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Last active July 7, 2017 06:12
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  • Save samloh84/75c615b6a63692f8ec9f68150ee14064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save samloh84/75c615b6a63692f8ec9f68150ee14064 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ssh-keyscan -H ${TARGET_HOST} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
if [[ ! -d openshift-ansible ]]; then
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
sudo yum install -y git python2 python2-pip python2-devel python34 python34-pip python34-devel python-passlib libselinux-python openssl-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo git clone -b release-1.5
sudo pip install -r openshift-ansible/requirements.txt
ssh -t vagrant@${TARGET_HOST} <<- EOF
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
sudo yum install -y git python2 python2-pip python2-devel python34 python34-pip python34-devel python-passlib libselinux-python openssl-devel java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo git clone -b release-1.5
sudo pip install -r openshift-ansible/requirements.txt
ansible-playbook openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml -i ${TARGET_HOST}.inventory
ssh -t vagrant@${TARGET_HOST} <<- EOF
sudo htpasswd -b /etc/origin/master/htpasswd admin Pass1234
sudo oadm policy add-role-to-user admin admin
sudo oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin admin
sudo oadm policy add-role-to-user hawkular-metrics-admin admin
sudo oadm policy add-role-to-user management-infra-admin admin
sudo oadm policy add-role-to-user registry-admin admin
sudo oadm policy add-role-to-user storage-admin admin
# This is an example of a bring your own (byo) host inventory
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters and nodes groups
# etcd
# lb
# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts
# SSH user, this user should allow ssh based auth without requiring a
# password. If using ssh key based auth, then the key should be managed by an
# ssh agent.
# If ansible_ssh_user is not root, ansible_become must be set to true and the
# user must be configured for passwordless sudo
# Debug level for all OpenShift components (Defaults to 2)
# deployment type valid values are origin, online, atomic-enterprise and openshift-enterprise
# Specify the generic release of OpenShift to install. This is used mainly just during installation, after which we
# rely on the version running on the first master. Works best for containerized installs where we can usually
# use this to lookup the latest exact version of the container images, which is the tag actually used to configure
# the cluster. For RPM installations we just verify the version detected in your configured repos matches this
# release.
# Specify an exact container image tag to install or configure.
# WARNING: This value will be used for all hosts in containerized environments, even those that have another version installed.
# This could potentially trigger an upgrade and downtime, so be careful with modifying this value after the cluster is set up.
# Specify an exact rpm version to install or configure.
# WARNING: This value will be used for all hosts in RPM based environments, even those that have another version installed.
# This could potentially trigger an upgrade and downtime, so be careful with modifying this value after the cluster is set up.
# Install the openshift examples
# Configure logoutURL in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensionScripts in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensionStylesheets in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensions in the master config for console customization
# See:
#openshift_master_extensions=[{'name': 'images', 'sourceDirectory': '/path/to/my_images'}]
# Configure extensions in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure imagePolicyConfig in the master config
# See:
#openshift_master_image_policy_config={"maxImagesBulkImportedPerRepository": 3, "disableScheduledImport": true}
# Docker Configuration
# Add additional, insecure, and blocked registries to global docker configuration
# For enterprise deployment types we ensure that is
# included if you do not include it
# Disable pushing to dockerhub
# Items added, as is, to end of /etc/sysconfig/docker OPTIONS
# Default value: "--log-driver=journald"
#openshift_docker_options="-l warn --ipv6=false"
