat sexual harassment. I don't think it was intentional, but I could easily see those statements making anyone who had been affected by sexual harassment very uncomfortable.
samlandfried /
Created May 3, 2017 21:59
My story rough draft. Why I'm here and where I'm going.

I started looking for a career change over a year ago now. I was in education, and I loved it, but I wanted a career with more opportunity for growth. After a couple Google searches that really weren't far from, "What should I do with my life?" I stumbled across these new-fangled institutions called coding bootcamps. I recalled some programming classes from high school with a little fondness, and a seed was planted. I started tinkering around on Codecademy and built a few apps. After a few solid months of soul searching I decided I really did want to make the career switch. One of my initial reservations was a fear that I was just persuaded by the glitzy marketing of a code camp and didn't actually have any interest in coding. I finally got enough experience to convince myself that wasn't the case, and I took the plunge into Turing. It was a fantastic decision, and I'm glad every day that I made it. I like solving challenges and making useful software.

samlandfried /
Last active April 26, 2017 20:53
A click-through guide to flag users as 'Trained'
  1. Go to your admin dashboard from the March on Harrisburg site. Visit Dashboard

  2. Click on 'Users' on the left side of the screen. Click 'Users'

  3. Check the users you want to mark as trained. Select users to mark as trained

  4. Open the drop-down menu that says 'Change role to...' and select 'Trained Participant'.

samlandfried /
Last active April 26, 2017 17:23 — forked from case-eee/
Intermediate SQL

Intermediate SQL Workshop

  • Run psql
  • You may need to run CREATE DATABASE intermediate_sql;
  • To exit this shell, you can run CTRL d

Create tables

Let's create some tables in the database.

samlandfried / intro_to_recursion.rb
Created April 20, 2017 21:52
A code along lesson plan for recursion
############### NOTES #####################
# Loops
# -iterative
# -recursive
# What is recursion?
# -Another way to repeat instructions
# -Instead of using built in looping methods, you simply repeat a method by calling itself
# -The CS definition is that recursion solves a problem based on solutions to smaller problems, which differs from iteration in that iteration repeats a sequence of instructions a given number of times. Their outcomes are the same.