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Last active November 21, 2020 09:22
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Transformer of cloudfront format to splunk
import base64
import json
print('Loading function')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
output = []
# Based on the fields chosen during the creation of the
# Real-time log configuration.
# The order is important and please adjust the function if you have removed
# certain default fields from the configuration.
# List of the fields could be found at
realtimelog_fields_dict = {
"timestamp" : "float",
"c-ip" : "str",
"time-to-first-byte" : "float",
"sc-status" : "int",
"sc-bytes" : "int",
"cs-method" : "str",
"cs-protocol" : "str",
"cs-host" : "str",
"cs-uri-stem" : "str",
"cs-bytes" : "int",
"x-edge-location" : "str",
"x-edge-request-id" : "str",
"x-host-header" : "str",
"time-taken" : "float",
"cs-protocol-version" : "str",
"c-ip-version" : "str",
"cs-user-agent" : "str",
"cs-referer" : "str",
"cs-cookie" : "str",
"cs-uri-query" : "str",
"x-edge-response-result-type" : "str",
"x-forwarded-for" : "str",
"ssl-protocol" : "str",
"ssl-cipher" : "str",
"x-edge-result-type" : "str",
"fle-encrypted-fields": "str",
"fle-status" : "str",
"sc-content-type" : "str",
"sc-content-len" : "int",
"sc-range-start" : "int",
"sc-range-end" : "int",
"c-port" : "int",
"x-edge-detailed-result-type" : "str",
"c-country" : "str",
"cs-accept-encoding" : "str",
"cs-accept" : "str",
"cache-behavior-path-pattern" : "str",
"cs-headers" : "str",
"cs-header-names" : "str",
"cs-headers-count" : "int"
for record in event['records']:
# Extracting the record data in bytes and base64 decoding it
payload_in_bytes = base64.b64decode(record['data'])
# Converting the bytes payload to string
payload = "".join(map(chr, payload_in_bytes))
# dictionary where all the field and record value pairing will end up
payload_dict = {}
# counter to iterate over the record fields
counter = 0
# generate list from the tab-delimited log entry
payload_list = payload.strip().split('\t')
# perform the field, value pairing and any necessary type casting.
# possible types are: int, float and str (default)
for field, field_type in realtimelog_fields_dict.items():
field_name=field.replace("-","_") # splunk does not like dashes in names
#overwrite field_type if absent or '-'
if(payload_list[counter].strip() == '-'):
field_type = "str"
if(field_type == "int"):
payload_dict[field_name] = int(payload_list[counter].strip())
elif(field_type == "float"):
payload_dict[field_name] = float(payload_list[counter].strip())
payload_dict[field_name] = payload_list[counter].strip()
counter = counter + 1
# move timestamp field from the event to root level
event_time = str(payload_dict["timestamp"])
del payload_dict["timestamp"]
# JSON version of the dictionary type
payload_json = json.dumps(payload_dict)
# format json in the way splunk expects it
splunk_output = '{"sourcetype": "aws:cloudfrontlogs:json", "time": ' + \
event_time + ', "event": ' + payload_json + '}'
output_record = {
'recordId': record['recordId'],
'result': 'Ok',
'data': base64.b64encode(splunk_output.encode('utf-8')).decode()
print('Successfully processed {} records.'.format(len(event['records'])))
return {'records': output}
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