# Specify exact version of Docker to configure or upgrade to.
# Downgrades are not supported and will error out. Be careful when upgrading docker from < 1.10 to > 1.10.
# docker_version="1.12.1"
# Skip upgrading Docker during an OpenShift upgrade, leaves the current Docker version alone.
# docker_upgrade=False
# Specify exact version of etcd to configure or upgrade to.
# etcd_version="3.1.0"
# Upgrade Hooks
# Hooks are available to run custom tasks at various points during a cluster
# upgrade. Each hook should point to a file with Ansible tasks defined. Suggest using
# absolute paths, if not the path will be treated as relative to the file where the
# hook is actually used.
# Tasks to run before each master is upgraded.
# openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook=/usr/share/custom/pre_master.yml
# Tasks to run to upgrade the master. These tasks run after the main openshift-ansible
# upgrade steps, but before we restart system/services.
# openshift_master_upgrade_hook=/usr/share/custom/master.yml
# Tasks to run after each master is upgraded and system/services have been restarted.
# openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook=/usr/share/custom/post_master.yml
# Alternate image format string, useful if you've got your own registry mirror${component}:${version}
# If oreg_url points to a registry other than we can
# modify image streams to point at that registry by setting the following to true
# Origin copr repo
#openshift_additional_repos=[{'id': 'openshift-origin-copr', 'name': 'OpenShift Origin COPR', 'baseurl': '$basearch/', 'enabled': 1, 'gpgcheck': 1, 'gpgkey': ''}]
# htpasswd auth
openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]
# Defining htpasswd users
openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'samuel': '$apr1$CaA7YeJt$.uwwcxkLbB4t2YEGAKMbe/'}
# or
#openshift_master_htpasswd_file=<path to local pre-generated htpasswd file>
# Allow all auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'allow_all', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider'}]
# LDAP auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'my_ldap_provider', 'challenge': 'true', 'login': 'true', 'kind': 'LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider', 'attributes': {'id': ['dn'], 'email': ['mail'], 'name': ['cn'], 'preferredUsername': ['uid']}, 'bindDN': '', 'bindPassword': '', 'ca': 'my-ldap-ca.crt', 'insecure': 'false', 'url': 'ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?uid'}]
# Configure LDAP CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "ca" key set
# within the LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_ldap_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_ldap_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# OpenID auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{"name": "openid_auth", "login": "true", "challenge": "false", "kind": "OpenIDIdentityProvider", "client_id": "my_client_id", "client_secret": "my_client_secret", "claims": {"id": ["sub"], "preferredUsername": ["preferred_username"], "name": ["name"], "email": ["email"]}, "urls": {"authorize": "", "token": ""}, "ca": "my-openid-ca-bundle.crt"}]
# Configure OpenID CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "ca" key set
# within the OpenIDIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_openid_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_openid_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# Request header auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{"name": "my_request_header_provider", "challenge": "true", "login": "true", "kind": "RequestHeaderIdentityProvider", "challengeURL": "${query}", "loginURL": "${query}", "clientCA": "my-request-header-ca.crt", "clientCommonNames": ["my-auth-proxy"], "headers": ["X-Remote-User", "SSO-User"], "emailHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Email"], "nameHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Display-Name"], "preferredUsernameHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Login"]}]
# Configure request header CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "clientCA"
# key set within the RequestHeaderIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_request_header_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_request_header_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# Cloud Provider Configuration
# Note: You may make use of environment variables rather than store
# sensitive configuration within the ansible inventory.
# For example:
#openshift_cloudprovider_aws_access_key="{{ lookup('env','AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') }}"
#openshift_cloudprovider_aws_secret_key="{{ lookup('env','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') }}"
# Note: IAM profiles may be used instead of storing API credentials on disk.
# Openstack
# Project Configuration
# Configure additional projects
#openshift_additional_projects={'my-project': {'default_node_selector': 'label=value'}}
# Enable cockpit
# Set cockpit plugins
# Native high availability cluster method with optional load balancer.
# If no lb group is defined, the installer assumes that a load balancer has
# been preconfigured. For installation the value of
# openshift_master_cluster_hostname must resolve to the load balancer
# or to one or all of the masters defined in the inventory if no load
# balancer is present.
# openshift_master_cluster_method=native
# Pacemaker high availability cluster method.
# Pacemaker HA environment must be able to self provision the
# configured VIP. For installation openshift_master_cluster_hostname
# must resolve to the configured VIP.
# Override the default controller lease ttl
# Configure controller arguments
#osm_controller_args={'resource-quota-sync-period': ['10s']}
# Configure api server arguments
#osm_api_server_args={'max-requests-inflight': ['400']}
# default subdomain to use for exposed routes
# additional cors origins
#osm_custom_cors_origins=['', '']
# default project node selector
# Override the default pod eviction timeout
# Override the default oauth tokenConfig settings:
# openshift_master_access_token_max_seconds=86400
# openshift_master_auth_token_max_seconds=500
# Override master servingInfo.maxRequestsInFlight
# default storage plugin dependencies to install, by default the ceph and
# glusterfs plugin dependencies will be installed, if available.
# OpenShift Router Options
# An OpenShift router will be created during install if there are
# nodes present with labels matching the default router selector,
# "region=infra". Set openshift_node_labels per node as needed in
# order to label nodes.
# Example:
# [nodes]
# openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}"
# Router selector (optional)
# Router will only be created if nodes matching this label are present.
# Default value: 'region=infra'
# Router replicas (optional)
# Unless specified, openshift-ansible will calculate the replica count
# based on the number of nodes matching the openshift router selector.
# Router force subdomain (optional)
# A router path format to force on all routes used by this router
# (will ignore the route host value)
# Router certificate (optional)
# Provide local certificate paths which will be configured as the
# router's default certificate.
#openshift_hosted_router_certificate={"certfile": "/path/to/router.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/router.key", "cafile": "/path/to/router-ca.crt"}
