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Sam sammcj

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mathiasbynens / appify
Created November 12, 2010 13:46 — forked from subtleGradient/appify
appify — create the simplest possible Mac app from a shell script
if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" -o -z "$1" ]; then cat <<EOF
appify v3.0.1 for Mac OS X -
Creates the simplest possible Mac app from a shell script.
Appify takes a shell script as its first argument:
`basename "$0"`
pksunkara / config
Last active May 22, 2024 13:43
Sample of git config file (Example .gitconfig) (Place them in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git)
name = Pavan Kumar Sunkara
email =
username = pksunkara
defaultBranch = master
editor = nvim
whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol
pager = delta
sammcj / Bash CGI Locate Search
Created June 20, 2011 23:24
CGI Locate Search - Warning: Insecure, only use on local apache instances
clintel / gist:1155906
Created August 19, 2011 02:40
Fenced code in bullet lists with GitHub-flavoured MarkDown??

Fenced code blocks inside ordered and unordered lists

  1. This is a numbered list.

  2. I'm going to include a fenced code block as part of this bullet:

    More Code
npinto /
Created August 31, 2011 02:03
# script formats bonnie output and calls gnuplot to create a png graph
# of various bonnie parameters.
# feed script bonnie++ output - it will attempt to find the last line of bonnie output
# which is all it really cares about anyway
# eg: Using uid:65534, gid:65534.
# Writing a byte at a time...done
saetia / gist:1623487
Last active May 1, 2024 19:55
Clean Install – OS X 10.11 El Capitan

OS X Preferences

most of these require logout/restart to take effect

# Enable character repeat on keydown
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

# Set a shorter Delay until key repeat
joelverhagen /
Created February 12, 2012 02:14
Jekyll YouTube Embed Plugin

This is a plugin meant for Jekyll.

Example use:

Easily embed a YouTube video. Just drop this file in your _plugins directory.

{% youtube oHg5SJYRHA0 %}

Adrian -

I appreciate that you spent time in writing this post. I know I've been up until 2am writing similarly long ones as well. I will take responsibility for having what is likely an irrational response (I blame Twitter for that) to the term "NoOps", but I invite you to investigate why that might be. I'm certainly not the only one who feels this way, apparently, and thus far have decided this issue is easily the largest distraction in my field I've encountered in recent years. I have had the option to simply ignore my opposition to the term, and just let the chips fall where they may with how popular the term "NoOps" may or may not get. I have obviously not taken that option in the past, but I plan to in the future.

You're not an analyst saying "NoOps". Analysts are easy (for me) to ignore, because they're not practitioners. We have expectations of engineering maturity from practitioners in this field of web engineering, especially those we consider leaders. I don't have any expectations from analysts,

futuremill-ltd / gist:2318876
Created April 6, 2012 11:00
Building Ruby 1.9.3 package for Debian Squeeze
# From a fresh install of squeeze
apt-get install ruby rubygems # Need ruby to use fpm
gem1.8 install fpm --no-ri --no-rdoc
apt-get install build-essential openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev ncurses-dev libyaml-dev
tar -zxvf ruby-1.9.3-p125.tar.gz
cd ruby-1.9.3-p125
rm -rf /tmp/ruby193
calston / logstash
Created May 6, 2012 06:20
Logstash init script
#! /bin/sh
# Provides: logstash
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
# Description: Enable service provided by daemon.