# Disable management of the OpenShift Router
# Router sharding support has been added and can be achieved by supplying the correct
# data to the inventory. The variable to house the data is openshift_hosted_routers
# and is in the form of a list. If no data is passed then a default router will be
# created. There are multiple combinations of router sharding. The one described
# below supports routers on separate nodes.
#- name: router1
# stats_port: 1936
# ports:
# - 80:80
# - 443:443
# replicas: 1
# namespace: default
# serviceaccount: router
# selector: type=router1
# images: "openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}"
# edits: []
# certificates:
# certfile: /path/to/certificate/abc.crt
# keyfile: /path/to/certificate/abc.key
# cafile: /path/to/certificate/ca.crt
#- name: router2
# stats_port: 1936
# ports:
# - 80:80
# - 443:443
# replicas: 1
# namespace: default
# serviceaccount: router
# selector: type=router2
# images: "openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}"
# certificates:
# certfile: /path/to/certificate/xyz.crt
# keyfile: /path/to/certificate/xyz.key
# cafile: /path/to/certificate/ca.crt
# edits:
# # ROUTE_LABELS sets the router to listen for routes
# # tagged with the provided values
# - key: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env
# value:
# value: "route=external"
# action: append
# OpenShift Registry Console Options
# Override the console image prefix for enterprise deployments, not used in origin
# default is "" and the image appended is "registry-console"
# Override image version, defaults to latest for origin, matches the product version for enterprise
# Openshift Registry Options
# An OpenShift registry will be created during install if there are
# nodes present with labels matching the default registry selector,
# "region=infra". Set openshift_node_labels per node as needed in
# order to label nodes.
# Example:
# [nodes]
# openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}"
# Registry selector (optional)
# Registry will only be created if nodes matching this label are present.
# Default value: 'region=infra'
# Registry replicas (optional)
# Unless specified, openshift-ansible will calculate the replica count
# based on the number of nodes matching the openshift registry selector.
# Disable management of the OpenShift Registry
# Registry Storage Options
# NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/registry"
# External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Openstack
# Volume must already exist.
# AWS S3
# S3 bucket must already exist.
# Any S3 service (Minio, ExoScale, ...): Basically the same as above
# but with regionendpoint configured
# S3 bucket must already exist.
# Additional CloudFront Options. When using CloudFront all three
# of the followingg variables must be defined.
# Metrics deployment
# See:
# By default metrics are not automatically deployed, set this to enable them
# Storage Options
# If openshift_hosted_metrics_storage_kind is unset then metrics will be stored
# in an EmptyDir volume and will be deleted when the cassandra pod terminates.
# Storage options A & B currently support only one cassandra pod which is
# generally enough for up to 1000 pods. Additional volumes can be created
# manually after the fact and metrics scaled per the docs.
# Option A - NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/metrics"
# Option B - External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Option C - Dynamic -- If openshift supports dynamic volume provisioning for
# your cloud platform use this.
# Other Metrics Options -- Common items you may wish to reconfigure, for the complete
# list of options please see roles/openshift_metrics/
# Override metricsPublicURL in the master config for cluster metrics
# Defaults to https://hawkular-metrics.{{openshift_master_default_subdomain}}/hawkular/metrics
# Currently, you may only alter the hostname portion of the url, alterting the
# `/hawkular/metrics` path will break installation of metrics.
# Logging deployment
# Currently logging deployment is disabled by default, enable it by setting this
# Logging storage config
# Option A - NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/logging"
# Option B - External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Option C - Dynamic -- If openshift supports dynamic volume provisioning for
# your cloud platform use this.
# Option D - none -- Logging will use emptydir volumes which are destroyed when
# pods are deleted
# Other Logging Options -- Common items you may wish to reconfigure, for the complete
# list of options please see roles/openshift_logging/
# Configure loggingPublicURL in the master config for aggregate logging, defaults
# to kibana.{{ openshift_master_default_subdomain }}
# Configure the number of elastic search nodes, unless you're using dynamic provisioning
# this value must be 1
# Configure the prefix and version for the component images
# Configure the multi-tenant SDN plugin (default is 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet')
# Disable the OpenShift SDN plugin
# openshift_use_openshift_sdn=False
# Configure SDN cluster network and kubernetes service CIDR blocks. These
# network blocks should be private and should not conflict with network blocks
# in your infrastructure that pods may require access to. Can not be changed
# after deployment.
# ExternalIPNetworkCIDRs controls what values are acceptable for the
# service external IP field. If empty, no externalIP may be set. It
# may contain a list of CIDRs which are checked for access. If a CIDR
# is prefixed with !, IPs in that CIDR will be rejected. Rejections
# will be applied first, then the IP checked against one of the
# allowed CIDRs. You should ensure this range does not overlap with
# your nodes, pods, or service CIDRs for security reasons.
# IngressIPNetworkCIDR controls the range to assign ingress IPs from for
# services of type LoadBalancer on bare metal. If empty, ingress IPs will not
# be assigned. It may contain a single CIDR that will be allocated from. For
# security reasons, you should ensure that this range does not overlap with
# the CIDRs reserved for external IPs, nodes, pods, or services.
# Configure number of bits to allocate to each host’s subnet e.g. 9
# would mean a /23 network on the host.
# Configure master API and console ports.
# set RPM version for debugging purposes
# Configure custom ca certificate
#openshift_master_ca_certificate={'certfile': '/path/to/ca.crt', 'keyfile': '/path/to/ca.key'}
# NOTE: CA certificate will not be replaced with existing clusters.
# This option may only be specified when creating a new cluster or
# when redeploying cluster certificates with the redeploy-certificates
# playbook.
# Configure custom named certificates (SNI certificates)
# NOTE: openshift_master_named_certificates is cached on masters and is an
# additive fact, meaning that each run with a different set of certificates
# will add the newly provided certificates to the cached set of certificates.
# An optional CA may be specified for each named certificate. CAs will
# be added to the OpenShift CA bundle which allows for the named
# certificate to be served for internal cluster communication.
# If you would like openshift_master_named_certificates to be overwritten with
# the provided value, specify openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates.
# Provide local certificate paths which will be deployed to masters
#openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key", "cafile": "/path/to/custom-ca1.crt"}]
# Detected names may be overridden by specifying the "names" key
#openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key", "names": [""], "cafile": "/path/to/custom-ca1.crt"}]
# Session options
# An authentication and encryption secret will be generated if secrets
# are not provided. If provided, openshift_master_session_auth_secrets
# and openshift_master_encryption_secrets must be equal length.
# Signing secrets, used to authenticate sessions using
# HMAC. Recommended to use secrets with 32 or 64 bytes.
# Encrypting secrets, used to encrypt sessions. Must be 16, 24, or 32
# characters long, to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
# configure how often node iptables rules are refreshed
# Configure nodeIP in the node config
# This is needed in cases where node traffic is desired to go over an
# interface other than the default network interface.
# Force setting of system hostname when configuring OpenShift
# This works around issues related to installations that do not have valid dns
# entries for the interfaces attached to the host.
# Configure dnsIP in the node config
# Configure node kubelet arguments. pods-per-core is valid in OpenShift Origin 1.3 or OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 and later.
#openshift_node_kubelet_args={'pods-per-core': ['10'], 'max-pods': ['250'], 'image-gc-high-threshold': ['90'], 'image-gc-low-threshold': ['80']}
# Configure logrotate scripts
# See:
#logrotate_scripts=[{"name": "syslog", "path": "/var/log/cron\n/var/log/maillog\n/var/log/messages\n/var/log/secure\n/var/log/spooler\n", "options": ["daily", "rotate 7", "compress", "sharedscripts", "missingok"], "scripts": {"postrotate": "/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true"}}]
# openshift-ansible will wait indefinitely for your input when it detects that the
# value of openshift_hostname resolves to an IP address not bound to any local
# interfaces. This mis-configuration is problematic for any pod leveraging host
# networking and liveness or readiness probes.
# Setting this variable to true will override that check.
# Configure dnsmasq for cluster dns, switch the host's local resolver to use dnsmasq
# and configure node's dnsIP to point at the node's local dnsmasq instance. Defaults
# to True for Origin 1.2 and OSE 3.2. False for 1.1 / 3.1 installs, this cannot
# be used with 1.0 and 3.0.
# Define an additional dnsmasq.conf file to deploy to /etc/dnsmasq.d/openshift-ansible.conf
# This is useful for POC environments where DNS may not actually be available yet or to set
# options like 'strict-order' to alter dnsmasq configuration.
# Global Proxy Configuration
# These options configure HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NOPROXY environment
# variables for docker and master services.
# Most environments don't require a proxy between openshift masters, nodes, and
# etcd hosts. So automatically add those hostnames to the openshift_no_proxy list.
# If all of your hosts share a common domain you may wish to disable this and
# specify that domain above.
# These options configure the BuildDefaults admission controller which injects
# configuration into Builds. Proxy related values will default to the global proxy
# config values. You only need to set these if they differ from the global proxy settings.
# See BuildDefaults documentation at
# Or you may optionally define your own build defaults configuration serialized as json
# These options configure the BuildOverrides admission controller which injects
# configuration into Builds.
# See BuildOverrides documentation at
# Or you may optionally define your own build overrides configuration serialized as json
# masterConfig.volumeConfig.dynamicProvisioningEnabled, configurable as of 1.2/3.2, enabled by default
# Admission plugin config
# Configure usage of openshift_clock role.
# OpenShift Per-Service Environment Variables
# Environment variables are added to /etc/sysconfig files for
# each OpenShift service: node, master (api and controllers).
# API and controllers environment variables are merged in single
# master environments.
#openshift_master_api_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
#openshift_master_controllers_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
#openshift_node_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
# Enable API service auditing, available as of 1.3
#openshift_master_audit_config={"enabled": true}
# Enable origin repos that point at Centos PAAS SIG, defaults to true, only used
# by deployment_type=origin
# host group for masters
# [etcd]
# NOTE: Containerized load balancer hosts are not yet supported, if using a global
# containerized=true host variable we must set to false.
# [lb]
# containerized=false
# NOTE: Currently we require that masters be part of the SDN which requires that they also be nodes
# However, in order to ensure that your masters are not burdened with running pods you should
# make them unschedulable by adding openshift_schedulable=False any node that's also a master.
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_schedulable=True
# This is an example of a bring your own (byo) host inventory
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters and nodes groups
# etcd
# lb
# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts
# SSH user, this user should allow ssh based auth without requiring a
# password. If using ssh key based auth, then the key should be managed by an
# ssh agent.
# If ansible_ssh_user is not root, ansible_become must be set to true and the
# user must be configured for passwordless sudo
# Debug level for all OpenShift components (Defaults to 2)
# deployment type valid values are origin, online, atomic-enterprise and openshift-enterprise
# Specify the generic release of OpenShift to install. This is used mainly just during installation, after which we
# rely on the version running on the first master. Works best for containerized installs where we can usually
# use this to lookup the latest exact version of the container images, which is the tag actually used to configure
# the cluster. For RPM installations we just verify the version detected in your configured repos matches this
# release.
# Specify an exact container image tag to install or configure.
# WARNING: This value will be used for all hosts in containerized environments, even those that have another version installed.
# This could potentially trigger an upgrade and downtime, so be careful with modifying this value after the cluster is set up.
# Specify an exact rpm version to install or configure.
# WARNING: This value will be used for all hosts in RPM based environments, even those that have another version installed.
# This could potentially trigger an upgrade and downtime, so be careful with modifying this value after the cluster is set up.
# Install the openshift examples
# Configure logoutURL in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensionScripts in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensionStylesheets in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure extensions in the master config for console customization
# See:
#openshift_master_extensions=[{'name': 'images', 'sourceDirectory': '/path/to/my_images'}]
# Configure extensions in the master config for console customization
# See:
# Configure imagePolicyConfig in the master config
# See:
#openshift_master_image_policy_config={"maxImagesBulkImportedPerRepository": 3, "disableScheduledImport": true}
# Docker Configuration
# Add additional, insecure, and blocked registries to global docker configuration
# For enterprise deployment types we ensure that is
# included if you do not include it
# Disable pushing to dockerhub
# Items added, as is, to end of /etc/sysconfig/docker OPTIONS
# Default value: "--log-driver=journald"
#openshift_docker_options="-l warn --ipv6=false"
# Specify exact version of Docker to configure or upgrade to.
# Downgrades are not supported and will error out. Be careful when upgrading docker from < 1.10 to > 1.10.
# docker_version="1.12.1"
# Skip upgrading Docker during an OpenShift upgrade, leaves the current Docker version alone.
# docker_upgrade=False
# Specify exact version of etcd to configure or upgrade to.
# etcd_version="3.1.0"
# Upgrade Hooks
# Hooks are available to run custom tasks at various points during a cluster
# upgrade. Each hook should point to a file with Ansible tasks defined. Suggest using
# absolute paths, if not the path will be treated as relative to the file where the
# hook is actually used.
# Tasks to run before each master is upgraded.
# openshift_master_upgrade_pre_hook=/usr/share/custom/pre_master.yml
# Tasks to run to upgrade the master. These tasks run after the main openshift-ansible
# upgrade steps, but before we restart system/services.
# openshift_master_upgrade_hook=/usr/share/custom/master.yml
# Tasks to run after each master is upgraded and system/services have been restarted.
# openshift_master_upgrade_post_hook=/usr/share/custom/post_master.yml
# Alternate image format string, useful if you've got your own registry mirror${component}:${version}
# If oreg_url points to a registry other than we can
# modify image streams to point at that registry by setting the following to true
# Origin copr repo
#openshift_additional_repos=[{'id': 'openshift-origin-copr', 'name': 'OpenShift Origin COPR', 'baseurl': '$basearch/', 'enabled': 1, 'gpgcheck': 1, 'gpgkey': ''}]
# htpasswd auth
openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]
# Defining htpasswd users
openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'samuel': '$apr1$CaA7YeJt$.uwwcxkLbB4t2YEGAKMbe/'}
# or
#openshift_master_htpasswd_file=<path to local pre-generated htpasswd file>
# Allow all auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'allow_all', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider'}]
# LDAP auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'my_ldap_provider', 'challenge': 'true', 'login': 'true', 'kind': 'LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider', 'attributes': {'id': ['dn'], 'email': ['mail'], 'name': ['cn'], 'preferredUsername': ['uid']}, 'bindDN': '', 'bindPassword': '', 'ca': 'my-ldap-ca.crt', 'insecure': 'false', 'url': 'ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?uid'}]
# Configure LDAP CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "ca" key set
# within the LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_ldap_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_ldap_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# OpenID auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{"name": "openid_auth", "login": "true", "challenge": "false", "kind": "OpenIDIdentityProvider", "client_id": "my_client_id", "client_secret": "my_client_secret", "claims": {"id": ["sub"], "preferredUsername": ["preferred_username"], "name": ["name"], "email": ["email"]}, "urls": {"authorize": "", "token": ""}, "ca": "my-openid-ca-bundle.crt"}]
# Configure OpenID CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "ca" key set
# within the OpenIDIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_openid_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_openid_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# Request header auth
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{"name": "my_request_header_provider", "challenge": "true", "login": "true", "kind": "RequestHeaderIdentityProvider", "challengeURL": "${query}", "loginURL": "${query}", "clientCA": "my-request-header-ca.crt", "clientCommonNames": ["my-auth-proxy"], "headers": ["X-Remote-User", "SSO-User"], "emailHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Email"], "nameHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Display-Name"], "preferredUsernameHeaders": ["X-Remote-User-Login"]}]
# Configure request header CA certificate
# Specify either the ASCII contents of the certificate or the path to
# the local file that will be copied to the remote host. CA
# certificate contents will be copied to master systems and saved
# within /etc/origin/master/ with a filename matching the "clientCA"
# key set within the RequestHeaderIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_request_header_ca=<ca text>
# or
#openshift_master_request_header_ca_file=<path to local ca file to use>
# Cloud Provider Configuration
# Note: You may make use of environment variables rather than store
# sensitive configuration within the ansible inventory.
# For example:
#openshift_cloudprovider_aws_access_key="{{ lookup('env','AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') }}"
#openshift_cloudprovider_aws_secret_key="{{ lookup('env','AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') }}"
# Note: IAM profiles may be used instead of storing API credentials on disk.
# Openstack
# Project Configuration
# Configure additional projects
#openshift_additional_projects={'my-project': {'default_node_selector': 'label=value'}}
# Enable cockpit
# Set cockpit plugins
# Native high availability cluster method with optional load balancer.
# If no lb group is defined, the installer assumes that a load balancer has
# been preconfigured. For installation the value of
# openshift_master_cluster_hostname must resolve to the load balancer
# or to one or all of the masters defined in the inventory if no load
# balancer is present.
# openshift_master_cluster_method=native
# Pacemaker high availability cluster method.
# Pacemaker HA environment must be able to self provision the
# configured VIP. For installation openshift_master_cluster_hostname
# must resolve to the configured VIP.
# Override the default controller lease ttl
# Configure controller arguments
#osm_controller_args={'resource-quota-sync-period': ['10s']}
# Configure api server arguments
#osm_api_server_args={'max-requests-inflight': ['400']}
# default subdomain to use for exposed routes
# additional cors origins
#osm_custom_cors_origins=['', '']
# default project node selector
# Override the default pod eviction timeout
# Override the default oauth tokenConfig settings:
# openshift_master_access_token_max_seconds=86400
# openshift_master_auth_token_max_seconds=500
# Override master servingInfo.maxRequestsInFlight
# default storage plugin dependencies to install, by default the ceph and
# glusterfs plugin dependencies will be installed, if available.
# OpenShift Router Options
# An OpenShift router will be created during install if there are
# nodes present with labels matching the default router selector,
# "region=infra". Set openshift_node_labels per node as needed in
# order to label nodes.
# Example:
# [nodes]
# openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}"
# Router selector (optional)
# Router will only be created if nodes matching this label are present.
# Default value: 'region=infra'
# Router replicas (optional)
# Unless specified, openshift-ansible will calculate the replica count
# based on the number of nodes matching the openshift router selector.
# Router force subdomain (optional)
# A router path format to force on all routes used by this router
# (will ignore the route host value)
# Router certificate (optional)
# Provide local certificate paths which will be configured as the
# router's default certificate.
#openshift_hosted_router_certificate={"certfile": "/path/to/router.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/router.key", "cafile": "/path/to/router-ca.crt"}
# Disable management of the OpenShift Router
# Router sharding support has been added and can be achieved by supplying the correct
# data to the inventory. The variable to house the data is openshift_hosted_routers
# and is in the form of a list. If no data is passed then a default router will be
# created. There are multiple combinations of router sharding. The one described
# below supports routers on separate nodes.
#- name: router1
# stats_port: 1936
# ports:
# - 80:80
# - 443:443
# replicas: 1
# namespace: default
# serviceaccount: router
# selector: type=router1
# images: "openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}"
# edits: []
# certificates:
# certfile: /path/to/certificate/abc.crt
# keyfile: /path/to/certificate/abc.key
# cafile: /path/to/certificate/ca.crt
#- name: router2
# stats_port: 1936
# ports:
# - 80:80
# - 443:443
# replicas: 1
# namespace: default
# serviceaccount: router
# selector: type=router2
# images: "openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}"
# certificates:
# certfile: /path/to/certificate/xyz.crt
# keyfile: /path/to/certificate/xyz.key
# cafile: /path/to/certificate/ca.crt
# edits:
# # ROUTE_LABELS sets the router to listen for routes
# # tagged with the provided values
# - key: spec.template.spec.containers[0].env
# value:
# value: "route=external"
# action: append
# OpenShift Registry Console Options
# Override the console image prefix for enterprise deployments, not used in origin
# default is "" and the image appended is "registry-console"
# Override image version, defaults to latest for origin, matches the product version for enterprise
# Openshift Registry Options
# An OpenShift registry will be created during install if there are
# nodes present with labels matching the default registry selector,
# "region=infra". Set openshift_node_labels per node as needed in
# order to label nodes.
# Example:
# [nodes]
# openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}"
# Registry selector (optional)
# Registry will only be created if nodes matching this label are present.
# Default value: 'region=infra'
# Registry replicas (optional)
# Unless specified, openshift-ansible will calculate the replica count
# based on the number of nodes matching the openshift registry selector.
# Disable management of the OpenShift Registry
# Registry Storage Options
# NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/registry"
# External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Openstack
# Volume must already exist.
# AWS S3
# S3 bucket must already exist.
# Any S3 service (Minio, ExoScale, ...): Basically the same as above
# but with regionendpoint configured
# S3 bucket must already exist.
# Additional CloudFront Options. When using CloudFront all three
# of the followingg variables must be defined.
# Metrics deployment
# See:
# By default metrics are not automatically deployed, set this to enable them
# Storage Options
# If openshift_hosted_metrics_storage_kind is unset then metrics will be stored
# in an EmptyDir volume and will be deleted when the cassandra pod terminates.
# Storage options A & B currently support only one cassandra pod which is
# generally enough for up to 1000 pods. Additional volumes can be created
# manually after the fact and metrics scaled per the docs.
# Option A - NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/metrics"
# Option B - External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Option C - Dynamic -- If openshift supports dynamic volume provisioning for
# your cloud platform use this.
# Other Metrics Options -- Common items you may wish to reconfigure, for the complete
# list of options please see roles/openshift_metrics/
# Override metricsPublicURL in the master config for cluster metrics
# Defaults to https://hawkular-metrics.{{openshift_master_default_subdomain}}/hawkular/metrics
# Currently, you may only alter the hostname portion of the url, alterting the
# `/hawkular/metrics` path will break installation of metrics.
# Logging deployment
# Currently logging deployment is disabled by default, enable it by setting this
# Logging storage config
# Option A - NFS Host Group
# An NFS volume will be created with path "nfs_directory/volume_name"
# on the host within the [nfs] host group. For example, the volume
# path using these options would be "/exports/logging"
# Option B - External NFS Host
# NFS volume must already exist with path "nfs_directory/_volume_name" on
# the storage_host. For example, the remote volume path using these
# options would be ""
# Option C - Dynamic -- If openshift supports dynamic volume provisioning for
# your cloud platform use this.
# Option D - none -- Logging will use emptydir volumes which are destroyed when
# pods are deleted
# Other Logging Options -- Common items you may wish to reconfigure, for the complete
# list of options please see roles/openshift_logging/
# Configure loggingPublicURL in the master config for aggregate logging, defaults
# to kibana.{{ openshift_master_default_subdomain }}
# Configure the number of elastic search nodes, unless you're using dynamic provisioning
# this value must be 1
# Configure the prefix and version for the component images
# Configure the multi-tenant SDN plugin (default is 'redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet')
# Disable the OpenShift SDN plugin
# openshift_use_openshift_sdn=False
# Configure SDN cluster network and kubernetes service CIDR blocks. These
# network blocks should be private and should not conflict with network blocks
# in your infrastructure that pods may require access to. Can not be changed
# after deployment.
# ExternalIPNetworkCIDRs controls what values are acceptable for the
# service external IP field. If empty, no externalIP may be set. It
# may contain a list of CIDRs which are checked for access. If a CIDR
# is prefixed with !, IPs in that CIDR will be rejected. Rejections
# will be applied first, then the IP checked against one of the
# allowed CIDRs. You should ensure this range does not overlap with
# your nodes, pods, or service CIDRs for security reasons.
# IngressIPNetworkCIDR controls the range to assign ingress IPs from for
# services of type LoadBalancer on bare metal. If empty, ingress IPs will not
# be assigned. It may contain a single CIDR that will be allocated from. For
# security reasons, you should ensure that this range does not overlap with
# the CIDRs reserved for external IPs, nodes, pods, or services.
# Configure number of bits to allocate to each host’s subnet e.g. 9
# would mean a /23 network on the host.
# Configure master API and console ports.
# set RPM version for debugging purposes
# Configure custom ca certificate
#openshift_master_ca_certificate={'certfile': '/path/to/ca.crt', 'keyfile': '/path/to/ca.key'}
# NOTE: CA certificate will not be replaced with existing clusters.
# This option may only be specified when creating a new cluster or
# when redeploying cluster certificates with the redeploy-certificates
# playbook.
# Configure custom named certificates (SNI certificates)
# NOTE: openshift_master_named_certificates is cached on masters and is an
# additive fact, meaning that each run with a different set of certificates
# will add the newly provided certificates to the cached set of certificates.
# An optional CA may be specified for each named certificate. CAs will
# be added to the OpenShift CA bundle which allows for the named
# certificate to be served for internal cluster communication.
# If you would like openshift_master_named_certificates to be overwritten with
# the provided value, specify openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates.
# Provide local certificate paths which will be deployed to masters
#openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key", "cafile": "/path/to/custom-ca1.crt"}]
# Detected names may be overridden by specifying the "names" key
#openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key", "names": [""], "cafile": "/path/to/custom-ca1.crt"}]
# Session options
# An authentication and encryption secret will be generated if secrets
# are not provided. If provided, openshift_master_session_auth_secrets
# and openshift_master_encryption_secrets must be equal length.
# Signing secrets, used to authenticate sessions using
# HMAC. Recommended to use secrets with 32 or 64 bytes.
# Encrypting secrets, used to encrypt sessions. Must be 16, 24, or 32
# characters long, to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256.
# configure how often node iptables rules are refreshed
# Configure nodeIP in the node config
# This is needed in cases where node traffic is desired to go over an
# interface other than the default network interface.
# Force setting of system hostname when configuring OpenShift
# This works around issues related to installations that do not have valid dns
# entries for the interfaces attached to the host.
# Configure dnsIP in the node config
# Configure node kubelet arguments. pods-per-core is valid in OpenShift Origin 1.3 or OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 and later.
#openshift_node_kubelet_args={'pods-per-core': ['10'], 'max-pods': ['250'], 'image-gc-high-threshold': ['90'], 'image-gc-low-threshold': ['80']}
# Configure logrotate scripts
# See:
#logrotate_scripts=[{"name": "syslog", "path": "/var/log/cron\n/var/log/maillog\n/var/log/messages\n/var/log/secure\n/var/log/spooler\n", "options": ["daily", "rotate 7", "compress", "sharedscripts", "missingok"], "scripts": {"postrotate": "/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true"}}]
# openshift-ansible will wait indefinitely for your input when it detects that the
# value of openshift_hostname resolves to an IP address not bound to any local
# interfaces. This mis-configuration is problematic for any pod leveraging host
# networking and liveness or readiness probes.
# Setting this variable to true will override that check.
# Configure dnsmasq for cluster dns, switch the host's local resolver to use dnsmasq
# and configure node's dnsIP to point at the node's local dnsmasq instance. Defaults
# to True for Origin 1.2 and OSE 3.2. False for 1.1 / 3.1 installs, this cannot
# be used with 1.0 and 3.0.
# Define an additional dnsmasq.conf file to deploy to /etc/dnsmasq.d/openshift-ansible.conf
# This is useful for POC environments where DNS may not actually be available yet or to set
# options like 'strict-order' to alter dnsmasq configuration.
# Global Proxy Configuration
# These options configure HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NOPROXY environment
# variables for docker and master services.
# Most environments don't require a proxy between openshift masters, nodes, and
# etcd hosts. So automatically add those hostnames to the openshift_no_proxy list.
# If all of your hosts share a common domain you may wish to disable this and
# specify that domain above.
# These options configure the BuildDefaults admission controller which injects
# configuration into Builds. Proxy related values will default to the global proxy
# config values. You only need to set these if they differ from the global proxy settings.
# See BuildDefaults documentation at
# Or you may optionally define your own build defaults configuration serialized as json
# These options configure the BuildOverrides admission controller which injects
# configuration into Builds.
# See BuildOverrides documentation at
# Or you may optionally define your own build overrides configuration serialized as json
# masterConfig.volumeConfig.dynamicProvisioningEnabled, configurable as of 1.2/3.2, enabled by default
# Admission plugin config
# Configure usage of openshift_clock role.
# OpenShift Per-Service Environment Variables
# Environment variables are added to /etc/sysconfig files for
# each OpenShift service: node, master (api and controllers).
# API and controllers environment variables are merged in single
# master environments.
#openshift_master_api_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
#openshift_master_controllers_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
#openshift_node_env_vars={"ENABLE_HTTP2": "true"}
# Enable API service auditing, available as of 1.3
#openshift_master_audit_config={"enabled": true}
# Enable origin repos that point at Centos PAAS SIG, defaults to true, only used
# by deployment_type=origin
# host group for masters
# [etcd]
# NOTE: Containerized load balancer hosts are not yet supported, if using a global
# containerized=true host variable we must set to false.
# [lb]
# containerized=false
# NOTE: Currently we require that masters be part of the SDN which requires that they also be nodes
# However, in order to ensure that your masters are not burdened with running pods you should
# make them unschedulable by adding openshift_schedulable=False any node that's also a master.
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_schedulable=True
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